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Strategic Outcome: A skilled, adaptable and inclusive labour force and an efficient labour market
Program Activity: Skills and Employment
Name of Transfer Payment Program: Aboriginal Skills and Employment Training Strategy (ASETS)
Start date: April 1, 2010
End date: Ongoing
Description: The Aboriginal Skills and Employment Training Strategy (ASETS) builds on three strategic priorities: supporting demand-driven skills development; fostering partnerships with the private sector and the provinces and territories; and, placing emphasis on accountability and results. Under the Strategy, ASETS Agreement Holders design and deliver programs to help Aboriginal people to prepare for, obtain and maintain meaningful and sustainable employment, assist Aboriginal youth to make successful transitions from school to work or to support their return to school, and support Aboriginal child care programs.
The objective of the ASETS is to increase Aboriginal participation in the Canadian labour market, ensuring that First Nations, Inuit, and Métis people have opportunities to be engaged in sustainable, meaningful employment.
Expected results: ASETS will generate between 14,000 and 16,500 jobs and up to 8,500 childcare spaces per year over the next five years.
Forecast Spending 2010–2011 |
Planned Spending 2011–2012 |
Planned Spending 2012–2013 |
Planned Spending 2013–2014 |
Total grants | - | - | - | - |
Total contributions | 246.1 | 245.6 | 245.6 | 245.6 |
Total other types of transfer payments | - | - | - | - |
Total Transfer payments | 246.1 | 245.6 | 245.6 | 245.6 |
Summary of the 3 Year Plan:
Strategic Outcome: A skilled, adaptable and inclusive labour force and an efficient labour market
Program Activity: Skills and Employment
Name of Transfer Payment Program: Skills and Partnerships Fund (SPF)
Start date: April, 2010
End date: March 31, 2015
Description: The Skills and Partnership Fund (SPF) is a partnership-based, opportunity-driven fund that will support projects aiming to encourage innovation and partnerships, test new approaches to the delivery of employment services and address systemic gaps in service delivery.
The SPF will fund innovative Aboriginal labour market development projects under the following three priority areas:
Expected results: Through its training to employment stream, SPF is expected to generate 8,000 to 10,000 job opportunities for Aboriginal people between 2010-11 and 2014-15. It will also generate skills development opportunities such as essential skills training for multi-barriered clients, training for youth, entrepreneurship training and work experience opportunities. It is also expected to result in innovations and improvements in delivering labour market services to Aboriginal clients.
Forecast Spending 2010–2011 |
Planned Spending 2011–2012 |
Planned Spending 2012–2013 |
Planned Spending 2013–2014 |
Total grants | - | - | - | - |
Total contributions | 2.5 | 57.5 | 50.0 | 50.0 |
Total other types of transfer payments | - | - | - | - |
Total Transfer payments | 2.5 | 57.5* | 50.0 | 50.0 |
Summary of the 3 Year Plan:
* From the approved funding of $10M in 2010-2011, $7.5M is being reprofiled into 2011-2012.
Strategic Outcome: A skilled, adaptable and inclusive labour force and an efficient labour market
Program Activity: Skills and Employment
Name of Transfer Payment Program: Aboriginal Skills and Employment Partnership (ASEP)
Start date: June 7, 2007
End date: March 31, 2012
Description: The Aboriginal Skills and Employment Partnership (ASEP) is a nationally-managed, opportunity-based program promoting maximum employment for Aboriginal people on major economic developments through a collaborative Aboriginal, private sector and provincial/territorial partnership approach. ASEP focuses on sustainable Aboriginal employment by providing the skills training needed to secure long term-skilled jobs on major economic developments. Formalized partnerships develop, contribute to, and manage multi-year training strategies directly leading to long-term, skilled jobs. Partners contribute at least 50% of the total cost of the project and must guarantee at least 50 long-term jobs as a result.
Expected results: The 36 current ASEP projects are expected to train more than 14,000 individuals, and result in more than 8,000 Aboriginal people securing long term jobs by the end of the projects on March 31, 2012.
Forecast Spending 2010–2011 |
Planned Spending 2011–2012 |
Planned Spending 2012–2013 |
Planned Spending 2013–2014 |
Total grants | - | - | - | - |
Total contributions | 75.4 | 67.1 | - | - |
Total other types of transfer payments | - | - | - | - |
Total Transfer payments | 75.4 | 67.1 | - | - |
Summary of the 3 Year Plan:
Strategic Outcome: A skilled, adaptable and inclusive labour force and an efficient labour market
Program Activity: Skills and Employment
Name of Transfer Payment Program: Youth Employment Strategy (YES)
Start date: April 1, 2003
End date: Ongoing
Description: Through the Youth Employment Strategy (YES), the Government of Canada is working to provide young Canadians with both valuable work experience and earnings to help transition to the labour market and to support them in furthering their education. Transfer payments made under the YES are predominantly in the form of contributions from participating departments for wage subsidies for participating youth, or for the development and delivery of youth support services. Such support services include client assessment, case management services and the provision of employability tools, to help participants acquire needed skills. Transfer payments contribute directly to the program objectives by encouraging organizations to create meaningful, skill-enhancing opportunities for youth.
Expected results: Programs respond to the needs of young workers, employers and other stakeholders.
The common key results commitments for all initiatives receiving funding under the Youth Employment Strategy are:
Forecast Spending 2010–2011 |
Planned Spending 2011–2012 |
Planned Spending 2012–2013 |
Planned Spending 2013–2014 |
Total grants | - | - | - | - |
Total contributions | 291.1 | 239.6 | 239.6 | 239.6 |
Total other types of transfer payments | - | - | - | - |
Total Transfer payments | 291.1 | 239.6* | 239.6 | 239.6 |
Summary of the 3 Year Plan:
* Variance from 2010-2011 to 2011-2012 is due to funding ending in 2010-2011 for Canada Summer Jobs, and from one-year funding announced in Budget 2010 to assist young people in gaining skills and work experience.
