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The Minister of National Defence is responsible to Parliament for many
statutes, and is assigned relevant responsibilities in the administration of
many laws and regulations. A comprehensive list is available at: <
DND and the CF work with many partners in Canada and abroad that help support
the Defence mission, programs and activities. The broad scope of the Defence
mandate is reflected in the complexity and diversity of its partners and
stakeholders. To view the comprehensive list of Defence partners and
stakeholders, visit: <
The DND/CF Strategy Map and an explanation of its causally linked strategic
objectives is located at: <
Lieutenant-General W.J. Natynczyk, CMM, MSC, CD Vice Chief of the Defence Staff National Defence Headquarters 101 Colonel By Drive Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0K2 |
Telephone: (613) 992-6052 Facsimile: |
Rear-Admiral Bryn M. Weadon, CMM, CD, CMA, PLog Assistant Deputy Minister (Finance and Corporate Services) National Defence Headquarters 101 Colonel By Drive Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0K2 |
Telephone: (613) 992-5669 Facsimile: |
Ms Josée Touchette Assistant Deputy Minister (Public Affairs) National Defence Headquarters |
Telephone: (613) 996-0562 Facsimile: Email: |
Department of National Defence | <> |
Office of the Judge Advocate General | <> |
Office of the Ombudsman for National Defence and the Canadian Forces | <> |
National Search and Rescue Secretariat | <> |
Defence Research & Development Canada | <> |
Communications Security Establishment Canada | <> |
Defence Planning and Management | <> |
ADM (Fin CS) - Assistant Deputy Minister (Finance and Corporate Services)
ADM (HR-Civ) - Assistant Deputy Minister (Human Resources – Civilian)
ADM (IM) - Assistant Deputy Minister (Information Management)
ADM (PA) - Assistant Deputy Minister (Public Affairs)
ADR - Alternate Dispute Resolution
AEU - Air Expeditionary Units
AFG - Afghanistan
ATD - Alternative Training Delivery
ATIP - Access to Information and Privacy
BMQ - Basic Military Qualification
BCP - Business Continuity Planning
C2 - Command and Control
C4ISR - Command, Control, Communications, Computers, Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance
Canada COM - Canada Command
CANOSCOM - Canadian Operational Support Command
CANSOFCOM - Canadian Special Operations Forces Command
CBP - Capability Based Planning
CBSA - Canada Boarder Services Agency
CCG - Canadian Coast Guard
CDA - Canadian Defence Academy
CDI - Chief of Defence Intelligence
CDS - Chief of the Defence Staff
CEFCOM - Canadian Expeditionary Forces Command
CEGEP - Collège d’enseignement général et professionnel
CF - Canadian Forces
CF ITP - CF Integrated Training Plan
CF JHQ - Canadian Forces Joint Headquarters
CFACC - Combined Forces Air Component Command
CFB - Canadian Forces Base
CFD - Chief of Force Development
CFGS - Canadian Forces Grievance Board
CFLC - Canadian Forces Liaison Council
CIC - Cadet Instructor’s Cadre
CIS - communication and information systems
CMP - Chief of Military Personnel
CMR - Collège Militaire Royal
CMTC - Canadian Manoeuvre Training Centre
COSPAS-SARSAT - Cosmicheskaya Sistyema Poiska Avariynich Sudov"-"Search and RescueSatellite-Aided Tracking
CRP - Corporate Risk Profile
CRS - Chief Review Services
CSEC - Communications Security Establishment Canada
DART - Disaster Assistance Response Team
DFO - Department of Fisheries and Oceans
DM - Deputy Minister
DMC - Defence Military Committee
DND - Department of National Defence
DPR - Departmental Performance Report
DRDC - Defence Research and Development Canada
EC - Environmental Commands
ECS - Environmental Chiefs of Staff
EE - Employment Equity
ERC - Expenditure Review Committee
ESR - Employment Systems Review
FDS - Financial Decision Support
FELEX - Frigate Life Extension
FOC - Full Operational Capability
FTE - Full Time Equivalent
GGO - Greening of Government Operations
GSP - Government Security Policy
HR - Human Resources
IC2S - Integrated Command and Control System
ICSAR - Interdepartmental Committee on Search and Rescue
IED - Improvised Explosive Device
IM - Information Management
IOC - Initial Operational Capability
IRM - Integrated risk management
IT - Information Technology
JAG - Judge Advocate General
JCR - Junior Canadian Rangers
JIATF - Joint Interagency Task Force
JIIFC - Joint Information and Intelligence Fusion Capability
JSF - Joint Strike Fighter
JTF - Joint Task Forces
JTF-Afg - Joint Task Force Afghanistan
JTFN - Joint Task Force North
LFC - Land Force Command
MAF - Management Accountability Framework
MFRC - Military Family Resource Centres
MRRS - Management, Resources and Results Structure
MSOC - Marine Security Operations Centres
MSVS - Medium Support Vehicle System
MTAP - Military Training Assistance Program
NATO - North Atlantic Treaty Organization
NORAD - North American Aerospace Defence
NORTHCOM - Northern Command
NRC - National Capital Region
NRF - NATO Reaction Force
NSS - National Search and Rescue Secretariat
O&M - Operations and Maintenance
OGDs - Other Government Departments
OL - Official Languages
OMB - Ombudsman
OP - Operation
OSI - Operational Stress Syndrome
PAA - Program Activity Architecture
PM - Performance Management
PMF - Performance Management Framework
PRL - Primary Reserve List
R&D - Research and Development
RCMP - Royal Canadian Mounted Police
RMC - Royal Military College
RPP - Report on Plans and Priorities
S&T - Science and Technology
SAR - Search and Rescue
SAR NIF - Search and Rescue New Initiatives Fund
SCOPA - Standing Committee on Public Accounts
SCR - Strategic Capability Roadmap
SDS - Sustainable Development Strategy
SFO - Senior Financial Officer
SIP - Strategic Intake Pan
SOTF - Special Operations Task Forces
SR Dir - Strategic Readiness Directive
TBS - Treasury Board Secretariat
TC - Transport Canada
TES - Trained Effective Strength
TFA - Task Force Afghanistan
US - United States
UAVs - Unmanned aerial vehicles
UN - United Nations
VAC - Veterans Affairs Canada
VCDS - Vice Chief of Defence Staff