Directive on Security Screening
Supporting tools
Mandatory procedures:
- Management of Personal Information for the Purpose of Security Screening
- Security Screening Activities
- Collective Evaluation of Security Screening Activities
- Resolution of Doubt and Review for Cause
- Security Screening Decisions and Notifications
- Granting, Ongoing Maintenance and Assurance of the Security Screening of an Individual
- Appendix H: Mandatory Procedures on Informing Individuals of their Rights of Review and Redress
- Chief Security Officers to Manage Temporary Access to Sensitive Information or Assets
1. Effective date
- 1.1This directive takes effect on January 6, 2025.
- 1.2This directive replaces the Standard on Security Screening dated October 20, 2014.
- 1.3Transitional consideration: The Standard on Security Screening Model and Position Analysis requires individuals who occupy positions at the Top Secret or Enhanced Top Secret level to be a Canadian citizen. All individuals in these positions will be deemed to meet this requirement when this directive comes into effect. They will continue to meet this requirement so long as they maintain a valid clearance at that level up to a maximum of five years from the effective date of this directive. This transitional consideration does not apply to individuals who are applying for a new clearance or to individuals whose existing clearance is being upgraded or downgraded at the Top Secret or Enhanced Top Secret levels.
2. Authorities
- 2.1This directive is issued pursuant to the authorities indicated in section 2 of the Policy on Government Security.
- 2.2The Treasury Board has delegated to the President of the Treasury Board the authority to amend and rescind this directive and any supporting instruments, including standards, mandatory procedures and other appendices.
- 2.3The Treasury Board has delegated to the President of the Treasury Board the authority to issue any supporting instruments, including standards, mandatory procedures and other appendices.
- 2.4The Treasury Board has delegated to the President of the Treasury Board the authority to grant temporary exceptions, on a case-by-case basis, to this directive and any supporting instruments, including standards, mandatory procedures and other appendices.
3. Objectives and expected results
- 3.1The objectives indicated in section 3 of the Policy on Government Security apply to this directive.
- 3.2In addition to the expected results indicated in section 3 of the Policy on Government Security, the expected result of this directive is to ensure that security screening activities respect the principles of employment equity, diversity and inclusion and that these principles are applied consistently.
4. Requirements
Chief security officer
- 4.1The chief security officer is to:
Security screening function
- 4.1.1Lead and oversee the departmental security screening function to:
- the consistent and comprehensive conduct of security screening that:
- the security screening requirements of positions, contracts or other arrangements;
- the eligibility of an individual to hold a security or site access status, prior to a security or site access clearance;
- the decision-making process to grant, deny or revoke a security status or clearance, or site access status or clearance; and
- rights of review and redress that apply to all individuals, where a decision may be reached to deny, revoke or suspend a security status or clearance, or site access status or clearance;
- that individuals:
- be trusted to safeguard government information and assets, including information technology (IT) systems and facilities; and
- aware of their security responsibilities;
- departmental workforce awareness, capacity and capability to meet security screening function requirements, including respecting the values and principles of the Government of Canada;
- a security file for all individuals for whom security screening is conducted in accordance with the Privacy Act and associated Government of Canada policy instruments;
- that personal information for the purpose of security screening is:
-, created, used, disclosed, retained and disposed of in accordance with the Privacy Act and Government of Canada policy instruments;
- and implement processes to share information within the department and with other departments that:
- defined and implemented;
- with Government of Canada direction for managing security screening information;
- with the Privacy Act and Government of Canada policy instruments for handling personal information;
- the transfer and acceptance of security screening files with other departments; and
- sharing of information within the department and with other departments, where a decision is reached to deny, revoke or suspend a security status or clearance or site access status or clearance;
- the consistent and comprehensive conduct of security screening that:
- 4.1.2When there is a requirement to conduct security screening of individuals external to government with whom the department has a need to share sensitive information or assets or to provide access to sensitive IT systems or facilities, ensure that:
- screening requirements for contractors and other individuals are detailed in relevant documentation (see Appendix F: Mandatory Procedures for Security in Contracts and Other Arrangements Control of the Directive on Security Management); and
- required security status or clearance is granted before information is shared and access is provided;
Interdepartmental security screening services
- 4.1.3Use security screening services where mandated or available to meet the departmental security screening requirements; and
- that the services obtained meet those requirements;
- 4.1.4Ensure that a written agreement is in place when the organization provides or receives security screening services from another organization pursuant to subsections 6.3 and 6.4 that:
- applicable security and privacy requirements, in collaboration with responsible departmental officials; and
- respective security screening responsibilities;
- 4.1.5Where the security screening function involves the provision of services to client departments:
- that security screening requirements of client department positions are developed under the direction of the chief security officer of the client department; and
- recommending a decision to grant, grant with conditions, deny or revoke a security status or clearance, consult the chief security officer and, as appropriate, the deputy head, of the client department;
Security risk and adverse information
- 4.1.6Take measures to address any security risk that presents serious and immediate threats to the security of persons, information or assets of the department or the Government of Canada and, when appropriate:
- with human resources management regarding the suspension of an employee’s security status or clearance;
- with the contracting authority regarding the suspension of a contractor’s:
- status or clearance; or
- access status or clearance;
- the security status or clearance or site access status or clearance of the individual, pending an investigation;
- the security status or clearance or site access status or clearance of the individual, where they refuse to provide consent or withdraws consent 30 days after suspension; and
- such security events to the appropriate law enforcement authority or security and intelligence agency (see Appendix I: Standard on Security Event Reporting of the Directive on Security Management);
Variation requests
- 4.1.7Support the deputy head to obtain the approval of the President of the Treasury Board of any temporary exception to the application of this directive and any supporting instruments, including standards, mandatory procedures and other appendices, in consultation with the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat and other stakeholders;
Life-cycle management
- 4.1.8Establish and oversee the implementation and review of security screening practices for positions and individuals:
-, document, and implement departmental practices for the life cycle of position analysis and security screening; and
- with departmental human resources management practices;
Monitoring and reporting
- 4.1.9Monitor compliance with this directive:
-, investigate and report any significant compliance issues to the deputy head; and
- action as directed by the deputy head;
- 4.1.10Document and monitor security screening practices to meet identified security requirements for programs, services and activities; and
- ongoing adherence with security screening practices;
- 4.1.11Collaborate with senior officials and other stakeholders to respond to direction, advice and information requests issued by the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat; and
- 4.1.12Provide information to the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat upon request.