Strategic Outcome: A skilled, adaptable and inclusive labour force and an efficient labour market
Program Activity: Skills and Employment
Name of Transfer Payment Program: Targeted Initiative for Older Workers (TIOW)
Start date: October 17, 2006
End date: March 31, 2012
Description: The Targeted Initiative for Older Workers (TIOW) is a federal-provincial/territorial cost-shared initiative providing support to unemployed older workers in communities affected by significant downsizing or closures and/or ongoing high unemployment, through programming aimed at reintegrating them into employment. In situations where there is little likelihood of immediate employment, programming may be aimed at increasing the employability of older workers and ensuring they remain active and productive labour market participants while their communities undergo adjustment.
Provinces and territories are responsible for identifying affected communities to target for activities, design and delivery of projects, and monitoring and reporting on projects.
To be eligible to participate in the Initiative, older workers must be unemployed, legally entitled to work in Canada, lack skills needed for successful integration into new employment, live in an eligible community, and normally be aged 55 - 64. Projects must include employment assistance activities, such as résumé writing, interview techniques, counselling and job finding clubs, and at least two other employability improvement activities such as prior learning assessment, skills training, work experience, or assistance to start a small business.
See: for further details.
Expected results: Programs respond to the needs of older workers, employers and other stakeholders.
Forecast Spending 2010–2011 |
Planned Spending 2011–2012 |
Planned Spending 2012–2013 |
Planned Spending 2013–2014 |
Total grants | - | - | - | - |
Total contributions | 56.1 | 79.8 | - | - |
Total other types of transfer payments | - | - | - | - |
Total Transfer payments | 56.1 | 79.8 | - | - |
Summary of the 3 Year Plan:
Strategic Outcome: A skilled, adaptable and inclusive labour force and an efficient labour market
Program Activity: Skills and Employment
Name of Transfer Payment Program: Enabling Fund for Official Language Minority Communities
Start date: April 1, 2005
End date: March 31, 2013
Description: The objective of the Enabling Fund for Official Language Minority Communities is to enhance the development and vitality of the official language minority communities by strengthening capacity in the areas of community economic development and human resource development and by promoting partnerships at all levels. The Enabling Fund provides funding to Official Language Minority Communities designated organizations, the Réseaux de développement économique et d’employabilité and Community Economic Development and Employability Committees through contribution agreements, so that these organizations can plan, develop and manage community projects and access funding for these projects.
Contributions can be made under the Enabling Fund to support activities such as:
Expected results: Programs respond to the needs of Official Language Minority Community workers, employers and other stakeholders as follows:
Forecast Spending 2010–2011 |
Planned Spending 2011–2012 |
Planned Spending 2012–2013 |
Planned Spending 2013–2014 |
Total grants | - | - | - | - |
Total contributions | 12.0 | 12.0 | 12.0 | - |
Total other types of transfer payments | - | - | - | - |
Total Transfer payments | 12.0 | 12.0 | 12.0 | - |
Summary of the 3 Year Plan:
Strategic Outcome: A skilled, adaptable and inclusive labour force and an efficient labour market
Program Activity: Skills and Employment
Name of Transfer Payment Program: Labour Market Agreements for Persons with Disabilities (LMAPDs)
Start date: April 1, 2004
End date: Ongoing
Description: Through the Labour Market Agreements for Persons with Disabilities (LMAPDs), the Government of Canada transfers funding annually to the provinces for programs and services to improve the employment situation for persons with disabilities.
The Government of Canada contributes 50 percent of the costs incurred by provinces for funded programs and services up to the amount of the federal allocation identified in each bilateral federal-provincial agreement. (Territories have not entered into any LMAPDs given the Territorial financing formula). Transfers to provinces are made as ‘other transfer payments’.
Expected results: The goal of the Labour Market Agreements for Persons with Disabilities is to improve the employment situation of Canadians with disabilities, by enhancing their employability, increasing the employment opportunities available to them, and building on their existing knowledge base. Reporting under the Agreements includes selected societal indicators (employment income, educational attainment and employment rate of working age people with disabilities) and the following program indicators:
Provinces report annually to their citizens on outcomes and program results and also share these reports with HRSDC.
Forecast Spending 2010–2011 |
Planned Spending 2011–2012 |
Planned Spending 2012–2013 |
Planned Spending 2013–2014 |
Total grants | - | - | - | - |
Total contributions | - | - | - | - |
Total other types of transfer payments | 222.0 | 222.0 | 222.0 | 222.0 |
Total Transfer payments | 222.0 | 222.0 | 222.0 | 222.0 |
Summary of the 3 Year Plan:
Strategic Outcome: A skilled, adaptable and inclusive labour force and an efficient labour market
Program Activity: Skills and Employment
Name of Transfer Payment Program: Opportunities Fund for Persons with Disabilities
Start date: April 1, 2007
End date: Ongoing
Description: Transfer payments made under the Opportunities Fund for Persons with Disabilities are in the form of contribution agreements with individuals, businesses, and organizations.
