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Number of all depart-mental services
Number of services which have service standards set for each of timeliness, access, and accuracy
Number of services which have measured performance against service standards within the previous three years
Number of services which have measured client satisfaction
For services which measured client satisfaction, number of Common Measurements Tool used
See Below
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Results of Service Standards and Client Satisfaction surveys have been incorporated into the identification of key departmental service improvement initiatives (e.g. a 2005 Client Satisfaction Survey led the initiation of a project to implement Service Standards). Furthermore, plans are in place to incorporate Service Standards and Client Satisfaction Surveys horizontally across the Department (outlined below), which will provide information to guide strategic plans and future activities to enhance departmental service. In addition, results of Service Standards and Client Satisfaction Surveys are also being used by Programs to inform decision-making, enhance program management and better respond to client needs.
Performance Measurement Framework: The Department is implementing a Performance Measurement Framework for service delivery that will establish quantitative and qualitative performance metrics. The Framework will implement horizontal, department-wide indicators, metrics and a reporting dashboard for Service Channels and Service Outputs. Client Satisfaction surveys will be based on the Common Measurement Tool and will include all departmental services over a 3 year cycle. Implementation is targeted for fiscal year 2008-09.
Canadian Heritage has developed a strategy to implement service standards across all Departmental Funding Programs which will fulfill Government of Canada accountability requirements (including: Management Accountability Framework, Citizen Centred Service Component, User Fees Act, the Blue Ribbon Panel on Gs&Cs Recommendations and the forthcoming Policy on Service). A pilot project is currently underway with jointly delivered regional and headquarter programs to implement Service Standards (Acknowledgement of Application Receipt; Funding Decision; Payment) for Gs&Cs programs that will be expanded to include all other funding support programs. The pilot project encompasses 70 services and is anticipated to be publicly launched by 2008, followed by all other funding services by 2009. Service standards for the Department’s service channels (Access Standards) will be identified and published following the finalization of the Performance Measurement Framework described above.