- 4.1.1Lead and oversee the departmental security screening function to:
Senior officials in the departmental security governance
- 4.2Senior officials, designated by the deputy head in the departmental security governance, are to:
Security screening function
- 4.2.1Participate in and report to the departmental security governance;
- 4.2.2Collaborate with senior officials, security functional specialists, partners and other stakeholders to:
- security screening requirements and related resource needs for programs, services and activities;
- and implement security screening practices to meet identified security requirements for programs, services and activities;
- ongoing adherence with security screening practices;
- security screening responsibilities for programs, services and activities;
- and implement departmental security rights of review and redress practices for security screening activities; and
- advice to the deputy head, the chief security officer and other stakeholders on departmental security screening matters in their area of responsibility;
Interdepartmental security screening services
- 4.2.3Where the security screening function involves the provision of services to, or relies upon, another department, ensure that:
- is provided to the chief security officer in meeting subsection 4.1.4 of this directive so that:
- and responsibilities of the agreement are met; and
- is monitored;
- is provided to the chief security officer in meeting subsection 4.1.4 of this directive so that:
Security risk and adverse information
- 4.2.4Address adverse information, in collaboration with the chief security officer, partners and other stakeholders; and
Monitoring and reporting
- 4.2.5Monitor and report on the effectiveness of security screening practices within their area of responsibility and share the results with the chief security officer.
Security functional specialists and other designated individuals
- 4.3Security functional specialists and other designated individuals in the departmental security governance are to:
- 4.3.1Coordinate and provide support as appropriate in relation to the departmental security screening control to:
- departmental security screening practices as prescribed in the appendices of this directive;
- 4.3.2Monitor and report on the effectiveness of security screening practices and share the results with the chief security officer to:
- the extent to which departmental security requirements are met; and
- necessary actions to address any deficiencies; and
- 4.3.3Provide advice to the chief security officer and other stakeholders, as appropriate, on departmental security screening matters.
- 4.3.1Coordinate and provide support as appropriate in relation to the departmental security screening control to:
- 4.4Individuals who have human resources responsibilities are to:
- 4.4.1Integrate security screening considerations into planning and other administrative activities;
- 4.4.2Collaborate with the chief security officer to determine the appropriate screening level for each position for which they are responsible:
- accordance with subsections A.2.2.4 and A.2.2.10 of Appendix A: Standard on Security Screening Model and Position Analysis;
- 4.4.3Ensure the established requirement of a security status or clearance as a condition of employment, appointment, contract or other arrangement, or assignment for positions for which they are responsible, is reflected in relevant documentation;
- 4.4.4Ensure that individuals for whom they are currently responsible or may become responsible have a valid security status or clearance, as defined by the department’s security screening requirements, before:
- an unconditional job offer;
- a contract; or
- the pre-contractual phase, providing a contractor access to sensitive information for the purpose of bidding;
- them in a position by means of other mechanisms such as an assignment, secondment, volunteer or other official capacity; and
- access to sensitive information and assets, including IT systems and facilities;
- 4.4.5Ensure that individuals for whom they are responsible have received a security briefing prior to providing access to sensitive information and assets, including IT systems and facilities; and
- 4.4.6Report to the chief security officer changes in personal circumstances and behaviour of individuals for whom they are responsible, which may affect the security status or clearance they have been granted.
- 4.5Individuals are to:
- 4.5.1Provide their consent to initiate screening activities;
- 4.5.2Provide the personal information and evidentiary documents required for security screening:
- and truthfully; and
- accordance with the required format and established time frames and update cycles;
- 4.5.3Indicate their understanding and acceptance of security responsibilities by signing the Security Screening Certificate and Briefing Form;
- 4.5.4Perform their duties reliably and in compliance with:
- security status or clearance they are granted;
- security obligations detailed in the Security Screening Certificate and Briefing Form; and
- of Canada security policy and departmental security practices, including safeguarding information and assets under their control, whether working onsite or offsite;
- 4.5.5Notify their manager or chief security officer of the following:
- related to a change in personal circumstances;
- persistent or unusual contact, or any attempt by an individual, group, organization or other entity to solicit or obtain access to sensitive information and assets, including IT systems and facilities, without authorization; or
- of individuals that may present a security risk to the department or the Government of Canada (as described in Appendix G: Mandatory Procedures for the Granting, Ongoing Maintenance and Assurance of the Security Screening of an Individual).
Individuals designated by deputy heads of internal enterprise service organizations to oversee their internal enterprise service activities
- 4.6Individuals designated by deputy heads of internal enterprise service organizations authorized to provide enterprise security screening services to departments are to:
Security screening function
- 4.6.1Support the deputy head, chief security officer and other stakeholders, as appropriate, on departmental security screening matters, including:
- that a written agreement is in place for security screening services provided to other organizations pursuant to subsections 6.3 and 6.4;
- 4.6.2Make available to the deputy head or chief security officer of a client department upon request and in a timely manner:
- that pertains to security screening activities and results, unless prohibited by law, including the Privacy Act, the Criminal Records Act or other applicable legislation; and
- and recommendations to support the result of security screening activities and inform decision-making;
- 4.6.3Maintain a security file for all individuals for whom security screening is conducted in accordance with the Privacy Act and associated Government of Canada policy instruments;
- 4.6.4Ensure that personal information for the purpose of security screening is:
-, created, used, disclosed, retained and disposed of in accordance with the Privacy Act and Government of Canada policy instruments;
Security screening internal enterprise services
- 4.6.5Ensure that individuals or organizations that are assigned responsibility for conducting security screening are qualified to do so, including that they:
- their responsibilities in accordance with legal and policy requirements, with the security interests of Canada in mind;
- compliance of security screening services against established service standards; and
- any issues related to the fulfillment of security screening services to the affected departments and the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat;
Monitoring and reporting
- 4.6.6Monitor compliance with this directive:
-, investigate and report any significant compliance issues to the deputy head;
- action as directed by the deputy head; and
- findings to the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat, including information to help inform government-wide policy direction and oversight;
- 4.6.7Collaborate with senior officials and other stakeholders to respond to direction, advice and information requests issued by the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat.
- 4.6.1Support the deputy head, chief security officer and other stakeholders, as appropriate, on departmental security screening matters, including:
5. Roles of other government organizations
- 5.1This section identifies key government organizations in relation to the Policy on Government Security. In and of itself, this section does not confer any authority.
- 5.2This section identifies lead security agencies or internal enterprise service organizations that have a leadership and support role in relation to this directive and contribute to the achievement of government security policy objectives. The responsibilities of each organization are identified, in accordance with its mandate.
- 5.3The following roles and responsibilities are supplementary to those defined in the Policy on Government Security.
- 5.4The Canadian Security Intelligence Service is to:
- 5.4.1Conduct, on behalf of departments, appraisals of the individuals’ loyalty to Canada and, so far as it relates thereto their loyalty, their reliability.
- 5.5The Communications Security Establishment is to:
- 5.5.1Define criteria and formal control systems for access to signals intelligence (SIGINT) compartmented information to authorize government departments to perform indoctrinations and maintain the national inventory of indoctrinated personnel.
- 5.6National Defence is to:
- 5.6.1Process requests for visits when security-cleared military personnel must visit a government or military establishment in Canada or abroad; and
- 5.6.2Define criteria and formal control systems for access to Talent-Keyhole (TK) compartmented information to authorize government departments to perform indoctrinations and maintain the national inventory of indoctrinated personnel.
