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Non-reactor-based Isotope Supply Contribution Program (NISP) (Voted)
1. Strategic Outcome: 2 - Environmental Responsibility – Canada is a world leader on environmental responsibility in the development and use of natural resources
2. Program Activity: 2.1 Clean Energy
3. Name of Transfer Payment Program: Non-reactor-based Isotope Supply Contribution Program (NISP) (Voted)
4. Start date: May 13, 2010
5. End date: March 31, 2012
6. Description: The NISP is a $35-million program to establish the feasibility of cyclotron and linear accelerator based production of the key medical isotope technetium-99m (Tc-99m).
7. Expected results: The intended outcome of the NISP is the establishment of the potential of non-reactor-based technologies for the production of Tc-99m on a commercial scale to help increase security of supply in the medium to long term and to reduce the production of radioactive waste.
8. Forecast Spending 2010–11 |
9. Planned Spending 2011–12 |
10. Planned Spending 2012–13 |
11. Planned Spending 2013–14 |
12. Total grants | ||||
Total contributions | 9.3 | 17.4 | ||
13. Total transfer payments | 9.3 | 17.4 |
14. Link to 3-year Transfer Payment Program Plan:
The African Model Forest Initiative (Voted)
1. Strategic Outcome: 2 - Environmental Responsibility - Canada is a world leader on environmental responsibility in the development and use of natural resources
2. Program Activity: 2.2 - Ecosystem Risk Management
3. Name of Transfer Payment Program: The African Model Forest Initiative (Voted)
4. Start date: April 1, 2009
5. End date: March 31, 2012
6. Description: The African Model Forest Initiative (AMFI) aims to improve the conservation and sustainable management of forest resources in francophone Africa, including the Congo Basin and Mediterranean region.
The AMFI will demonstrate both the regions’ and Canada’s commitment to support good governance, human resource and local economic development, and the sustainable management of forested landscapes.
7. Expected results: To enhance government and civil society capacity in the conservation and sustainable management of forest resources in Model Forests in the Congo Basin and Mediterranean regions of Africa.
To improve economic and community sustainability within the Model Forests in the Congo Basin and Mediterranean regions of Africa.
To improve government policies on sustainable resource and community development in the Congo Basin and Mediterranean regions of Africa.
To have Canada viewed as making a significant contribution to sustainable forest management in the Mediterranean and Congo Basin regions of Africa.
8. Forecast Spending 2010–11 |
9. Planned Spending 2011–12 |
10. Planned Spending 2012–13 |
11. Planned Spending 2013–14 |
12. Total grants | ||||
Total contributions | 4.2 | 6.9 | ||
13. Total transfer payments | 4.2 | 6.9 |
14. Link to 3-year Transfer Payment Program Plan:
Investments in Forest Industry Transformation Program (Voted)
1. Strategic Outcome: 1- Economic Competitiveness – Natural resource sectors are internationally competitive, economically productive, and contribute to the social well-being of Canadians
2. Program Activity: 1.1 - Economic Opportunities for Natural Resources
3. Name of Transfer Payment Program: Investments in Forest Industry Transformation Program (voted)
4. Start date: June 17, 2010
5. End date: March 31, 2014
6. Description:
The objective of Investments in Forest Industry Transformation is to support forest industry transformation that will make the forest industry more economically viable and environmentally sustainable by investing in innovative technologies that lead to a more diversified, higher-value product mix including bioenergy and renewable power, as well as biomaterials, biochemicals, and next generation building products.
The Program will fund innovative projects implementing transformative technologies at the pilot to commercial scales that direct wood fibre and by-products from wood processing into higher value uses, which 1) increase the total revenues available from a log, 2) diversify product lines for the forest industry, stabilizing economic performance, and 3) produce renewable energy and other products that are beneficial to the environment. By providing funding to Canadian forest firms for capital investments in bioenergy or bioproduct industrial processes to advance these technologies towards full, commercial- scale implementation, this Program will broaden and build upon previous investments in forest sector transformation.
