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This section of the report provides information on Public Safety Canada's Strategic Outcome and Program Activity Architecture (PAA); two fundamental elements of the Treasury Board Secretariat's Management, Resources and Results Structure Policy (MRRS).
The MRRS Policy supports the development of a common, government-wide approach to planning and managing the relationship between resource expenditures and results, while serving as a consistent and enduring foundation for collecting, managing and reporting financial and non-financial information to Parliament.
Public Safety Canada's Program Activity Architecture is divided into seven activities that support our strategic outcome: A Safe and Resilient Canada. This strategic outcome guides all departmental activities.
Consistent with the Government's priority of tackling crime, strengthening the security of Canadians and addressing Canada's emergency management requirements, the Department's Strategic Outcome reflects our key role of providing effective leadership and coordination across the Department of Public Safety and portfolio agencies.
The principles that guide the Department in achieving this Strategic Outcome are:
Our seven Program Activities are: National Security, Emergency Management, Law Enforcement, Corrections, Crime Prevention, Border Management, and Interoperability.
Highlights |
2008–09 | 2009–10 | 2010–11 |
10,194 | 10,594 | 9,699 |
2008–09 | 2009–10 | 2010–11 |
75 | 77 | 73 |
National Security Policy activities include the development of policies and legislation to ensure the protection of Canada and Canadians. While respecting the values of democracy, human rights and respect for the rule of law, to enhance national security, Public Safety Canada coordinates policy and legislative reviews with numerous domestic partners and works with international partners and stakeholders on multi-lateral initiatives.
Results | Performance Indicators |
Strong policies and legislation which advance Canada's National Security objectives |
Highlights |
The Emergency Management activity addresses all hazards (natural, technological and human-induced) through the development of an integrated emergency management system, legislation and national strategies, as well as training and standards for those who serve to protect Canada and its population. Through a close relationship with international counterparts, federal departments, provinces, territories, first responders and industry, this activity also aims to achieve effective policy and program coordination and delivery across the four pillars of emergency management: prevention/ mitigation, preparedness, response and recovery.
In August of 2007, a new Emergency Management Act came into force establishing the Minister of Public Safety's leadership role for emergency management and critical infrastructure protection activities at the federal level. The Act also outlines an integrated approach to emergency management activities that is based on the four pillars of emergency management. Under the new Act, Canada's emergency management commitments include cross-border collaboration.
Emergency management priorities for 2008-2011 reflect the Government of Canada's primary responsibility for protecting the safety of its citizens. Key activities for emergency management, as described below, are established in part through federal, provincial and territorial collaboration mechanisms.
Critical infrastructure protection is about protecting essential services that are vital to the well-being of Canadians. Canada's critical infrastructure (energy and utilities, communications and Information Technology (IT), finance, health care, food, water, transportation safety, government, and manufacturing) is interdependent and interconnected across sectors, with responsibility for its continuity shared among the federal government, provinces, territories, owners and operators of critical infrastructure in Canada and in the United States. Potential threats to Canada's critical infrastructure include both physical and cyber threats. Public Safety Canada is working with provincial, territorial and private sector partners to clarify roles, establish priorities and set the strategic direction for critical infrastructure protection in Canada. Progress to date is reflected in the ongoing development of a National Strategy for Critical Infrastructure Protection and its supporting Action Plan. Canada's approach is based on partnerships, information sharing and risk management to reach a high level of readiness and an effective capacity to respond to disruptions.
In the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina (2005), it became evident that there may be situations when the Government of Canada must act quickly to respond to major emergencies in the United States. As noted earlier, new authorities under the Emergency Management Act give the Minister of Public Safety responsibility for coordinating Canada's response to emergencies. This includes emergencies in the United States, in collaboration with the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade. Recently established Canada-U.S. consultation mechanisms will encourage a more integrated approach to managing Canada-U.S. cross border issues relating to critical infrastructure protection and emergency management.
Disaster mitigation measures eliminate or reduce the impacts of risks or hazards through proactive measures taken before an emergency or disaster occurs. Public Safety Canada is working closely with other federal departments and the provinces and territories on the implementation of a National Disaster Mitigation Strategy. Initiatives include public awareness and outreach, knowledge and research and the leveraging of new and existing mitigation-related initiatives that address structural and non-structural measures.