- 5.7Global Affairs Canada is to:
- 5.7.1Conduct security screening of locally engaged staff and of other governments’ officials at Canadian missions abroad.
- 5.8Public Services and Procurement Canada is to:
- 5.8.1Conduct security screening of contractors, other individuals and organizational entities as part of the government contracting process, including those participating in foreign contracts; and
- 5.8.2Manage a visit-clearance request system for visitors accessing classified information in private sector premises and for foreign private sector individuals accessing classified information on government premises.
- 5.9The Royal Canadian Mounted Police is to:
- 5.9.1Conduct criminal record checks and law enforcement records checks to verify whether an individual has been convicted of a criminal offence and, when appropriate, to assess the person’s involvement with criminality or with criminal organizations.
- 5.10The Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat is to:
- 5.10.1Determine the personal information that is to be collected, used, disclosed, retained and disposed of for the purpose of security screening, and maintain the description of the Standard Personal Information Bank PSU 917 (Security Screening) for this purpose.
6. Application
- 6.1This directive applies to the organizations listed in subsection 6.1 of the Policy on Government Security.
- 6.2The heads of the following organizations are solely responsible for monitoring and ensuring compliance with this directive within their organizations:
- Office of the Auditor General of Canada
- Office of the Chief Electoral Officer
- Office of the Commissioner of Lobbying of Canada
- Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages
- Office of the Information Commissioner of Canada
- Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada
- Office of the Public Sector Integrity Commissioner of Canada
- 6.3Subsections 4.1.4 and of this directive apply only to interdepartmental agreements pursuant to subsection 29.2 of the Financial Administration Act and to arrangements with Crown corporations, other orders of government, the private sector or other entities that are not governed by the Policy on Government Security, where the department has authority to enter into such agreements or arrangements.
- 6.4Subsections 4.1.4 and of this directive apply to contracts for the production or delivery of goods or services and to any other arrangement that involves the sharing of sensitive information or assets with organizations or individuals that do not fall under the application of the Policy on Government Security.
7. References
- 7.1Legislation
- Access to Information Act
- Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms
- Canadian Human Rights Act
- Canadian Security Intelligence Service Act
- Criminal Code
- Criminal Records Act
- Employment Equity Act
- Federal Public Sector Labour Relations and Employment Board Act
- Federal Public Service Labour Relations Act
- Financial Administration Act
- Inquiries Act
- National Security and Intelligence Review Agency Act
- Official Languages Act
- Privacy Act
- Public Service Employment Act
- Security of Canada Information Disclosure Act
- Foreign Interference and Security of Information Act
- Youth Criminal Justice Act
- 7.2Related policy instruments
- Foundation Framework for Treasury Board Policies
- Policy on Government Security
- Policy on People Management
- Policy on Service and Digital
- Policy on Privacy Protection
- Policies for Ministers’ Offices
- Values and Ethics Code for the Public Sector
- Directive on the Management of Procurement
- Directive on Identity Management
- Directive on Service and Digital
- Directive on Privacy Practices
- Directive on Privacy Impact Assessment
- Directive on Personal Information Requests and Correction of Personal Information
- Directive on Security Management
- Directive on Automated Decision-Making
- Directive on Employment Equity, Diversity and Inclusion
- 7.3Related guidance
- Guideline on Identity Assurance
- Guideline on Service and Digital
- Guidelines for Discipline
- Guidelines for Termination or Demotion for Unsatisfactory Performance; Termination or Demotion for Reasons Other than Breaches of Discipline or Misconduct; and Termination of Employment During Probation
- Guidance Document: Taking Privacy into Account Before Making Contracting Decisions
- Privacy Implementation Notice 2023-03: Guidance Pertaining to the Collection, Use, Retention and Disclosure of Personal Information that Is Publicly Available Online
8. Enquiries
- 8.1Members of the public may contact Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat Public Enquiries for information about this directive.
- 8.2Individuals from departments should contact their departmental security management group for any questions regarding this directive.
- 8.3Individuals from the departmental security group may contact the Security Policy Division at the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat by email at for interpretation of this directive.
Appendix A: Standard on Security Screening Model and Position Analysis
A.1 Effective date
- A.1.1This standard takes effect on January 6, 2025.
A.2 Standards
- A.2.1This standard provides details on the requirements set out in subsections and 4.6.1 of the Directive on Security Screening.
- A.2.2Standards are as follows:
- A.2.2.1Grant either a status or a clearance at the level required based on:
- A. position the individual occupies; or
- A. contract or other arrangement through which the individual is participating.
Security screening model for individuals
- A.2.2.2Conduct security screening for:
- A. positions or duties in the Government of Canada;
- A. contracts or other arrangement where there is a need to share or provide access to sensitive information and assets, including IT systems and facilities; and
- A. accordance with Annex A1.
- A.2.2.3Assess:
- A., honesty and trustworthiness as a function of eligibility to hold a status; and
- A., honesty, trustworthiness, loyalty to Canada, and reliability as it relates to that loyalty, as a function of eligibility to hold a clearance.
Position analysis for individuals
- A.2.2.4Determine the level of screening required for positions based on:
- A. duties to be performed;
- A. level of authority or control exercised by the position;
- A. sensitivity of information and assets, including IT systems and facilities to be accessed, including:
- A. degree of injury that could result from compromise; and
- A. need-to-know or need-to-access principle;
- A. a minimum, all positions are established at Reliability status when occupied by employees or other individuals working in departments as defined in section 2 and any other agency included in Schedules IV and V of the Financial Administration Act unless excluded by specific acts, regulations or orders-in-council; and
- A. accordance with the criteria identified within Annex A2.
- A.2.2.5Top Secret or Enhanced Top Secret level clearances are to be granted only to employees or other individuals who have Canadian citizenship; and
- A.2.2.6Extend security screening to an enhanced level in accordance the criteria identified within Annex A2.
Security requirements for contracts and other arrangements
- A.2.2.7In accordance with Appendix F: Mandatory Procedures for Security in Contracts and Other Arrangements Control of the Directive on Security Management, contracts and other arrangements that have an assessed security requirement to a Top Secret or Enhanced Top Secret level are to be granted only to contractors or other individuals who have Canadian citizenship.
Site access screening model for non-employees
- A.2.2.8Conduct site access screening for:
- A. who are not employees and have a need to access protected or restricted areas or facilities; and
- A. accordance with Annex A3.
- A.2.2.9Assess:
- A., honesty and trustworthiness as a function of eligibility to hold a status; and
- A., honesty, trustworthiness, loyalty to Canada and reliability, as it relates to that loyalty, as a function of eligibility to hold a clearance.
