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A. User Fee | Fee Type | Fee-Setting Authority | Date Last Modified | 2007–2008 | Planning Years | ||||||
Forecast Revenue ($000) | Actual Revenue ($000) | Full Cost ($000) | Performance Standard | Performance Results | Fiscal Year | Forecast Revenue ($000) | Estimated Full Cost ($000) | ||||
Fees charged for processing access requests filed under the Access to Information Act | Other products and services | Access to Information Act | 1992 | See Note 1 | 4.8 | 470 See Note 4 |
Response provided within 30 days of receipt of request. Response time may be extended pursuant to s. 9 of the Act. Notice of extension to be sent within 30 days of receipt of request. For details: | See Note 2 | 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 |
See Note 3 See Note 3 See Note 3 |
470 See Note 5 See Note 5 |
B. Date last modified: (N/A) | |||||||||||
C. Other information: (N/A) |
* Note : According to prevailing legal opinion, where the corresponding fee introduction or most recent modification occurred prior to March 31, 2004 the:
Note: This figure cannot be provided as revenue is based on actual information requests received under the Access to Information Act.
Note 2 : Taking into account external factors, 80% of requests were completed within the prescribed time frame.
Note 3 : This figure cannot be provided as revenue is based on information requests received under the Access to Information Act.
Note 4 : This figure consists of salary and O & M costs in relation to the administration of the Access to Information Act.
Note 5 : Budget information not provided in advance. Cannot provide figures for 2009–2010 and 2010–2011.
A. External Fee | Service Standard | Performance Result | Stakeholder Consultation |
Fees charged for processing access requests filed under the Access to Information Act (ATIA) | Response provided within 30 days of receipt of request. Response time may be extended pursuant to s. 9 of the ATIA. Notice of extension to be sent within 30 days of receipt of request. For details of the Act: |
80% of requests were completed within the prescribed time. Complex requests require additional time. |
This service standard is established by the ATIA and its Regulations. Consultations with stakeholders were undertaken by the Department of Justice and the Treasury Board Secretariat for amendments done in 1986 and 1992. |
B. Other Information: Website on Access to Information: Website on Access to Information Regulations: |
A. External Fee | Service Standard | Performance Result | Stakeholder Consultation |
Certification Fees. | CAVCO is committed to issuing Certificates within 10 weeks of receiving a complete application. | CAVCO met its performance standards more than 90% of the time. 616 applications were deemed complete; all certified within 10 weeks, in fact, 16% of completed applications were certified within 5 weeks. | Our most recent client survey indicates a high level of satisfaction among stakeholders. |
B. Other Information N/A. |
A. External Fee | Service Standard | Performance Results | Stakeholder Consultation |
Special publications and products Special publications and products prices are determined by comparing market prices and prices of other CCI publications, and by considering the size, content, and printing costs for the product. |
CCI responds to general questions or requests about service within 2 working days if requests are telephoned or e-mailed to Publications Sales or to Customer Service; or sent through online forms on the CCI or the "Preserving My Heritage" websites. CCI processes publications and special products orders within a week of receiving payment. Packaging materials and procedures ensure that less than 2% of its material arrives defective. |
Data unavailable until September 2009. (Note B1) | N/A |
Learning opportunities-workshops CCI offers 14 workshops costing $500 each. Clients are eligible for one regional workshop per fiscal year. Additional workshops are available at $500 each plus all expenses (transportation, accommodation, daily allowance, travel time, materials, transportation, and equipment rental). |
CCI maintains an overall client satisfaction rate of 95%, based on 11 quality parameters. (Note B2). CCI responds to general questions or requests about service within 2 working days if requests are telephoned or e-mailed to Publications Sales or to Customer Service; or sent through online forms on the CCI or the "Preserving My Heritage" websites. CCI responds to new requests within 3 weeks. Clients are notified of acceptance or rejection within 8 weeks and informed of whatever terms, conditions, and fees apply. For regional workshops, clients are notified of acceptance or rejection within 8 weeks of the December 1 application deadline. |
99% would recommend the course to someone else. Satisfaction with each workshop ranged from 99%–100%. |
Provincial museum representatives took part in a consultation organized by CCI in February, 2008, to identify clients needs and set up the programming for the 2008–2009 workshops |
Library services Photocopies, facsimiles, book and video cassette loans: no fees for Canadian clients and libraries; small fees for foreign clients: US$10 for up to 20 pages (including shipping and handling); US$.20 for each additional page; facsimiles: US$1 per page; Loans: US$10 per book (including shipping and handling). Replacement costs for loss or damage: cost of the item plus a $50 processing fee. |
CCI responds to general questions or requests about service within 2 working days if requests are telephoned or e-mailed to Publications Sales or to Customer Service; or sent through online forms on the CCI or the "Preserving My Heritage" websites. CCI processes requests for photocopies, books or facsimile transmissions within 1 week of receiving the request. |
100% of requests are processed within 1 week. | N/A |
B. Other information: B1: Preservation information management system: Under preparation: due to technical difficulties, the system will be unavailable until 2009–2010. Proteus, CCI's existing system, can only partly verify processing times and cannot give exact data on effective response times by type of service. B2: Quality parameters (client satisfaction survey): Processing of the request, acknowledgment of receipt of the initial request, explanation of fees, explanation of service provided, communications in the course of the project, speed of service, quality of service, usefulness of service, quality of documents supplied (reports), attitude of personnel (friendly, courteous, competent), overall value. B3: Client categories: CCI places clients in 18 categories to determine eligibility for various services and fees payable. |