Transfer payments contribute directly to the program objectives by assisting unemployed persons with disabilities having little or no labour market attachment to prepare for, find and maintain employment or self-employment. Examples of activities supported under this program include:
For more information about this program, please visit:
Expected results:
Forecast Spending 2010–2011 |
Planned Spending 2011–2012 |
Planned Spending 2012–2013 |
Planned Spending 2013–2014 |
Total grants | - | - | - | - |
Total contributions | 26.8 | 26.8 | 26.8 | 26.8 |
Total other types of transfer payments | - | - | - | - |
Total Transfer payments | 26.8 | 26.8 | 26.8 | 26.8 |
Summary of the 3 Year Plan:
Strategic Outcome: A skilled, adaptable and inclusive labour force and an efficient labour market
Program Activity: Skills and Employment
Name of Transfer Payment Program: Labour Market Agreements (LMAs)
Start date: April 1, 2008
End date: March 31, 2014
Description: In Advantage Canada, the Government of Canada set out the goal to create "the best educated, most skilled and most flexible workforce in the world." In Budget 2007, the Government of Canada delivered on this commitment through a New Labour Market Architecture, which included new, six-year bilateral Labour Market Agreements (LMAs) with the provinces and territories supported by $500M / year of new federal investments. Through these agreements, the Government of Canada provides funds for provincial and territorial skills and employment programming and training to non-EI eligible unemployed Canadians, as well as employed individuals who are low skilled, in particular, employed individuals who do not have a high school diploma or a recognized certification or who have low levels of literacy and essential skills.
Labour Market Agreements, which have been signed with all 10 provinces and 3 territories, are intended to increase labour force participation of under-represented groups, ensure that Canadians have the right skills to compete, and encourage employers to provide more training to their workers.
Expected results: Labour Market Agreements were designed to allow provinces/territories (P/Ts) to develop and deliver labour market programming based on their specific priorities and objectives. Nevertheless, LMAs have broad objectives:
The Labour Market Agreements include a robust accountability framework to allow the Government of Canada to measure results against policy objectives and demonstrate value for money to Canadians. Reporting under the Agreements includes the following indicators:
Eligible Client indicators:
Service Delivery Indicators:
Eligible Client Outcome and Impact Indicators:
Forecast Spending 2010–2011 |
Planned Spending 2011–2012 |
Planned Spending 2012–2013 |
Planned Spending 2013–2014 |
Total grants | - | - | - | - |
Total contributions | - | - | - | - |
Total other types of transfer payments | 474.6 | 543.4 | 508.1 | 505.6 |
Total Transfer payments | 474.6 | 543.4* | 508.1 | 505.6 |
Summary of the 3 Year Plan:
* Variance between fiscal years can be explained by funding reprofiles.
Strategic Outcome: A skilled, adaptable and inclusive labour force and an efficient labour market
Program Activity: Skills and Employment
Name of Transfer Payment Program: Sector Council Program
Start date: April 1, 2002
End date: Ongoing
Description: The Sector Council Program supports a network of 34 industry-based, national groups that operate in key sectors to address priority human resources and skills challenges. This program enables demand-driven partnerships that address critical skills and human resources challenges from the perspective of industrial sectors. Contribution payments under the Sector Council Program support infrastructure, as well as research and project based activities proposed by Sector Councils and other national organizations working on skills, training and learning issues.
The Sector Council Program supports Sector Council activities that include:
Expected results: The capacity exists for employers to deliver employment, training and assessment services to Canadians.
Forecast Spending 2010–2011 |
Planned Spending 2011–2012 |
Planned Spending 2012–2013 |
Planned Spending 2013–2014 |
Total grants | - | - | - | - |
Total contributions | 28.7 | 27.4 | 26.5 | 26.5 |
Total other types of transfer payments | - | - | - | - |
Total Transfer payments | 28.7 | 27.4 | 26.5 | 26.5 |
Summary of the 3 Year Plan:
Strategic Outcome: A skilled, adaptable and inclusive labour force and an efficient labour market
Program Activity: Skills and Employment
Name of Transfer Payment Program: Apprenticeship Incentive Grant (AIG) and Apprenticeship Completion Grant (ACG)
Start date: January 1, 2007
End date: Ongoing
Description: Apprenticeship Incentive Grant (AIG)
The Apprenticeship Incentive Grant promotes access to apprenticeships and improves labour mobility by providing a $1,000 grant to registered apprentices in the designated Red Seal trades during the first two years/levels of their apprenticeship program, up to a maximum of $2,000 per apprentice. This taxable cash grant is designed to reward advancement in the first two years of an
apprenticeship program in one of the Red Seal trades, building momentum for apprentices to complete their apprenticeship programs and receive journeyperson certification. Registered apprentices who completed their first or second year of their apprenticeship program in a Red Seal trade designated in the province/territory where they are registered as an apprentice, on or after January 1,
2007, are eligible to apply.
The Apprenticeship Incentive Grant provides an incentive for more Canadians to pursue apprenticeships and, taken together with the Apprenticeship Completion Grant, Apprenticeship Job Creation Tax Credit for employers and the Tradesperson’s Tool Deduction, is intended to meet the future need for skilled trades people that is crucial to the sustained growth of the economy. By focusing on the Red Seal trades, for which there are national occupational standards, the Apprenticeship Incentive Grant also supports inter-provincial mobility.
Apprenticeship Completion Grant (ACG)
Introduced in Budget 2009 as part of Canada's Economic Action Plan, the Apprenticeship Completion Grant provides a taxable grant of $2,000 to those registered apprentices who successfully complete their apprenticeship program and obtain journeyperson certification in one of the designated Red Seal trades on or after January 1, 2009. The Apprenticeship Completion Grant builds on and enhances
the existing Apprenticeship Incentive Grant by providing an additional incentive for Canadians to finish their apprenticeship training and launch rewarding careers in the skilled trades.