Position analysis for non-employees
- A.2.2.10Determine the level of site access screening required for contracts or other arrangements based on:
- A. sensitivity and nature of departmental programs, services and activities;
- A. nature of the duties or services to be performed;
- A. the individual will be escorted or unescorted;
- A. the individual requires access to the exterior or interior of a facility;
- A. risk of the individual inadvertently seeing or overhearing sensitive information or conversations; and
- A. accordance with the criteria identified in Annex A4.
- A.2.2.1Grant either a status or a clearance at the level required based on:
Annex A1: Levels of Security Screening and Associated Activities
Level | Security screening activities | Level | Security screening activities |
Reliability status |
Enhanced Reliability status |
All activities for Reliability status plus:
Secret clearance |
All activities for Reliability status plus:
Enhanced Secret clearance |
All activities for Secret clearance plus:
Top Secret clearance |
All activities for Secret clearance plus:
Enhanced Top Secret clearance |
All activities for Top Secret clearance plus:
Annex A2: Criteria for Determining Level of Security Screening
Level | Criteria for determining level | Access permissions |
Reliability Status |
Secret clearance |
Top Secret clearance |
Enhanced Reliability status |
Enhanced Secret clearance |
Enhanced Top Secret clearance |
Annex A3: Levels of Site Access Screening and Associated Activities
Level | Activities |
Site Access status |
Site Access clearance |
All activities for Site Access status plus:
Additional activities may be used in accordance with subsection A.2.2.10, “Position analysis for non-employees.” |
All activities for Site Access clearance plus:
Annex A4: Criteria for Determining Level of Site Access Screening
Level | Criteria for determining level | Access permissions |
Site Access status |
Site Access clearance |
Appendix B: Mandatory Procedures for Management of Personal Information for the Purpose of Security Screening
B.1 Effective date
- B.1.1These procedures take effect on January 6, 2025.
B.2 Procedures
- B.2.1These procedures provide details on the requirements set out in subsections,,,, 4.6.1, 4.6.3 and 4.6.4 of the Directive on Security Screening.
- B.2.2Mandatory procedures are as follows:
Safeguarding of personal information
- B.2.2.1Assign a security category to personal information, commensurate with the sensitivity of the information, in accordance with Appendix E: Mandatory Procedures for Information Management Security Control of the Directive on Security Management; and
- B. measures to protect sensitive information using appropriate security controls.
Collection and creation of personal information: personal information banks
- B.2.2.2Collect, create, use, disclose, retain and dispose of personal information for the purposes of security screening in accordance with the Privacy Act and the Directive on Privacy Practices.
Security screening forms and models
- B.2.2.3Collect personal information using Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat prescribed forms and models.
Consent regarding collection, use and disclosure
- B.2.2.4In accordance with the Directive on Privacy Practices, before information is collected, used or disclosed, obtain informed consent:
- B. the individual; or
- B. the legal parent or guardian when conducting security screening for individuals under the age of 18.
Failure to provide consent or information
- B.2.2.5When an individual does not provide consent, withdraws consent or does not provide the required information for security screening, cease screening activities and:
- B. the security screening action is for an initial or upgraded security screening:
- B. the individual that:
- Security screening cannot proceed without consent or the required information; and
- Failure to provide consent and the required information will result in the individual no longer being considered for appointment, employment, contract, assignment or other arrangement;
- B. cancel the screening process until consent and the required information are obtained; and
- B. security screening is being conducted in support of a contract, inform the contracting authority;
- B. the individual that:
- B. the security screening action is for an update:
- B. and consult with the manager of the individual;
- B. the risk associated with the individual remaining in their position; and
- B. the individual does not provide the required information and the update:
- Cannot proceed as a result of the missing information; or
- Cannot be completed before the status or clearance exceeds its validity period; and
- Presents an unacceptable security risk to the department or the Government of Canada:
- B. with human resources management or inform the contracting authority; and
- B. the status or clearance and initiate a review for cause; or
- B. an individual does not provide consent or withdraws consent:
- B. refusal of the individual to provide consent and notify them of the consequences of not providing consent;
- B. the status or clearance of the individual; and
- B. the status or clearance of the individual 30 days after suspension if consent has not been obtained within that time.
- B. the security screening action is for an initial or upgraded security screening:
Security screening file management
- B.2.2.6Create and maintain a file (record) for each individual who undergoes security screening that contains relevant personal information, including:
- B. original digital or paper copies of security screening forms and questionnaires;
- B. results of all security screening activities, verifications, inquiries and assessments, with each of these dated;
- B. of results and any advice or recommendations to support decision-making;
- B. to grant, grant with conditions, deny, revoke, suspend pending investigation, or administratively cancel a security status or clearance; and
- B. information related to any conditions, temporary access, review for cause, or investigation, and any ensuing decisions.
- B.2.2.7Update security screening files when:
- A change is reported in the personal circumstances of the individual, including at minimum any of the following:
- Change in criminal record status;
- Involvement with law enforcement;
- Association with criminals;
- A significant change in financial situation; or
- Where an individual works in security or intelligence organizations, additional changes in their personal or legal status;
- There is a change in a security status or clearance of the individual;
- The security status or clearance of the individual is subject to review for cause; or
- A decision is made with respect to the above.
- A change is reported in the personal circumstances of the individual, including at minimum any of the following:
- B.2.2.8Ensure that any results of department-specific inquiries conducted against departmental data sources and indices are included in the security screening file of an individual only when it is used to resolve doubt.
- B.2.2.9Remove from security screening files and dispose of information related to criminal offences for which the individual received a record suspension.
Transfer of security screening files
- B.2.2.10Make available the security screening file of the individual to facilitate the temporary or permanent movement of:
- B. individual within or between departments; or
- B. contractor between contracts;
- B.2.2.11Transfer the security screening file of an individual:
- B. request and in a timely manner;
- B. they move permanently to another department;
- B. accordance with requirements for reactivation and expiry;
- B. for:
- B. Any classified CSIS security assessment, which must be returned to CSIS:
- B. Advise the chief security officer of the receiving department of the existence of the assessment; and
- B. A record of discharge under section 730 of the Criminal Code must not be:
- Transferred to another department, including acknowledgement of the existence of the record; and
- Disclosed, including the fact that the discharge occurred, unless prior approval of the Minister of Public Safety is received if:
- More than one year has elapsed since the individual was discharged absolutely; or
- More than three years have elapsed since the individual was discharged on the conditions prescribed in a probation order.
- B. Any classified CSIS security assessment, which must be returned to CSIS:
- B.2.2.12Upon receipt of a transferred security screening file:
- B. security screening activities where:
- The results exceed the validity period;
- There is evidence to suggest that the security screening was not previously done in accordance with this directive;
- There are conditions attached to the status or clearance;
- Results of criminal record checks, law enforcement records checks or security assessments have been removed from the file; or
- There is adverse information on file that may represent a security risk to the receiving department; and
- B. the rationale for not accepting a current status or clearance within a transferred security screening file, and redo the security screening of the individual.
