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The original version was signed by
The Honourable Tony Clement
Minister of Industry
The Industry Portfolio experienced a busy and successful 2007-2008. As Minister of Industry, I am pleased with the progress made on our mission to foster a competitive, knowledge-based economy that benefits all Canadians.
A competitive economy is one that provides jobs and opportunity to Canadians, and top-quality products and services to consumers. Our economic performance underpins the quality of life we enjoy in this country, and NSERC is making important contributions to this mission.
The Industry Portfolio is composed of Industry Canada and 10 other agencies, Crown corporations and quasi-judicial bodies. These organizations collectively advance Canada's industrial, scientific and economic development, and help ensure that we remain competitive in the global marketplace.
As a country, we must remain focused on how we can continue to provide an innovative and entrepreneurial economic environment, help our businesses capitalize on opportunities, and provide choice and quality to consumers. The global marketplace continues to evolve, changing with it the dynamics that influence Canada's performance. I am proud to say that the Industry Portfolio is playing its part:
One of my key priorities as Industry Minister continues to be our country's science and technology (S&T) strategy, Mobilizing Science and Technology to Canada's Advantage, announced by Prime Minister Harper in May 2007.
This has been a year of progress and success, and it is my pleasure to present NSERC's Departmental Performance Report for 2007-2008. I am committed to building on these successes in 2008 and beyond, and I will continue to work with officials in the Industry Portfolio to make Canada more efficient, productive and competitive.
Tony Clement
Minister of Industry
1.2 Management Representation Statement
I submit for tabling in Parliament, the 2007-2008 Departmental Performance Report for the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC).
This document has been prepared based on the reporting principles contained in the Guide for the Preparation of Part III of the 2007-2008 Estimates: Reports on Plans and Priorities and Departmental Performance Reports:
Suzanne Fortier, President
Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada
1.3 Program Activity Architecture
Figure 1 presents NSERC's Program Activity Architecture (PAA) in effect in 2007-08. Subsequent to the approval of NSERC's PAA for 2007-08, new programs were launched (see below). NSERC will use the updated PAA in future reports.
Figure 1
NSERC Program Activity Architecture
1.0 People | 2.0 Discovery | 3.0 Innovation | |
Strategic Outcomes | Highly skilled science and engineering professionals in Canada | High quality Canadian-based competitive research in the NSE | Productive use of new knowledge in the NSE in Canada |
Program Activities | 1.1 Promote Science and Engineering 1.2 Support Students and Fellows 1.3 Attract and Retain Faculty |
2.1 Fund Basic Research 2.2 Fund Research in Strategic Areas |
3.1 Fund University-Industry-Gov't Partnerships 3.2 Support Commercialization |
Sub-activities | 1.1.1 Science Promotion and Education Research 1.2.1 Undergraduate Student Research Awards 1.2.2 NSERC Postgraduate Scholarships 1.2.3 Canada Graduate Scholarships 1.2.4 Postdoctoral Fellowships 1.2.5 Industrial R&D Fellowships 1.3.1 Canada Research Chairs 1.3.2 Industrial and Other Research Chairs 1.3.3 Prizes |
2.1.1 Discovery Grants 2.1.2 Special Research Opportunity Grants 2.1.3 Perimeter Institute 2.1.4 Research Capacity Development in Small Universities 2.1.5 Research Tools and Instruments 2.1.6 Major Resources Support Grants 2.1.7 General Support 2.2.1 Strategic Project Grants 2.2.2 Collaborative Health Research Projects |
3.1.1 Collaborative Research and Development Grants 3.1.2 Research Partnership Agreements 3.1.3 Networks of Centres of Excellence 3.1.4 Strategic Networks 3.2.1 Intellectual Property Mobilization 3.2.2 Idea to Innovation Program 3.2.3 College and Community Innovation Program |
As a result of the 2007 and 2008 Federal budgets and to further the goals of the Federal government's S&T Strategy, several new programs were launched, including:
NSERC is the primary federal agency investing in research and research training in the natural sciences and engineering disciplines. It is funded directly by Parliament and reports to it through the Minister of Industry.
Our mission is to invest in people, discovery and innovation to build a strong Canadian economy and to improve the quality of life for all Canadians. NSERC advances the government's S&T priorities of building a stronger Canada, creating opportunities for young Canadians and investing in knowledge and creativity.
S&T StrategyThe new Federal Science and Technology (S&T) Strategy, Mobilizing Science and Technology to Canada's Advantage was released in May 2007. Through the S&T Strategy, the federal government has committed to maintaining Canada's G-7 leadership in public sector R&D performance. The Strategy builds on existing strengths, focusing efforts in areas where Canada can achieve global excellence, to make a real impact on the lives of Canadians and in the marketplace.
The S&T Strategy emphasizes three Canadian advantages: an entrepreneurial advantage that translates knowledge into practical applications; a knowledge advantage that generates new ideas and builds research excellence; and a people advantage that increases and retains the highly skilled individuals that Canada needs to thrive in the global economy. Together these advantages resonate with the mandate of NSERC and its strategic positioning.
NSERC's focus on people, discovery and innovation maps directly onto the strategy's emphasis of building a People Advantage, a Knowledge Advantage and an Entrepreneurial Advantage. In broad terms, virtually all of NSERC's funding relates to these advantages.
The strategy's principles have been incorporated into NSERC's planning and decision-making functions. These principles are also solidly embedded in NSERC's way of doing business, which includes: a competitive, peer reviewed evaluation system to ensure world class levels of excellence and value for money; a blend of targeted and broad-based programs to ensure that priority research topics are addressed as well as a broad spectrum of science, from discovery to applied research and commercialization; a suite of collaborative research programs that foster partnerships between industry and post-secondary institutions and that encourage commercialization; and appropriate and effective controls that are proven and recognized to ensure accountability
Figure 2 highlights the financial resources expended by NSERC and Figure 3 presents the expected outcomes by program activity. The evidence presented in Section 2 suggests that all of the 2007-08 results successfully met expectations.
Figure 2
Summary Information for NSERC
NSERC works to make Canada a country of discoverers and innovators for the benefit of all Canadians. To achieve this, we invest in people, discovery and innovation in Canadian universities and colleges. |
Financial Resources ($ millions):
2007-2008 | ||
Planned Spending | Total Authorities | Actual Spending |
899.8 | $1,015.4 | $1,012.5 |
Human Resources (Full-time Equivalent):
2007-2008 | ||
Planned | Actual | Difference |
319 | 327 | +8 |
Departmental Priorities:
Name | Type | Performance Status |
1. Develop tomorrow's discoverers and innovators | Ongoing | Successfully met |
2. Build on Canada's strength in discovery | Ongoing | Successfully met |
3. Seize emerging research opportunities | Ongoing | Successfully met |
4. Realize the benefits of university research | Ongoing | Successfully met |
Figure 3
Program Activities by Strategic Outcome
2007-08 ($ millions) | |||||
Strategic Outcome/Program Activity | Expected Results | Performance Status | Planned | Actual | Supports Priority |
Strategic Outcome #1: People Highly skilled science and engineering research professionals in Canada | |||||
1.1 Promote Science and Engineering | Student interest in research in the sciences, math and engineering is encouraged | Successfully met | $4.1 | $4.4 | 1 |
1.2 Support Students and Fellows | A supply of highly qualified Canadians with leading-edge scientific and research skills for Canadian industry, government and universities | Successfully met | $136.4 | $137.9 | 1 |
1.3 Attract and Retain Faculty | Enhanced research capacity in science and engineering | Successfully met | $167.8 | $148.0 | 1, 2 |
Strategic Outcome #2: Discovery High quality Canadian-based competitive research in the NSE | |||||
2.1 Fund Basic Research | The discovery, innovation and training capability of university researchers in the NSE is enhanced | Successfully met | $403.6 | $454.3 | 1, 2, 3 |
2.2 Fund Research in Strategic Areas | Research and training in targeted and emerging areas of national importance is accelerated | Successfully met | $57.7 | $75.4 | 1, 2, 3, 4 |
Strategic Outcome #3: Innovation Productive use of new knowledge in the NSE in Canada | |||||
3.1 Fund University-Industry-Government Partnerships | Mutually beneficial collaborations between the private sector and researchers in universities, resulting in industrial or economic benefits to Canada | Successfully met | $115.0 | $181.8 | 4 |
3.2 Support Commercialization | The transfer of knowledge and technology from Canadian universities and colleges to the user sector is facilitated | Successfully met | $15.2 | $10.7 | 4 |
TOTAL | $899.8 | $1,012.5 |
1.5 Summary of Departmental Performance
Before NSERC's departmental performance is described, it is useful to situate NSERC in Canada's and the world's systems of innovation. NSERC's support for research and training is typical of many similar agencies around the world known as "granting councils." Along with the more traditional role of education, universities worldwide have become centres of knowledge creation. In most industrialized countries, universities play a key role in the economic development of the nation. Because of the socio-economic benefits of university education and research, government funding of these institutions and their activities has become the norm.