7. Expected results:
Canada’s forest sector is more commercially and environmentally sustainable
New forest bio-products (including next generation building products) and processes are commercially available
Canada’s forest sector has increased capacity to develop and supply commercial bio-products (including next generation building products) and processes
Forest sector companies collaborate on bioproduct- related projects and processes with other sectors (i.e. energy, chemical, etc.)
8. Forecast Spending 2010–11 |
9. Planned Spending 2011–12 |
10. Planned Spending 2012–13 |
11. Planned Spending 2013–14 |
12. Total grants | ||||
Total contributions | 23.6 | 23.4 | 23.1 | 23.1 |
13. Total transfer payments | 23.6 | 23.4 | 23.1 | 23.1 |
14. Link to 3-year Transfer Payment Program Plan:
The Pulp and Paper Green Transformation Program (Voted)
1. Strategic Outcome: 2 - Environmental Responsibility - Canada is a world leader on environmental responsibility in the development and use of natural resources
2. Program Activity: 2.1 - Clean Energy
3. Name of Transfer Payment Program: The Pulp and Paper Green Transformation Program (Voted)
4. Start date: July 30, 2009
5. End date: March 31, 2012
6. Description:
The objective of the Pulp and Paper Green Transformation Program is to improve the environmental performance of Canada’s pulp and paper industry, which in turn will contribute to the environmental, and hence commercial, sustainability of the pulp and paper industry.
7. Expected results:
Over the long-term, investments in the Pulp and Paper Green Transformation Program are expected to contribute to:
8. Forecast Spending 2010–11 |
9. Planned Spending 2011–12 |
10. Planned Spending 2012–13 |
11. Planned Spending 2013–14 |
12. Total grants | ||||
Total contributions | 387.1 | 538.6 | ||
13. Total transfer payments | 387.1 | 538.6 |
14. Link to 3-year Transfer Payment Program Plan:
Canada-Newfoundland Offshore Petroleum Board (Statutory)
1. Strategic Outcome: 1) Economic Competitiveness - Natural resource sectors are internationally competitive, economically productive, and contribute to the social well-being of Canadians.
2. Program Activity: 1.1) Economic Opportunities for Natural Resources
3. Name of Transfer Payment Program: Canada-Newfoundland Offshore Petroleum Board (Statutory)
4. Start date: 1985-86
5. End date: Perpetuity
6. Description:
NRCan covers 50% of the operating costs of the Canada-Newfoundland Offshore Petroleum Board. The Province pays the other 50%. This is done pursuant to provisions of the Canada-Newfoundland Atlantic Accord Implementation Act.
7. Expected results:
Management of statutory requirements related to offshore petroleum in Nova Scotia, Newfoundland and Labrador in a timely and efficient manner.
8. Forecast Spending 2010–11 |
9. Planned Spending 2011–12 |
10. Planned Spending 2012–13 |
11. Planned Spending 2013–14 |
12. Total grants | ||||
Total contributions | 7.5 | 6.8 | 6.8 | 6.8 |
13. Total transfer payments | 7.5 | 6.8 | 6.8 | 6.8 |
14. Link to 3-year Transfer Payment Program Plan:
ecoENERGY for Biofuels (Voted)
1. Strategic Outcome: : 2) Environmental Responsibility - Canada is a world leader on environmental responsibility in the development and use of natural resources
2. Program Activity: 2.1) Clean Energy
3. Name of Transfer Payment Program: ecoENERGY for Biofuels (Voted)
4. Start date: April 1, 2008
5. End date: March 31, 2017
6. Description:
ecoENERGY for Biofuels supports the production of renewable alternatives to gasoline and diesel and encourages the development of a competitive domestic renewable fuels industry. The program provides an operating incentive to facilities that produce renewable alternatives to gasoline and diesel in Canada, based on production volumes. ecoENERGY for Biofuels will invest up to $1.48 billion over 9 years, starting April 1, 2008, in support of biofuels production in Canada.
