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1. Overview of the Financial Administration Act
2. Managing in the Public Service
2.1 What is mismanagement?
2.2 Better rule making: Overhaul of the management policy suite
2.3 The special duties and obligations of public service employees
2.4 Public service culture and values
2.5 Consequences and implications of non-compliance and mismanagement
2.6 Key conclusions of the review of non-compliance in the context of the FAA
4. Disciplinary and Administrative Sanctions
4.1 What constitutes "discipline"?
4.2 Standards of conduct
4.3 Discipline as part of administrative responses to individual behaviour
4.4 A look at disciplinary sanctions and administrative responses for specific groups of
public service employees
6.1 The government's approach to debt recovery
6.2 Debt recovery in other jurisdictions
6.3 Facilitating debt recovery
7. Fostering Better Compliance with Management Rules
7.1 A compliance framework for the Government of Canada
7.2 Why? A study of factors underlying non‑compliance
7.3 Basing compliance strategies on risks
Appendix A: List of Subject Matter Specialists Consulted
Appendix B: Disciplinary and Non-disciplinary Authorities
Appendix C: Debt Collection