Funding Environment
Canada's research landscape has changed substantially over the past decade. Federal investment in higher-education R&D (see Figure 4) has increased dramatically over this period. In many areas of research, Canada is truly a world-class player, as demonstrated by its increased ability to attract and retain top talent. The national science and innovation system offers Canadian researchers the tools they need to be knowledge trailblazers, seize opportunities to innovate and address global challenges such as adaptation to climate change and sustainable energy. NSERC is committed to advancing the goals of the S&T Strategy and to helping the research community make the most of the opportunities it offers them.
In 2006, member countries of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) spent $168 billion on university research. Canadian university professors and students performed 5.9% of this total. When measured as a percentage of GDP, Canada spends more on university research than all of its G7 competitors and places second among OECD countries, only slightly behind Sweden (see Figure 5).
In 2007, university research represented 36% of all Canadian research, as measured by expenditures. This percentage is much higher than the OECD average of 18% of R&D performed by universities in member countries.
NSERC is the most important funder of the direct costs of research in the natural sciences and engineering in Canadian universities. In 2007, $4.3 billion was spent on research in the natural sciences and engineering in Canadian universities. NSERC directly provided almost one-fifth of the total funding. Figure 6 gives a breakdown of the total funding by direct source.
Nearly 12,000 university professors and more than 26,000 university students and postdoctoral fellows are supported by NSERC. (For a searchable database of all NSERC grant and scholarship recipients see NSERC funds are also used to support a considerable number of university technicians and research associates. Most Canadian universities benefit from NSERC programs, as do a growing number of colleges. Canadian industries and government departments are increasingly partnering with NSERC. Figure 7 presents the details of NSERC's support to client communities and partnerships. Estimates of the share of the population of eligible individuals and organizations funded or participating, and trends over the past 10 years, are also included.
Figure 7
NSERC's Clients and Partners, 2007-08
Number Supported or Participating | Share of the Population 1 | Trends in Share of the Population Over Past 10 Years | |
Clients: | |||
University Professors | 11,755 | 75% | Small Increase |
Undergraduate Students | 9,502 | 7% | Moderate Increase |
Master’s/Doctoral Students | 14,659 | 35-40% | Moderate Increase |
Postdoctoral Fellows | 2,340 | 40-45% | Small Increase |
University Technicians, and Research Professionals | 3,504 | 30%-35% | Moderate Decrease |
Partner Organizations: | |||
Universities and Colleges | 93 | 75% | Small Increase |
Companies Performing R&D2 | 1,435 | 10% | Moderate Increase |
Federal Science Departments/Agencies2 | 26 | 80% | Small Increase |
Provincial Science Departments/Agencies2 | 23 | 25-40% | Small Increase |
Source: NSERC
As the main beneficiaries of NSERC funding, university professors and students are NSERC's key clients. University administrative offices, such as research and scholarship liaison offices, are key partners in ensuring cost-effective NSERC program delivery. Further downstream, university technology transfer offices assist in generating the socio-economic returns at the core of one of NSERC's desired strategic outcomes. In addition, several NSERC programs require the involvement of industry and/or government partners. Detailed statistics on NSERC applications and awards can be found at:
Given the multitude of partners involved, it must be emphasized that the outcomes presented in Section 2 are shared achievements. There is no easy way to isolate the impact of NSERC funding. However, because NSERC funding is the key driver in the early stages of the process and exercises quality control at that stage through peer review, it is doubtful that many of these outcomes could occur without it.
Departmental Performance
NSERC measures its performance by evaluating its programs of research and training support according to their impact, cost effectiveness and continuing relevance. When reviewing performance of research support programs, it is important to remember that these investments take longer to bear fruit than most other government investments. The impact of NSERC's investment in research and training in the NSE can be fully assessed only over the long term. Therefore, the expected results reported in NSERC's Report on Plans and Priorities 2007-08 should be considered as planned results for the future. The performance information presented in this year's DPR is a retrospective look at outcomes resulting from NSERC funding over the past decade, and in some cases even longer.
In recent years, NSERC has been successful in:
In 2007-08, NSERC also implemented numerous changes to align with the government's S&T Strategy, including:
NSERC strives to provide Canadians with economic and social benefits arising from the provision of a highly-skilled workforce and knowledge transfer of Canadian and international discoveries in the natural sciences and engineering from universities and colleges to other sectors. The pace of realization of immediate and intermediate outcomes will vary with the research projects and students funded, taking from a few years to decades. This progression is also not risk free, with some research projects and students not realizing their full potential. As well, no one indicator can be used to measure a defining accomplishment; rather a whole suite of indicators must be taken into consideration. In addition, many of the immediate and intermediate outcomes for the three strategic outcomes overlap.
2.1 Highly Skilled Science and Engineering Professionals in Canada
By supporting students and fellows at Canadian universities and abroad, providing programs to support university faculty, and promoting science and engineering to Canadian youth, NSERC will ensure a reliable supply of highly qualified personnel (HQP) for Canadian industry, government, and academia. The following three sections provide details of NSERC's performance by program activity for the strategic outcome of highly skilled science and engineering professionals in Canada.
2.1.1 Promote Science and Engineering
An overview of the "promote science and engineering" program activity is presented below:
Description | Expected Results | ||
This program activity encourages popular interest in science, mathematics and engineering and aims to develop science, mathematics and engineering abilities in Canadian youth. | Student interest in research in the sciences, math and engineering is encouraged | ||
Resources (2007-08) | Clients Supported (2007-08) | ||
Planned Spending | $4.1M | Non-profit organizations | 80 |
Actual Spending | $4.4M | Universities/Colleges | 43 |
Planned Human Resources | 2 | ||
Actual Human Resources | 2 |
Young Canadians are less inclined to select science or engineering as a discipline when they enter university (see Figure 8) as compared to many other nations. To help improve the interest of Canadian youth in science and engineering, NSERC has launched two programs. The key programs under this program activity are PromoScience ($2.9M) and the Centres for Research in Youth, Science Teaching and Learning ($1.0M), with the remaining funds spent on science promotion awards and administration.
The PromoScience program provides support to non-profit and public organizations that work with young Canadians in order to build their interest in science and engineering, motivate and encourage their participation in science and engineering activities, and train teachers who are responsible for the science and math education of young Canadians. NSERC closely monitors the progress of these grants and reviews final reports to ensure impact. A selection of early outcomes from PromoScience grants is presented in Figure 9. The program is allowing organizations to expand their offerings and to engage many more young Canadians, especially girls and aboriginal youth. A potential indicator of the long-term impact of PromoScience funding can be gauged from an exit survey of NSERC Undergraduate Student Research Award recipients (see Section 2.1.2) in which 30.1% of 13,067 respondents (who are currently enrolled in an NSE bachelor's degree program) took part in science camps or fairs either in elementary school or high school.