7. Expected results:
Increased domestic production and development of a competitive domestic renewable fuel industry. The initial program target is 2.5 billion litres of domestic production capacity by 2012, consisting of a volume of 2 billion litres of renewable alternatives to gasoline and 500 million litres of renewable alternatives to diesel.
8. Forecast Spending 2010–11 |
9. Planned Spending 2011–12 |
10. Planned Spending 2012–13 |
11. Planned Spending 2013–14 |
12. Total grants | ||||
Total contributions | 150.8 | 258.2 | 220.6 | 180.9 |
13. Total transfer payments | 150.8 | 258.2 | 220.6 | 180.9 |
14. Link to 3-year Transfer Payment Program Plan:
Clean Energy Fund (Voted)
1. Strategic Outcome: : 2) Environmental Responsibility - Canada is a world leader on environmental responsibility in the development and use of natural resources.
2. Program Activity: 2.1) Clean Energy
3. Name of Transfer Payment Program: Clean Energy Fund (Voted)
4. Start date: April 23, 2009
5. End date: March 31, 2014
6. Description:
In support of Canada’s commitment to reduce GHG emissions, the Clean Energy Fund provides $795 million over five years for the demonstration of promising technologies, including large-scale carbon capture and storage (CCS) projects, and renewable energy and clean energy systems demonstrations. It also provides $150 million over five years for clean energy research and development (R&D).
In Fall 2009, three CCS projects in Alberta were announced, totaling $466 million from the Fund. In January 2010, 19 successful projects were announced in response to a call for proposals under the Renewable and Clean Energy portion of the Fund. One project has subsequently been withdrawn by the proponent. Up to $146 million will be invested over five years to support renewable, clean energy and smart grid demonstrations in all regions of the country.
The Clean Energy Fund was announced as a $1 billion program. In December 2009, in response to unprecedented demand for the ecoENERGY Retrofit-Homes program, the Government of Canada allocated $205 million from the Clean Energy Fund to finance up to 120,000 additional home retrofits.
7. Expected results:
In 2011-12, the program expects to achieve significant progress in its three large scale CCS demonstration projects. These projects are expected to capture up to 6 megatonnes of GHG emissions per year by 2015. The program also expects progress in its supported renewable energy and clean energy systems projects, which include marine, wind and solar energy and its increased integration into Canada’s electricity system and the built environment; new technologies to address the environmental challenges facing oil sands; hydrogen and fuel cells; and technologies to lower CO2 capture costs and increase knowledge on CO2 storage.
8. Forecast Spending 2010–11 |
9. Planned Spending 2011–12 |
10. Planned Spending 2012–13 |
11. Planned Spending 2013–14 |
12. Total grants | ||||
Total contributions | 101.2 | 141.6 | 279.6 | 191.6 |
13. Total transfer payments | 101.2 | 141.6 | 279.6 | 191.6 |
14. Link to 3-year Transfer Payment Program Plan:
ecoENERGY Technology Initiative (Voted)
1. Strategic Outcome: 2) Canada is a world leader on environmental responsibility in the development and use of natural resources.
2. Program Activity: 2.1) Clean Energy
3. Name of Transfer Payment Program: ecoENERGY Technology Initiative (Voted)
4. Start date: April 1, 2007
5. End date: March 31, 2012
6. Description:
The ecoENERGY Technology Initiative is a $230-million investment by the Government of Canada in science and technology to accelerate the development and market readiness of technology solutions in clean energy. This initiative is directed towards increasing clean energy supplies, reducing energy waste, and reducing pollution from conventional energy.
7. Expected results:
Significant progress in a broad range of R&D projects in the areas of low emission industrial processes, energy efficient built environment, clean transportation systems, distributed power, and large scale demonstration projects in carbon capture and storage.
8. Forecast Spending 2010–11 |
9. Planned Spending 2011–12 |
10. Planned Spending 2012–13 |
11. Planned Spending 2013–14 |
12. Total grants | ||||
Total contributions | 43.5 | 48.1 | 0 | 0 |
13. Total transfer payments | 43.5 | 48.1 | 0 | 0 |
14. Link to 3-year Transfer Payment Program Plan:
ecoENERGY for Renewable Power (Voted)
1. Strategic Outcome: 2) Environmental Responsibility - Canada is a world leader on environmental responsibility in the development and use of natural resources.
2. Program Activity: 2.1) Clean Energy
3. Name of Transfer Payment Program: ecoENERGY for Renewable Power (Voted)
4. Start date: April 1, 2007
5. End date: March 31, 2011
Note: The program will officially end in 2011. However, allocated funding will be issued to program participants until 2020-21.
6. Description:
The ecoENERGY for Renewable Power program is investing $1.48 billion over 14 years to increase Canada's supply of clean electricity from renewable sources such as wind, biomass, low-impact hydro, geothermal, solar photovoltaic and ocean energy. It is intended to help position low-impact renewable energy technologies to make an increased contribution to Canada’s energy supply and thereby contribute to a more sustainable and diversified energy mix. Payments of the incentive will be paid over a 10-year period to qualifying projects.
7. Expected results:
The expected result is increased production of renewable electricity supply in Canada. By 2012 the program will have contributed to the annual generation of about 14.3 TWh of electricity or about 4,000 MW of capacity, depending on the mix of energy sources supported under the program. At present, these energy savings convert to annual emissions reductions of between 6- 6.7 megatonnes of greenhouse gas and related criteria air contaminant emissions.
The program will continue to support renewable power production as per the terms of its contribution agreements with projects up to 2021.
8. Forecast Spending 2010–11 |
9. Planned Spending 2011–12 |
10. Planned Spending 2012–13 |
11. Planned Spending 2013–14 |
12. Total grants | ||||
Total contributions | 90.7 | 143.1 | 143.1 | 143.1 |
13. Total transfer payments | 90.7 | 143.1 | 143.1 | 143.1 |
14. Link to 3-year Transfer Payment Program Plan:
Payments to the Newfoundland Offshore Petroleum Resource Revenue Fund (Statutory)
1. Strategic Outcome: 1) Economic Competitiveness - Natural resource sectors are internationally competitive, economically productive, and contribute to the social well-being of Canadians.
2. Program Activity: 1.1) Economic Opportunities for Natural Resources
3. Name of Transfer Payment Program: Payments to the Newfoundland Offshore Petroleum Resource Revenue Fund (Statutory)
4. Start date: April 1987
5. End date: Perpetuity
6. Description:
To make payments to the province of Newfoundland and Labrador equivalent to the revenue amounts received by Canada in relation to offshore oil and gas activities in the province.
7. Expected results:
Payment to the province of Newfoundland and Labrador pursuant to the Canada-Newfoundland Atlantic Accord Implementation Act.
Takes into consideration royalties and corporate income taxes related to Newfoundland and Labrador offshore activities. Planned spending is subject to production levels, prices, exchange rates.
8. Forecast Spending 2010–11 |
9. Planned Spending 2011–12 |
10. Planned Spending 2012–13 |
11. Planned Spending 2013–14 |
12. Total grants | ||||
Total contributions | 1,231.1 | 1,424.0 | 1,327.7 | 1,116.4 |
13. Total transfer payments | 1,231.1 | 1,424.0 | 1,327.7 | 1,116.4 |
14. Link to 3-year Transfer Payment Program Plan:
Payments to the Nova Scotia Offshore Revenue Account (Statutory)
1. Strategic Outcome: 1) Economic Competitiveness - Natural resource sectors are internationally competitive, economically productive, and contribute to the social well-being of Canadians.