Expected results: Apprenticeship Incentive Grant (AIG)
Registered apprentices in designated Red Seal trades are encouraged to progress in the early years of their apprenticeship program, and ultimately to obtain journeyperson certification in the Red Seal trades. The Grant has been designed to meet the following objectives:
Apprenticeship Completion Grant (AIG)
The Apprenticeship Completion Grant is intended to increase the number of apprentices completing an apprenticeship program and obtaining journeyperson certification in a designated Red Seal trade. The Grant has been designed to build on the objectives of the Apprenticeship Incentive Grant, specifically progression through apprenticeship training and interprovincial mobility, by increasing the
number of apprentices who complete their apprenticeship program and obtain journeyperson certification in a designated Red Seal trade.
Forecast Spending 2010–2011 |
Planned Spending 2011–2012 |
Planned Spending 2012–2013 |
Planned Spending 2013–2014 |
Total grants | 145.3 | 152.6 | 152.6 | 152.6 |
Total contributions | - | - | - | - |
Total other types of transfer payments | - | - | - | - |
Total Transfer payments | 145.3 | 152.6 | 152.6 | 152.6 |
Summary of the 3 Year Plan:
Strategic Outcome: A skilled, adaptable and inclusive labour force and an efficient labour market
Program Activity: Skills and Employment
Name of Transfer Payment Program: Adult Learning, Literacy and Essential Skills Program (ALLESP)
Start date: April 1, 2006
End date: Ongoing
Description: The Adult Learning, Literacy and Essential Skills Program (ALLESP) works with partners to facilitate the creation of opportunities for Canadians to acquire the learning, literacy and essential skills they need to participate in a knowledge-based economy and society.
Expected results: Through Literacy and Essential Skills programming, the capacity exists to deliver employment, training and assessment services to Canadians.
The expected ultimate outcomes are that adult Canadians have the literacy and essential skills they need to :
The expected intermediate outcomes are:
The expected direct outcomes are:
Forecast Spending 2010–2011 |
Planned Spending 2011–2012 |
Planned Spending 2012–2013 |
Planned Spending 2013–2014 |
Total grants | 21.8 | 18.3 | 18.3 | 18.3 |
Total contributions | 3.2 | 3.2 | 3.2 | 3.2 |
Total other types of transfer payments | - | - | - | - |
Total Transfer payments | 25.0 | 21.5* | 21.5 | 21.5 |
Summary of the 3 Year Plan:
* The decrease of $3.5M from 2010-2011 is explained by a reprofile of funds from a previous year.
Strategic Outcome: A skilled, adaptable and inclusive labour force and an efficient labour market
Program Activity: Skills and Employment
Name of Transfer Payment Program: Foreign Credential Recognition Program (FCRP)
Start date: May 26, 2010
End date: Ongoing
Description: The objective of the Foreign Credential Recognition Program (FCRP) is to ensure that the qualification assessment and recognition processes available to skilled immigrants and other internationally trained workers in Canada are fair, transparent, consistent, and timely. Through the FCRP, the government works with its partners and key stakeholders to break down the barriers to the recognition of foreign qualifications and enhance labour market outcomes of internationally-trained workers.
The Foreign Credential Recognition Program provides strategic financial support to provincial and territorial partners and stakeholders, to develop systems and processes for assessing and recognizing foreign qualifications in targeted occupations and sectors.
The Foreign Credential Recognition Program supports the research and project-based activities of partners and stakeholders to develop structural changes in the tools and processes institutions and/or organizations use to evaluate and recognize foreign qualifications. The Program’s work to date forms the cornerstone of the federal government’s contribution towards the development and implementation of the Pan-Canadian Framework for the Assessment and Recognition of Foreign Qualifications, announced in November 2009.
Reducing internal barriers to labour mobility continues to be seen as a key to addressing FCR issues. The Government of Canada supports an array of measures aimed at facilitating the movement of skilled workers within Canada. Under Chapter 7 of the Agreement on Internal Trade (AIT), which was amended effective August 11, 2009, all governments (except Nunavut) are committed to ensuring that workers in regulated occupations can apply to be certified in another province or territory without having to undergo significant additional training, examination or assessment. By strengthening institutional capacity, and applying tools and processes, the FCRP helps to facilitate newcomers’ entry into, and mobility within, the Canadian labour market.
The FCR Program contributes to the competitiveness of Canada’s economy by improving immigrants’ labour market integration.
Expected results: The Foreign Credential Recognition Program works with partners and stakeholders to achieve the following immediate, medium and long-term outcomes:
Immediate Outcome:
Medium-term Outcome:
Long-term Outcome:
Ultimate Outcome:
Forecast Spending 2010–2011 |
Planned Spending 2011–2012 |
Planned Spending 2012–2013 |
Planned Spending 2013–2014 |
Total grants | - | - | - | - |
Total contributions | 26.4 | 21.4 | 21.4 | 21.4 |
Total other types of transfer payments | - | - | - | - |
Total Transfer payments | 26.4 | 21.4* | 21.4 | 21.4 |
Summary of the 3 Year Plan:
* Variance from 2010-2011 to 2011-2012 is mainly attributable to a reprofile of funds from 2009-2010 to 2010-2011.
Strategic Outcome: A skilled, adaptable and inclusive labour force and an efficient labour market
Program Activity: Learning
Name of Transfer Payment Program: Canada Student Loans Program – Liabilities
Start date: September, 1964
End date: Ongoing
Description: From September 1964 to August 1, 1995, the Canada Student Loan Program operated a Guaranteed Loan regime with Canadian financial institutions, whereby financial assistance was provided to students through financial institutions in the form of 100 percent guaranteed government loans.