In order to effectively pursue and execute our emergency management priorities, business continuity is viewed as an essential part of the risk management process. The aim of the Business Continuity Planning Program is to help the Government of Canada prepare for the continued availability of its critical services and assets.
Federal, provincial and territorial emergency management officials are working with the private sector to develop a National Public Alerting System. This System will provide a warning to the Canadian public, announcing an imminent or unfolding danger to the safety of Canadians. Consultations between the public and private sectors are taking place to validate each component of such an alerting system.
Pandemic planning is also an important agenda item that works towards building a common federal, provincial and territorial approach to planning for a pandemic influenza and a means to address identified gaps, perceived or real, between health and emergency management plans. This will, in turn, help governments better respond to the needs of Canadians in times of a possible pandemic.
Improving the ability of Canadians to respond to and recover from disasters is also a priority. In concert with the provinces and territories, the Department is supporting the development of modernized disaster recovery instruments. Revised terms and conditions for the Disaster Financial Assistance Arrangements were approved in 2007. Further work is underway to develop a common framework and best practices for disaster recovery, and to update a web-based inventory of federal, provincial and territorial disaster recovery programs and services.
Finally, through the National Emergency Response System (NERS), the Department will develop a common model for emergency response among Canada's varied jurisdictional authorities. Multi-jurisdictional exercise activities will be developed to validate the NERS, which provides the requisite linkages among the federal, provincial and territorial emergency response management systems through common components (such as governance, roles and responsibilities, federal regional structures, and response activities).
Through the pursuit of these emergency management initiatives, Public Safety Canada will help to improve Canada's response to and recovery from nationally significant emergencies, whether security, public health, natural or human-induced disasters.
2008–09 | 2009–10 | 2010–11 |
227,610 | 193,338 | 190,444 |
2008–09 | 2009–10 | 2010–11 |
593 | 584 | 581 |
On behalf of the Government of Canada, Public Safety Canada exercises leadership by promoting an integrated approach to emergency management and critical infrastructure protection. Key activities for guiding comprehensive emergency management and strengthening the resilience of critical infrastructure include: the development of legislation, identification and implementation of emergency management policies, setting national priorities and conducting related training, exercises, as well as research activities that support a unified approach to emergency management and critical infrastructure protection across sectors and jurisdictions. Emergency Management Policy establishes and maintains partnerships with key federal departments, provinces/territories, the voluntary sector, the private sector and international partners. Additional activities include the development of cyber security policy and planning, facilitating cooperation among all levels of government, between business and government and with international partners. Cyber Security Policy also integrates public safety science and technology developed in partnership with provinces and territories and international partners.
Results | Performance Indicators |
A strong legislative and policy foundation for integrated emergency management and critical infrastructure protection | A national strategy and action plan on critical infrastructure are finalized |
Emergency Preparedness provides resources to support preparedness through cost-shared programming with provinces and territories (e.g., Joint Emergency Preparedness Program). It enhances the ability of first responders and emergency management personnel to respond and recover from emergencies. It also contributes to Canada's disaster resiliency by ensuring that proper emergency management plans are in place within the federal government, including the development and review of business continuity plans.
Results | Performance Indicators |
Institutions continuously provide critical services to Canadian citizens during a disruption |
Federal, provincial and territorial officials, first responders and emergency management personnel are prepared through education and exercises to respond to emergencies |
Public is alerted in case of imminent threat to life (natural, technological and human-induced) |
Canada is better prepared in the event of avian or pandemic influenza |
Communities are prepared for emergencies |
On behalf of the Government of Canada, Emergency Response Support promotes an integrated federal emergency response to events of national significance (including cyber). This is done through continuous monitoring and reporting of events of national interest; situational awareness, risk assessment, alerting and warning product development; planning document creation (to develop a "whole of government" integrated response, including logistics planning, and the preparation and implementation of appropriate public communications in an emergency); and plan implementation. It also includes the Disaster Financial Assistance Arrangements (DFAA), which provide the federal government with a consistent and equitable mechanism for sharing the costs of disaster response and recovery with provincial or territorial governments, where such costs would place an undue burden their economy.
