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3.1 Departmental Links to Government of Canada Outcomes
NSERC investments contribute significantly to many of the Government of Canada's strategic outcomes. All of the NSERC-funded outcomes presented in Section 2 are linked to the Government of Canada outcome: an innovative and knowledge-based economy. Because NSERC funds research and training leading to a wide-range of economic and societal impacts in virtually every sector, many of NSERC's long-term outcomes are also directly linked to other important Government of Canada outcomes, such as strong economic growth, income security and employment for Canadians, a clean and healthy environment, healthy Canadians with access to quality health care, and safe and secure communities. It would be a significant challenge to develop performance measures and an attribution methodology for all of these outcomes. For the reason of simplicity, the "innovative and knowledge based economy" outcome is by far the most appropriate single outcome relationship for NSERC to use.
Table 1 presents 2007-08 expenditures by strategic outcome and program activity.
An agency overview of financial information for the year 2007-08 is provided below. In addition, Tables 2 to 4 present the financial information required from NSERC for the Departmental Performance Report. The agency's audited financial statements can be found in Appendix A.
Table 2 offers a comparison of the main estimates, planned spending, total authorities, and actual spending for the most recently completed fiscal year, as well as historical figures for actual spending. Planned spending is established in the Report on Plans and Priorities which was completed in March 2007. NSERC's actual spending was $112.7 million above planned levels. The variance is mainly due to a budget increase of $37 million and the creation of a new program: the Centres of Excellence for Commercialization & Research ($57.2 million).
Table 3 provides information on voted and statutory items while Table 4 presents transfer payment program financial data.