This transfer payment tracks claims submitted by financial institutions related to the remaining Guaranteed Loan Portfolio.
Expected results: Track claim payments to financial institutions for the remaining balance of the portfolio.
Canada meets its obligations as set out under the Canada Student Loans Act in agreements with financial institutions.
Forecast Spending 2010–2011 |
Planned Spending 2011–2012 |
Planned Spending 2012–2013 |
Planned Spending 2013–2014 |
Total grants | - | - | - | - |
Total contributions | (8.8) | (14.0) | (10.4) | (9.8) |
Total other types of transfer payments | - | - | - | - |
Total Transfer payments | (8.8) | (14.0) | (10.4) | (9.8) |
Summary of the 3 Year Plan:
Strategic Outcome: A skilled, adaptable and inclusive labour force and an efficient labour market
Program Activity: Learning
Name of Transfer Payment Program: Canada Student Loans Program – Interest Payments and Liabilities
Start date: August 1, 1995
End date: Ongoing
Description: From August 1, 1995 to July 31, 2000, the Canada Student Loans Program operated a risk-shared loans regime with Canadian financial institutions. This transfer payment represents consolidated costs related to that regime, including interest subsidy, repayment assistance benefits, the amount of loans forgiven, risk premium put-backs and administrative costs.
Expected results:
Forecast Spending 2010–2011 |
Planned Spending 2011–2012 |
Planned Spending 2012–2013 |
Planned Spending 2013–2014 |
Total grants | - | - | - | - |
Total contributions | 7.1 | 5.2 | 5.5 | 3.3 |
Total other types of transfer payments | - | - | - | - |
Total Transfer payments | 7.1 | 5.2 | 5.5 | 3.3 |
Summary of the 3 Year Plan:
Strategic Outcome: A skilled, adaptable and inclusive labour force and an efficient labour market
Program Activity: Learning
Name of Transfer Payment Program: Canada Student Loans Program – Direct Financing Arrangement
Start date: August 1, 2000
End date: Ongoing
Description: This transfer payment provides alternative payments to non-participating jurisdictions given that provinces and territories may choose not to participate in the Canada Student Loans Program. Provinces and territories who make this choice receive an alternative payment to assist in the cost of delivering a similar student financial assistance program.
The transfer payment also provides repayment assistance benefits to borrowers, and the value of loans forgiven according to prescribed criteria. As of August 2009, individual debt measures, including interest relief and debt reduction in repayment, have been replaced by the Repayment Assistance Plan. The Repayment Assistance Plan is an optional program for students facing difficulty in making their student loan payments.
Finally, this transfer payment is used to ensure that full-time student military reservists who interrupt their studies for a deployment on designated operations will not be charged interest or have to start paying back their student loan while they are away from their studies and on duty.
Expected results: Post-secondary education students in the province of Québec, the Northwest Territories and Nunavut continue to access financial assistance similar to the assistance provided to students in those jurisdictions that participate in the Canada Student Loans Program.
Students in participating jurisdictions with financial difficulty are able to receive repayment benefits.
Forecast Spending 2010–2011 |
Planned Spending 2011–2012 |
Planned Spending 2012–2013 |
Planned Spending 2013–2014 |
Total grants | - | - | - | - |
Total contributions | 323.7 | 348.6 | 348.0 | 352.5 |
Total other types of transfer payments | - | - | - | - |
Total Transfer payments | 323.7 | 348.6 | 348.0 | 352.5 |
Summary of the 3 Year Plan:
Strategic Outcome: A skilled, adaptable and inclusive labour force and an efficient labour market
Program Activity: Learning
Name of Transfer Payment Program: Canada Student Grants Program (CSGP)
Start date: August 1, 2009
End date: Ongoing
Description: As of August 1, 2009, the Canada Student Grants Program (CSGP) replaced Canada Study Grants and Canada Access Grants. The Canada Student Grants Program (CSGP) provides up-front grants to students from low- and middle-income families, students with dependants, part-time students and those with permanent disabilities. The new Canada Student Grants Program is simple, transparent, predictable and broad-based, providing certainty and predictability for students who qualify.
Students who received the former Canada Millennium Scholarship Foundation (CMSF) general bursaries in past years receive transitional grants until they complete or withdraw from their program of study. Former CMSF recipients who are eligible for the new low and middle-income grants will have the difference between the amount of the Canada Millennium Scholarship Foundation general bursary and the amount of the new grant made up with a transition grant.
Expected results: The CSGP is designed to:
Forecast Spending 2010–2011 |
Planned Spending 2011–2012 |
Planned Spending 2012–2013 |
Planned Spending 2013–2014 |
Total grants | 578.4 | 554.3 | 539.6 | 534.9 |
Total contributions | - | - | - | - |
Total other types of transfer payments | - | - | - | - |
Total Transfer payments | 578.4 | 554.3 | 539.6 | 534.9 |
Summary of the 3 Year Plan:
Strategic Outcome: A skilled, adaptable and inclusive labour force and an efficient labour market
Program Activity: Learning
Name of Transfer Payment Program: Canada Education Savings Program (CESP)
Start date: January 1, 1998 (Canada Education Savings Grant)
January 1, 2005 (Canada Learning Bond)
End date: Ongoing
Description: The Canada Education Savings Program (CESP) encourages saving for a child’s post-secondary education savings, from early childhood, in Registered Education Savings Plans (RESPs). It is intended to make post-secondary education more affordable for families by providing the Canadian Education Savings Grant (CESG), a matching savings grant on RESP savings for children aged 0 – 17. Eligible low-income families can also benefit from the Canada Learning Bond. The Program’s main clients include families with children. The Program also administers the Education Savings Community Outreach Contribution Program that assists organizations to develop outreach projects to encourage low-income Canadians to save for their children’s post-secondary education, access available education savings incentives and increase their financial literacy.
