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ARCHIVED - National Defence

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Appendix A: Legislation and Regulations Administered

The Minister of National Defence is responsible to Parliament for many statutes, and is assigned relevant responsibilities in the administration of many laws and regulations. A comprehensive list is available at: <

Appendix B: Key Partners and Stakeholders

DND and the CF work with many partners in Canada and abroad that help support the Defence mission, programs and activities. The broad scope of the Defence mandate is reflected in the complexity and diversity of its partners and stakeholders. To view the comprehensive list of Defence partners and stakeholders, visit: <

Appendix C: DND/CF Strategy Map

The DND/CF Strategy Map and an explanation of its causally linked strategic objectives is located at: <

Appendix D : Contact Information

Plans and Priorities and Departmental Performance Information

Lieutenant-General W.J. Natynczyk, CMM, MSC, CD
Vice Chief of the Defence Staff
National Defence Headquarters
101 Colonel By Drive
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0K2
(613) 992-6052

(613) 992-3945

Financial Information

Rear-Admiral Bryn M. Weadon, CMM, CD, CMA, PLog
Assistant Deputy Minister (Finance and Corporate Services)
National Defence Headquarters
101 Colonel By Drive
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0K2
(613) 992-5669

(613) 992-9693

General Inquiries

Ms Josée Touchette

Assistant Deputy Minister (Public Affairs)

National Defence Headquarters
101 Colonel By Drive
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0K2

(613) 996-0562

(613) 995-2610


Internet sites on the World Wide Web

Department of National Defence <>
Office of the Judge Advocate General <>
Office of the Ombudsman for National Defence and the Canadian Forces <>
National Search and Rescue Secretariat <>
Defence Research & Development Canada <>
Communications Security Establishment Canada <>
Defence Planning and Management <>

Appendix E: List of Acronyms


ADM (Fin CS) - Assistant Deputy Minister (Finance and Corporate Services)

ADM (HR-Civ) - Assistant Deputy Minister (Human Resources – Civilian)

ADM (IM) - Assistant Deputy Minister (Information Management)

ADM (PA) - Assistant Deputy Minister (Public Affairs)

ADR - Alternate Dispute Resolution

AEU - Air Expeditionary Units

AFG - Afghanistan

ATD - Alternative Training Delivery

ATIP - Access to Information and Privacy


BMQ - Basic Military Qualification

BCP - Business Continuity Planning


C2 - Command and Control

C4ISR - Command, Control, Communications, Computers, Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance

Canada COM - Canada Command

CANOSCOM - Canadian Operational Support Command

CANSOFCOM - Canadian Special Operations Forces Command

CBP - Capability Based Planning

CBSA - Canada Boarder Services Agency

CCG - Canadian Coast Guard 

CDA - Canadian Defence Academy

CDI - Chief of Defence Intelligence

CDS - Chief of the Defence Staff

CEFCOM - Canadian Expeditionary Forces Command

CEGEP - Collège d’enseignement général et professionnel

CF - Canadian Forces

CF ITP - CF Integrated Training Plan

CF JHQ - Canadian Forces Joint Headquarters

CFACC - Combined Forces Air Component Command

CFB - Canadian Forces Base

CFD - Chief of Force Development

CFGS - Canadian Forces Grievance Board

CFLC - Canadian Forces Liaison Council

CIC - Cadet Instructor’s Cadre

CIS - communication and information systems

CMP - Chief of Military Personnel

CMR - Collège Militaire Royal

CMTC - Canadian Manoeuvre Training Centre

COSPAS-SARSAT - Cosmicheskaya Sistyema Poiska Avariynich Sudov"-"Search and RescueSatellite-Aided Tracking 