Results | Performance Indicators |
Provinces and Territories receive financial assistance for response and recovery from natural disasters |
The Government of Canada supports the emergency preparedness and response activities of provincial/territorial emergency management authorities and the 10 critical infrastructure sectors |
Effective management of cyber security emergencies within the Government of Canada and its agencies |
An integrated Government of Canada response to events/emergencies |
Emergency Management Outreach works with provinces, territories, foreign governments, the private sector, the voluntary sector and first responders to enhance the horizontal and complementary development of emergency management policy, initiatives and planning at the regional level. Emergency Management Outreach facilitates information exchange between stakeholders; the implementation of operational plans, planning, logistical, financial and administrative support; and the exchange of subject matter expert advice. It also supports communication initiatives that disseminate information to individuals to enhance their level of preparedness through public awareness campaigns, exhibits and the targeted distribution of communications products.
Results | Performance Indicators |
Canadians are informed of risks, provided information to mitigate those risks by enhancing level of personal preparedness. |
Highlights |
The Department's commitment to safer communities guides the activities of its Law Enforcement Program. Through this program, the Department provides leadership to the Canadian law enforcement community in the advancement of strategic national and international responses to crime. Policies are developed with a view to addressing evolving threats to public safety and security.
Through collaborative efforts with federal, provincial, territorial and international partners in the law enforcement community, Public Safety Canada will continue to provide advice, as well as develop and coordinate focused strategies, to achieve results in the following key Law Enforcement policy areas.
In support of the National Agenda to Combat Organized Crime, the Department works closely with Portfolio agencies and federal, provincial and territorial partners to share information, as well as develop effective policies and law enforcement tools that assist in the fight against serious and organized crime. Accordingly, the Department will continue to support the National Coordinating Committee (NCC) on Organized Crime [2] and its regional/provincial coordinating committees. The NCC convenes semi-annually, or as required, to discuss emerging issues and national policy priorities related to the problem of organized crime, and to build on existing work already undertaken in important areas.
Additionally, the Department maintains a leadership role in coordinating, monitoring, and providing policy advice on a number of key initiatives focused on serious and organized crime.
The Department will continue to lead Canada's National Strategy for the Protection of Children from Sexual Exploitation on the Internet. Launched in 2004, the Strategy is aimed at enhancing law enforcement capacity, supporting public education and reporting, and forging partnerships with industry and non-government organizations. The Strategy is being enhanced with an additional $6 million. Portions of this additional funding will be used to support efforts to address human trafficking through the work of the Interdepartmental Working Group on Trafficking in Persons, which is co-chaired by Public Safety Canada and Justice Canada.
The Department will also continue to provide policy support and coordination regarding the Enforcement Action Plan of the new Anti-Drug Strategy (NADS). NADS contributes to safer and healthier communities through coordinated efforts to prevent use, treat dependency and reduce the production and distribution of illicit drugs. [3]
Other key initiatives for which the Department provides policy leadership and support include: the Integrated Proceeds of Crime Initiative, the First Nations Organized Crime Initiative, and efforts to combat the violation of intellectual property rights. The Department will also support the implementation of enhancements to the Integrated Market Enforcement Teams Initiative.
Over the next three years, the Department will work to address a variety of key overarching policing issues. Many of these issues require national leadership by Public Safety Canada, and close collaboration and consultation with provinces and territories. A key mechanism for this role is the Federal/Provincial/Territorial Assistant Deputy Ministers' Committee on Policing Issues, which the Department directly supports.
The work of this group will be instrumental in the examination of the use of conducted energy weapons. It will also support efforts to establish interim and long-term federal/provincial/territorial cost-sharing agreements to better enable law enforcement to effectively exploit the use of DNA technology.
The Department will continue to support and consider legislative and regulatory approaches that protect public safety and meet the government's firearms control objectives. It will also provide policy support to facilitate the Parliamentary review of the DNA Identification Act.
Front-line policing capacity will remain the subject of collaborative efforts. In support of the October 2007 Speech from the Throne commitment to recruit 2,500 officers to police our streets; the Department will continue to work with provinces and territories to advance this initiative.
Security needs associated with the 2010 Olympics and Paralympics in British Columbia will be another area of focus for the Department. Additionally, the Department will re-examine the federal policy governing the reimbursement of extraordinary security costs incurred by provincial/territorial/municipal partners during certain federally-hosted major international events in Canada.