The program’s infrastructure is also used to administer the Alberta Centennial Education Savings Grant on behalf of the Province of Alberta, on a cost-recovery basis.
Further information regarding the Canada Education Savings Grant can be found at:
Further information regarding the Canada Learning Bond can be found at:
Expected results: Expected Result 1: Canadians with children under 18 years have savings with the Registered Education Savings Plan.
Performance Indicators:
Expected Result 2: Canadians are able to finance their post-secondary education using their savings from a Registered Education Savings Plan.
Performance Indicator:
Forecast Spending 2010–2011 |
Planned Spending 2011–2012 |
Planned Spending 2012–2013 |
Planned Spending 2013–2014 |
Total grants | 714.0 | 736.0 | 768.0 | 809.0 |
Total contributions | 3.9 | 2.4 | 2.4 | 2.4 |
Total other types of transfer payments | - | - | - | - |
Total Transfer payments | 717.9 | 738.4 | 770.4 | 811.4 |
Summary of the 3 Year Plan:
Strategic Outcome: A skilled, adaptable and inclusive labour force and an efficient labour market
Program Activity: Learning
Name of Transfer Payment Program: Pathways to Education Canada
Start date: December 31, 2010
End date: March 31, 2014
Description: Pathways to Education Canada, a charitable organization founded in 2001, is the largest community-based early intervention program in Canada. The program was created to reduce poverty and its effects by lowering the high school dropout rate and increasing access to post-secondary education (PSE) among disadvantaged youth, generally from low-income families who are newcomers to Canada and who have no previous history of PSE. To help ensure that disadvantaged youth complete high school and continue on to PSE, Pathways to Education Canada provides:
The program has proven successful in helping disadvantaged youth overcome barriers to high school completion and post-secondary education.
Expected results: Federal funding is expected to allow Pathways to Education Canada to strengthen its existing programs and to work with community partners to expand its activities into new communities across the country. Expansion efforts have begun, with community-based partners opening new programs in Kingston, Winnipeg and Halifax in 2010.
($ millions) | Forecast Spending 2010–2011 |
Planned Spending 2011–2012 |
Planned Spending 2012–2013 |
Planned Spending 2013–2014 |
Total grants | 2.0 | 6.0 | 6.0 | 6.0 |
Total contributions | - | - | - | - |
Total other types of transfer payments | - | - | - | - |
Total Transfer payments | 2.0 | 6.0 | 6.0 | 6.0 |
Summary of the 3 Year Plan:
Strategic Outcome: Safe, fair, and productive workplaces and cooperative workplace relations
Program Activity: Labour
Name of Transfer Payment Program: Wage Earner Protection Program (WEPP)
Start date: July 2008
End date: Ongoing
Description: The Wage Earner Protection Program Act was part of Bill C-55, which set out a comprehensive reform of Canada’s insolvency laws, including the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act and the Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act. Passage of Bill C-55 was expedited with unanimous, all party consent in both Houses of Parliament. The Bill received Royal Assent on November 25, 2005, and became Chapter 47 of the Statutes of Canada, 2005. The Act was subject to technical amendments, which were contained in Bill C-12 and received Royal Assent on December 13, 2007. The Act and its Regulations came into force on July 7, 2008. Further amendments to the Program to include coverage for termination and severance pay were included in Budget Implementation Act, 2009.
The Wage Earner Protection Program (WEPP) is a targeted federal Program providing financial support to workers who lose their job and are owed money when their employer goes bankrupt or becomes subject to receivership under the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act. Specifically, the Program reimburses eligible workers for unpaid wages, vacation, severance, and termination pay up to a current maximum of $3,400 (the equivalent of four weeks’ maximum insurable earnings under the Employment Insurance Act). The Wage Earner Protection Program is administered by the Labour Program and is delivered by Service Canada.
Expected results: The expected result for this Program is a reduction in economic insecurity of Canadian workers with unpaid wages in insolvent workplaces.
Forecast Spending 2010–2011 |
Planned Spending 2011–2012 |
Planned Spending 2012–2013 |
Planned Spending 2013–2014 |
Total grants | 56.2 | 56.2 | 54.2 | 54.2 |
Total contributions | - | - | - | - |
Total other types of transfer payments | - | - | - | - |
Total Transfer payments | 56.2 | 56.2 | 54.2 | 54.2 |
Summary of the 3 Year Plan:
Strategic Outcome: Income security, access to opportunities and well-being for individuals, families and communities.
Program Activity: Income Security
Name of Transfer Payment Program: Old Age Security Pension (statutory payment)
Start date: 1952
End date: Ongoing
Description: The Old Age Security (OAS) pension is a monthly benefit available to most Canadians 65 years of age or over who meet residence requirements. An applicant's employment history is not a factor in determining eligibility, nor does the applicant need to be retired. Old Age Security payments to pensioners are taxable income at the federal and provincial levels.
Expected results: Eligible seniors receive a benefit that assists them in maintaining a minimum standard of living.
Forecast Spending 2010–2011 |
Planned Spending 2011–2012 |
Planned Spending 2012–2013 |
Planned Spending 2013–2014 |
Total grants | 27,692.0 | 29,162.2 | 30,722.8 | 32,458.1 |
Total contributions | - | - | - | - |
Total other types of transfer payments | - | - | - | - |
Total Transfer payments | 27,692.0 | 29,162.2 | 30,722.8 | 32,458.1 |
Summary of the 3 Year Plan:
Strategic Outcome: Income security, access to opportunities and well-being for individuals, families and communities.
