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How Do We Make It Happen?
Step 7
This section presents activities to support the implementation of the Service
Improvement Plan. As leadership is central to successful implementation, a leadership
checklist is provided. In addition, this section also explores implementation best
practices and lessons learned from previous research undertaken in the field of service
improvement. It also presents potential service improvement tools, and resources available
to assist managers in implementing service improvements.
Service Improvement Plan Implementation
In terms of implementing the Service Improvement Plan, there are several general
support activities that you will want to consider:
- Communicate the Plan
Memos do not change organizations. Do not assume that because a memo describing the
implementation plan was issued, that everyone knows about it, remembers and will act
according to plan. Continue to communicate the plan. Too much communication is better than
insufficient communication. Remember that communication is a two-way process: management
must listen to staff as much as staff must listen to management.
- Verify Responsibilities
Confirm that responsibilities assigned during planning remain the right ones and adjust
them as needed. Build precise results into the targets set for teams or work units, and
into the performance contract of each individual. Ensure that your data systems provide
information at the individual and work group level so that you can monitor achievements
against targets.
- Ensure Supporting Changes Are Made
From legislation to organizational unit operating procedures, support is needed to
enable employees to act in a new, more client-centred manner. This includes the removal of
impediments that limit an employee's ability to do a good job. Processes, forms and
policies should be reviewed to ensure they facilitate rather than impede
client/citizen-centred service delivery. This may mean simplified forms, the use of
clearer language in forms and documents, changed hours of service, staff training, and the
regular review of procedures. Empowered staff are central to removing impediments, and
removing impediments is central to empowering staff.
- Support the Human Dimension
There is a human response to change. There will likely be resistance to change, and
there may be fear and anxiety among staff as well. This is okay and not unexpected, but
these reactions must be dealt with and staff assisted and supported during the transition.
Implementation impacts the organizational character since it involves change, and
represents another area where leadership is essential.
As well, many initiatives are likely to involve changes to the skill sets of employees.
Therefore, ensuring that employees have access to the training and tools necessary for
them to undertake their jobs is vital. After all, in many cases it is the service
experience of the client/citizen involves direct interaction with a public service
employee. Training is very important to the success of the organization in terms of client
satisfaction. For example, research of telephone call centres has shown significantly
higher levels of client satisfaction in call centres with high levels of employee training
versus centres with low training levels. Training often helps support the five key drivers
of client satisfaction (timeliness, knowledge/competence, courtesy/comfort, fair
treatment, and outcome) and often involves job-specific training and training in customer
service skills.
- Creativity and Innovation
Promoting an environment which is conducive to risk taking and innovation should
underlie the implementation of the Service Improvement Plan. Purposely seeking out new,
innovative ideas to bring into the organization should be promoted. External, innovative
ideas can be found through networking with similar organizations, keeping up to date on
the latest developments in your field through media such as journals, and other related
activities such as conferences. Conducting exercises such as participative problem
solving, or engaging external resources can also assist this.
- Have Fun
The challenge of meeting client needs should be enjoyable. If managers and employees
are consistently not having fun, implementation is not likely going well. This may require
revisiting the earlier steps to find the problem, or reviewing the improvement plan to see
how morale can be boosted. Citizen-centred service improvement is not just a process, but
part of the character of the organization that is lived everyday.
- Adjust the Service Improvement Plan
Change is messy. Mistakes are made. Planning is not perfect and does not end when
implementation starts. The two phases support each other. Re-plan. Re-train. Re-adjust.
Leadership Checklist
When it comes time to implement the plan just developed, leadership is again at the
fore. Sometimes managers are so preoccupied with their daily must-do routine that they
forget how closely their staff watches them for clues about what matters in the workplace.
This is not the time to give everyone a handshake and move on to something else.
Potential Service Improvement Tools
- Remain involved and constant in your support. Raise the service improvement profile
through daily attention and speeches; place it on key agendas and talk about it with
- Set the tone. Treat your staff with the same degree of timeliness, courtesy, competence
and fairness you expect them to use with clients. Ensure the outcomes they want are
- Communicate. Gain buy-in from staff and ensure continual feedback on the problems they
encounter with implementation and their ideas to enhance the initiative. Capitalize on the
feedback and ideas. Communicate new initiatives to clients.
- Continue to learn. Build trust. Make allowances for mistakes.
- Do the right thing. Set an example by doing what is right rather than what is easy.
- Continue the Service Improvement Team, changing their role from planning to
implementation, monitoring and adjustment. Make consultation continuous.
- Empower staff and support their decisions.
- Accept that you may not know the answer. Build enthusiasm. Create a "pull" by
staff to make service improvement changes rather than limiting it to a "push" by
- Recognize and celebrate achievement.
Lessons Learned – Signposts for Success
In devising specific service improvement solutions to meet citizen priorities, a good
place to start is to research best practices in similar organizations or business lines.
Successful service improvements are often based on good research. The organization is well
serviced by reading up on similar initiatives and by meeting with practitioners and
experts in the field. There are numerous resources to assist in this. The Canadian Centre
for Management Development's Citizen-Centred Service Network undertook a research agenda
in citizen centred service. Two products, Good Practices in Citizen-Centred Service
and Innovations and Good
Practices in Single-Window Service provide an exhaustive description of best
practices with a summary of lessons learned. Some of the lessons learned from these two
studies are outlined below:
- Ensure Leadership Is in Place for the Long-Term: Sustained leadership by senior
executives is critical for the long-term success of a service-improvement initiative.
Seeking and sustaining political support for your service improvements was also identified
in the research as another important success factor.
- Encourage Citizen-Centred Values & Culture: A shared commitment to improving
service delivery, supported by citizen-centred values is at the heart of any successful
service improvement. Starting the change process by beginning with the development of a
service culture is key.
- Focus on Continuous Improvement: Organizations should focus on continuous
improvement in service delivery, based on client and employee input and measurement.
- Firmly Fix Improvements to a results-based strategy: a results-based strategy
works effectively especially when action is focused on client priorities for service
improvement, and progress is continuously measured and communicated.
- Focus on Improving the Workplace: A results-based focus should be complemented by
a continuous improvement strategy for increasing staff satisfaction. This helps to achieve
a supportive corporate culture. This might entail using teamwork approaches, educating and
training staff with the information they need to succeed, empowering staff to make service
improvements and recognizing and rewarding good service.
- Partnerships: Considerable research has been done in the area of partnerships and
its benefits have been well documented. Sound partnerships involve shared decision-making,
and clear accountabilities.
- Consult with Clients and Key Stakeholders: Throughout the implementation process,
consultation assists in ensuring that any changes are appropriately targeted. Although
consultations can be time consuming, they assist in maintaining and improving the
range and quality of services provided. For example, if the service improvement involves
the redesign of a form, it should be focus tested to identify whether or not the
improvements actually address the original problem. If this type of consultation is not
undertaken, attempts at service improvement could result in less client satisfaction.
- Piloting: Implementing service improvement initiatives through pilots can be a
good way of obtaining buy-in, demonstrating success and finding what works best. This also
enables risks to be managed so that deficiencies can be found and corrected before
full-scale implementation takes place.
Potential Service Improvement Tools |
- Public-Private Partnerships
Service Improvement Toolbox
The Canadian Centre for Management Development's Citizen-Centred Service Network's
research: Good Practices in
Citizen-Centred Service and Innovations
and Good Practices in Single-Window Service identifies a number of potential tools
to assist managers in undertaking Service Improvements. Some of these tools involve
one-time implementation; whereas others require on-going application. Although not
exhaustive, the purpose of this brief description is to serve as a starting point:
- Service Clustering, Single Window Access, and New Organizational Forms such as
Special Operating Agencies can be an effective means of clarifying roles and
responsibilities, improving service, reducing delivery costs, reducing overlap and
duplication, and enhancing accountability. This may include looking at Alternative Service
Delivery (ASD) to see if there is an alternative method available to deliver the service.
You might also consider single window service delivery and service clustering.
- Technology, although discussed elsewhere in this guide, should be noted as
another potential service improvement tool. Technology has been a major driver for
service improvement in recent years. Electronic kiosk systems such as those at Human
Resource Development Canada and Service Ontario provide an expanding range of services to
citizens and clients. Internal technological improvements in information management have
allowed organizations to offer citizens service from any location. However, through the
research, technology was found to be a two-edged sword in service delivery – to be
effective, technological delivery must be designed in close consultation with the client.
- Process improvement techniques such as process mapping and re-engineering can
have a powerful, positive effect on service performance and client satisfaction if
implemented properly, in consultation with employees and clients. Public sector services
and programs often have legal and technical requirements that affect the service
experience. While such requirements are often necessary, the system designed to implement
them may not be the most simple and efficient possible. Examine your systems and processes
from a client/citizen perspective. See if it is possible to cut red tape, root out
unnecessary rules, change workflow and internal processes, and expand the use of plain
- Quality Management Frameworks offer another method to assist managers in
improving their service delivery. A variety of quality management systems exist depending
upon the needs of the organization. Careful consideration of the organizational needs
versus the framework used is required. Systems range from ISO which maintains demanding
compliance standards and ongoing authentication to the National Quality Institute's
Fitness Test, which is more flexible in its application.
- Benchmarking, is not only an important tool for measuring performance, but is
also useful in identifying areas of success and those needing improvement. Search out the
"best" organization in your business line. How does your organization compare?
How did this organization that is considered "best" attain their results? See
what can be learned from their experiences that can be adapted and implemented in your own
organization to improve service delivery to citizens and clients.
- Service Agreements and Service Guarantees were also noted by the research as
potentially important tools of accountability, specifically for internal government
service providers and their clients.
Additional Resources
Here are some additional resources that departments and organizations can access to
assist them with service improvement implementation:
- Service Improvement Initiative Web Site:
This site offers a complete overview of
the Service Improvement Initiative, along with related research and up-to-date
communications on events within both the National Capital Region and the regions.
- Service Improvement Team, Service & Innovation Sector, TBS: The Service
Improvement Team at the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat provides ongoing advisory
services to departments and agencies on developing and implementing Service Improvement
Plans, monitoring and reporting on client satisfaction; developing and implementing
client-centred service standards; and, undertaking service delivery improvements.
Checklist for Step 7
After the initial wave of implementation, you should have:
- Contributed to the process through your leadership, focused on listening, understanding,
building trust, continuing to learn, setting the tone.
- Effectively communicated the implementation plan to everyone and continued to
communicate it.
- Confirmed responsibilities and ensured that data is gathered.
- Continued to adjust the plan, in response to the emerging situation.
- Ensured that supporting changes, in processes and people, are made.
- Removed impediments to staff empowerment and improved service.
- Asked each of your staff what their key responsibilities and accountabilities are, and
they answered concisely without them digging out their performance contract.