The Department will continue to provide sound policy advice to support the Minister in his responsibility and accountability for the RCMP. In particular, this will require working with the RCMP and other partners, such as provinces and territories, to respond to the recommendations and findings of the Task Force on Governance and Cultural Change in the RCMP, those of Justice O'Connor's 2006 report and other recent task force and Parliamentary Committee reports. A key element of this work will be the development and implementation of proposals to provide for a modern review and complaints body for the RCMP.
In collaboration with the RCMP, the Department is also preparing for the re-negotiation of the Police Services Agreements, which will expire on March 31, 2012. Under these agreements, the RCMP provides policing services to eight provinces (except Ontario and Quebec), three territories and some 200 municipalities. The renewal of these agreements will require extensive consultation with all stakeholders, analysis of a variety of issues and preparation of recommendations for new agreements. It is estimated that the contract renewal preparations and negotiations may take up to two years to complete, with an additional year required for ratification by all concerned governments.
In addition to the above-mentioned policing policy areas, the Law Enforcement Program will also focus on the First Nations Policing Program (FNPP). Although provinces and territories have the primary responsibility for the administration of justice, including policing, the FNPP provides enhancements to funding of dedicated police services in order to enhance the level and quality of policing in First Nations communities.
By implementing and administering the FNPP, Public Safety Canada is committed to increasing the resiliency of First Nations Communities by building and maintaining relationships, negotiating and renewing policing agreements, and monitoring and evaluating the First Nations Policing Policy. Through the FNPP, the Department negotiates partnership agreements (between the Government of Canada, Inuit and First Nations, provinces and territories) to provide First Nations and Inuit communities with access to police services that are professional, effective, culturally appropriate and accountable to the communities that they serve.
2008–09 | 2009–10 | 2010–11 |
134,487 | 132,931 | 132,951 |
2008–09 | 2009–10 | 2010–11 |
202 | 203 | 203 |
Through this activity, the Department coordinates policy and program development for law enforcement to tackle crime and make communities safer. Efforts to combat serious and organized crime focus on the development and coordination of national and international strategies and initiatives with key partners. These initiatives include the implementation of key elements of the Government's National Anti-Drug Strategy (NADS), the prevention of child sexual exploitation over the internet, and the First Nations Organized Crime initiative. The policing policy area focuses on the development of strategic independent advice on the advancement of legislative initiatives, policy development and management issues relating to the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) to support the Minister in his responsibilities and accountability for the RCMP. This includes a strategic focus on three policy areas: RCMP policing (including National Police Services, contract and federal policing), international policing (including summit security), and firearms and operational policing.
Results | Performance Indicators |
Law enforcement agencies are supported in the fight against serious and organized crime, and key overarching policing issues are addressed | Strategies (e.g., legislation, policy and technologies) developed and implemented that support law enforcement efforts against serious and organized crime, as well as address key overarching policing issues |
Minister is supported in his responsibilities and accountability for the RCMP | Provision of independent advice and appropriate policies developed and coordinated |
This activity provides funding for on-reserve policing services through contribution agreements on a cost shared basis with the provinces. The objectives of the First Nations Policing Program are to: (a) provide enhanced policing services to First Nations communities and (b) provide policing services that respect First Nations' culture and beliefs.
Results | Performance Indicators |
Enhanced accessibility to police services in First Nations communities |
Aboriginal policing matters receive enhanced collaboration from First Nations and provinces |
Highlights |
Public Safety Canada provides advice and support to the Minister's public policy leadership role for corrections and criminal justice. It develops a broad range of programs, policies, and legislative proposals governing corrections, conditional release, and related criminal justice issues. It also develops and implements innovative approaches to community justice and provides research expertise and resources to both the corrections community and the public.
These activities support the Department's strategic priority of tackling crime and making communities safer by providing evidence-based policy advice. The Corrections program activity supports research, evaluation and policy development that strengthen effective corrections and promote successful reintegration of eligible offenders into the community. The goal is to increase successful reintegration of offenders and protect society against chronic and dangerous offenders.
The Department disseminates research findings through research and technical reports about corrections and criminal justice issues, as well as issues relating to Aboriginal people and the criminal justice system. With the aim of increasing the community's capacity to work with victims, offenders and families, knowledge gained through pilot projects (implemented by community organizations, Aboriginal communities and organizations, other levels of government and Canadian universities) is disseminated by the Department. Knowledge-sharing activities enhance public education on correctional and criminal justice issues, and increase Canadians' confidence that the corrections and justice system are responsive to the needs of victims, offenders and the general public.