Figure 9
Examples of PromoScience Program Impact
Organization Supported | Impact of NSERC Funding | |
Chuntoh Education Society | The Chuntoh Education Society is a registered charity that provides children and youth with environmental and cultural educational opportunities in a focused and positive outdoor atmosphere. |
The society has expanded its suite of cultural programs:
University of Manitoba / Centre for Earth Observation Science (CEOS) | Schools on Board is an outreach program of ArcticNET hosted by CEOS. It promotes Arctic sciences in high schools across Canada. |
NSERC funding has supported the expansion of the educational and outreach potential of the program:
Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics | Einstein Plus is a highly interactive workshop for high school physics teachers on the topic of modern physics. |
The workshop has been very successful:
Tantramar Wetlands Centre | The Tantramar Wetlands Centre is a non-profit organization providing high quality science enrichment opportunities using a wetland as an outdoor classroom. |
Educational programs and participation rates have grown:
2.1.2 Support Students and Fellows
An overview of the "support students and fellows" program activity is presented below:
Description | Expected Results | ||
This program activity supports training of highly qualified personnel through scholarship and fellowship programs. | A supply of highly qualified Canadians with leading-edge scientific and research skills for Canadian industry, government and universities | ||
Resources (2007-08) | Clients Supported (2007-08) | ||
Planned Spending | $136.4M | Undergraduate Students | 4,190 |
Actual Spending | $137.9M | Master's/Doctoral Students | 4,628 |
Planned Human Resources | 54 | Postdoctoral Fellows | 683 |
Actual Human Resources | 50 |
NSERC provides direct financial support to students from the undergraduate to postdoctoral levels through key programs such as:
The remaining funds under the program activity were used for the administration of the programs above.
NSERC also funds students and fellows through support provided by an NSERC-funded professor from his or her NSERC grant. More students and fellows are funded through this "indirect" route (17,000) than through the direct scholarships or fellowship awards (9,501) presented under this program activity. General macro-level economic outcomes for university graduates in the natural sciences and engineering provide ample evidence of the positive outcomes for NSERC-funded students, both directly and indirectly supported.
NSERC conducts several surveys of its scholarship and fellowship winners and is able to assess performance against expected results. In addition, Statistics Canada collects labour market information that provides ample evidence of the successful career outcomes of NSE graduates. The following sections present data from both sources for this program activity.
Undergraduate Student Research Awards:
NSERC provides four-month positions for undergraduate students in the natural sciences and engineering through our Undergraduate Student Research Awards (USRA) program (note: NSERC-funded professors also support undergraduate students through their NSERC research grants). NSERC's current annual investment of $19 million in this program brings this experience to nearly 4,200 students every year. Providing these students with valuable experience in a university or industrial laboratory encourages them to undertake graduate studies. This is an important indicator of the impact of the program. Figure 10 provides outcome data from six surveys conducted with USRA recipients involving 13,067 respondents (63.4% response rate). Overall, the program is offering students a high quality training experience and is encouraging a significant number to pursue postgraduate studies in the NSE.
Figure 10
Performance Related to NSERC Undergraduate Student Research Awards (USRA)
Short-term Outcomes |
Longer-term Outcomes |
NSERC Postgraduate Scholarships:
NSERC provides scholarship support for Canadians to pursue master's or doctoral degrees in the natural sciences and engineering. These programs support more than 4,600 students annually at a cost of $94 million per year.
The career status of former NSERC-funded master's and doctoral students and the degree to which NSERC funding affects their ability to undertake or continue with their studies are important indicators of the impact of the scholarship support. Over the past thirteen years, NSERC has completed eleven surveys (three exit surveys - 1,680 respondents/68% response rate; and eight follow-up surveys nine years after the award - 1,850 respondents/49% response rate) of directly-funded master's and doctoral students. Some of the key findings related to the short and longer-term outcomes experienced by these students are highlighted in Figure 11. Virtually all of the training objectives of the program are being met and labour market outcomes for the students, early on in their careers, are very promising.
Figure 11
Performance Related to NSERC Postgraduate Scholarships
Short-term Outcomes |
Longer-term Outcomes |
Postdoctoral Fellowships:
After a doctoral degree, in many of the NSE fields, a significant proportion of graduates go through additional postdoctoral research training. NSERC directly funds postdoctoral fellows (PDFs) for up to two years to continue their research training. NSERC invested $15 million to support 496 Canadian PDFs in 2007-08.
The career status of former NSERC-funded postdoctoral fellows and the degree to which NSERC funding affects their ability to pursue a research career are important indicators of the impact of the postdoctoral support. Over the past eight years, NSERC has completed four surveys (573 respondents/40% response rate) of directly-funded postdoctoral fellows seven years after their award and two exit surveys (150 respondents/65% response rate) after the completion of the award. Some of the key findings from the surveys are presented in Figure 12. NSERC-funded postdoctoral fellows are actively engaged in research and experience the same positive labour market outcomes as postgraduate students.
Figure 12
Performance Related to NSERC Postdoctoral Fellowships (PDF)
Short-term Outcomes |
Longer-term Outcomes |
Industrial Research and Development Fellowships:
An important route for doctoral graduates to gain additional research experience is through NSERC's Industrial R&D Fellowships (IRDF) program. The program currently invests approximately $4 million per year to help place 150-200 Canadian Ph.D.s annually in industrial laboratories. This investment has contributed significantly to the number of doctoral graduates working in Canadian industrial labs. More than 20% of Canadian industrial researchers with a Ph.D. have been funded by NSERC through the IRDF program. To determine if the program is staying on track, NSERC routinely monitors the employment situation of former IRDF winners. Some key findings are presented in Figure 13.
Figure 13
Performance Related to NSERC Industrial R&D Fellowships (IRDF)
Short-term Outcomes |
Economic Analysis
The highlights of a recent economic analysis of NSERC's student and fellowship support conducted by Torben Drewes, a professor of economics at Trent University, are shown below.
The social benefits produced by investments in postsecondary education in NSERC-related fields of study exceed the social costs by a significant margin. The essential question asked is whether NSERC's annual expenditures on student support represent a good investment of public funds. The answer to that question depends on a critical, but unknown, piece of information: how many more students undertake postgraduate education because of that support? In the absence of that information, the analysis inflates the annual flow of pre-tax incomes (which represent the productivity profiles of individuals with different levels of education) to incorporate the external social benefits of enhanced productivity of other workers, lower crime rates, and so on. Social costs in the form of instructional expenditures are factored in. The differences between the social benefits and costs between bachelor's and master's graduates, and between master's and Ph.D. graduates represent the annual social benefit flows from investments in master's and in Ph.D. programs, respectively. These benefits are then discounted at a rate of 2.5% to determine the capitalized, or present, values. It is then possible to estimate the total social benefit produced at different assumptions about the number of students induced by NSERC funding to continue their studies.
The analysis indicate that if only 1,000 master's and 1,000 Ph.D. students were influenced in enrolling in graduate programs because of NSERC funding, NSERC scholarship programs will more than pay for themselves in net social benefits produced since NSERC funds more than 14,000 master's/doctoral students. It would seem reasonable to assume that NSERC- induced participation is at least as high as that.
Labour Market Outcomes
Since 1978, NSERC has supported the training of more than 75,000 master's and doctoral students in the NSE. These graduates are major contributors to knowledge creation and technology transfer in Canada. Surveys of NSERC-funded students early in their careers indicate extremely positive employment outcomes.
These results are not surprising given the strong demand for natural science and engineering graduates. Unemployment levels for persons seeking work in natural science or engineering occupations are considerably below national levels (see Figure 14) and annual salaries for this group are nearly 32% greater than the national average (see Figure 15).
NSERC-funded graduates are now part of a growing natural science and engineering labour force of more than 1,000,000 people (see Figure 16). As the knowledge economy continues to grow in Canada, employers will hire increasing numbers of NSE graduates, as they have in the past (see Figure 17). As also shown in Figure 17, natural science and engineering positions have been the fastest growing occupational group over the past 20 years.
2.1.3 Attract and Retain Faculty
An overview of the "attract and retain" program activity is presented below:
Description | Expected Results | ||
This program activity aims to attract and retain faculty at Canadian post-secondary institutions. It includes a number of Chairs programs that strengthen research excellence and teaching at Canadian universities by providing support for faculty in specific fields. | Enhanced research capacity in science and engineering. | ||
Resources (2007-08) | Clients Supported (2007-08) | ||
Planned Spending | $167.8M | Professors | 1,062 |
Actual Spending | $148.0M | Undergraduate Students | 279 |
Planned Human Resources | 23 | Master's/Doctoral Students | 454 |
Actual Human Resources | 21 | Postdoctoral Fellows | 239 |
Key programs under this program activity include:
The remaining funds under the program activity were used for administration of the programs above.
