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> Reports on Plans and Priorities
> 2008-09
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ARCHIVED - Public Safety Canada
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IV. Other Items Of Interest
Grants and Contributions Programs Administered by Public Safety Canada
- Under the First Nations Policing Policy (FNPP), Public Safety negotiates, administers and monitors tripartite agreements for policing services in First Nations communities. The policing services are culturally appropriate and responsive to the particular needs of First Nations and Inuit communities and are cost-shared 52% by Canada and 48% by the
- The Joint Emergency Preparedness Program (JEPP) was established to enhance the national capability to manage all types of emergencies and to encourage continued cooperation between the federal government and provincial/territorial governments. National capabilities are enhanced through such initiatives as training activities, the purchase of emergency response
vehicles and equipment, and the development and exercising of emergency plans.
- The National Crime Prevention Strategy (NCPS) provides a policy framework for the implementation of crime prevention interventions in Canada. It is jointly managed with the provinces and territories and administered by Public Safety Canada's National Crime Prevention Centre (NCPC). The NCPC mission is to provide national leadership on effective and
cost-efficient ways to both prevent and reduce crime by addressing known risk factors in high-risk populations and places. In doing so, the NCPC concentrates on two core activities: supporting targeted interventions and building and sharing practical knowledge. The NCPC currently administers the following three funds:
- Crime Prevention Action Fund (CPAF): The CPAF supports crime prevention projects in both large and small communities. The CPAF's key objective is to support promising practices that address known risk factors and are related to NCPC's priority crime issues. Priority is given to projects that focus on individuals or groups with multiple risk factors.
Capacity building, especially in Aboriginal communities, rural and/or remote areas, will be funded based on need, as part of a broader strategy to address specific risk factors or crimes.
- Research and Knowledge Development Fund (RKDF): The RKDF has three funding streams: research, knowledge transfer and demonstration projects accompanied by independent evaluations. The RKDF's objectives are to: identify promising community-based crime prevention models; determine the effectiveness and cost benefits of projects, which are the key
components of successful programs and how they might be used in other communities; and promote high-quality, cost-effective and sustainable crime prevention projects.
- Youth Gang Prevention Fund (YGPF): The YGPF invests in communities with gang issues. It invests in projects targeting youth who are already members of gangs or at the greatest risk of joining gangs. The NCPC works with the provinces and territories to identify affected communities. Funding goes to projects where community-based organizations and
municipalities have worked together to assess needs and develop a coordinated, integrated response to the gang phenomenon they face.
- Disaster Financial Assistance Arrangements (DFAA) assist provinces and territories with eligible costs incurred in responding to and recovering from natural disasters. Eligible costs include those related to restoring public works to their pre-disaster condition and to replacing basic, essential property of individuals, small businesses and farmsteads.
- The Joint Infrastructure Interdependencies Research Program (JIIRP) is jointly funded with the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC). The ultimate outcome of the JIIRP is to produce new science-based knowledge and practices to better assess, manage and mitigate risks to Canadians from critical infrastructure interdependencies by funding
innovative research projects with an emphasis on cross-disciplinary research.
- The Policy Development Contributions Program (formerly known as the Departmental Contributions Program) contributes to the achievement of departmental legislative policy development and consultative objectives by:
- supporting projects in priority areas to address public policy issues of strategic importance to the Department;
- supporting information driven projects and participation in cross-sectoral and inter-jurisdictional policy and legislative initiatives;
- supporting innovative approaches and the acquisition of knowledge and the ability to translate knowledge into action for communities and community-based organizations; and
- contributing to enhanced public safety and emergency management.
- The Public Safety Canada Research Fellowship Program in Honour of Stuart Nesbitt White seeks to encourage Ph.D. research in two key areas:
- cyber security relating to critical infrastructure protection, preferably in disciplines such as computer/software/electrical/mechanical engineering, computer science, and/or areas such as systems science, and risk modeling and management; and
- disaster and emergency management, and physical critical infrastructure studies, preferably in disciplines such as urban and regional planning, geography, sociology, economics, engineering, environmental sciences, and/or areas such as risk assessment and modeling.
- The Workers Compensation Program provides funding to provinces and territories, based on a 75% federal and 25% provincial/territorial cost sharing ratio, to compensate volunteer emergency service workers injured or killed in the course of emergency service training or work.
- The Sustaining Funding Program (SFP) for National Voluntary Organizations (NVOs) provides grants to NVOs to help these organizations maintain a national structure and cover core operating expenses, such as staff payroll and office equipment leases. These organizations provide policy advice to the Department and Portfolio agencies, and also provide public
education activities and participate in community public safety initiatives.
- The Communities at Risk: Security Infrastructure Pilot is a pilot program that assists communities with a demonstrated history of being victimized by hate-motivated crime to help defray the costs of minor security infrastructure. In the process, the pilot aims to contribute to the deterrence of hate-motivated crime and to an increased sense of security
for at-risk communities. The Program is in effect from June 7, 2007 until March 31, 2009.
National Flagging System (NFS) is used to identify and track high-risk, violent offenders who pose a risk of re-offending and to facilitate appropriate prosecution and sentencing of these offenders, including Dangerous or Long-Term Offender applications in appropriate cases. The program provides funding to provinces/territories for the following primary
- Assistant Flagging Coordinators and other specialized staff to provide investigative and analytical functions
- High speed scanning devices and electronic databases to convert paper files in electronic form
- Increased police support for the NFS in the form of extended policy/RCMP liaison
Legislation Administered by the Department and Portfolio Agencies
Contacts for Further Information
For further information about this Report on Plans and Priorities, you may communicate with our departmental contacts as follows:
Name |
Title |
Telephone |
Suzanne Hurtubise |
Deputy Minister of Public Safety |
(613) 991-2895 |
Myles Kirvan |
Associate Deputy Minister of Public Safety |
(613) 949-0322 |
Chantal Bernier |
Assistant Deputy Minister, Community Safety and Partnerships |
(613) 993-4325 |
J. Scott Broughton |
Senior Assistant Deputy Minister, Emergency Management and National Security |
(613) 991-2820 |
Lynda Clairmont |
Associate Assistant Deputy Minister,
Emergency Management and National Security |
(613) 990-4976 |
Daniel Lavoie |
Director General, Communications |
(613) 990-2743 |
Elisabeth Nadeau |
Assistant Deputy Minister, Corporate Management |
(613) 990-2615 |
Kristina Namiesniowski |
Assistant Deputy Minister, Strategic Policy |
(613) 949-6435 |
Eva Plunkett |
Inspector General of CSIS |
(613) 949-0675 |
Richard Wex |
Assistant Deputy Minister, Policing, Law Enforcement and Interoperability |
(613) 990-2703 |
For more information on Public Safety Canada, please visit our web site at: