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Action Plan for Official Languages,
Canadian Heritage 2006-07

1. Name of Horizontal Initiative:

Action Plan for Official Languages

2. Name of Lead Department:

The Department of Canadian Heritage

3. Start Date of the Horizontal Initiative:

April 1, 2003

4. End Date of the Horizontal Initiative:

March 31, 2008

5. Total Federal Funding Allocation:

$787.3 M (In April 2005, a 3-year allocation (2005-08) in the amount of $36.0 M was added to the original amount of $751.3, for the Enabling Fund, a program administered by the Department of Human Resources and Social Development.)

6. Description of the Horizontal Initiative (including funding agreement):

The Action Plan is a policy statement of the Government of Canada that strengthens the implementation obligations under the Official Languages Act and includes a number of initiatives aimed at the enhancement and promotion of linguistic duality in Canadian society. Ten (10) federal institutions received funds for sectoral programs and activities related to official languages (OL).

Another key component of the Action Plan is the implementation of an accountability framework and the establishment of overall coordination of government-wide processes relating to official languages.  The implementation of the Action Plan is a component of the wider Official Languages Program (OLP) as it has been defined and approved by the Committee of Deputy Ministers on Official Languages (CDMOL) in December 2004.

7. Shared Outcomes:

Three levels of results have been identified for the Official Languages Program:

Ultimate Result

Canadians enjoy the benefit of linguistic duality; live and work in communities that reflect Canadian values with respect to the use of English and French, and have access to government services in the language of their choice.

Intermediate Results 

  • Increased proportion of Canadians are aware of the benefit of linguistic duality and have access to the services that support it.
  • Enhanced capacity of Canadians, English-speaking in Quebec and French-speaking across Canada to live and work in vibrant communities in their language of choice.

Immediate Results

  • Improved access to justice in both languages.
  • Increased participation in and improved access to education and learning in support of linguistic duality.
  • Improved access to health and social services in the language of their choice.
  • Enhanced cultural activities in support of Canadian identity.
  • Strengthened community economic development and language industries.
  • Enhanced community vitality.
  • Linguistic duality is reinforced in the institutions of Canadian society and reflected abroad.
  • Federal institutions respect the Official Languages Act (OLA) and the Constitution.

8. Governance Structure:

The Minister responsible for Official Languages has specific responsibility for the implementation of the Action Plan for Official Languages. The Official Languages Branch (OLB) of Intergovernmental Affairs (IGA) became the Official Languages Secretariat (OLS) when it was transferred to the department of Canadian Heritage on February 6, 2006.  The OLS will continue to  support the Minister responsible for Official Languages and the activities related to the horizontal coordination of the Official Languages Program, including implementation of the Action Plan.  OLS will also support the overall governance of the Official Languages Program through various mechanisms and committees.

9. Federal Partners Involved in Each Program

10. Names of Programs

11. Total Allocation

12.Planned Spending
for 2006-2007

13. Actual Spending in

14. Expected Results
for 2006-2007

15. Results Achieved in

1.   Privy Council Office / Canadian Heritage

a. Accountability and Coordination Framework




Final Plan for Evaluation of the Action Plan.

Operationalize the Horizontal Results-based Management and Accountability Framework (HRMAF).


Consolidate the Secretariat's operations.


Operate chosen governance mechanisms.

The final plan for evaluation of the Action Plan was finalized.

The Official Languages Performance and Information Management System was created.  This system will facilitate collecting and analyzing performance data in the context of the evaluation of Action Plan programs and initiatives.  This is a good example of the operationalization of the HRMAF.

The Official Languages Secretariat is pursuing the consolidation of their operations by offering as well services that respond more to the needs of key departments in the implementation of the Action Plan.

The Official Languages Secretariat continues to operate governance mechanisms at its disposal.

2. Canadian Heritage

a.   Education - minority language & second language




Monitor the implementation of the agreements and four-year action plans in the provinces and territories.

Multi-year cooperation agreements in education signed with the Council of Ministers of Education, Canada (CMEC) and provinces and territories were implemented in 2006-2007.


b. Bursary Program




Continue implementing and promoting the new Destination Clic and Explore programs.

The Department of Canadian Heritage continued implementing and promoting the programs Explore and Destination Clic.  The aim of these programs is to provide bursaries in order to contribute to the learning and development of language of Canadian students. 


c. Official Languages Monitor Program




Continue implementing and promoting the new Accent and Odyssey programs.

The Department of Canadian Heritage continued implementing and promoting the programs Accent and Odyssey.  The aim of these programs is to provide educational institutions with language assistants (full-and part-time) whose role is to help teachers contribute to language learning and development among Canadian students and enable language assistants to develop proficiency in their second language or their mother tongue and gain a better appreciation of Canada's cultural diversity.


d.  Support to minority communities




Invest in sectors that are a priority for the communities, e.g., culture, communication, community leadership.

The Department of Canadian Heritage has focused on cultural activities and community radio stations. Funding has been granted to community organizations to help them deliver a range of activities promoting greater use of the respective official language in the day-to-day activities of Canadians living in official-language minority communities. Using a language is one way of preserving it.


e. Inter-governmental Cooperation




Promote the development of provincial and territorial services in the priority sectors.

Funds were allocated to the provinces and territories by Canadian Heritage as part of intergovernmental cooperation on minority-language services. This funding has helped develop and implement tangible measures to increase the level of services provided in areas under provincial jurisdiction (other than education) that are deemed priorities for minority communities.


f. Research and Administration




Administer research programs and special initiatives.

Funds were allocated for program administration and special research initiatives.  These special research initiatives are an instrumental input into policy and program guidance.

3.   Treasury Board Secretariat / Public Service Human Resources Management Agency of Canada

a.   Investing in Innovation







b.  Centre of Excellence




Continue improving accountability for official languages and service to Canadians, and progressively promote the emergence of a shared and consolidated vision of the concept of a bilingual workplace.

Carry out the information campaign to promote the emergence of a shared and consolidated vision of the concept of a bilingual workplace.

The Agency provided ongoing assistance and support to the institutions to ensure that official languages were an integral part of their activities and that the delivery of bilingual services to Canadians was improved through work carried out as part of the Action Plan and through networks such as the Network of Departmental Official Languages Champions and the regional federal councils.

The Agency is responsible for the Departmental Advisory Committee on Official Languages (DACOL) and the Crown Corporations Advisory Committee on Official Languages (CCACOL). These two committees were established to facilitate consultations with the institutions and encourage the sharing of official languages information and good practices. The Agency took important steps in implementing its new approach to accountability and reporting. The Official Languages Management Dashboard (OLMD) was made available to institutions that are part of the core public administration (CPA) on December 20, 2006.

The Agency, in partnership with eight departments, agencies and Crown corporations, initiated the development of a marketing strategy surrounding a national official languages information campaign, which will be launched in 2007-2008.

Treasury Board Secretariat / Canada School of Public Service

c.   Rebuilding  Capacity






4.   Health Canada

a.   Networking




French-speaking minority communities:

Pursue activities undertaken since 2003 and build on inroads to date.

English-speaking minority communities:

Continued implementation of the Retention and Distance Professional and Community Support initiative. The goal of this component is to increase the number of English-speaking health and social services professionals working with English-speaking populations (i.e., increase number of anglophones doing stages in institutions offering services to English-speaking clientele; increase the number of English-speaking graduates who remain in the region where they have performed their stages).

The Formative Evaluation of the Société Santé en français Networking Program for Frenchspeaking minority communities, which was completed in May 2006, presented the following observations:

Seventeen (17) networks were established and operational in all provinces and territories where Francophones are in a minority situation.

Each network comprises most if not all of the relevant health care partner groups: health care professionals, health administrators, government authorities, training centres, and communities.

Strategic plans have been developed for eight (8) networks. Such plans are under way in the other networks.

Networks have been recognized, to varying degrees according to province and territory, as key stakeholders. Three networks have received formal recognition by their respective provincial departments of health. Over half of the networks have established informal relations with the provincial/territorial governments in their jurisdictions, and with other health partners.

More than half of the networks have implemented autonomous corporate structures.

All networks have launched planning initiatives for the provision of health services in French, in collaboration with their provincial or territorial health departments and other regional health authorities.

All networks have taken steps to engage and build consensus among stakeholders through mechanisms such as conferences, training workshops, formal meetings, and consultations.

The Société Santé en français and its networks have become experienced at recruiting, selecting and supporting projects for improving access to health services in French (70 projects under the Primary Health Care Transition Fund).

The Preliminary Evaluation Report of the Health and Social Services Networking and Partnership Initiative (HSSNPI) of the Quebec Community Groups Network was released in October 2006. Organizations from 11 different regions have presented proposals and ten groups currently receive HSSNPI funding. Information was collected regarding the program's initial results on the Anglophone communities as well on the recipient organizations' capacities and partner organizations. Outputs and short-term outcomes include the creation of networking units and the development of knowledge about the Anglophone communities.

Creation of Networks:

Every funded organization developed at least one network. Indeed, program participants created an average of 2,2 networking units.

The Community Health and Social Services Network (CHSSN) also created a provincial network to link all funded communities. In each community, project coordinators were able to recruit from 5 to 150 partners. These partners included volunteers, as well as community, municipal and health and social services workers. On average, project coordinators and network partners met with other partners 26 times.

Knowledge Development:

The CHSSN project produced useful knowledge for the participants. Knowledge and best practices were shared with English-speaking community organizations and groups via a stakeholders' conference, a retreat, a virtual private network, and a newsletter. All HSSNPI participants generated knowledge concerning the health and social services needs and priorities of their respective communities and are active in community outreach by developing communication tools.

Community Participation:

Throughout the networking units created, Anglophone community members are effectively building relationships with health and social services representatives. These interactions have in many cases led to the involvement of the HSSNPI coordinators in different committees and their participation in many projects and activities.

Identification of Needs and Priorities:

Access priorities were identified and actions were initiated in the funded communities. In every funded organization there are examples demonstrating how data generation helped to clarify the population's needs and helped in the process of setting community priorities. Another important observed outcome reported by project participants was an increased understanding by public sector officials of the determinants of health and well-being for English-speaking individuals and their specific access needs and priorities.


The identification of partnerships (service models, strategies, and initiatives) should result in better coordination between the actors involved. HSSNPI is already showing promising results at that level. For all projects, emerging partnerships were observed, which may lead to improved coordination in the delivery of health and social services.

Volunteer Development and Training:

Some community organizations and health and social-services establishments now have access to English-speaking volunteers to assist in service delivery. There is evidence that certain funded groups have already recruited a noticeable number of volunteers to assist in service delivery and are developing data bases of volunteers. In addition, volunteer-training activities were established in some projects.

Information and Referral Services:

Most of the HSSNPI participants have already developed communication tools for referring Anglophone community members to existing resources or services. Several members of Anglophone communities are already using these information services, and English-speaking individuals are being directed to the appropriate public or community resources.


b.  Training and Retention




French-speaking minority communities:

Pursue activities undertaken since 2003.

English-speaking minority communities:

To execute regional and local networks evidence-based strategic plans.

To manage, monitor and evaluate the performance and progress of the Health and Social Services Networking and Partnership Initiative.

To communicate Health and Social Services Networking and Partnership Initiative evolving understanding of the health and social service needs, priorities and access challenges of the English-speaking community in Quebec.

Data collected for the Formative Evaluation of the Health Care Training and Research Project of the Consortium national de formation en santé (CNFS) reveal an increasing number of candidates undertake health studies in French.

Under this project, the primary objective set forth by the ten member institutions of the Consortium was to accept 2500 new students over a five-year period, 2003-2008. As of the project's fourth year, 2135 candidates were registered in member institutions' health programs, which exceeds by 34% the goal set by the CNFS for 2006-2007. This finding suggests that the Consortium and its partners could achieve or suprass its original objective of 2500 new students.

In its third year of operation, the ten member institutions of the CNFS project have generated 574 graduates, which constitutes a 55% advance over the project's objective for 2005-2006. At the outset of the project, it was projected that 1200 students would graduate with health diplomas over the five-year period, 2003-2008. The number of graduates encourages us to believe that the five-year target of 1200 graduates will be achieved.

Over a three-year period, four measures are being implemented under the McGill Training and Human Resources Development Project: a language training program ($4.8M), initiatives for labour market retention and distance support ($2.4M), seminars and conferences (($0.4M) and the creation of an innovation fund. McGill University is responsible for planning, Implementation and evaluation of the Project ($4.0M).

The Interim Evaluation Report of McGill University's Training and Human Resources Development Project was released to Health Canada in April 2007. The report indicates that the McGill Project resulted in some ten exploratory studies, three one-day information exchange workshops, support for participation in conferences, and the production of educational materials, tools and client selection guides. Moreover, the number of projects in receipt of funding was estimated at 40 for 2005-2006 and at 48 for 2006-2007. Some 1600 persons were to be trained in 2005-2006 and more than 2000 were to be trained in 2006-2007. However, the preliminary data collected for the Interim Evaluation reveals that only 1064 persons were trained in 2006-2007.

The Language Training Program has involved training of health professionals in each region of Quebec, a significant number of course hours, and the development of different teaching modes with varying levels of satisfaction among participants. It has been estimated that 1599 persons were trained in 2005-2006 and that the number should increase to 2077 in 2006-2007. However, a preliminary study of training reports received reveals that only 1064 persons had received training during the first three quarters of 2006-2007.


c.   Primary Health Care Transition Fund




French-speaking minority communities:

Pursue activities undertaken since 2001 and build on inroads to date.

French- and English-speaking minority communities:

Primary and Continuing Health Care Division, Health Canada will complete the summative evaluation of the Program, including the Official languages minority communities (OLMCs) envelope by March 2007.

Quebec's Community Health and Social Services Network (CHSSN), in partnership with Quebec's health and social services system, implemented 37 projects over a 15-month period (January 2005 to March 2006) to improve access to primary health care for English-speaking communities. These can be grouped in three broad categories: Info-Santé services in English ($4,000,000), Adapted Living Environments ($4,485,018), and Community Supported Living Environments ($1,514,982).

The Société Santé en français supported 71 projects over a 30-month period (April 2004 to September 2006). These can be grouped into five broad categories. Promotion, Education and Awareness ($3,600,000); Databases and Directories ($2,030,000); Primary Health Care Access Points ($2,615,000); Integrated Primary Care Service Models ($4,705,000); and Planning and Coordination ($7,050,926).

In 2006-2007, Health Canada received approval from Treasury Board for the implementation of a one-year extension of the Official Languages Envelope of the Primary Health Care Transition Fund for 2006-2007. Two new contribution agreements were entered into with Société Santé en français and the Community Health and Social Services Network. In total, 23 projects were funded for English speaking minority communities and 17 projects for French speaking minority communities.

5.   Human Resources and Social Development Canada

a.   Literacy



$ 1.2 M

Further development of and easier access to family literacy services, expertise and teaching materials for trainers and learners in Canada's OLMCs. Increased awareness about the importance of family literacy among target clients and within OLMCs.

Carried out the activities of the network of family  literacy experts (put in place through the Action Plan for the Official  Languages) in the following six areas of intervention:

Improving the organizational capacity (management, promotion, engagement, etc.) of literacy groups;

Networking and sharing of knowledge and skills among family literacy groups and their potential partners;

Researching and analyzing the effects of family literacy basics and programs;

Developing approaches and models for family literacy;

Promoting the benefits of family literacy; and

Training of literacy practitioners based on the review of the fundamentals of family literacy and related programs.


b.  Internships



$2.5 M

Expected Results for Youth Skills Link: Approximately 58 projects will be completed in 2006-2007.

Expected Results for Youth Career Focus: Approximately 3 projects will be completed in 2006-2007.

115 projects completed in 2006-2007.

12 projects completed in


c. Enabling fund




Enhanced human resources development, increased employability and community capacity building for the OLMCs in Canada.  Increased relevance of community plans and projects to actual needs and implementation at the local, provincial / territorial and sectorial levels.  Reinforced partnerships across federal institutions and with community stakeholders.

14 Contribution agreements.

The total amount for 2006-2007 is an estimate because the last monitoring visits have not been completed. The final amount should be available by September 2007.


d.  Pilot Projects for Child Care




Three year old children start the enriched intervention program; and pre-intervention data collection.

Selection and announcement of the five participating Francophone communities. Preparatory work to deliver the enriched program in the five communities. Finalization of the data collection instruments.


e. Development of NGO Capacity




Post a call for proposals to allocate available funds.

An organization was selected as a result of a Call for Applications. It will be developing, implementing and promoting a common vision for early childhood development in francophone OLMCs as well as supporting a network of parents' organizations. The contribution agreement started in January 2007 and will be completed by March 31, 2009.

In addition, a tool kit targeted to teachers for Francophone OLMCs was produced. The project's goal was to create a profile of required skills that children should have prior to entering school.

6. Industry Canada

a.   Outreach and Counselling




One additional employee to be supported in Atlantic region to assist existing counsellor. 

Development of extensive communications plan to help increase presence among OLMCs.

On-going work with respect to the development of performance indicators, in line with IC's Program Activity Architecture and related reporting requirements.

Efforts are being pursued to staff a second advisor in Atlantic Canada.  The existing advisor was assisted by IC Atlantic employees, associated with the IHAB activities, to work on the Official Languages program.

IC's network of regional counselors and coordinators has been reinforced with new communications tools through the development of an extensive communications plan and related marketing products.

The formative evaluation was completed to assess the action plan initiatives and other IC activities for s.41.  The evaluation demonstrates that IC's has made real progress since the last evaluation in 2001.

Funding was used to build awareness in the communities of IC and Regional Development Agencies (RDA) programs and initiatives. 

As planned, a brain storming session (June) as well as a workshop (February) was held to assist IC on the development of shared performance indicators for measuring IC's performance in implementing s.41.  Development of these indicators will continue in 2007-2008.


b.  Internships




We will meet the targets set out in our TB Submission


A total of 45 new interns were hired.  There were also 13 projects in process. 


c. Pilot Projects (Tele Training/Tele-learning)




Continue to develop partnerships to initiate new pilot projects commensurate with allocated funding amount.

There were 12 new pilot projects initiated.  There were also 24 projects in process. 


d. Francommunautés virtuelles




Approximately 27 projects to be undertaken in 2006-2007, with 14 directly targeting OLMCs.

There were 35 contribution agreements of which 18 were directly targeting OLMCs.  The deadline for the last intake into the FV program was
November 24, 2006. 


e. Canadian Network of Language Industries




New contribution agreement with the Language Technologies Research Centre (LTRC).

Implementation of two Association de l'industrie de la langue / Language Industry Association  (AILIA) projects (agreement management).
Two steering committee meetings.

An agreement was put in place to develop a web portal for the industry and to continue the promotion of the LTRC.

AILIA put in place the following projects:

Annual commercial fair, Annual general meeting, promotional activities focusing on vertical markets, promotion of its occupations and worked on the development of a national standard for translation services.

The steering committee met in December 2006


f. Marketing and Branding




Study on the economic impact of the language industry.

Compilation of data on industry sectors.

Make use of the $400,000 allocated to the Language Industry Program (LIP).

Carry out three market research surveys with the industry.

Creation of new partnerships with other governments, sectors.

Create a five-year plan for language-training standards and take part in AILIA work groups on translation and technology.

Continue outreach and promotional activities in cooperation with partners.

Develop and modify promotional tools, such as the industry portal.

The study was completed and will be published in the summer of 2007.

The following studies were produced:

Community interpretation in Canada

Comparative study of translation standards

Economic impact study of the industry in Canada

Study on the accessibility of electronic documents in Canada.

All funds were committed last year towards more than 50 projects.

Market studies for the Czech Republic and Germany were produced.

Partnerships were created with the Contact Centre Sector Council, the Canadian Manufacturers and Exporters association as well as some provincial departments.

The development of the plan was postponed due to the fact that the 2 main language training associations will consolidate into one new association in march 2008.

An MOU was signed between the Canadian General Standards Board, IC and AILIA to develop a national standard for translation services.

Participated in the working groups for translation, training and technologies.

Participated in different fairs to promote the industry and its occupations in cooperation with industry associations.

Actively participated in the development of the web portal, the slogan for the industry and related promotional materials.

Industry Canada / National Research Council Canada

g.  Research Centre for Language Technologies



$3.038 M

The program has produced three prototype systems, three licenses, and two patent applications. One patent application is about advanced techniques for automatic domain adaptation in statistical machine translation (SMT); the second patent application is for techniques that help resolve problems of word order change in SMT. The program is also developing applications of its SMT technology for security purposes, as part of the U.S. DARPA GALE project. Other prototype systems include a translation checker for the translation industry as well as a terminology support workbench for translators and terminologists.

The program has produced 16 peer-reviewed scientific publications.

It also produced new prototypes in the areas of statistical machine translation, terminology management, and text categorization.

Several R&D licenses were granted to university collaborators, and two new patent applications were produced.

R&D collaboration is on-going in two international projects: GALE-DARPA (U.S.A.), and SMART (European Community).

One pilot project with a Canadian private sector collaborator was completed (technology transfer under negotiation).

7.Justice Canada

a. Accountability and Coordination Framework



$340, 848

Federal institutions use tools to fulfill their obligations under the Act.

Improved legal services concerning language rights. 

Federal institutions are more familiar with their obligations under the Act.

The Department of Justice  exercises its leadership in light of the Official Languages Law Group's role under the Accountability Framework.

Drafted, translated and distributed framework legal opinions (4).

Printed and distributed the amended Official Languages Act (3000 copies).

Environmental scanning to identify and anticipate language rights issues and provide timely advice throughout the Cabinet process.

Participated in all relevant committees and networks in the official languages realm to ensure a coordinated approach, early identification of issues and litigious files and the provision of timely advice to all federal institutions.

The 2006-2007 Annual Report of the Commissioner of Official Languages notes the Department's role in monitoring official languages issues and underlines that the Department and its partners set up a work group when Part VII was amended "the moment the amendment was passed" ... "to make federal institutions aware of their duties under the amended Part VII” and worked together to create a guide for federal institutions.

Completion of a national information campaign on the amendments to Part VII of the Official Languages Act.  57 presentations to more than 1600 managers, lawyers, program and policy officers, official languages champions, Part VII coordinators, persons responsible for official languages within federal institutions and other public servants.

Joint organization with the Commisioner of Official Languages of a significant conference on Part VII of the Official Languages Act.


b. Legal Obligations

i) Contraventions




Enable the application of the language rights provided for in the Criminal Code and the Official Languages Act to legal action in Alberta and Newfoundland and Labrador, and promote the enhanced ability to provide judicial and extra-judicial services in both official languages in Prince Edward Island, Quebec, and New Brunswick.

Agreements and regulations relating to the processing of federal contraventions in Manitoba, British Columbia, Nova Scotia and the City of Mississauga do incorporate and respect the language rights included in the Criminal Code and the Official Languages Act.


b.  Legal Obligations

ii)  Bill S-41:  The Legislative Instruments Re-Enactment Act




Complete the research relating to unpublished and old legislative texts. Produce a preliminary report.

Complete the research relating to unpublished and old legislative texts. Produce a preliminary report.


c. Access to Justice




Improve capacity of the seven core-funding recipients; improve coordination between stakeholders; better understanding of issues relating to access to justice; communities have better understanding of their language rights.

Improved capacity of the seven core-funding recipients; improved coordination between stakeholders; better understanding of issues relating to access to justice; communities have better understanding of their language rights.

8.Citizenship and Immigration Canada

a.   Support to Communities




Launch five-year strategic plan and begin implementation, including minority Francophone communities (MFCs); coordination of the Steering Committee and the Implementation Committee; support for research on MFCs.

CIC-Francophone Minority Community  (FMC)  Steering Committee launched its Strategic Plan  to Foster Immigration to Francophone Minority Community (FMC) in September 2006; CIC-FMC Steering Committee mandate  renewed for 5 years; Implementation Committee created in January 2007; Formative Evaluation of initiatives to foster immigration to FMCs completed in October 2006; Research, including that undertaken by Metropolis Project, in particular supporting a Reflexion day on Francophone immigration organized in Toronto in March 2007.








16. Comments on Variances: N/A

17. Results Achieved by Non-federal Partners: N/A

18. Contact Information: Benoît Marleau

Approved by: Jérome Moisan

Date approved: July 2007



2010 Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games – Delivering on our Commitments,
Canadian Heritage 2006-07

1. Name of Horizontal Initiative:
2010 Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games – Delivering on our Commitments

2. Name of Lead Department:
Department of Canadian Heritage

3. Start Date of the Horizontal Initiative:
January 1st, 2006

4. End Date of the Horizontal Initiative:
March 31st, 2012

5. Total Federal Funding Allocation:  $497.6M (2004-05 to 2011-12)

6. Description of the Horizontal Initiative:

To monitor and report on the Government of Canada’s contribution to the 2010 Winter Games that engage Canadians from across the country, reflect Canadian values and priorities in their planning, delivery and international profile, and promote opportunities to advance public policy goals and make strategic investments that support long-term tangible economic benefits and sport, social, cultural and environmental legacies for all Canadians.

7. Shared Outcomes:

Canadian excellence and values will be promoted nationally and internationally;

Sport, economic, social and cultural legacies will be established for the benefit of all Canadians, in alignment with federal policy objectives;

Early planning and seamless, cost-effective delivery of mandated federal responsibilities, including federal essential services (security, entry of individuals, etc.) will contribute to high quality 2010 Winter Games.

8. Governance Structure

2010 Federal Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games Secretariat

Federal Framework for Coordination

9. Federal Partners
Involved in Each Program

10. Names of Programs

11. Total Allocation

12. Planned Spending for

13. Actual Spending for

14. Planned Results for

15. Results achieved in 2006-2007

1. Canadian Heritage

Federal Coordination/ Enhancing Canada's International Profile

(Includes: $330M  for G&Cs and $37.6M for O&M)

(Includes: $145.5M for G&Cs and $6M for O&M)

(Includes: $106.8M for G&Cs and $4.2M for O&M)

Number of agreements / strategies with hosting partners, provinces/territories and international entities

Horizontal Communications Strategy produced

Number of international site visits and federally supported international visits and federally supported international events related to 2010 Games (Torino, Bejing, etc)

Number of times 2010 Secretariat participates in/hosts international visits and events

The indicators for the planned results for 2006-2007 are used to measure how the 2010 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games Federal Secretariat (2010 Federal Secretariat) has met its desired outcome which is to provide leadership in coordinating the Government of Canada’s hosting Commitments, including essential services, which will contribute to the delivery of high quality games and enhance Canada’s international profile.

Examples of indicators that  demonstrate how the 2010 Federal Secretariat met its desired outcome are:

Protecting Canadians investment by monitoring progress and performing due diligence on the venue construction program. 

Heightening recognition and exposure of the federal government in Canada and abroad by completing a 2010 Horizontal Communications strategy

Ensuring effective coordination and delivery of essential and discretionary federal services through various coordinating mechanisms such as Issue Clusters and the Government Operations Steering Team.


Promoting Sustainable Benefits




Federal participation in 2010 Games Operating Trust Society Board of Directors

Number of consultations supported by federal government (formal and informal)

Issue Cluster Terms of Reference

Official Languages Framework and Official Languages Action Plan produced

Amount allocated to support for Paralympics operations

Amount allocated to Host First Nations' Secretariat

Participation in Vancouver Organizing Committee for the 2010 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games (VANOC) Working Groups.

Amount allocated for support of 2010 capital and legacy projects.

The indicators for the planned results are used to measure how the 2010 Federal Secretariat has met its desired outcome which is to promote sustainable sport, social, cultural, and economic benefits for all Canadians by engaging Canadians of diverse origins in the planning of the 2010 Winter Games and participating in various 2010 related activities.

Examples of indicators that demonstrate how the 2010 Federal Secretariat met its desired outcome are:  

Including targeted audiences in ongoing dialogue through active engagement in 2010 Partner bi-annual community update events in all Four Host First Nation communities and on-going support and monitoring provided to Four Host First Nations Society.

Ensuring the representation of Canada’s Francophonie in all its diversity in the hosting of the 2010 Winter Games by supporting VANOC with the Collaborative Protocol of Francophone communities

Enhancing the spectator experience, Canada’s reputation at home and abroad, and providing opportunities for cultural performances and messaging on social issues through negotiations with municipalities of Vancouver and Whistler in their planning of Live Sites - free public gathering spaces.

2. Security Group:

Sol. Gen. (RCMP),

Public Safety & Emergency Preparedness Canada (PSEPC),

Department of National Defence (DND),

Canadian Security Intelligence Agency (CSIS)

Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC)

Police and Security

$ 87.5M



Partners and stakeholders are engaged in development of intelligence-led strategic and operational plans

The RCMP has been tasked as the lead Federal agency responsible for the development of an Integrated Security plan for the 2010 Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games.

The Integrated Security Unit (ISU), containing members of the RCMP, Vancouver Police Department, West Vancouver Police Department, and the Canadian Armed Forces, is expanding to manage the security needs of the 2010 Winter Games. 

Physical planning is well under way.

Discussions are ongoing, and advancements are being made with our partners in relation to accreditation and various transportation issues.

3. Canadian Border Service Agency

Entry of Goods and Individuals




Operational planning and logistics planning in preparation for the 2010 Winter Games

The Canadian Border Service Agency (CBSA) will ensure that sufficient Border Service Officers are in place at all crossings (land, air, rail and marine) to effectively and efficiently deal with the increased demands of the 2010 Winter Games.  Specifically, the CBSA:

Created Intergovernmental working groups in collaboration with the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS), the RCMP, and Citizenship and Immigration Canada to contribute to the design, development, implementation and distribution of the Olympic Identity and Accreditation Card.

Participated on Olympic Federal Coordination Issue Clusters (Policing and Security, Infrastructure and Transportation, Public Heath and Safety and Federal Communications Network)

Initiated an Operational Planning Team to coordinate and plan for increased demands related to port of entry resource requirements, commercial importation operations and enhanced intelligence and enforcement activities. 

4. Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC)

Entry of Goods and Individuals




Operational planning and logistics planning. 

Input to design and creation of the International Olympic Committee card

Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) has worked in collaboration with the CSIS and the RCMP to contribute to the design, development, implementation and distribution of the Olympic Identity and Accreditation Card.

Operational and logistic planning is well underway.  CIC will continue working with OGD partners on horizontal approach for security and visa processing.

Regulatory planning underway.

5. Human Resources & Social Development Canada

Entry of Goods and Individuals




Operational planning and logistics of planning on entry of foreign workers

The entry of foreign workers is incorporated into the larger nationwide program.

6. Health Canada

Public Health and Safety


$ nil


Activities to be undertaken in 2008-09.

Health Canada is at a very preliminary stage of development of their involvement in the 2010 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games. Current strategic planning is underway.

The Program has provided significant support through interdepartmental collaborations focused on the health planning process leading up to the2010 Winter Olympics as a part of the Security Issue Cluster, and through the development of the Results-Based Management Accountability Framework (RMAF) / Risks-Based Audit Framework (RBAF) for the Games.

7. Environment Canada

Meteorological Services




Infrastructure and supporting technologies for Olympic weather services are developed

Environment Canada undertook the following activities:

Olympic Surface weather observing network 80% complete (20 out of 25 stations).   Completion Fall 2007. 

Wind Profiler installed and operational (Squamish).

Sea-to Sky Doppler weather Radar assembly underway; installation Fall 2007.






Sustainability investments and agenda advanced

Environment Canada undertook the following activities to advance the sustainability investments and agenda:

Development of a strategic framework for a national public sustainability awareness and action campaign (ongoing – expected completion September 2007)

Business case study examining opportunities for improving the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) certification level of the Hillcrest Curling Facility (completed November 2006)

Series of workshops fostering information sharing and collaboration between BC/Canadian environmental non-governmental organizations, VANOC, and EC (completed Feb/Mar 2007)

Identification of local sustainability indicators relevant to the 2010 Games context (ongoing)

Study on the feasibility of a demonstration project (from 2007 to 2010) that will establish biodiesel corridors or distribution areas in at least 3 of the 5 regions of Canada (completed March 2007)

Development of a document providing information, simple steps, tips, and resources for groups/organizations to green their operations (completed March 2007)


Environmental Assessments




Environmental Assessments (EA) Completed

The following EAs have been completed:

Whistler Creekside

Olympic and Paralympic Village (Whistler)

Athletes Centre Whistler


Olympic Village (Vancouver)

Hillcrest / Nat Bailey Stadium Park

Nordic Competition Venue

Whistler Sliding Centre

Richmond Speed Skating Oval

8. Fisheries and Oceans Canada

Environmental Assessments




Environmental assessment work completed as required.

The Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) completed 2 EAs, the Nordic Competition venue and the Whistler sliding center.  DFO also provided expert Federal Authority advice on 4 projects, namely the Whistler Downhill Venue, the Whistler Athlete's village, the Cypress Snowboarding Venue, and the Legacy trails associated with the Nordic Venue.

After completion of the EA phase, DFO has a significant on-going workload pursuant to the habitat protection provisions of the Fisheries Act through authorizations and monitoring.








16. Comments on Variances:

The difference in variance of $41M is due to the need to carry over activities that were planned for the fiscal year of 2006/07 in the upcoming years.

17. Results to be Achieved by Non-federal Partners (if applicable): 
The activities taken by non-federal partners of the 2010 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games are critical to its success. Each of these partners have provided information on the results of their activities on their respective websites. 

18. Contact Information: Tenille Hoogland

Approved by:  Susan Jessop

Date Approved:  July  2007

* Due to national security implications, the Security Group has asked for the information not to be released.