By far, the largest program of this program activity is the Canada Research Chairs program. The first awards were made in 2000-01 and by 2007-08 the program supported nearly 850 positions in the natural sciences and engineering in universities, and almost 1,000 in other disciplines. A fifth year evaluation of the program was recently completed (the evaluation was for all disciplines and a copy of the report can be found at:
The Canada Research Chairs program has helped to create a research environment that is conducive to the long-term retention and attraction of top researchers. A significant number of Chairholders has been attracted from outside Canada and many top Canadian scientists have stayed in the country as a result of Chair support. Figure 18 presents the distribution of Chair awards in the natural sciences and engineering since the program's inception.
Industrial Research Chairs
An evaluation of NSERC's Industrial Research Chairs (IRC) program was conducted in 2006-07. Key findings from the evaluation indicate a strong impact on Chairholders and universities in terms of enhanced research capacity and building critical mass. Partners are also benefitting immediately through more unfettered access to longer-term research and specialized expertise with opportunities to share costs and risks associated with conducting longer-term research. More detailed evaluation findings are as follows:
Figure 19
Knowledge and Technology Transfer (Partner Survey) - IRC Program
Attraction/Retention of Faculty
Other evidence of outcomes related to the attraction/retention of faculty comes from NSERC corporate data. Although NSERC does not collect the citizenship history of its applicants, a reasonable guess at citizenship can be made through the education history of applicants. Figure 20 presents the number of new applicants to NSERC's largest program, the Discovery Grants program, who received both their bachelor's and Ph.D. degrees outside the country (this program is a good proxy for an overall evaluation of the "attraction" activity since the vast majority of new professors in the natural sciences and engineering apply to the program). As the figure indicates, Canadian universities continue to attract hundreds of foreign educated personnel every year to become professors. More than 30% of the large number of first-time NSERC applicants are foreign educated. Recent investment by the government in university research has created an attractive environment to conduct research and seems to have attracted the attention of highly trained people from other countries.
NSERC also tracks the reasons grantees provide when they terminate their awards before the end date. As shown in Figure 21, only a small number of professors receiving NSERC support listed "leaving the country" as their reason for terminating their award over the past eight years. The number of NSERC-funded professors leaving the country is an extremely small percentage of the nearly 12,000 professors receiving NSERC support.
The strong federal support of the granting councils and the Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI) since 1997-98 (see Figure 4), and the increased support for research from provincial governments have dramatically improved the research environment on university campuses across the country. The success witnessed above in the attraction and retention of faculty cannot be attributed to any one program and has resulted from system-wide investments.
To recognize the important achievements of Canadian research scientists and engineers, and, in the process, to help retain faculty in Canada, NSERC awards significant research prizes to individuals and teams. The 2007-08 winner of NSERC's Gerhard Herzberg Canada Gold Medal for Science and Engineering is highlighted below.
A chemist at the University of Toronto has claimed the Gerhard Herzberg Canada Gold Medal for Science and Engineering, Canada’s most prestigious science prize. Named for Canadian Nobel laureate Gerhard Herzberg, the annual prize guarantees the winner $1 million in research funding over the next five years.
Polanyi’s natural curiosity and approach to science have led to a number of major advances in chemistry over the years. Most notably, he helped pioneer the development of a new field known as reaction dynamics. This method of study takes chemical reactions down to the molecular level in an effort to understand what happens during a reaction. His contributions to this field earned him a share of the 1986 Nobel Prize for Chemistry.
In addition to the Nobel, Polanyi has been awarded numerous scientific prizes and honorary degrees from universities around the world. He is a Companion of the Order of Canada and a Fellow of the Royal Societies of Canada, London and Edinburgh.
Polanyi’s distinguished career touches on more than just pure science. He has published numerous articles on science policy, on the control of armaments and the impact of science on society. He was the co-founder and first Chair of the Canadian Pugwash Group, part of an international movement dedicated to understanding the social impact of science and preventing its misuse.
2.2 High Quality Canadian-Based Competitive Research in the NSE
Basic research provides the foundation for all scientific and technological advances, and also trains the people who can generate new knowledge in Canada and understand new knowledge generated around the world.
An overview of the "fund basic research" program activity is presented below:
Description | Expected Results | ||
This program activity invests in discovery through grants focusing on basic research activities. Basic research provides the foundation for advances in all disciplines within the NSE, and also trains people who can generate new knowledge in Canada. | The discovery, innovation and training capability of university researchers in the NSE is enhanced. | ||
Resources (2007-08) | Clients Supported (2007-08) | ||
Planned Spending | $403.6M | Professors | 10,685 |
Actual Spending | $454.3M | Undergraduate Students | 3,800 |
Planned Human Resources | 127 | Master's/Doctoral Students | 6,678 |
Actual Human Resources | 143 | Postdoctoral Fellows | 748 |
Key programs under this program activity include:
Other programs under this program activity include funding for the Government of Canada's Program for the International Polar Year ($12.1M), Research Capacity Development in Small Universities ($2.2M), and General Support ($1.3M) and funding for the administration of all of the above programs.
Section 2.1.2 provided a broad perspective on student outcomes for undergraduate and postgraduate students in the natural sciences and engineering. For the remainder of this section, highlights of performance measures related to research funding will be presented. The outcomes presented also capture performance from most of NSERC's other grants programs. As mentioned, it is very difficult to disentangle broad performance measures by NSERC program.
International Review
In 2007-08, a special International Review of the Discovery Grants program was conducted by a prestigious committee of scientists and engineers. The committee came to the following conclusions (the full report can be found at
What follows are some indicators demonstrating the excellence and productivity of Canadian researchers.
Discovery Accelerator Supplements
In 2007-08, NSERC launched a new initiative, targeted accelerator supplements, to provide substantial and timely additional resources to a small group of outstanding researchers, the majority working in the three S&T Strategy priority areas to accelerate progress and maximize the impact of their program. Through peer review, NSERC identified 41 top researchers in the three S&T Strategy priority areas whose research efforts could be dramatically accelerated by an infusion of $40K per year over three years.
Knowledge Advantage Indicators
One of the first tangible outcomes of an investment in university R&D is a publication in a scientific or engineering journal. The worldwide culture of university research places a great deal of importance on publishing new discoveries and advances in widely-circulated journals. Investment in this very public forum gives the country's researchers access to the latest international research and the ability to build on this research. Since the vast majority of Canada's scientific and engineering publications are produced by university researchers, publications are a good indicator of the immediate outcome from NSERC research funding and can be used to benchmark our performance against the rest of the world.
In a previous comprehensive study of publications it was determined that NSERC-funded professors are by far the major contributors to Canada's science and engineering publication output. For this reason, the review of national output as follows can be correlated to NSERC-funding.
Canada is among an elite group of countries publishing a significant number of articles in science and engineering journals. Canadian researchers (all sectors) in the natural sciences and engineering (NSE) have increased their annual production of publications from roughly 20,000 per year to current averages of approximately 25,000 publications per year, as shown in Figure 22. Overall, Canada's world share of NSE papers stood at 4.4% in 2006. Canada's performance in NSE article production versus many of our major competitors has been similar, as most industrialized countries lose publication share to countries such as China, South Korea and Spain. It appears that the upswing of Canada's publications and world share of publications are the first signs of the impact of the additional investments in university research over the past several years.
World article production in the NSE has averaged roughly 600,000 articles per year, with a significant increase in 2003 as more journals were included in the dataset. The U.S. dominates publication production with nearly one-third of NSE articles in any given year. Canada ranked in 7th position in 2006 improving from its 9th place showing in 2001 to 2003. Canada's world rankings by discipline ranged from 6th spot for biology and earth and space sciences to 12th position in chemistry and physics.
Similar to common rating systems, in which a higher score indicates more viewers, listeners or readers, citations are a measure of the potential use of a researcher's work by fellow researchers. If a researcher's work is being referenced or cited more often by his/her peers, then there may be more intrinsic value to the work. Based on the number of citations received by papers over the three years following the publication year, a standardized measure called the Average Relative Citation Factor (ARC) is then calculated for each country and field and normalized to 1.0. An ARC value above 1.0 for a country and field means that, on average, the country's publications in that field are cited more often than the world average. An ARC value below 1.0 would mean that a country's publications in a field are not cited as often as the world average.
Figure 23 presents the ARC values for countries publishing more than 5,000 articles in the NSE in 2006. Canada's ARC in the NSE ranks 7th and is in a tight grouping with the G7, and only significantly behind the top four countries (Switzerland, Netherlands, U.S. and Germany).