2. Program Activity: 1.1) Economic Opportunities for Natural Resources
3. Name of Transfer Payment Program: Payments to the Nova Scotia Offshore Revenue Account (Statutory)
4. Start date: 1993-94
5. End date: Perpetuity
6. Description:
To make payments to Nova Scotia equivalent to revenue amounts received by Canada in relation to offshore activities in the province.
7. Expected results:
Payments to the province of Nova Scotia pursuant to provisions of the Canada Nova Scotia Offshore Petroleum Resources Accord Implementation Act.
Takes into consideration royalties and corporate income taxes related to the Nova Scotia offshore. Planned spending is subject to production levels, prices, exchange rates.
8. Forecast Spending 2010–11 |
9. Planned Spending 2011–12 |
10. Planned Spending 2012–13 |
11. Planned Spending 2013–14 |
12. Total grants | ||||
Total contributions | 211.0 | 179.7 | 136.8 | 106.6 |
13. Total transfer payments | 211.0 | 179.7 | 136.8 | 106.6 |
14. Link to 3-year Transfer Payment Program Plan:
Wind Power Production Incentive Contribution Program (Voted)
1. Strategic Outcome: 2) Environmental Responsibility - Canada is a world leader on environmental responsibility in the development and use of natural resources.
2. Program Activity: 2.1) Clean Energy
3. Name of Transfer Payment Program: Wind Power Production Incentive Contribution Program (Voted)
4. Start date: April 1, 2002
5. End date: : March 31, 2007
Note: The program officially ended in 2007. However, allocated funding will be issued to program participants until 2016-17.
6. Description:
The WPPI Program was set up to help establish wind energy as a full-fledged competitor in the electricity market by providing a financial incentive of about 1 cent per each kilowatt-hour produced from the installation of 1,000 MW of new wind power capacity in Canada by 2007. Eligible recipients claim payment of the incentive over a 10-year period.
The program contributes to the production of new electricity from wind energy projects. The program has 22 approved wind projects for a total capacity of 924 MW.
NOTE: The total contribution funding for the program is $325 million of which $300 million has been committed to wind projects. Actual spending will be spread out over several years until 2016-17. The initial WPPI G&C budget was $255 million and an additional $69.9 million was allocated in 2005-06 to allow the program to continue to support the development of new wind farms.
7. Expected results:
In fiscal year 2010-2011, it is expected that the program will meet or exceed its annual production target of 2,550 gigawatt-hours of production.
8. Forecast Spending 2010–11 |
9. Planned Spending 2011–12 |
10. Planned Spending 2012–13 |
11. Planned Spending 2013–14 |
12. Total grants | ||||
Total contributions | 29.0 | 32.7 | 30.7 | 26.7 |
13. Total transfer payments | 29.0 | 32.7 | 30.7 | 26.7 |
14. Link to 3-year Transfer Payment Program Plan:
Implementation of the Adaptation Theme in Support of Canada’s Clean Air Agenda (Voted)
1. Strategic Outcome: 3) Safety, Security and Stewardship - Natural resource knowledge, landmass knowledge and management systems strengthen the safety and security of Canadians and the stewardship of Canada’s natural resources and lands
2. Program Activity: 3.1) Adapting to a Changing Climate and Hazard Risk Management
3. Name of Transfer Payment Program: Implementation of the Adaptation Theme in Support of Canada’s Clean Air Agenda (Voted)
4. Start date: April 1, 2008
5. End date: March 31, 2013
6. Description:
The objectives of the program are to generate and effectively deliver knowledge and information needed to understand the range of risks and opportunities from a changing climate; and effectively inform and engage decision-makers across a range of social and economic sectors that have responsibilities to adapt.
7. Expected results:
8. Forecast Spending 2010–11 |
9. Planned Spending 2011–12 |
10. Planned Spending 2012–13 |
11. Planned Spending 2013–14 |
12. Total grants | ||||
Total contributions | 9.1 | 11.0 | ||
13. Total transfer payments | 9.1 | 11.0 |
14. Link to 3-year Transfer Payment Program Plan: