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NOTE: Departments are instructed to review the detailed instructions for this table carefully, as they have changed from the template used last year. Note that plans and spending information for each federal partner involved in the horizontal initiative is to be presented in a separate table.
1. Name of Horizontal Initiative: Improving the Performance of the Regulatory System for Major Natural Resource Projects
2. Name of lead department(s): Natural Resources Canada
3. Lead department program activity: Safety, Security and Stewardship – Natural Resource and Landmass Knowledge and Systems
4. Start date of the Horizontal Initiative: October 1, 2007
5. End date of the Horizontal Initiative: March 31, 2012
6. Total federal funding allocation (start to end date): $150 million over 5 years
7. Description of the Horizontal Initiative (including funding agreement):
To respond to the growth in the number of major resource projects and to move forward on commitments to create a more accountable, predictable and timely regulatory review process, the Major Projects Management Office was established to provide a single point of entry into the federal regulatory system for all stakeholders and to provide overarching management of the federal regulatory process for major natural resource projects in both operational and policy areas.
The Government has allocated $150 million over five years to establish the MPMO within Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) and to increase the scientific and technical capacity of key regulatory departments and agencies. Resources provided through this initiative ensure that key regulatory departments and agencies are positioned to deliver high quality assessments of major resource projects and to meet their legal responsibilities for Aboriginal Crown consultation associated with their regulatory decisions for major resource projects.
This initiative provides the oversight and capacity needed to address the issues affecting the performance of the federal regulatory system. In short, it lays the foundation for a more predictable and accountable regulatory system that will improve the competitiveness of Canada’s resource industries while ensuring careful consideration of environmental standards and technical requirements.
8. Shared outcome(s):
Among the more tangible results from this initiative will be improved efficiency and predictability of federal project reviews. The environmental assessment and regulatory review and permitting process for major resource projects is targeted to be reduced from more than four years to an average of about two years.
Other important outcomes from this initiative include:
9. Governance structure(s):
The Cabinet Directive on Improving the Performance of the Regulatory System for Major Resource Projects established a new governance framework for federal government departments and agencies to facilitate the effective, coordinated, and concurrent discharge of their statutory duties, functions and obligations related to the regulation of major resource projects. It encourages federal government departments to work together to identify areas where the consistency, efficiency and effectiveness of the federal regulatory system can be improved and to develop and implement system improvements. These activities are intended to improve the accountability, transparency, timeliness and predictability of the federal regulatory system for major natural resource projects.
The Minister of Natural Resources is the lead Minister for the Initiative. In collaboration with his counterparts in other regulatory departments, the Minister of Natural Resources reports biannually to Cabinet on progress made towards achieving the objectives of the initiative, and reports annually to Parliament and the public through NRCan’s annual reporting requirements.
A Major Projects Deputy Ministers' Committee has been created to serve as the governance body for the implementation of the initiative. This Committee provides direction for the resolution of project-specific issues and oversees the application of the Cabinet Directive. Membership on this committee includes the Deputy Minister of NRCan (Chair), the Deputy Minister of Fisheries and Oceans Canada, the Deputy Minister of the Environment, the Deputy Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development, the Deputy Minister of Transport, the Associate Deputy Minister of Industry, the Deputy Minister of Justice, the Deputy Secretary to the Cabinet (Operations) - Privy Council Office, the President of the Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency, the President of the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission and the Chair of the National Energy Board.
The MPMO provides overarching management of the federal regulatory system for major resource projects. In this role, the MPMO works with federal regulatory departments / agencies to identify areas where the consistency, efficiency and effectiveness of the federal regulatory process can be improved and to implement change. The MPMO also provides support to the Major Projects Deputy Ministers' Committee, through the provision of strategic advice and analysis.
To ensure effective communication with federal regulatory departments on key issues and to facilitate collaboration and cooperation, interdepartmental working groups have been established at the ADM, DG and Director levels.
10. Planning Highlights:
To achieve the expected results, NRCan and its federal partners will develop and implement a whole-of-government strategy to modernize the federal regulatory review process for natural resource projects by:
Federal departments and agencies will also work collaboratively to improve the transparency and accountability of the federal regulatory review process through increased oversight and regular monitoring, tracking and reporting on progress against commitments in project agreements.
In addition, NRCan will work to identify opportunities to improve integration of federal and provincial regulatory review processes.