An important priority for Corrections for 2008-11 is to address the over-representation of Aboriginal Canadians in the criminal justice system through the development of culturally relevant healing models of justice and corrections in Aboriginal communities.
In addition, the Department will strive to improve community safety by strengthening the management of high-risk offenders, including violent offenders, sex offenders, and chronic offenders.
Key initiatives for the protection of society and the improved coordination and improved integration among federal, provincial and territorial criminal justice agencies and organizations include a focus on firm responses to high-risk violent offenders and the development of revised policies and program initiatives. The latter includes the recent implementation of the new federal grant program for enhancing the existing National Flagging System for high-risk offenders.
2008–09 | 2009–10 | 2010–11 |
9,536 | 9,653 | 9,145 |
2008–09 | 2009–10 | 2010–11 |
46 | 46 | 43 |
Corrections Policy Development provides policy leadership advice and support to the Minister related to corrections and criminal justice. It is responsible for providing advice on the strategic priorities of federal correctional agencies, on national correctional and criminal justice research, as well as a broad range of policies, legislative issues and activities.
Results | Performance Indicators |
Protection of society against high risk offenders | Effectiveness of specific measures for the management of high risk offenders |
Successful reintegration of eligible offenders in Canadian Communities through evidence-based policy advice | Success rates of conditional release as reported by the annual Departmental Corrections and Conditional Release Statistical Overview |
Accurate risk assessment instruments that respond to the needs of the evaluators | Extent of use of empirically supported risk tools in applied decision making |
Aboriginal communities assume responsibility for corrections and healing | Percentage of Aboriginal communities that have assumed responsibility for corrections and healing |
The Corrections Program funds, develops and implements projects that support comprehensive, restorative and innovative approaches to corrections and utilizes lessons learned to improve criminal justice policies. Its activities include the National Office for Victims, the National Flagging System for high-risk offenders, grants and contributions program funding, as well as the Sustaining Funding Program for National Voluntary Organizations (NVOs) that work in the area of criminal justice and whose objectives and activities both support and promote Public Safety Canada's mandate and priorities.
Results | Performance Indicators |
Communities are involved in corrections and conditional release matters | Number of community corrections projects implemented |
High-risk offenders are identified and tracked on the Canadian Police Information Centre's database | Number of offenders flagged by the National Flagging System |
Victims are aware of their rights and available resources | Level of use of victims services |
Offenders have access to community resources to help with their successful reintegration | Number of offenders utilizing services offered by National Voluntary Organizations |
Highlights |
Crime Prevention encompasses a wide range of funding activities designed to reduce the likelihood of criminal behaviour. Working in close collaboration with provinces, territories and community partners, Crime Prevention supports innovative, promising and model programs that are specific and appropriate to regions and communities. It also provides communities with knowledge and support to implement effective prevention programs at the local level.
While law enforcement, courts and corrections are important in achieving safer communities, a critical component of Public Safety Canada's priority to make communities safer is the pursuit of crime prevention measures to prevent criminal behaviour before it has a chance to take root.
The National Crime Prevention Strategy (NCPS) provides a policy framework for the implementation of crime prevention interventions in Canada. The NCPS is jointly managed with provinces and territories and is administered by Public Safety Canada's National Crime Prevention Centre (NCPC).
The NCPC provides national leadership on effective and cost-effective ways to prevent and reduce crime by addressing known risk factors in high-risk populations and places. In doing so, the NCPC concentrates on developing and providing:
To obtain optimal results, the NCPC considers that crime prevention interventions should be integrated with the activities of other programs and services, build on the knowledge of known risk and protective factors and use evidence-based practices. They should also be able to generate measurable results, and be focused on specific priorities.
For the planning period of 2008-09, efforts will be made to continue building and improving awareness and access to the knowledge base of crime prevention models, as well as developing and strengthening involvement of stakeholders in crime prevention initiatives.