- B. security screening activities where:
- B.2.2.13Upon transfer of the security clearance of an individual, notify CSIS via form CSIS 4160 Notification of Change in Security Clearance.
Deactivation and reactivation
- B.2.2.14Deactivate a valid security status or clearance when:
- B. employee has:
- Retired or otherwise terminated employment; or
- Taken an authorized absence from the Government of Canada longer than:
- Two years for a status; or
- One year for a clearance; or
- Taken an unauthorized absence from the Government of Canada longer than 30 days; or
- B. contractor or other individual has been removed from the contract or other arrangement; or
- B. contract or other arrangement has been completed, cancelled or terminated.
- B. employee has:
- B.2.2.15Reactivate the security status or clearance:
- B. within the original validity period; and
- B. an employee returns to active employment and is no more than:
- Two years removed from having possessed a valid security status; or
- One year removed from having possessed a valid security clearance; or
- B. a contractor or other individual is no more than:
- Two years removed from having possessed a valid security status;
- One year removed from having possessed a valid security clearance; or
- One year removed from having possessed a valid Site Access status or clearance.
- B.2.2.16When reactivating a status or a clearance:
- B. identity information;
- B. individuals to account for their activities during the period of absence and the circumstances surrounding their departure;
- B. not extend the validity period; and
- B. not reactivate a security status or clearance and repeat the security screening when:
- B. The circumstances surrounding the departure involve:
- Review for cause;
- Suspension pending an investigation;
- An outstanding resolution of doubt; or
- Disciplinary reasons; or
- B. There is adverse information or conditions on file; or
- B. The status or clearance has exceeded its validity period.
- B. The circumstances surrounding the departure involve:
- B.2.2.17Administratively cancel a security status or clearance or Site Access status or clearance once the reactivation period for the individual has elapsed and there has been no activity on the file.
File retention and disposition
- B.2.2.18Retain security screening files of individuals contained in:
- B. Personal Information Bank PSU 917 (Security Screening) for a minimum of two years following the departure of the individual from the federal public service:
- B. Prevent security screening files of individuals who have left the employment of the federal public service from being transferred to the departmental Personnel Records Centre or to any Regional Service Centre of Library and Archives Canada; and
- B. Personal Information Bank PSU 917 (Security Screening) who have been denied or had revoked a security status or clearance for a minimum of 10 years following their departure from the federal public service.
- B. Personal Information Bank PSU 917 (Security Screening) for a minimum of two years following the departure of the individual from the federal public service:
- B.2.2.1Assign a security category to personal information, commensurate with the sensitivity of the information, in accordance with Appendix E: Mandatory Procedures for Information Management Security Control of the Directive on Security Management; and
Appendix C: Mandatory Procedures for Security Screening Activities
C.1 Effective date
- C.1.1These procedures take effect on January 6, 2025.
C.2 Procedures
- C.2.1These procedures provide details on the requirements set out in subsections A., A.2.2.3, A. and A.2.2.9 of the Standard on Security Screening Position Analysis and Model.
- C.2.2Mandatory procedures are as follows:
- C.2.2.1Conduct security screening activities in accordance with Annex A1 and Annex A3 of Appendix A: Standard on Security Screening Position Analysis and Model as identified below:
- C. identity before undertaking any subsequent security screening activities; and
- C. all subsequent security screening activities in relation to the individual;
Identity verification practices
- C. evidence of identity in accordance with the Standard on Identity and Credential Assurance; and
- C. identity and credential assurance level 3 as the minimum level required for all levels of security screening;
Background verification practices
- C. the accuracy of the background information provided by the individual through a risk-based approach:
- C. it is not possible to verify all the required years of background information, consider:
- C. sources of information, including but not limited to:
- C. Additional references; and
- C. Resolution of doubt in accordance with Appendix E: Mandatory Procedures for Resolution of Doubt and Review for Cause;
- C. sources of information, including but not limited to:
- C. for individuals who have lived outside of Canada for longer than six months consecutively within the time period required by the security status or clearance in the following ways:
- A letter of reference or referral from a foreign embassy or mission in Canada;
- A letter of reference or referral from a Canadian embassy or mission in the country or countries in which the individual resided;
- A letter of reference from a foreign educational institution or university;
- A letter or police clearance certificate from a law enforcement agency of jurisdiction in the country in which the individual resided;
- A credit summary from an established foreign financial institution;
- Employment or assignment with a Government of Canada department or agency or with the Canadian Armed Forces outside Canada;
- Information from counterpart security screening organizations in countries with which Canada has entered into bilateral arrangements for the exchange of security screening information; or
- Alternate sources of information that are sufficient to account for their activities and the associated risk;
- C. activities accounted for in one or more of these ways in consideration of the adequacy and reliability of the source;
- C. it is not possible to verify all the required years of background information, consider:
Educational and professional credential verification
- C. relevant educational and professional credentials and designations;
Personal and professional reference checks
- C. information about the individual from persons who know or who are in a position to take notice of the individual;
Financial inquiry
- C. a full consumer credit report from a credit reporting agency that:
- C. information on the credit history, liens, judgments or bankruptcy of the individual; and
- C. and does not negatively affect the credit score of the individual;
- C. a reliable credit report from a credit reporting agency cannot be obtained, develop and administer a financial assessment questionnaire for individuals; and
- C. the results of the financial inquiry to assess whether an individual poses a security risk on the basis of financial pressure or a history of poor financial responsibility;
Criminal records check
- C. a criminal record check against the RCMP’s National Repository of Criminal Records to confirm the involvement of the individual in criminal activity;
- C. individuals who have lived outside of Canada for longer than six months consecutively within the time period required by the security status or clearance to:
- C. Obtain a police clearance certificate or equivalent documentation that provides:
- A summary of an individual’s criminal record; or
- A declaration of the absence of any criminal record;
- C. Where a country of residence:
- Does not provide police clearance certificates or equivalent documentation; or
- Obtaining the documentation presents undue risk to the individual, consider:
- C. Alternate sources of information, sufficient to:
- C. Confirm the involvement or absence thereof, of the individual in criminal activity; and
- C. Assess the risk associated with past criminal convictions;
- C. Obtain a police clearance certificate or equivalent documentation that provides:
- C. the results of criminal record checks and out-of-country documentation to assess the risk associated with past criminal convictions.