Publishing in the top journals in a scientific field is a potential indicator of excellence and a complementary indicator to the average relative impact factor. Science and Nature are two journals in the natural sciences that are very selective, highly influential and widely read. Canadian researchers were authors on more than 6% of articles appearing in Science and Nature in 2007 while producing 4.4% of total publications.
Figure 24 highlights, for the most recent time period: 2002-2006, the ratio of a country's world share of citations in a particular subfield to the country's world share of publications in that subfield. For example, the percentage of citations to Canadian space science publications exceeded Canada's world production of space science papers by 57% in 2002-2006. Canada is only one of three countries to have a positive relative citation impact for all subfields of the NSE.
Indicators of productivity as they relate to scientific publication production can also be useful. One indicator is a measure of a country's output of NSE publications per capita population. Figure 25 presents the 2006 per capita output per one million inhabitants for those countries producing a significant number of articles (the cut-off chosen was at least 5,000 articles published in 2006). Using this criterion, Switzerland has the highest per capita output while Canada ranks in 4th position, and ahead of some significant players such as the U.K., France, Germany, United States, Japan and Italy.
The published research findings funded by NSERC are recognized as significant contributions to world science and engineering. A sample of significant research findings funded by NSERC in the areas of the environment, energy, information and communication technologies, and health are highlighted in Figure 26.
Figure 26
Sample of Important Discoveries of 2007-08 Funded by NSERC
What | Where | Who | How | |
Environment | Island nations' fisheries unsustainable | Simon Fraser University | Dr. Isabelle Côté | Dr. Côté and colleagues studied 49 island countries and found fish catches are, on average, 64% above sustainable levels. In nine of the countries, fisheries have already collapsed. |
Results of 24-year study in the Arctic | Queen's University and University of Alberta | Dr. Marianne Douglas and Dr. John Smol | Drs. Douglas and Smol have been monitoring 40 shallow ponds in the Arctic for the last 24 years. Their studies show that climate change is responsible for alarmingly low water levels. Some lakes which had been around for thousands of years have already evaporated. | |
Fish populations affected by "The Pill" | University of New Brunswick | Dr. Karen Kidd | Dr. Kidd was part of a seven-year Fisheries and Oceans study which found minnow populations in an experimental lake began to collapse after prolonged exposure to small amounts of synthetic estrogen. Male fish began producing egg proteins and early stage eggs were found in the testes of some fish. | |
Energy | Breakthrough in hydrogen storage | University of New Brunswick | Dr. Sean McGrady | Dr. McGrady's team successfully condensed hydrogen gas into a usable solid under mild conditions. At the moment, hydrogen gas is typically stored under pressure in large, metal cylinders, which are heavy and expensive to transport. Since they're under pressure, they also pose a safety hazard. |
Figure 26
Sample of Important Discoveries of 2007-08 Funded by NSERC (cont'd)
What | Where | Who | How | |
Information and Communications | Sudoku has practical mathematical applications | Queen's University | Dr. Ram Murty and Dr. Agnes Herzberg | Analyzed the game from a math perspective. Using graph theory, the researchers found the theory behind Sudoku could be used to optimize communications networks and airline schedules. |
Solar activity responsible for dropped cellphone calls | Queen's University | Dr. David Thomson | While investigating communications satellite failures in the 1990s, Dr. Thomson discovered that satellites and cell phones responded similarly to changes in solar gravity modes. He continued to study this phenomenon as it related to dropped calls. By comparing solar flare activity with records of dropped cell phone calls, he was able to show a definite correlation. His next step is figuring out how this occurs. | |
Wireless device to record radiation levels | Carleton University | Dr. Atif Shamim and Dr. Muhammad Arsalan | Invented a small, disposable wireless device to monitor the amount of radiation in a patient's body. The invention won a $6,000 prize at the Canadian Microelectronics Corporation TEXPO in 2007. | |
Health | Developed virtual scoliosis surgical software | École Polytechnique de Montréal | Dr. Carl-Éric Aubin | Dr. Aubin's pre-operative surgical simulation tool will allow surgeons to test the effects of scoliosis operations before they operate and plan which implants to use in order to obtain optimal correction. |
Better radiation treatment | University of Windsor | Dr. Chitra Rangan | Dr. Rangan uses mathematical algorithms so a computer can pinpoint a tumour in a patient's body scan and target the radiation without damaging other organs. | |
Trans fat-free shortening | University of Guelph | Dr. Alex Marangoni | Developed a trans fat-free shortening, known as CoaVel, which is now baked in eight different cookies by Tasty Selections and sold to Canadian hotels. | |
Weightlifting makes old muscles new again | McMaster University | Dr. Mark Tarnopolsky | Found resistance exercise for people 65 and older can actually reverse the effects of aging on skeletal muscles. |
Awards and prizes are another measure of excellence in the research community. NSERC collects and updates data on 191 international awards and prizes annually. Over the past 10 years. NSERC-funded professors have received more than 150 of the awards and prizes included in the analysis. One example of a prestigious prize won by an NSERC-funded researcher is shown below.
Dr. Ted Sargent, a professor of electrical and computer engineering and Canada Research Chair in Nanotechnology will receive a $10 million grant from KAUST, an international graduate-level research university set to open in September 2009.
The competition was open to all internationally recognized scientists and engineers having an outstanding record of prior accomplishments and a very high level of originality and productivity. Dr. Sargent, one of the most celebrated scientists of his generation, was the only person at a Canadian university to receive a grant.
Working at the University of Toronto, Dr. Sargent has developed nanotechnology that uses the infrared rays of the sun to provide power for virtually everything that now uses electricity. He has also brought nanotechnology to a wide audience with his popular book, The Dance of Molecules.
Knowledge dissemination occurs through virtually every NSERC program. The new knowledge created by NSERC-funded university professors is often used by researchers in Canadian industry and government laboratories. One of the first indications of this dissemination to users is through collaborative publications. Figure 27 indicates that over 800 university-government publications and, on average, 400 university-industry publications are produced annually. This trend has been fairly steady over the past decade, although the downturn in Canadian industrial R&D in recent years has had an impact on the number of university-industry collaborative papers.
In 2007, NSERC conducted a survey of NSERC-funded professors (2,590 respondents/45% response rate) to gauge their activities in terms of knowledge dissemination to users (industry and government) and knowledge transfer/commercialization. Figure 28 highlights the percentage of the survey respondents who carried out research with industry or government partners in the last five years, or involved users in helping set the direction of their research programs. A large percentage of the respondents participated in this type of collaborative R&D, ensuring quick knowledge dissemination to users.
Also from the survey, Figure 29 presents the frequency with which NSERC-funded professors took user needs into consideration when planning their research projects, and the frequency with which NSERC-funded professors performed services for private firms related to their research. To some degree, the majority of professors took into account the needs of users in planning their projects. It must be noted that not all research, especially basic research, has clearly-defined users or applications. Although the majority of respondents engage in a variety of knowledge-dissemination efforts, a minority do not. Improving knowledge dissemination to potential users will be an important goal for NSERC and future surveys will monitor the situation. From the previous knowledge transfer survey (conducted in 2000), respondents mentioned many impediments to knowledge transfer to users. Nearly half of the respondents mentioned lack of expertise of users, lack of firms in the region, lack of academic rewards for dissemination and the pressure to publish as various obstacles to knowledge dissemination.