CRP - Corporate Risk Profile

CRS - Chief Review Services

CSEC - Communications Security Establishment Canada


DART - Disaster Assistance Response Team

DFO -  Department of Fisheries and Oceans

DM - Deputy Minister

DMC - Defence Military Committee

DND - Department of National Defence

DPR - Departmental Performance Report

DRDC - Defence Research and Development Canada


EC - Environmental Commands

ECS - Environmental Chiefs of Staff

EE - Employment Equity

ERC - Expenditure Review Committee

ESR - Employment Systems Review


FDS - Financial Decision Support

FELEX - Frigate Life Extension

FOC - Full Operational Capability

FTE - Full Time Equivalent


GGO - Greening of Government Operations

GSP - Government Security Policy


HR - Human Resources


IC2S - Integrated Command and Control System

ICSAR - Interdepartmental Committee on Search and Rescue

IED - Improvised Explosive Device

IM - Information Management

IOC - Initial Operational Capability

IRM - Integrated risk management

IT - Information Technology


JAG - Judge Advocate General

JCR - Junior Canadian Rangers

JIATF - Joint Interagency Task Force

JIIFC - Joint Information and Intelligence Fusion Capability

JSF - Joint Strike Fighter

JTF - Joint Task Forces

JTF-Afg - Joint Task Force Afghanistan

JTFN - Joint Task Force North


LFC - Land Force Command


MAF - Management Accountability Framework

MFRC - Military Family Resource Centres

MRRS - Management, Resources and Results Structure

MSOC - Marine Security Operations Centres

MSVS - Medium Support Vehicle System

MTAP - Military Training Assistance Program


NATO - North Atlantic Treaty Organization

NORAD - North American Aerospace Defence

NORTHCOM - Northern Command

NRC - National Capital Region

NRF - NATO Reaction Force

NSS - National Search and Rescue Secretariat


O&M - Operations and Maintenance

OGDs - Other Government Departments

OL - Official Languages

OMB - Ombudsman

OP - Operation

OSI - Operational Stress Syndrome


PAA - Program Activity Architecture

PM - Performance Management

PMF - Performance Management Framework

PRL - Primary Reserve List


R&D - Research and Development

RCMP - Royal Canadian Mounted Police

RMC - Royal Military College

RPP - Report on Plans and Priorities


S&T - Science and Technology

SAR - Search and Rescue

SAR NIF - Search and Rescue New Initiatives Fund

SCOPA - Standing Committee on Public Accounts

SCR - Strategic Capability Roadmap

SDS - Sustainable Development Strategy

SFO - Senior Financial Officer

SIP - Strategic Intake Pan

SOTF - Special Operations Task Forces

SR Dir - Strategic Readiness Directive


TBS - Treasury Board Secretariat

TC - Transport Canada 

TES - Trained Effective Strength

TFA - Task Force Afghanistan


US - United States

UAVs - Unmanned aerial vehicles

UN - United Nations


VAC - Veterans Affairs Canada

VCDS - Vice Chief of Defence Staff

[1] Refers to any one of the Assistant Deputy Ministers or Environmental Chiefs of Staff who report directly to the Deputy Minister and/or the Chief of the Defence Staff.
[2] Defined as theability to conduct forecasted and non-forecasted operations in support of government direction and policy.
[3] The navy will support and make a positive contribution to TFA desired end-state for the theatre as defined by the strategic objectives and effects of the mission.
[4] Full Spectrum of Operations is any style of combat from the use of conventional force to counter-terrorist responses in any operating environment.
[5] In operational environments, there is a frequent need to coordinate the efforts of non-military humanitarian relief efforts and development/redevelopment activities undertaken by various Canadian and International Relief agencies and organisations. A Joint, Interagency, Multi-national Public (JIMP) capability is critical to ensuring the success of these organizations.
[6] A Strategic Reserve (Strat Res) is a unit able to operate for a finite period of time and is composed of combat support and combat service support units.
[7] An Affiliated Battle Group is an Infantry based force generation model with formally affiliated Armoured, Engineer and Artillery elements.
[8] The “field-force” consists of the combat arms, combat support, and combat service support elements from which deployable task forces are generated.
[9] CMTC is instrumented with a full suite of Weapons Effects Simulation (WES).
[10] The temporary replacement of the Cormorant (CH-149) helicopters in Trenton with four Griffon (CH-146) helicopters to ensure the continuation of primary SAR capability.
[11] PACP (39-1) Eleventh Report: National Defence – Military Recruiting and Retention <
[12] An occupation is considered critical when the variance between the forecast amount of trained CF members in that occupation and the preferred manning level (PML) is 10% or greater and there is an indication that committed production or intake estimates will be insufficient to recover to PML within two years.
[13] DND/CF examined this issue in its response to Recommendation twelve of the SCOPA report, which stipulates that selected applicants be enrolled within 30 days.
[14] Conduct After Capture course informs the student of various exploitation methods and interrogation techniques that captors may employ.
[15] The CF Support Unit (Ottawa) Health Services Centre occupies the ground floor of the National Defence Medical Centre (NDMC) building on Alta Vista Drive. The Health Services Centre only will be relocating to the Montfort hospital. CF Health Services Group, 28 Medical Company, 33 Brigade Headquarters and the Ceremonial Guard, located in the NDMC building, will remain in situ until further notice. 
[16] Making Sense Out Of Dollars 2007-08
[17] Ibid
[18] National Defence financial statements as of 31 Mar 07
[19] A singular representation of operational information, based on common data and information shared by more than one command that can be tailored by users. The representation shows both temporal and spatial relationships, and the assessed confidence value of the information. It facilitates collaborative planning, self-synchronization, and assists all echelons to achieve situational awareness.
[20] This will respond to ongoing efforts to address Recommendation four of the SCOPA report.
[21] Balanced Scorecard Step-by-Step: Maximizing Performance and Maintaining Results by P. Niven provides a definition of stretched targets as mid-range targets that break long-range targets into component parts which are set three to five years in the future.
[22] The difference between accrual expenses and cash expenditures is a matter of timing. Cash expenditures are recognized when cash is received or paid. Accrual expenses are recognized when the underlying economic event occurs. For capital assets, accrual expense is recognized by amortization occurring over the asset’s life.
[23] A review is being undertaken of the assumptions and methodologies for calculating realty replacement cost, in light of the important role this plays in DND and in light of the rise in construction costs in the last five years.
[24] Refers to a grievance system that can support the successive occurrences of all CF grievance files, at all levels of the CF, from their initial submission to final adjudication.