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Summary of Key Objectives
The Department of Canadian Heritage's Sustainable Development
Strategy (SDS) 2007–2009 focuses on ensuring that the
environmental impacts of its decisions are understood, weighed, and
appropriately addressed. To this end, the first SDS priority is to
institute effective governance structures and management measures,
with a primary objective of strengthening the Department's
sustainable development decision making and monitoring . The SDS
underscores the Department's unique contribution in the area of
sustainable communities, particularly regarding the essential role
of culture. This is reflected in the second SDS priority: to
improve the federal knowledge base about sustainable development
and to increase planning capacity so that it takes into account the
cultural dimension of sustainable communities. Finally, the SDS
advances previous departmental sustainable development strategies
by furthering the ongoing commitment to integrate better
environmental management in program and policy areas as well as in
key operations.
Link to SDS 2007–2009
In 2007–2008, the Department strengthened its sustainable development decision making and monitoring. During 2007–2008, the Department has focused on establishing effective governance structures and management measures. Most of planned results for sustainable development (SD) are still in progress as the Department restructures its SD capacity. The Department is also refining its approach and is taking concrete steps toward integrating better environmental management in key operations, program, and policy areas.
SDS Departmental Goal: Priority 1 – To Strengthen decision-making and monitoring at the Department of Canadian Heritage in support of sustainable development. |
Federal SD goal, including GGO goals (if applicable) |
Performance measurement from current SDS | SDS departmental expected results for 2007–08 | Achieved SDS departmental results for 2007–08 |
(6) Organizational structures and processes support meaningful and significant SD objectives |
An SD Coordinator is expected to be in place by May 2007. |
A business case was developed that recommended locating of an SD function in corporate planning/policy area of the Department. An SD coordinator function has been established in the corporate planning/policy area of the Department. |
A first report on SDS 2007–09 is expected to be submitted to a committee of DGs by September 2007, with a second report presented to DGs no later than March 31, 2008. |
The establishment of the mandate and terms of reference for the SD DG Committee is in progress. A governance plan will be developed and presented to the SD Committee along with ongoing reporting on SDS. |
Progress on the priorities identified in the 2007–08 RPP will be reported in the 2007–08 DPR. | Progress on the priorities identified in the RPP is reported in the 2007–08 DPR. | |
By December 2007, managers' performance contracts are expected to include a standardized expression of expectations for managing staff that incorporates SD goals, where appropriate. |
Activities supporting SD have been used as a tool to measure how managers meet their stewardship of resource objectives as described in their performance contracts. In some branches (eServices), SD performance indicators have been integrated into their business and operations plans. |
By December 2007, it is expected that accounting procedures will be established to collect and report on contracting and procurement data with environmental considerations; a summary of the relevant activity and investments will be prepared for the end of 2007–08 (to be posted on the Department's website by April 2008). | A standard selection criteria is inserted in all RFPs allowing additional points to be allocated to bidders submitting their bids on double-sided recycled paper and confirming that all work provided under the contract will also meet these conditions. | |
In the first report to DGs (September 2007), a first assessment of baseline data is expected to be included along with a plan for collecting missing baseline information. |
The parameters for the SDS baseline data collection are being explored. Once the parameters are established, an assessment of baseline data will be undertaken, and a plan for collecting missing baseline data will be established and communicated to the SD Committee. |
An overview/update of current departmental practices that support SD goals should be circulated to staff by September 2007. |
The overview/update of current departmental practices that support SD goals is currently under development. This overview will be finalized and reported to staff once approved by the SD Committee. |
A departmental SEA Advisor is expected to be in place by May 2007. |
Owing to other departmental priorities, The Department will continue its service agreement with PWGSC for all matters related to Environmental Assessments (EA). An officer (FI-3 ) within CoE on Gs&Cs has been assigned to coordinate PCH EA initiatives with PWGSC. |
SDS Departmental
Goal: Priority 2 – To improve the federal knowledge base about SD and increase planning capacity to account for the social and cultural dimensions of sustainable communities. |
Federal SD goal, including GGO goals (if applicable) |
Performance measurement from current SDS | SDS departmental expected results for 2007–08 | Achieved SDS departmental results for 2007–08 |
(4) Communities enjoy a prosperous economy, a vibrant and equitable society, and a healthy environment for current and future generations |
At least one new study on the cultural dimension of sustainable communities is produced for the department and circulated among staff by March 31, 2008. | The parameters for a new study or background paper on the cultural dimensions of sustainable communities will be produced by September 2008. |
A research plan is designed and launched by December 2007, to enable the development of a list of indicators or data tools by 2009. |
Preparations for the research plan are underway. Currently, preparations are underway to enable the development of a list of sustainable development indicators by 2009. |
By March 31, 2008, a resource guide to be prepared for sharing with federal policy analysts. It will highlight key information and data from currently known sources, addressing the social and cultural aspects of sustainable communities. | Preparations for the resource guide are currently underway. | |
By the end of 2007–08, Canadian Heritage will have supported at least two internal and at least two external (that is, other federal departments and/or other government or non-government partners) discussions to advance understanding of the role of culture in sustainable communities. | The Department has played a key policy role in the Interdepartmental Federal Family Initiative and has developed a policy model for place-based approaches to community and cultural sustainability. | |