Dissemination Activity by NSERC-funded Professors | Never or rarely (%) | Sometimes (%) | Often or very often (%) |
Dedicated time for disseminating research results | 14.5 | 23.8 | 61.7 |
Identified what part of their research results they want to disseminate to user | 27.0 | 25.2 | 47.8 |
Identified individuals or organizations that could benefit by applying the research results | 29.4 | 31.1 | 39.6 |
Dedicated financial resources for disseminating research results | 35.0 | 26.5 | 38.5 |
Dissemination Activity to Private Firms by NSERC-funded Professors | Never or rarely (%) | Sometimes (%) | Often or very often (%) |
Sent my research results directly | 49.4 | 29.8 | 20.9 |
Sent technical reports | 50.8 | 28.4 | 20.8 |
Gave presentations in a technical seminar organized by the firm | 53.0 | 27.9 | 19.0 |
Presented my research results to private firms who could make direct use of them | 55.0 | 27.2 | 17.8 |
Source: NSERC Researcher Survey 2007
Recent Evaluations
An evaluation of NSERC's Research Tools and Instruments (RTI), and Major Facilities Access Grants (currently called the Major Resources Support (MRS) program) programs was conducted in 2006-07. Some of the major findings from the evaluation are presented below:
2.2.2 Fund Research In Strategic Areas
An overview of the "fund research in strategic areas" program activity is presented below:
Description | Expected Results |
This program activity funds project research of national importance and in emerging areas that are of potential significance to Canada. By creating linkages between university, industry and government, and addressing areas of strategic importance to Canada, this funding ensures Canadians reap the benefits of their investments in research. | Research and training in targeted and emerging areas of national importance is accelerated. |
Resources (2007-08) | Clients Supported (2007-08) | ||
Planned Spending | $57.7M | Professors | 1,446 |
Actual Spending | $75.4M | Undergraduate Students | 434 |
Planned Human Resources | 28 | Master's/Doctoral Students | 1,091 |
Actual Human Resources | 33 | Postdoctoral Fellows | 263 |
The key program under this program activity is:
Other programs under this program activity include funding for the Collaborative Health Research Projects ($3.3M), Innovation Platforms ($1.1M) and funding for the administration of all of the above programs.
In 2007-08, a total of $25.9M was leveraged from partners on Strategic Project grants versus NSERC's funding of $67M. Given the pre-competitive nature of the Strategic Project grants, the resulting leverage ratio of 39% shows good partner participation.
In 2004, a five-year follow-up of NSERC's Strategic Project grants was undertaken. Interviews were conducted with a total of 229 Strategic Project grant recipients (66% response rate) and 127 partners (67% response rate) from either industry or government. The margins of error for the two samples are +5 percentage points for the university researcher sample and +8 percentage points for the industry sample, with a 95% confidence interval. Some of the highlights from the survey are presented below:
Overall, the Strategic Projects program is achieving its main objectives and is resulting in significant HQP production and knowledge transfer to the user community.
The NSERC Strategic Partnerships Programs are designed to focus on priorities (NSERC Strategic Target Areas) and so provide an excellent framework to implement the S&T Strategy. In 2007-08, NSERC's commitment to the S&T Strategy through the Strategic Partnerships program included:
Title: New generation intelligent user interface for effective and ubiquitous and pervasive communication.
Applicant: Zhang, Wenjun (Chris) (Mechanical Engineering, U. of Saskatchewan)
Co-applicants: Schneider, Barry B (Psychology, Ottawa); Gutwin, Carl (Computer Science, Saskatchewan); Shi, Yang (Mechanical Engineering, Saskatchewan).
Supporting Organization(s): Immersion Canada; MPB Technologies Inc.
The goal of this project is to develop a new generation of intelligent interface for human-computer and human-machine communications. While the main tasks of the project are to be accomplished by computer scientists and mechanical engineers, a thorough understanding of human behaviour is needed to provide the computer/machine with the appropriate tools to understand the human. The
addition of a psychologist to the research team will allow them to correctly address the human behaviour issue, and to provide students with very valuable inter-disciplinary training.
2.3 Productive Use of New Knowledge in the NSE
Wealth is created when Canadians add value in producing goods and services that are sold in world markets and knowledge is the modern basis for adding value. NSERC aims to maximize the value of public investments in research for the benefit of all Canadians by promoting research-based innovation, university-industry partnerships, technology transfer activities and the training of people with the required scientific and business skill sets to create wealth from new discoveries in the NSE.
2.3.1 Fund University-Industry-Government Partnerships
An overview of the "fund university-industry-government partnerships" program activity is presented below:
Description | Expected Results |
This activity supports NSERC's priority of realizing the benefits of public investments in research by creating productive collaborations between university researchers and the industrial receptors who are able to create value from new discoveries. | Mutually beneficial collaborations between the private sector and researchers in universities, resulting in industrial or economic benefits to Canada. |
Resources (2007-08) | Clients Supported (2007-08) | ||
Planned Spending | $115.0M | Professors | 2,538 |
Actual Spending | $181.8M | Undergraduate Students | 753 |
Planned Human Resources | 79 | Master's/Doctoral Students | 1,764 |
Actual Human Resources | 66 | Postdoctoral Fellows | 392 |
The key programs under this program activity are:
A new program launched late in the fiscal year, Centres of Excellence for Commercialization & Research ($57.2M) and funding for the administration of the above programs rounds out the spending under this program activity.
Specific program outcomes as well as general performance measures related to knowledge and technology transfer will be presented. The general outcomes presented in this section also result from investments made in most of NSERC's other grants programs. As mentioned, it is very difficult to disentangle broad performance measures by NSERC program. Most of the expected results are part of the technology transfer process. This process can be described as the movement of ideas, tools and people from university professors and students supported by NSERC to the private and public sector. This movement leads to socio-economic benefits for Canadians as a result of NSERC research support.
The Collaborative Research and Development (CRD) program is intended to give companies operating from a Canadian base access to the special knowledge, expertise and educational resources at Canadian postsecondary institutions and to offer opportunities for mutually beneficial collaborations that result in industrial or economic benefits to Canada. Bringing university professors and Canadian firms together is one of the first methods of stimulating technology transfer. These industrial partners also contribute financially to these university research projects. Because of the socio-economic impacts of university research, NSERC views any additional investment in university research as having a positive impact on the Canadian economy. A comparison of NSERC funding to industry contributions for the CRD program is presented in Figure 31. Over the past decade, industrial contributions to the CRD program have outpaced NSERC's investment by over 50%, demonstrating the value Canadian industries place on university R&D and the training of students.
NSERC tracks the outcomes of its Collaborative Research and Development (CRD) program by following-up with researchers and partners. Results from the latest review of reports (276 CRD reports that were submitted in the fiscal years 2004/2005 and 2005/2006) conducted in 2007 are described below:
Recent Evaluation
In 2007, the third evaluation in the past ten years of the Networks of Centres of Excellence program was conducted. The evaluation report is available at Some of the key evaluation findings are presented below:
What follows is a more general presentation of important performance measures related to the productive use of new knowledge. Many NSERC programs have contributed to the successes illustrated below.
Invention disclosures, patents and licences obtained
Statistics Canada conducts a survey of intellectual property (IP) commercialization in the university sector every one to two years. The key results from the first five surveys are highlighted in Figure 32. The survey data are confidential and it is therefore impossible to link the outcomes in the figure below to NSERC funding. However, from NSERC's analysis of patents and publications, it is highly likely that the majority would be attributable to NSERC funding. The sizeable increases seen over the six-year period for most of the commercialization activities presented is a positive result. Other commercialization trends are presented below.
Figure 32
Survey of University Intellectual Property Commercialization
Commercialization Activity | 1999 | 2001 | 2003 | 2004 | 2005 |
Inventions disclosed | 829 | 1,105 | 1,133 | 1,432 | 1,475 |
Inventions protected | 509 | 682 | 597 | 629 | 744 |
New patent applications | 616 | 932 | 1,252 | 1,264 | 1,427 |
Patents issued | 325 | 381 | 347 | 397 | 374 |
Total patents held | 1,826 | 2,133 | 3,047 | 3,827 | 3,953 |
New licences | 218 | 320 | 422 | 494 | 577 |
Total active licences | 1,109 | 1,338 | 1,756 | 2,022 | 2,216 |
Royalties from licensing ($M) | $18.9 | $52.5 | $55.5 | $51.2 | $55.1 |
Total spin-off companies | 454 | 680 | 876 | 968 | 1,028 |
Source: Statistics Canada |
As shown in Figure 32, Canadian universities are seeking patent protection at an increasing rate. Another measure of this activity is the number of U.S. patents being issued to Canadian universities. As shown in Figure 33, university patent production has averaged more than 100 patents per year for the past decade. An analysis of the 1,403 patents issued to Canadian universities over the past 10 years has found that 956, or 68%, of the patents listed an NSERC-funded professor as one of the inventors. In addition, start-up companies linked to NSERC have been issued 850 U.S. patents over the past decade. As shown in Figure 34, all NSERC-related patents combined account for 5% to 8% of the institutional U.S. patents assigned to Canadian organizations every year.
From NSERC's 2007 researcher's survey, patenting activity by the 2,590 respondents was considerable. Over the past five years, 360 Canadian patents and 723 U.S. patents were issued to NSERC-funded professors. This suggests that patent activity is more prevalent than can be seen from just an analysis of patents assigned to universities (i.e., many patents are held/owned by the professor instead of the university).
Another way university research is transferred to industry is through a licence, giving the industrial buyer the right to commercialize the research. Commercial use of the licensed technology results in royalty income to the university and typically the researcher. The amount of licensing royalty revenues is another measure of the value of university research. Figure 35 presents licensing revenues for Canadian universities. Most of these revenues can be at least partially attributed to funding from NSERC and CIHR. The trend in revenue growth has generally been positive over the decade. Examples of licences based on NSERC-funded research are presented in Figure 36.
Figure 36
NSERC-Funded Innovations That Were Licensed
What | Where | Who | Licensed to |
A microrobotic technology for automated microinjection of zebrafish embryos. High-speed injection of zebrafish embryos is important for screening genes in genetics and drug molecules in drug discovery. | University of Toronto | Dr. Yu Sun | Marksman Celliject Inc. (Toronto, ON) |
Dr. Finlay's research led to the development of Econiche, the world's first vaccine designed to reduce the shedding of E. coli O157:H7 by cattle. Most strains of E. coli are harmless but some, like O157:H7, can cause severe illness and even be fatal when ingested by humans. Vaccination of cattle with Econiche may help reduce the risk of food and water contamination by E. coli O157:H7. | University of British Columbia | Dr. Brett Finlay | Bioniche Life Sciences Inc. (Belleville, ON) The Canadian Food Inspection Agency licensed the vaccine for unrestricted use by Canadian cattle producers and their veterinarians. |
Along with Dr. Malcolm Wilson, Dr. Tontiwachwithikul developed post-combustion, amine-scrubbing technology which uses an amine-based solvent to capture CO2 from flue gas after combustion. | University of Regina | Dr. Paitoon Tontiwachwithikul | HTC Purenergy (Regina, SK) |
Along with graduate student Paul Kraeutner, Dr. Bird developed SARA-CAATI (Small Aperture Range Angle - Computed Angle-of-Arrival Transient Imaging.) Used on surface vessels, remotely operated vehicles or autonomous underwater vehicles, the SARA-CAATI system emits pulses, receives their echoes, processes the data and produces high resolution, 3-dimensional colour images of the seafloor. | Simon Fraser University | Dr. John Bird | Marport Canada Inc. (St. John's, NL) |
Developed Organic Chemistry FlashwareTM, a multimedia tool intended to help students conceptualise chemical reactions at the molecular level. | University of New Brunswick | Dr. Ghislain Deslongchamps | Thomson Nelson (Scarborough, ON) |
Start-up companies established
Every two years, NSERC engages in a detailed study to uncover firms that were created based on university research. The start-up companies uncovered have all been founded on results of research funded partially by NSERC. The 154 start-up companies featured (see Figure 37 on the next page) are currently in the business of producing goods and services for Canadian and international markets. Combined, these companies employ nearly 19,000 Canadians and generate more than $3.9 billion in annual sales/revenue. Creating innovative goods and services using the latest technologies, these firms make an important contribution to Canada's economy. In addition to the 154 firms, there are 77 early stage spin-offs with the potential for future growth.
Active NSERC spin-off companies: 154
Early-stage NSERC spin-offs: 77
Acquired NSERC spin-offs: 32
TOTAL: 263
Employees (active companies): 18,922
Annual Revenues: $3.9 Billion
As of July 2008, 29 of the 154 start-up companies examined are/were publicly-traded firms. Although the gyrations of the markets have been significant in recent years, the market capitalization of these 29 publicly-traded firms on July 11, 2008 was an impressive $11.9 billion (see Figure 38). In addition to the direct economic benefits of contributing to Canadian GDP and employment, longer-term potential benefits of these start-up companies also exist. One already mentioned is the nearly 850 U.S. patents issued to the start-up companies over the past 10 years. Another secondary benefit has been the growth of major R&D firms in the country. In 2007, five of the top 100 Canadian R&D companies (as ranked by Research Infosource, 2007) were NSERC-related start-up companies with a combined R&D expenditure of $243M (see Figure 39). These results are important as Canada strives to increase R&D spending by Canadian firms.
Economic Analysis
The highlights of a recent economic analysis of NSERC-funded start-up firms conducted by Torben Drewes, a professor of economics at Trent University, are shown below.
Determining the exact return on investment (ROI) for NSERC investments in technology start-ups is a challenging problem. Structural models are required to capture the impacts of technology transfer, enterprise survivor rates, and productivity effects of R & D activities within the start-ups. The ROI estimates produced should only be taken as broad indicators.
Nevertheless, these estimates should produce a reasonable level of confidence that NSERC's investments in new technology-based enterprises have resulted in very significant returns in the form of new economic activity. All assumptions have been made to result in a conservative bias. Assuming the combined output of the 154 enterprises used in the estimates remain stable or alternately increase by 10% per year and the degree of incrementality assigned to NSERC is only 10 percent, results in ROI figures of 2.6% or 12.9%. These ROI numbers are calculated against the total of NSERC expenditures over the past 30 years.
The conclusion must be that the sizeable investment of taxpayer funds used to convert knowledge into economic value through the development of start-ups is producing considerable value for Canadians.
Figure 37: Companies Linked to NSERC-Funded Research, 1954 to 2007
(Number of employees in Canada in 2007)
Figure 38
Market Capitalization of Start-up Companies
Figure 39
R&D Spending of Top Start-Up Companies Linked to NSERC
NSERC Funded Start-Up Company | Rank | R&D Expenditure (millions of dollars) |
Open Text Corporation | 37 | $67.1 |
QLT Inc. | 38 | $64.0 |
MacDonald Dettwiler & Associates | 54 | $44.5 |
DALSA Corporation | 58 | $41.9 |
Westport Innovations | 74 | $25.6 |
Source: Research Infosource, Canada's Top 100 Corporate R&D Spenders List 2007 |
New and improved products and processes introduced to market
NSERC-funded researchers have created or developed many new products and processes, the value of which is difficult to estimate. Respondents to NSERC's 2007 researcher survey, previously mentioned, indicated significant involvement in the development of new goods or services (see Figure 40). Also as part of a past evaluation of NSERC's largest program, the Discovery Grants program, over 20% of the 3,032 respondents who held a grant indicated a major contribution to the development of new or improved products or processes. By way of example, Figures 41 to 44 list a sample of some of the new products or processes developed by NSERC-funded professors in the information technology, energy, environment, and health sectors, respectively.