For the planning period of 2008-09, funds will be targeted to crime prevention projects which reflect current priorities, including:
Projects targeting youth who are already members of gangs or at the greatest risk of joining gangs where community-based organizations and municipalities have worked together to assess needs and who have developed a coordinated, integrated response to the gang phenomenon they face;
Community-based projects that are likely to have a successful impact on substance use/abuse and related crime problems among at-risk children and youth who are using substances, former juvenile and adult offenders addicted to substances, and Aboriginal people addicted to substances and exhibiting problem behaviour; and
Promising and model crime prevention practices that focus on individuals or groups with multiple risk factors known to be related to offending—including children, youth and young adults at risk of offending and re-offending, as well as Aboriginal communities with crime-related problems.
Also, the Communities at Risk: Security Infrastructure Pilot Program will seek to improve the safety of communities at risk of hate-motivated crime by providing support to enhance security infrastructure for those not-for-profit institutions most central to any community (provincially recognized institutions, places of worship, and community centres). Working in partnership with Canadian communities, the pilot program will distribute up to $3 million in funding by the close of 2008-09 fiscal year. [4]
2008–09 | 2009–10 | 2010–11 |
39,507 | 39,401 | 39,423 |
2008–09 | 2009–10 | 2010–11 |
36 | 36 | 36 |
This activity involves the development of practice-oriented crime prevention knowledge and policy, as well as the collaboration required for the implementation of effective crime prevention interventions in communities. Knowledge acquired through research and the evaluation of effective projects informs the development of the evidence base which is essential to effectively support and implement the National Crime Prevention Strategy's strategic directions. Collaborative work with federal, provincial/territorial and municipal stakeholders, as well as with non-governmental organizations, is based on the recognition that this is a domain of shared responsibility and that local implementation of projects requires the involvement of all stakeholders. In turn, knowledge from practice and evaluation continuously informs the development and adaptation of crime prevention policies and activities.
Results | Performance Indicators |
Relevant stakeholders—both governmental and non-governmental organizations—are involved in crime prevention initiatives | Number of initiatives in which stakeholders have been engaged |
Dissemination of model crime prevention interventions | Number of evidence-based crime prevention practices disseminatedNumber of information and sessions delivered |
The knowledge base is used in calls for proposals for projects and interventions | Number of calls for proposals which integrate elements of model practices |
Targeted interventions that are evidence-based, have measurable results, and which focus on specific priorities receive funding and support from the National Crime Prevention Strategy. Current priorities include:
In addition, the Department manages a pilot project that provides funds to communities at risk of hate-motivated crime to enhance their security infrastructure.
Results | Performance Indicators |
Reduced offending by targeted groups in funded, local crime prevention projects |
Funded crime prevention projects use elements of the knowledge base of promising and model programs |
Not-for-profit educational institutions, places of worship, and community centres who receive support under the Communities at Risk Program have increased security |
Highlights |
Public Safety Canada provides federal policy leadership and coordination on a variety of border issues such as customs/immigration enforcement and cross-border law enforcement, in order to ensure that security objectives are achieved in a manner that facilitates the flow of legitimate trade and travel and reduces security-related risks. Border Management is inextricably linked to the effective management of the Canada-United-States border agenda.
Effective border management, a departmental priority, is best achieved through adequate and well-placed infrastructure; the development and use of new technologies; risk-based programs, protocols and procedures; and seamless, cooperative enforcement. These objectives will be pursued by Public Safety Canada through coordination with Portfolio agencies, as well as other government departments and the United States.
A smart border is one that pushes border activities as far away from the physical border as possible (either offshore or within Canada) and ensures that enforcement activities at our ports of entry are carried out as efficiently as possible and, to the extent possible, integrated with partners, such as the U.S. Pursuing the development of seamless and secure North America borders will contribute to strengthening the competitiveness of Canada's economy.
The Department is actively engaged, along with federal partners and U.S. counterparts, in seeking ways to further improve the strong cross-border law enforcement cooperation that already exists between our two countries. This includes the pursuit of new and seamless policing models that enhance the capacity and flexibility of law enforcement to identify, pursue and interdict transnational crime groups seeking to exploit the Canada-U.S. border.
Integrated cross-border maritime law enforcement operations are essential to the security of the Canadian border. A recent pilot project, known as Shiprider, authorized specially designated Canadian and U.S. law enforcement officers to transit back and forth across the maritime border to enforce the law on both sides of the international boundary line, while working together on the same vessel. This type of initiative helps give law enforcement agencies the appropriate tools, policies and frameworks to facilitate their day-to-day operations along and across the border and is an integral objective of the Canada-U.S. Cross-Border Crime Forum (CBCF). The Department both participates in and supports the CBCF by serving as the Canadian CBCF secretariat.
