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A management trainee who is granted leave without pay for any period remains in the Program.
The salary of a trainee on such leave should be adjusted from time to time to preserve the trainee's position in the salary range at the time the absence began. Adjustments will occur when directions are given for revisions to the Management trainee salary ranges by the Treasury Board Secretariat.
Effective September 1, 1996, all leave of more than sixty consecutive working days will delay promotion, and graduation dates by adding the period of absence to the time remaining within the MTP. This would not however preclude a trainee from otherwise being eligible from applying for positions or promotions nor would it preclude a review committee to conclude that a trainee meets the standards of appointment at the end of the program.
Failure to meet the language and/or degree requirement or other appointment requirements on time, disqualifies a candidate from further program participation.
This plan shall be used to determine a person's rate of pay following appointment to the Management Trainee group whether from outside or inside the Public Service, as well as persons transferring from the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) or Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP).
The entry rate for a participant appointed to the Group from outside the Public Service shall be the rate specified in Appendix B, Table 2.
The Management Trainee program aims to recruit recent university graduates with little or no work experience. Qualified Public Service employees with up to three years' experience, however, are also included. The salary plan for the program reflects this recruiting objective.
Appointment to the MM group from other occupational groups within the Public Service, is deemed a transfer for pay purposes; therefore, pay shall be calculated according to the transfer provisions contained in the terms and conditions of employment for employees outside the Executive Group.
Where the transfer rate is less than the rate payable on initial appointment from outside the Public Service, the trainee shall be paid the higher rate.
The ensuing starting rate shall fall within the range for the MM1 to MM3 levels specified in Appendix B, Table 2.
The deputy head may extend this provision to persons appointed from an organization specified as a participant in the Public Service Superannuation Act (PSSA), as well as the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) and Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP).
Where a trainee's starting salary, on transfer, exceeds the entry rate, the trainee shall be held at the starting rate until it is exceeded by the rate for their respective successfully completed years of training (Appendix B, Table 2). Those receiving holding pay may not receive promotion or performance awards, but do receive MM group rate revisions.
Because the program limits participation to those with little related work experience, there is no salary protection for persons whose former Public Service income exceeds the MM3 job rate. Therefore, Public Service employees electing to enter the program under this circumstance must be counselled that the only increases they will receive during their training are those arising from occasional revisions to the MM pay rates.
Management trainees are not entitled to acting pay because trainees will receive significant pay increases over the course of the program. Additional payment for the immediate performance of higher value duties is, therefore, inappropriate for employees of this group.
However, once trainees have successfully completed their program, they are entitled to acting pay if requested to act in a position as an interim measure until their appointment to another group and level.
Management trainees are subject to the Workforce Adjustment Directive. Entitlement to the salary protection provisions of the directive shall be governed by the "attained level" provisions of this pay plan shown in Appendix B, Table 3.
Participants moving to other occupational groups at or before the successful conclusion of their training program, will be paid in accordance with this pay plan and the relevant collective agreement or terms and conditions of employment of the new position.
The trainee's salary range to be used in fixing the pay of the new position will be the "attained level" at the time of program exit (Appendix B, Table 3).
If the participant's current salary exceeds the attained level, the deputy head of the organization making the new appointment may use it instead of the "attained level", should he or she decide circumstances warrant.
Restricting salary ranges on program exit to the degree of successful completion, ensures that those departing early do not unduly qualify for transfer to higher paying positions reserved for program graduates.
For those participants who have successfully completed all the requirements of this program, the nominal maximum (Appendix B, Table 2) will be used to determine their salary on the next appointment. That salary will be fixed in accordance with the promotion and transfer rule of the terms and conditions employment.
The Public Service Commission can approve individual promotion awards.
Deputy heads can approve the individual performance awards.
Progression through the MM salary levels depends upon a performance assessment of at least "fully satisfactory" at the completion of each assignment, and on demonstrated competencies as defined in the MM selection standard , and verified by the trainee's supervisor and promotion board.
Assignments may be for more or less than a year's duration. Promotion increases to levels MM-2 and MM-3 are payable on the 18th and 36th month from the trainee's appointment date. The trainee must, however, meet all promotion requirements. Promotion pay will be made retroactive to the 18th or 36 month respectively, if the promotion is delayed for administrative reasons beyond the trainee's control.
A Performance award is payable on the 12th month from promotion to MM-3.
The timing of the performance award due to leave(s) of absence shall be governed by the relevant collective agreement.
Trainee assessments should be documented in relation to the performance and promotion expectations of each assignment in order to substantiate payment.
With the exception of those in a holding rate, no trainee shall receive a salary exceeding the job rate for the number of successfully completed years of training (Appendix B, Table 2).
Those in a holding rate are ineligible for performance increases and promotion awards, as appropriate.
There is to be no promotion increase or performance award for an unsuccessfully concluded assignment. Persons who are evaluated as less than "fully satisfactory", may not proceed for promotional assessment. Persons rated less than "fully satisfactory", if retained in the program, must complete another assignment before again being considered for a promotion or performance award.
Subsequent performance improvement will merit a single increase/award but only from the date of assessment or promotion board. Forfeiture or delay in an increment lowers aggregate earnings in the program and the "attained range" for fixing a salary on premature exit. Following successful program completion, however, the trainee should attain the salary level of a new PM-5 or equivalent or EX-minus-2 as appropriate.
A second rating of less than "fully satisfactory" disqualifies the participant for the balance of the program.
A trainee may be assigned outside the home department with the mutual agreement of the home department, and the host organization. The PSC must agree to central agency assignments which are financed through its fund.
The host department provides a performance assessment to the home department.
The home department is responsible for actions, promotion and performance pay.
The deputy head is authorized to determine increases in salary and to grant performance awards as prescribed in this plan, unless otherwise directed by the Treasury Board Secretariat.
As a matter of government policy, disclosure is restricted to information on salary ranges. The specific salary paid to persons in a performance pay plan may be disclosed only to the those public servants whose work requires access to such information.
A) Effective June 21, 2003 (2.5%)
B) Effective June 21, 2004 (2.25%)
C) Effective June 21, 2005 (2.4%)
D) Effective June 21, 2006 (2.5%)
Ab Initio |
MM-01 |
MM-02 |
MM-03 |
MM-03 |
MM-03 |
From |
35,221 |
44,026 |
47,260 |
53,309 |
55,495 |
61,312 |
A |
36,102 |
45,127 |
48,442 |
54,642 |
56,882 |
62,845 |
B |
36,914 |
46,142 |
49,532 |
55,871 |
58,162 |
64,259 |
C |
37,800 |
47,249 |
50,721 |
57,212 |
59,558 |
65,801 |
D |
38,745 |
48,430 |
51,989 |
58,642 |
61,047 |
67,446 |