Figure 41
Information Technology Innovations Funded by NSERC
What | Where | Who | Why |
Prototype for new magnet | University of Victoria | Dr. Robin Hicks | Developed a prototype for magnetic materials that could be used to make extremely thin magnetic computer memory and ultralight spacecraft parts. |
Developed music composition software | University of Western Ontario | Dr. Mike Katchabaw | Dr. Katchabaw's team developed the Algorithmic Music Evolution engine, AMEE. The program allows users to import their own musical creations and even control the emotional content of the music. The researchers will further develop AMEE and present it to companies needing music for everything from cell phones to computer games. |
Eyebox2TM | Queen's University | Dr. Roel Vertegaal | Eyebox monitors eye movements in real time from up to 10 metres away so advertisers can track how many people look at their billboards and screens. |
Wireless biosensors | Simon Fraser University | Dr. Bozena Kaminska | Dr. Kaminska developed disposable, wearable, wireless biosensors to be used as diagnostic and monitoring tools. The biosensors incorporate mixed-technology electronics developed in Kaminska's CiBER lab. CiBER is working with Nokia to develop a system for transmitting the data to cell phones that would send warning and emergency messages to care providers. |
Developed software to catch cheaters | McMaster University | Dr. George Wesolowsky | Dr. Wesolowsky developed a software program designed to disclose who has cheated on a test. The program, called Scheck, uses statistical methods to detect cheating on multiple choice tests by looking at the patterns of people's answers. |
Invented a device that generates power while you walk | Simon Fraser University | Dr. Max Donelan | Donelan's team created a device that generates enough power to run 10 cell phones or a couple of small computers - while you walk. |
First execution of a quantum calculation | University of Toronto | Dr. Daniel James | Dr. James was part of the international team that made the calculation. The calculation represents a major step towards building the first quantum computers. |
Figure 42
Energy Technology Innovations Funded by NSERC
What | Where | Who | Why |
A solar hot-water heating system | Queen's University | Dr. Stephen Harrison | Dr. Harrison developed a solar panel with a mechanism that prevents overheating. He also created a passive back-flushing thermal system. Both inventions are part of a hot water system sold in North America by EnerWorks. |
Created a better solar cell | Université de Québec à Montréal | Dr. Benoît Marsan | The new solar cell is flexible, inexpensive to manufacture, transparent and very versatile. While the idea is not new, the process and materials used are innovative. Marsan's team hopes to bring the cell to market within the next three years - not just for use in buildings, but also in cars, and maybe even on clothing. |
Superconductor breakthrough | University of Sherbrooke and University of British Columbia | Dr. Louis Taillefer, Dr. Nicolas Doiron-Leyraud and Dr. Douglas Bonn | Using uniquely pure crystals, the research team detected an elusive signature of electrons within a high-temperature superconductor. One of the most promising applications for the discovery is in magnetic levitation trains. The force of powerful magnets suspends the trains in the air above the rails, eliminating friction from moving parts. |
Storing hydrogen safely | University of Windsor | Dr. David Antonelli | Dr. Antonelli discovered that using silica (a component found in glass) and titanium oxide helps store large quantities of hydrogen safely. |
Discovered a new superconductor | University of Montreal | Dr. Andrea Bianchi | Dr. Bianchi headed the team that found the new superconductor - made of cobalt, indium and a rare earth that lets electricity flow freely, without loss of energy, when cooled to just a few degrees above absolute zero. |
New way to trap gases in molecule-sized tanks | University of Calgary | Dr. George Shimizu | At the moment, gas storage can pose safety risks as it needs to be kept at very high pressures. The research team developed a crystal structure that can store gas molecules indefinitely without the need for pressure. They use 'molecular nanovalves' - and the system has the added bonus that gas can also be released easily. |
Figure 43
Environment Innovations Funded by NSERC
What | Where | Who | Why |
Wind tracking radar | University of Western Ontario | Dr. Wayne Hocking | Dr. Hocking leads an Ontario-Quebec research team that uses a specialized radar to track wind speed and directions. The team's first findings have shown large streams of ozone leaking from the stratosphere to almost ground level where it transforms into smog. |
Fish harmed by common chemical | Mount Allison University | Dr. Suzanne Currie | Dr. Currie found that 4-nonylphenol (4-NP) disrupts the sense of smell in fish leading them to avoid each other instead of gathering in schools. The chemical is found in industrial detergents, sewage treatment and agricultural pesticides. |
New technique to measure greenhouse gases | Carleton University | Dr. Matthew Johnson | This patented technique uses mathematical models and instruments to measure methane leaks in pipeline and gas flares at oil wells. The team discovered that emissions from gas flares and venting have been reduced by 42 per cent from 2002 to 2005. |
Developed safe "green" decontamination method for chemical warfare agents and pesticides | Queen's University | Dr. Stan Brown | Brown's team found a new method for rapidly and safely destroying toxic agents such as chemical weapons and pesticides. |
Found new evidence drugs getting into drinking water | University of Waterloo | Dr. Mark Servos | Servos' team found painkillers such as ibuprofen, cholesterol-lowering drugs and the common household antibacterial agent triclosan in treated drinking water from 15 plants in the Burlington, Ontario region. Amounts are tiny, but researchers don't know the human health effects of long-term exposure, even to small amounts. |
Figure 44
Health Innovations Funded by NSERC
What | Where | Who | Why |
A new and improved hearing aid | McMaster University | Dr. Suzanna Becker and Dr. Ian Bruce | Invented the NeuroCompensator, a chip which trains hearing aids to hear sounds that damaged parts of the ear can't pick up. The patented technology has attracted interest from Cayce Medical. |
Improved design of nano-scale sieve | University of Alberta | Dr. Jed Harrison | Along with graduate student Yong Zeng, Dr. Harrison improved upon an older model of molecular sieve. The new sieves cost much less to make and can be re-used 10 times. The sieve has potential applications in biomedical research - allowing researchers to separate viruses from fluid or tissue samples. |
New device to detect scrapie | University of Guelph | Dr. Gordon Hayward and Dr. Warren Stiver | Created a new device that identifies prions, the root of scrapie, a fatal degenerative disease that affects the nervous systems of sheep. The researchers say the instrument could also be used for other degenerative diseases in the same family as scrapie, such as bovine spongiform encephalopathy, BSE, in cattle, and Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease in humans. |
Technique to diagnose asthma in children | Dalhousie University | Dr. Geoffrey Maksym | Developed a more sensitive and reliable asthma diagnostic technique that measures the spasm in the smooth muscle which lines the airways. |
Laser-enhanced microscope allows better views of cells | Queen's University | Dr. Albert Stolow and Adrian Pegoraro | Developed a technique involving a laser and microscope in order to view cell parts without using traditional dyes which can be toxic and alter the cellular environment. |
Armrest that reduces repetitive strain injuries | University of Guelph | Dr. Michele Oliver | The armrest works by reducing muscle activities in the neck which helps prevent repetitive strain injuries. The device was originally designed for machinery operators, but can be used on any chair. |
Playbot, a child's robotic wheelchair | York University | Dr. John Tsotsos | Created a motorized robotic wheelchair for children. The chair has a robotic arm, a camera and a communications panel. |
2.3.2 Support Commercialization
An overview of the "support commercialization" program activity is presented below:
Description | Expected Results | ||
This program activity supports innovation and promotes the transfer of knowledge and technology to Canadian companies by supporting technology transfer activities at Canadian universities. | The transfer of knowledge and technology from Canadian universities and colleges to the user sector is facilitated. | ||
Resources (2007-08) | Clients Supported (2007-08) | ||
Planned Spending | $15.2M | Professors | 105 |
Actual Spending | $10.7M | Undergraduate Students | 28 |
Planned Human Resources | 6 | Master's/Doctoral Students | 42 |
Actual Human Resources | 12 | Postdoctoral Fellows | 15 |
The key programs under this program activity are:
Funding for the College and Community Innovation Program ($0.3M) and for the administration of the above programs rounds out the spending under this program activity.
As presented in Figure 32, university technology transfer offices are handling an ever-increasing load of intellectual property management.
In 2007-08 an evaluation of the IPM program was conducted, with the key findings summarized below:
The Idea to Innovation program has been active since 2003. The program attracts between 80-120 Phase I proposals each year, while fewer Phase II proposals are received (6-12 per year).
As part of the program management, NSERC receives annual reports on the progress in the projects. A recent study by NSERC staff followed up on Phase I proposals that were funded, to better understand the issues leading to the low level of follow-on Phase II projects. This study of 74 grants identified that:
3.1 Departmental Links to Government of Canada Outcomes
NSERC investments contribute significantly to many of the Government of Canada's strategic outcomes. All of the NSERC-funded outcomes presented in Section 2 are linked to the Government of Canada outcome: an innovative and knowledge-based economy. Because NSERC funds research and training leading to a wide-range of economic and societal impacts in virtually every sector, many of NSERC's long-term outcomes are also directly linked to other important Government of Canada outcomes, such as strong economic growth, income security and employment for Canadians, a clean and healthy environment, healthy Canadians with access to quality health care, and safe and secure communities. It would be a significant challenge to develop performance measures and an attribution methodology for all of these outcomes. For the reason of simplicity, the "innovative and knowledge based economy" outcome is by far the most appropriate single outcome relationship for NSERC to use.
Table 1 presents 2007-08 expenditures by strategic outcome and program activity.
An agency overview of financial information for the year 2007-08 is provided below. In addition, Tables 2 to 4 present the financial information required from NSERC for the Departmental Performance Report. The agency's audited financial statements can be found in Appendix A.
Table 2 offers a comparison of the main estimates, planned spending, total authorities, and actual spending for the most recently completed fiscal year, as well as historical figures for actual spending. Planned spending is established in the Report on Plans and Priorities which was completed in March 2007. NSERC's actual spending was $112.7 million above planned levels. The variance is mainly due to a budget increase of $37 million and the creation of a new program: the Centres of Excellence for Commercialization & Research ($57.2 million).
Table 3 provides information on voted and statutory items while Table 4 presents transfer payment program financial data.
For the year ended March 31, 2008