The Security and Prosperity Partnership (SPP) is a key mechanism for pursuing Canada's security and prosperity objectives. In August 2007, Canadian, U.S and Mexican leaders met in Montebello, Quebec to refocus and streamline the SPP agenda and to agree on key initiatives for the coming year. While Industry Canada is responsible for overall Government of Canada SPP coordination, Public Safety Canada is responsible for coordinating the development and delivery of the SPP security agenda. This includes supporting the implementation of the security initiatives identified at the Montebello Leaders' Summit and recommending new priorities for consideration at the next Leaders' Summit.
2008–09 | 2009–10 | 2010–11 |
2,940 | 2,867 | 2,881 |
2008–09 | 2009–10 | 2010–11 |
23 | 23 | 23 |
Public Safety Canada coordinates and develops operational policies, programs and procedures to enhance border integrity and efficiency. Through close working relationships with counterparts in foreign governments, particularly the United States, the Department develops, either cooperatively or jointly, threat and risk assessments as well as bilateral operational agreements to support cooperative cross-border law enforcement and border management, including during and after emergencies.
Results | Performance Indicators |
Enhanced cooperative cross-border law enforcement
The Department provides federal policy leadership on broad border management strategies and initiatives. This includes leading and/or coordinating the development and government-wide implementation of policies and programs to address cross-cutting current and emerging border management issues, irritants, and the overall border management agenda with the United States and Mexico.
Results | Performance Indicators |
A better managed Canada-U.S. border |
Highlights |
Effective interoperability ensures that people, processes and systems work in a collaborative fashion to share information. Within the public safety and security sector, it refers to ensuring that government agencies and organizations can share the right information at the right time to keep Canadians safe. Through its Interoperability Program, the Department is working to promote the safety and security objectives of the Government of Canada by maximizing information-sharing opportunities among federal departments and agencies and minimizing security risks.
Efforts to enhance information-sharing include supporting the collaboration of partner organizations to align their policies, programs, services and standards to facilitate both information-sharing and the development of technological tools to improve the accessibility of information and the promotion of information system compatibility. All such improvements are to be undertaken in a manner that respects the privacy of Canadians and the principle of accountability.
As the activities carried out under the Interoperability Program cut across the public safety and security sector, results achieved will support and better enable all of the Department's strategic priorities.
To better coordinate interoperability efforts, the Department will continue to actively engage public safety and security partners in an on-going dialogue to identify opportunities for improved information sharing, and to develop and implement interoperable solutions. This will include the development and promotion of the Information Sharing Framework, which is intended to provide public safety and security partners with a decision-making structure and criteria for assessing interoperability project proposals, as well as overseeing the performance of those projects that have been undertaken to improve information sharing. By strengthening the governance and accountability of interoperability endeavours within the public safety and security sector, this framework will ultimately support the objective of public safety organizations in Canada accessing and sharing reliable and timely information in key areas.
There are a number of important areas within the public safety and security environment where the Department is already leading projects to improve information sharing. These initiatives include:
In its leadership role in these and future projects, the Department will continue to provide advisory services to partner organizations on both the policy and technological aspects of project implementation.
2008–09 | 2009–10 | 2010–11 |
8,565 | 5,584 | 5,606 |
2008–09 | 2009–10 | 2010–11 |
40 | 40 | 40 |
Through the development and implementation of a framework, the Department is enhancing cooperation, collaboration and information-sharing across the federal government's public safety sector and among other levels of government. This activity strengthens the capacity of public safety organizations in Canada to access and share reliable and timely information and creates a more robust and focused environment for horizontally managing the Government of Canada's information sharing proposals in support of public safety and security objectives.
Results | Performance Indicators |
Cooperation, collaboration and information sharing across the public safety and security sector |
The Department provides technical and policy advisory services to support information sharing initiatives undertaken by other departments and Portfolio agencies, or as part of the Department's own policy and project initiatives, involving information sharing, technical and/or business process planning aspects.
Results | Performance Indicators |
Interoperable solutions are developed and implemented, including processes and technological tools that improve information sharing amongst federal departments and agencies |