CSIS security assessment
- C. a CSIS security assessment to:
- C. Determine whether there is sufficient information available upon which to base a security screening decision; and
- C. Assess, where sufficient information is available, whether there is reasonable cause to believe that the individual has engaged, is engaged or may engage in activities that constitute a “threat to the security of Canada,” as defined in section 2 of the Canadian Security Intelligence Service Act;
Internet inquiry
- C. publicly available personal information on the Internet to:
- C. Verify accuracy and integrity of the background information provided by the individual; and
- C. Identify potential adverse information based on behaviours, conduct, associations, judgment or features of character;
- C. reasonable steps to verify the accuracy of information obtained from the Internet inquiry;
Law enforcement records check
- C. additional RCMP and jurisdictional police agency records to verify:
- C. Outstanding warrants or prohibitions; and
- C. Whether an individual has any associations with criminality or organized crime;
Security questionnaire or security interview
- C. and conduct a security questionnaire or a security interview that solicits information to:
- C. Identify and validate adverse information;
- C. Provide the individual an opportunity to explainadverse information; and
- C. Assess security risk on the basis of ideology, conduct, associations, judgment, features of character and vulnerability to coercion;
Polygraph examination
- C. a polygraph:
- C. For positions that require an Enhanced Top Secret security clearance; or
- C. Where necessary to comply with international information-sharing agreements entered into by the Government of Canada; and
- C. To corroborate the results of security screening activities, including the absence of results;
- C. For positions that require an Enhanced Top Secret security clearance; or
Canadian citizenship verification
- C. Canadian citizenship for a Top Secret or Enhanced Top Secret security clearance:
- C. In accordance with documents prescribed by the Government of Canada.
- C.2.2.1Conduct security screening activities in accordance with Annex A1 and Annex A3 of Appendix A: Standard on Security Screening Position Analysis and Model as identified below:
Appendix D: Mandatory Procedures for Collective Evaluation of Security Screening Activities
D.1 Effective date
- D.1.1These procedures take effect on January 6, 2025.
D.2 Procedures
- D.2.1These procedures provide details on the requirements set out in subsections and 4.6.1 of the Directive on Security Screening.
- D.2.2Mandatory procedures are as follows:
Identity verification
- D.2.2.1Administratively cancel the security screening process when identity information cannot be verified, despite reasonable and demonstrable effort.
Canadian citizenship verification
- D.2.2.2Administratively cancel the security screening process when Canadian citizenship cannot be verified, despite reasonable and demonstrable effort, for Top Secret and Enhanced Top Secret security clearance.
Collective evaluation of security screening activities
- D.2.2.3Collectively evaluate the results of security screening activities:
- D. on:
- D. quality, quantity, relevance, credibility and totality of the information available relative to the level of status or clearance being considered;
- D. contextual factors associated with the position, contract or other arrangement, including the totality of information related to the individual; and
- D. as a factor the presence of adverse information and information obtained through a resolution of doubt;
- D. assess:
- D. The reliability of an individual, including their honesty and trustworthiness, based on whether they can be trusted to:
- Safeguard information and assets, including IT systems and facilities;
- Be relied upon to not abuse the level of trust accorded;
- Perform the assigned duties in a manner that will reflect positively on the Government of Canada; and
- Not pose a security risk to the Government of Canada;
- D. Loyalty to Canada, as applicable, where there are reasonable grounds to believe that:
- The individual has engaged, is engaged, may engage or may be induced to engage in activities that constitute a threat to the security of Canada as defined in the Canadian Security Intelligence Service Act; or
- In so far as it relates to reliability as it relates to loyalty:
- The individual has acted, is acting, may act or may be induced to act in a way that constitutes a threat to the security of Canada; or
- The individual has disclosed, may disclose, may be induced to disclose or may cause to be disclosed sensitive information in a manner contrary to the public interest;
- D. the presence of information that supports the likelihood of these scenarios as the basis to deny a security clearance or Site Access clearance;
- D. the absence of adverse information pursuant to a CSIS security assessment as a factor in favour of whether to grant a security clearance or Site Access clearance; and
- D. insufficient information required for the CSIS security assessment as grounds upon which to deny a security clearance or Site Access clearance;
- D. The reliability of an individual, including their honesty and trustworthiness, based on whether they can be trusted to:
- D. on:
Identification and assessment of adverse information
- D.2.2.4Assess the significance of adverse information based on the specific details of that information and in light of the totality of an individual’s circumstances, including:
- Mitigating and aggravating factors;
- The nature of the adverse information;
- The frequency of the adverse information;
- The circumstances surrounding the adverse information, including;
- The impact of socio-economic and cultural factors as identified by the individual;
- The severity of the adverse information;
- The passage of time;
- The duties to be performed;
- Whether the individual has been forthcoming about the information; and
- The remedial action and rehabilitation efforts of the individual;
- D.2.2.5Where an Internet inquiry uncovers potential adverse findings, before rendering a decision, provide the individual with the opportunity to:
- D. a summary of the potential adverse findings; and
- D. the findings;
- D.2.2.6Deny a security status or clearance to an individual who cannot hold public office, contract or receive benefits under a contract pursuant to sections 750(2) and 750(3) of the Criminal Code;
Review and reporting of adverse information
- D.2.2.7Review adverse information as a basis for further investigation, including a resolution-of-doubt interview; and
- D.2.2.8Where the security screening function involves the provision of services to client departments, report adverse information to the chief security officer of the client department considering employment, appointment, contract or other arrangement, or assignment of the individual.
Appendix E: Mandatory Procedures for Resolution of Doubt and Review for Cause
E.1 Effective date
- E.1.1These procedures take effect on January 6, 2025.
E.2 Procedures
- E.2.1These procedures provide details on the requirements set out in subsections,, and 4.1.6 of the Directive on Security Screening.
- E.2.2Mandatory procedures are as follows:
- E.2.2.1Demonstrate and document that adverse and missing information have been thoroughly addressed; and
- E.2.2.2Conduct a resolution of doubt or review for cause as expeditiously as possible;
Resolution of doubt
- E.2.2.3Initiate a resolution of doubt when unverifiable, missing or adverse information is uncovered during the security screening of an individual;
- E.2.2.4Provide the individual with a summary of the adverse, missing and unverifiable information in question:
- E. to disclosure to the individual:
- E. the investigative body when adverse information is uncovered as a result of:
- An RCMP law enforcement records check; or
- A CSIS security assessment;
- E. information that cannot be disclosed:
- For reasons of national security;
- That could endanger the safety of any person; and
- That would be exempt under the Privacy Act sections 18, 19, 20 and 21, and subsections 22(1) to 22(3);
- E. the investigative body when adverse information is uncovered as a result of:
- E. to disclosure to the individual:
- E.2.2.5Conduct additional security screening activities:
- E. resolve doubt when information is available or reported about an individual that may cast doubt on their reliability or loyalty to Canada; and
- E.