Program Activity: Income Security
Name of Transfer Payment Program: Guaranteed Income Supplement (statutory payment)
Start date: 1967
End date: Ongoing
Description: The Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS) provides additional money, on top of the Old Age Security (OAS) pension, to low-income seniors living in Canada. The GIS is a monthly benefit paid to residents of Canada who receive a full or partial OAS pension and who meet the income requirements for the program.
(See: - for the latest income requirements)
Benefits received from the Old Age Security program, including the Guaranteed Income Supplement and the Allowance, are not included as income in determining eligibility for this program.
Expected results: Eligible low-income seniors receive a Guaranteed Income Supplement that assists them in maintaining a minimum standard of living.
Forecast Spending 2010–2011 |
Planned Spending 2011–2012 |
Planned Spending 2012–2013 |
Planned Spending 2013–2014 |
Total grants | 8,046.0 | 8,429.8 | 8,869.9 | 9,338.8 |
Total contributions | - | - | - | - |
Total other types of transfer payments | - | - | - | - |
Total Transfer payments | 8,046.0 | 8,429.8 | 8,869.9 | 9,338.8 |
Summary of the 3 Year Plan:
Strategic Outcome: Income security, access to opportunities and well-being for individuals, families and communities.
Program Activity: Income Security
Name of Transfer Payment Program: Allowance Payments (statutory payments)
Start date: 1975 – Allowance
1985 – Allowance for the Survivor
End date: Ongoing
Description: The Allowance may be paid to the spouse or common-law partner of a Guaranteed Income Supplement recipient, or to a survivor.
Expected results: Eligible low income seniors, such as spouses or common-law partners of Old Age Security pensioners or survivors between the ages of 60 and 64, receive an Allowance that assists them in maintaining a minimum standard of living.
Forecast Spending 2010–2011 |
Planned Spending 2011–2012 |
Planned Spending 2012–2013 |
Planned Spending 2013–2014 |
Total grants | 524.0 | 534.3 | 527.7 | 524.0 |
Total contributions | - | - | - | - |
Total other types of transfer payments | - | - | - | - |
Total Transfer payments | 524.0 | 534.3 | 527.7 | 524.0 |
Summary of the 3 Year Plan:
Strategic Outcome: Income security, access to opportunities and well-being for individuals, families and communities.
Program Activity: Income Security
Name of Transfer Payment Program: Canada Disability Savings Program (CDSP) – Grants and Bonds (statutory payment)
Start date: November 2008
End date: Ongoing
Description: The Canada Disability Savings Program (CDSP) is designed to support Registered Disability Savings Plans, which are savings vehicles to help parents and others save for the long-term financial security of a person with a severe disability. The Government of Canada will pay matching grants of 300, 200, or 100 percent depending on the beneficiary’s family income and the amount contributed. The Government will also pay income-tested bonds to the Registered Disability Savings Plans of low-income Canadians with disabilities, regardless of the amount contributed.
Expected results: The expected long-term result of the program is:
The expected intermediate results for the program are:
The expected immediate results for the program are:
Forecast Spending 2010–2011 |
Planned Spending 2011–2012 |
Planned Spending 2012–2013 |
Planned Spending 2013–2014 |
Total grants | 116.1 | 83.0 | 89.3 | 96.0 |
Total contributions | - | - | - | - |
Total other types of transfer payments | - | - | - | - |
Total Transfer payments | 116.1* | 83.0 | 89.3 | 96.0 |
Summary of the 3 Year Plan:
* Forecast Spending for 2010-2011 has been updated in 2010-2011 Supplementary Estimates (c) due to higher than expected take-up of the program.
Strategic Outcome: Income security, access to opportunities and well-being for individuals, families and communities.
Program Activity: Social Development
Name of Transfer Payment Program: Homelessness Partnering Strategy (HPS)
Start date: April 1, 2011
End date: March 31, 2014
Description: The Homelessness Partnering Strategy (HPS) provides grants and contributions to not-for-profit organizations, individuals, municipal governments, Band and tribal councils and other Aboriginal organizations, public health and educational institutions, Agences de la santé et des services sociaux, research organizations and research institutes to help communities better understand and more effectively prevent and reduce homelessness.
Expected results: By March 31, 2014 the Homelessness Partnering Strategy aims to contribute, with partners, to a more sustainable and comprehensive continuum of supports to help homeless Canadians move towards self-sufficiency and to prevent those at risk from becoming homeless, through seven funding streams:
For more information, please visit the Homelessness Partnering Strategy Web site:
Forecast Spending 2010–2011 |
Planned Spending 2011–2012 |
Planned Spending 2012–2013 |
Planned Spending 2013–2014 |
Total grants | 2.7 | 0.8 | 0.8 | 0.8 |
Total contributions | 145.8 | 110.1 | 107.9 | 110.8 |
Total other types of transfer payments | - | - | - | - |
Total Transfer payments | 148.3 | 110.9* | 108.7 | 111.6 |
Summary of the 3 Year Plan:
* The decrease from 2010-2011 is due to reprofiles between fiscal years.
Strategic Outcome: Income security, access to opportunities and well-being for individuals, families and communities.
Program Activity: Social Development
Name of Transfer Payment Program: Social Development Partnerships Program (SDPP) (voted payments)
Start date: April 1, 2009
End date: Ongoing
Description: The Social Development Partnerships Program (SDPP) provides grant and contribution funding to not-for-profit organizations working to meet the social development needs of persons with disabilities, children and their families, and other vulnerable or excluded populations in Canada.
The SDPP has two funding components: Children and Families, and Disability.
The SDPP-Children and Families supports not-for-profit organizations working in communities across Canada to tackle local challenges that individuals and families experience in accessing participation opportunities for learning, labour market attachment, and social inclusion. In addition, the SDPP provides funding for early childhood development in Official Language Minority Communities as part of the Roadmap for Canada’s Linguistic Duality, 2008-2013.
The Disability component of the Social Development Partnerships Program (SDPP-D) supports projects that are designed to improve the participation and integration of people with disabilities in all aspects of Canadian society. More specifically, the fund supports a wide range of community-based projects that respond to issues faced by people with disabilities and their families, including improved access to programs and services.
Expected results: The desired outcome for SDPP is:
Not-for-profit sector and partners have capacity to respond to existing and emerging social issues for target populations.
Forecast Spending 2010–2011 |
Planned Spending 2011–2012 |
Planned Spending 2012–2013 |
Planned Spending 2013–2014 |
Total grants | 21.3 | 14.3 | 14.3 | 14.3 |
Total contributions | 6.4 | 6.1 | 6.1 | 6.1 |
Total other types of transfer payments | - | - | - | - |
Total Transfer payments | 27.7 | 20.4 | 20.4 | 20.4 |
Summary of the 3 Year Plan:
Strategic Outcome: Income security, access to opportunities and well-being for individuals, families and communities.
Program Activity: Social Development
Name of Transfer Payment Program: New Horizons for Seniors Program (NHSP) (voted payments)
Start date: Original program: October 1, 2004;
Expanded Program: September 27, 2007
End date: Ongoing
Please note: Budget 2010 provided a $5 million annual increase to program funding for this program.
Description: Through the New Horizons for Seniors Program (NHSP), the Department helps seniors benefit from and contribute to the quality of life in their communities. The NHSP supports both community-based and Pan-Canadian (national or regional) projects. Community-based projects address social challenges ‘on the ground’ and recognize communities as the focal point for program and service delivery. Funded projects are inspired or led by seniors, are volunteer-based, and are supported by their communities. Pan-Canadian projects address elder abuse (including financial abuse) through raising awareness, developing and sharing information, and networking.
Expected results: The direct outcomes for NHSP are:
Forecast Spending 2010–2011 |
Planned Spending 2011–2012 |
Planned Spending 2012–2013 |
Planned Spending 2013–2014 |
Total grants | 31.3 | 31.3 | 31.3 | 31.3 |
Total contributions | 1.8 | 1.8 | 1.8 | 1.8 |
Total other types of transfer payments | - | - | - | - |
Total Transfer payments | 33.1 | 33.1 | 33.1 | 33.1 |
Summary of the 3 Year Plan:
Strategic Outcome: Income security, access to opportunities and well-being for individuals, families and communities.
Program Activity: Social Development
Name of Transfer Payment Program: Universal Child Care Benefit (UCCB)
Start date: July 1, 2006
End date: Ongoing
Description: Effective July 2006 families receive $100 per month (up to $1,200 per year) for each child under six. Payments are made directly to families so that they can choose the child care that best meets the family’s needs. The Universal Child Care Benefit is provided in addition to existing federal programs such as the Canada Child Tax Benefit, which includes the National Child Benefit Supplement, the new Child Tax Credit and the Child Care Expense Deduction. The Universal Child Care Benefit does not affect the benefits families receive under these programs. Further information can be found at
Expected results: Canada’s families with children under six years of age receive financial support through the Universal Child Care Benefit for their child care choices.
Forecast Spending 2010–2011 |
Planned Spending 2011–2012 |
Planned Spending 2012–2013 |
Planned Spending 2013–2014 |
Total grants | 2,594.0 | 2,660.0 | 2,698.0 | 2,730.0 |
Total contributions | - | - | - | - |
Total other types of transfer payments | - | - | - | - |
Total Transfer payments | 2,594.0 | 2,660.0 | 2,698.0 | 2,730.0 |
Summary of the 3 Year Plan:
Strategic Outcome: Income security, access to opportunities and well-being for individuals, families and communities.
Program Activity: Social Development
Name of Transfer Payment Program: Enabling Accessibility Fund (EAF)
Start date: September 2009 (Major Projects) and
June 2010 (Small and Mid-sized Projects)
End date: March 31, 2013
Description: The Enabling Accessibility Fund (EAF) supports community-based projects across Canada that improve accessibility, remove barriers, and enable Canadians with disabilities to participate in and contribute to their communities.
Through the Small Project Component of the EAF, funding is provided to projects that improve the built environment through renovation, construction and retrofitting of buildings, modification of vehicles for community use and provision of accessible information/communication technologies.
Through the Mid-sized Project Component of the EAF, contribution funding is provided for retrofits, renovations or new construction of facilities within Canada that house services and programs emphasizing a holistic approach to the social and labour market integration needs of people with disabilities.
Through the Major Project Component of the EAF, contribution funding is provided for the construction of abilities centres that assist people with varying abilities to have increased access to opportunities for social and economic participation in the community.
Expected results: The expected outcomes of the program are:
Forecast Spending 2010–2011 |
Planned Spending 2011–2012 |
Planned Spending 2012–2013 |
Planned Spending 2013–2014 |
Total grants | 9.4 | 10.0 | 10.7 | - |
Total contributions | 22.5 | 3.0* | 7.0 | - |
Total other types of transfer payments | - | - | - | - |
Total Transfer payments | 31.9 | 13.0 | 17.7 | - |
Summary of the 3 Year Plan:
* Variance from 2010-2011 to 2011-2012 can be explained by reprofile of funds from 2009-2010 to 2010-2011.