12. Federal Partner Program Activity (PA) | 13. Names of Programs for Federal Partners | 14. Total Allocation (from Start to End Date) | 15. Planned Spending for 2011–12 |
Natural Resource and Landmass Knowledge and Systems | Major Projects Management Office | $13,000,000 | $4,000,000 |
Total | $13,000,000 | $4,000,000 |
16. Expected results by program as per (13):
12. Federal Partner Program Activity (PA) | 13. Names of Programs for Federal Partners | 14. Total Allocation (from Start to End Date) | 15. Planned Spending for 2011–12 |
Environmental Assessment Support | 40,177,900 |
7,955,750 |
Environmental Assessment Development | 3,991,000 | 878,000 | |
Internal Services | 10,831,000 | 2,166,250 | |
Total | 55,000,000 | 11,000,000 |
16. Expected results by program as per (13):
Environmental Assessment Support
Environmental Assessment Development
Internal Services
12. Federal Partner Program Activity (PA) | 13. Names of Programs for Federal Partners | 14. Total Allocation (from Start to End Date) | 15. Planned Spending for 2011–12 |
Biodiversity is conserved and protected | Wildlife program | $2,352,116 | $466,159 |
Water is clean, safe and secure | Aquatic ecosystems are conserved and protected | $614,683 | $123,841 |
Canadians adopt approaches that ensure the sustainable use and management of natural capital and working landscapes | Environmental assessment and ecological monitoring | $4,533,659 | $868,975 |
Risks to Canadians, their health and their environment posed by toxic and other harmful substances are reduced | Risk management/ Risk mitigation and implementation | $2,723,837 | $562,122 |
Relations with other governments and partners are effectively managed in support of environmental priorities | Inter-governmental and stakeholder relations | $596,818 | $122,302 |
Strategic management support enables the department to meet its objectives | Legal services | $650,739 | $141,844 |
Internal Services | Core Support Services | $1,028,148 | $214,757 |
Total | $12,500,000 | $2,500,000 |
16. Expected results by program as per (13):
Wildlife Program
Aquatic Ecosystems are conserved and protected
Environmental assessment and ecological monitoring
Risk management/ Risk mitigation and implementation
Inter-governmental and stakeholder relations
Legal services
Core Support Services
12. Federal Partner Program Activity (PA) | 13. Names of Programs for Federal Partners | 14. Total Allocation (from Start to End Date) | 15. Planned Spending for 2011–12 |
Habitat Management | Habitat Management Operations | $32,467,100 | $6,493,420 |
Habitat Management Program Policy | $1,574,700 | $314,940 | |
Legal Services | Legal Services | $958,200 | $191,640 |
Total | $35,000,000 | $7,000,000 |
16. Expected results by program as per (13):
Habitat Management Operations:
Habitat Management Program Policy:
Legal Services:
12. Federal Partner Program Activity (PA) | 13. Names of Programs for Federal Partners | 14. Total Allocation (from Start to End Date) | 15. Planned Spending for 2011–12 |
Indian and Northern Affairs Canada (INAC) | Northern Land and Resources | 6,600,000 | 1,320,000 |
Responsible Federal Stewardship | 3,400,000 | 680,000 | |
Total | 10,000,000 | 2,000,000 |
16. Expected results by program as per (13):
12. Federal Partner Program Activity (PA) | 13. Names of Programs for Federal Partners | 14. Total Allocation (from Start to End Date) | 15. Planned Spending for 2011–12 |
Transportation Safety and Security | Navigable Waters Protection Program | $3,365,555 | $773,179 |
Transportation Policy Development and Infrastructure Programs | Aboriginal Consultation Unit | $1,813,090 | $465,951 |
Sustainable Transportation Development and the Environment | Environmental Programs | $5,413,592 | $1,388,591 |
Internal Services | Departmental Administration, Finance and Legal Services | $3,407,763 | $872,279 |
Total | $17,500,000 | $3,500,000 |
16. Expected results by program as per (13):
Navigable Waters Protection Program:
Aboriginal Consultation Unit:
Environmental Programs:
Departmental Administration, Finance and Legal Services:
Total Allocation For All Federal Partners (from Start to End Date) | Total Planned Spending for All Federal Partners for 2011–12 |
$143,000,000* | $30,000,000 |
*Totals do not equal the total allocation under the initiative (i.e.; $150 million over five years) due to changes that have occurred in departmental Program Activity Architectures since the beginning of the initiative
17. Results to be achieved by non–federal partners (if applicable): N/A
18. Contact information:
Mr. Jay Khosla
A/Assistant Deputy Minister
Major Projects Management Office
Natural Resources Canada
155 Queen Street, 2nd Floor
Ottawa, ON K1A 0E4