SDS Departmental
Goal: Priority 3 – To integrate better environmental management in departmental policies, programs and operations. |
Federal SD goal, including GGO
goals (if applicable) |
Performance measurement from current SDS | SDS departmental expected results for 2007–08 | Achieved SDS departmental results for 2007–08 |
(1) Clean and secure water for people, marine and freshwater ecosystems. |
By March 31, 2008, at least 4 departmental units to be in contact with the SEA Advisor. | Four departmental units are in regular contact with PWGSC regional EA Advisors: Cultural Space Canada, Official Language, Sports and Vancouver 2010. |
(2) Clean air for people to breathe and ecosystems to function well. |
By March 31, 2008, at least one Strategic Environmental Assessment is expected to be completed or underway for a new policy, plan or program. | There has been no SEA completed in 2007–08 because the departmental SEA advisor position was not filled. As part of the Service Agreement with PWGSC, The Department anticipates completing at least one SEA in 2008–09. |
(3) Reduce greenhouse gas emissions. |
The CCI facilities management plan will identify the type of baseline data required, and the responsibilities for developing and monitoring SDS targets. | The CCI service agreement with PWGSC for the provision of facilities management services will include the collection of baseline data for developing and monitoring SDS targets. |
SDS Departmental
Goal: Priority 3 – To integrate better environmental management in departmental policies, programs and operations. |
Federal SD goal, including GGO
goals (if applicable) |
Performance measurement from current SDS | SDS departmental expected results for 2007–08 | Achieved SDS departmental results for 2007–08 |
(5) Sustainable development and use
of natural resources. (3) Reduce greenhouse gas emissions. |
For 2007–08, an assessment is expected to be made of the current paper use within the department and targets will be identified for reducing usage. | An analysis was completed and revealed that recycled paper is used in approximately 90% of areas. A plan is underway to target the remaining 10%. |
For 2007–08, an assessment is expected to be made of the extent of meetings and training sessions that are conducted in the Department, involving participants from multiple locations and including those occasions where travel is involved. A strategy will be developed for expanding the use of technology assistance, where appropriate, and targets will be established for the following year. | All PCH space that accommodates its members
includes meeting rooms. Also established is a new Learning and Conference Centre at Les Terrasses de la Chaudière at PCH NHQ. This centre is a high-tech, multi-functional room, capable of serving 54 persons as is or when divided in two, 33 persons in one room and 21 in the other. It is fully equipped with 32 personal computers to support in-house IM/IT training. Its videoconferencing capability permits remote training and information sessions. |
At least 80% of all new building upgrades in 2007–08 over which Canadian Heritage has control to integrate environmentally-friendly and/or low emissions equipment or accessories. | 100% achieved, largely due to Green Procurement
initiatives Upgrades (such as office fit-ups requiring furniture etc.) are done according to fit-up standards which are planned to respect an integrated design approach and sustainable design principles. For example finish materials are chosen for their "green" characteristics as well as their performance, durability, recyclability, low embodied energy and low toxicity. |
By March 31, 2008, the department will increase its acquisition of ethanol-blended fuel. | In 2007–08 completed the conversion of PCH vehicles to hybrid. | |
By March 31, 2008, the department will prepare its first annual report, in consultation with PWGSC, on the GHG emissions of its building spaces (excluding CCI) and the processes for further reducing those emissions. (This report may be combined with the SDS report to be submitted to DGs by March 31, 2008) | Consultation with PWGSC was initiated for the creation of an Annual Report on the per cent reduction in GHG emissions across the department's building and accommodation inventory. Discussions remain underway. | |
SDS Departmental
Goal: Priority 3 – To integrate better environmental management in departmental policies, programs and operations. |
Federal SD goal, including GGO
goals (if applicable) |
Performance measurement from current SDS | SDS departmental expected results for 2007–08 | Achieved SDS departmental results for 2007–08 |
(6) Organizational structures and processes support meaningful and significant SD objectives |
A baseline of instances of environmentally friendly clauses or stipulations in procurement documents is expected to be established by March 2008 for future comparisons. | An environmental clause is now generated automatically in procurement documents. |
A baseline will be established for collecting data. | An entry field was inserted into SAP for Administrative Officers to record green procurement transactions. | |
The SDS report to DGs, due by March 2008, to include an account of the percentage of the procurement community trained in green procurement. | Training course for new SAP users discusses the requirement to consider environmentally friendly products when purchasing goods. | |
(1) Clean and secure water for people, marine
and freshwater ecosystems. (2) Clean air for people to breathe and ecosystems to function well. (3) Reduce greenhouse gas emissions. |
In 2007–08, at least 2 significant communications initiatives to raise awareness among PHC staff about SDS 2007–09 actions | In setting up its SD capacity, the Department is working with its environmental working group to plan communications initiatives for 2008–09). |
(4) Communities enjoy a prosperous economy, a vibrant and equitable society, and a healthy environment for current and future generations (5) Sustainable development and use of natural resources. (6) Organizational structures and processes support meaningful and significant |
In 2007–08, at least 2 communications initiatives will raise awareness among staff about commuting alternatives. | In setting up its SD capacity, the Department is coordinating communications initiatives with its volunteer group to raise awareness among staff. |
The number of Canadian Heritage employees participating in the ECOPass Program is expected to increase by at least 5%. | In setting up its SD capacity, baseline information will be collected for 2008–09 to determine the percentage increase of participation. | |
A baseline of commuting practices by PHC staff will be established by March 2008, for comparative assessments and setting future targets s. | In setting up its SD capacity, the Department is ensuring that the parameters required to establish this baseline will be set. |