- E. consent has been obtained; and
- E. department has the legal authority to do so;
- E.2.2.6Before a decision is rendered, conduct a resolution-of-doubt interview to provide the individual an opportunity to discuss any matters of concern and to explain the situation; and
- E.2.2.7Consider information obtained through a resolution of doubt toward the eligibility of an individual to be granted a security status or clearance;
Review for cause
- E.2.2.8Initiate a review for cause of the security status or clearance previously granted to an individual when:
- E. is uncovered or reported about an individual that may call into question their reliability or loyalty to Canada; or
- E. information reflects:
- E. questionable judgment or dishonesty; or
- E. recurring pattern of questionable judgment or dishonesty;
- E.2.2.9When conducting a review for cause, in accordance with subsection F.2.2.11 of Appendix F: Mandatory Procedures for Security Screening Decisions and Notifications, pending the outcome, consider a decision to suspend:
- E. security status or clearance; or
- E. to sensitive information and assets, including IT systems and facilities;
- E.2.2.10Undertake the review-for-cause process, as an administrative investigation, including an interview of the individual;
- E.2.2.11When a review for cause is conducted in parallel to a disciplinary process for an employee:
- E. the processes with distinct decisional authorities; and
- E. a disciplinary decision in the security file only where it relates to a security concern; and
- E. with:
- Departmental human resources management; and
- The Centre for Labour and Employment Law, as required; and
- E.2.2.12Consider information obtained through a review for cause on the continued eligibility of an individual to retain a security status or clearance.
Appendix F: Mandatory Procedures for Security Screening Decisions and Notifications
F.1 Effective date
- F.1.1These procedures take effect on January 6, 2025.
F.2 Procedures
- F.2.1These procedures provide details on the requirements set out in subsections and 4.6.1 of the Directive on Security Screening.
- F.2.2Mandatory procedures are as follows:
Decision to grant
- F.2.2.1Consider a decision to grant when the collective evaluation of the security screening results of an individual indicates:
- There is no credible evidence that casts doubt on the reliability of an individual and, as applicable, their loyalty to Canada; and
- Adverse information that is uncovered during security screening has been addressed; and
- F.2.2.2Render a decision to grant a security status or clearance at the time the security screening is processed;
Notification of a decision to grant
- F.2.2.3Notify the individual of the decision to grant a security status or clearance through a security briefing;
Decision to grant with conditions
- F.2.2.4Do not grant with conditions as a substitute to security screen individuals at the level required by the position;
- F.2.2.5Consider a decision to grant with conditions only when:
- The conditions are deemed sufficient to mitigate the security risk of granting; and
- There is a demonstrated need to engage the individual;
- F.2.2.6Impose conditions that formally detail restrictions attached to the granting of a security status or clearance, including:
- F. on the access to information and assets, including IT systems and facilities that are necessary to perform the assigned duties;
- F. one or more of the following conditions applies:
- Do not grant access to classified information from a foreign government without the written consent of that foreign government, subject to the provisions of any information-sharing agreements;
- Do not grant access to classified information from other departments without consultation with those departments; or
- The security status or clearance granted to the individual is not transferable to any other duty or position in the department or to any other department;
- F. required:
- F. monitoring and reporting requirements to provide added assurance of the ongoing reliability or loyalty of the individual to Canada;
- F. the access of the individual to information and assets, including IT systems and facilities, to during designated working hours only; or
- F. other reasonable conditions that are necessary to effectively manage departmental or Government of Canada security risks; and
- F.2.2.7Reassess security conditions annually, at a minimum;
Notification of a decision to grant with conditions
- F.2.2.8Notify the individual of the decision to grant a security status or clearance with conditions through a security briefing, including the nature of the conditions;
- F.2.2.9Obtain acknowledgement from the individual of their security responsibilities, including the nature of the conditions; and
- F.2.2.10Retain a record of the decision and acknowledgement in their security screening file;
Decision to suspend pending an investigation
- F.2.2.11Consider a decision to suspend a security status or clearance where:
- An investigation is pending;
- Information suggests that the continued presence of the individual may reasonably pose a security risk to others, the department or the Government of Canada; and
- Alternate work arrangements are insufficient to address the security risk; or
- The continued presence of an individual could undermine or impede the investigation;
- F.2.2.12Prior to rendering a decision to suspend a security status or clearance:
- F. an employee:
- F. Consult with human resources management to ensure that the employer’s labour relations obligations are considered and addressed; and
- F. a contractor or other individual:
- F. Inform the contracting authority before informing the contractor;
- F. an employee:
Notification of a decision to suspend
- F.2.2.13Inform the individual in writing of the action to be taken, including the following:
- The decision to suspend the security status or clearance pending an investigation;
- The reasons the security status or clearance is being suspended;
- Any circumstances or contributing factors that were taken into consideration in reaching this decision;
- The manner and time frame in which the suspension will be administered; and
- The manner in which the individual may exercise the opportunity to respond to or challenge the action;
Decision to reinstate following a suspension
- F.2.2.14If a security status or clearance has been suspended for cause:
- F. the course of an investigation, consider the possibility of reinstatement:
- When new facts or circumstances are identified; and
- Within a reasonable period of time and periodically throughout the suspension;
- F. a decision to reinstate or revoke based on:
- Findings and recommendations from the investigation; and
- The updated risk to the department or Government of Canada;
- F. the course of an investigation, consider the possibility of reinstatement:
Notification of a decision to reinstate following a suspension
- F.2.2.15Notify the employee of the decision to reinstate a security status or clearance, through a security briefing;
Decision to deny
- F.2.2.16Consider a decision to deny when there is credible evidence that casts doubt as to an individual’s:
- Reliability and, as applicable, loyalty to Canada;
- Ability to be trusted to safeguard sensitive information and assets, including IT systems and facilities;
- F.2.2.17Inform the deputy head of a decision to deny a security clearance within five days after the decision is made;
Decision to revoke
- F.2.2.18Consider a decision to revoke:
- F. an update, upgrade or a review for cause of the security status or clearance previously granted to an individual;
- F. there is credible evidence that casts doubt as to an individual’s:
- Reliability and, as applicable, loyalty to Canada; and
- Ability to be trusted to safeguard sensitive information and assets, including IT systems and facilities;
- F.2.2.19Prior to rendering a decision to revoke:
- F. the availability and feasibility of alternative options, including downgrading the status or clearance of an individual;
- F. an employee:
- F. Consult with human resources management to ensure that the employer’s labour relations obligations are considered and addressed;
- F. a contractor or other individual:
- F. Inform the contracting authority before informing the contractor; and
- F. the deputy head in the event of a dispute as to the appropriate action to be taken;
- F.2.2.20Following a decision to revoke:
- F. to informing the individual, ensure that measures are taken to prevent the individual from accessing sensitive information and assets, including IT systems and facilities;
- F. the deputy head of a decision to revoke a security clearance within five days after the decision is made;
- F. a contractor, inform the contracting authority before the contractor; and
- F. CSIS via form CSIS 4160 Notification of Change in Security Clearance;
Notification of a decision to deny or revoke
- F.2.2.21Notify the individual of a decision to deny or revoke their security status or clearance:
- F. 10 days after the decision is made;
- F. writing from the chief security officer or the deputy head;
- F. the reasons for the decision and the information on which the decision is based:
- F. Exclude information that cannot be disclosed:
- Under the Privacy Act;
- For reasons of national security; or
- Under other federal legislation;
- F. Exclude information that cannot be disclosed:
- F. the individual of their rights of review or redress.
- F.2.2.22Following notification of the individual, inform CSIS of the decision to deny or revoke a security clearance.
- F.2.2.1Consider a decision to grant when the collective evaluation of the security screening results of an individual indicates:
Appendix G: Mandatory Procedures for Granting, Ongoing Maintenance and Assurance of the Security Screening of an Individual
G.1 Effective date
- G.1.1These procedures take effect on January 6, 2025.
- G.1.2These procedures replace the Standard on Security Screening: Appendix F – Aftercare dated October 20, 2014.
G.2 Procedures
- G.2.1These procedures provide details on the requirements set out in subsections 4.1.1 and 4.6.1 of the Directive on Security Screening.
- G.2.2The chief security officer and those with subordinate responsibilities must apply the mandatory procedures below as follows:
Security briefings
- G.2.2.1The security briefing must:
- G. the manager of the individual or security officials;
- G. the individual of their responsibilities under the Policy on Government Security, including at a minimum:
- Access permissions attached to their screening level;
- The security expectations related to their position, contract or other arrangement; and
- Shared security responsibilities within the organization;
- G. completed before an individual is provided access to sensitive information and assets, including IT systems and facilities;
- G. conducted in these circumstances:
- G. an opportunity for the individual to ask questions;
- G. the signing of the Security Screening Certificate and Briefing Form by the individual; and
- G. retained in the security screening file of the individual;
- G.2.2.2Inform CSIS when a security clearance is granted, via form CSIS 4195 Notification of Security Clearance;
Security awareness
- G.2.2.3Conduct security awareness, in accordance with Appendix H: Mandatory Procedures for Security Awareness and Training Control of the Directive on Security Management, at minimum, as an outcome of the granting and updating phases of the security screening life cycle; and
- G. individuals of the requirement to report changes in personal circumstances, including at minimum the following:
- Change in criminal record status;
- Involvement with law enforcement;
- Association with criminals; or
- A significant change in financial situation;
- G. individuals who work in security or intelligence organizations of the requirements to report additional changes in their personal or legal status, including a change in marital status; and
- G. managers how to report and to whom they are to report observed changes in behaviour of individuals for whom they are responsible;
- G. individuals of the requirement to report changes in personal circumstances, including at minimum the following:
Recurring activities
- G.2.2.4Review the security screening requirements of positions when new programs or activities are established or substantially modified and, at minimum, every five years; and:
- G. security screening service providers of any changes in requirements;
- G.2.2.5Conduct security screening activities for individual security screening files that meet the minimum frequencies, as prescribed in Annex G1;
- G.2.2.6Update the individual’s security screening prior to the end of their validity period, in addition to the conduct of recurring activities;
- G.2.2.7Re-examine the reliability or loyalty of an individual since the individual was last granted a security status or clearance:
- G. the update process consistent with:
- G. whether changes in personal circumstances pose a security risk;
- G. the continued eligibility of an individual to hold a security status or clearance, based on the collective evaluation of security screening activities; and
- G. a security briefing to inform the individual of their security responsibilities consistent with subsections G.2.2.1 and G.2.2.3;
- G.2.2.8When an individual does not provide consent, withdraws consent or does not provide the required information, proceed in accordance with subsection B. of Appendix B: Mandatory Procedures for the Management of Personal Information for the Purpose of Security Screening;
- G.2.2.9Repeat any security screening activity where:
- G. by the update cycle; or
- G. is reason to believe:
- The activities were conducted improperly; or
- There is no documentation on the file of the initial conduct of the screening activities;
- G.2.2.10When upgrading a valid security status or clearance to a higher level:
- G. additional security screening activities and years of background information required for the new level in accordance with Annex A1 of Appendix A: Standard on Security Screening Model and Position Analysis;
- G. the eligibility of an individual to hold the new security status or clearance, based on the collective results of all security screening activities; and
- G. a security briefing to inform the individual of their security responsibilities consistent with subsections G.2.2.1 and G.2.2.3
- G.2.2.11Where an individual does not provide consent, withdraws consent or does not provide the required information, proceed in accordance with subsection B. of Appendix B: Mandatory Procedures for the Management of Personal Information for the Purpose of Security Screening;
- G.2.2.12When downgrading a valid status or clearance to a lower level:
- G. a security briefing to inform the individual of their security responsibilities consistent with subsections G.2.2.1 and G.2.2.3;
- G. Which includes informing individuals and managers that the individual may no longer access higher levels of sensitive information and assets, including IT systems and facilities;
- G. a security briefing to inform the individual of their security responsibilities consistent with subsections G.2.2.1 and G.2.2.3;
Security debriefing
- G.2.2.13The security debriefing must:
- G. provided to individuals, prior to the end of employment or engagement with the department;
- G. individuals of their continued responsibilities to maintain the confidentiality of the sensitive information to which they had access; and
- G. the Security Screening Certificate and Briefing Form to record:
- Completion of the debriefing; or
- Where it is impossible to debrief the individual;
- G. Be retained in the security screening file of the individual in accordance with subsection B.2.2.18 of Appendix B: Mandatory Procedures for the Management of Personal Information for the Purpose of Security Screening.
- G.2.2.1The security briefing must:
Annex G1: Minimum Frequency for the Recurring Update of Security Screening Activities
Security screening activities | Minimum frequency | Security screening activities | Minimum frequency |
Reliability status
Not applicable |
Enhanced Reliability status
5 years |
Secret clearance
5 years |
Enhanced Secret clearance
5 years |
Top Secret clearance
3 years |
Enhanced Top Secret clearance
1 year |
Annex G2: Security Screening Activities and Associated Minimum Update Requirements
Security screening activities | Update requirement | Security screening activities | Update requirement |
Reliability status
10 years |
Enhanced Reliability status: All activities for Reliability status plus:
10 years |
Secret clearance All activities for Reliability status plus:
10 years |
Enhanced Secret clearance All activities for Secret clearance plus:
10 years |
Top Secret clearance All activities for Secret clearance plus:
5 years |
Enhanced Top Secret clearance All activities for Top Secret clearance plus:
5 years |
Annex G3: Site Access Screening Activities and Associated Update Requirements
Site Access screening activities | Update requirement |
Site Access status
10 years: May be updated more frequently when employment, engagement, assignment, contract or arrangement has lapsed for 12 months or more |
Site Access clearance All activities for Site Access status plus:
10 years: May be updated more frequently when employment, engagement, assignment, contract or arrangement has lapsed for 12 months or more |
Additional activities May be used in accordance with subsection A.2.2.10, “Position analysis for non-employees.” All activities for Site Access clearance plus:
10 years: May be updated more frequently when employment, engagement, assignment, contract or arrangement has lapsed for 12 months or more |
Appendix H: Mandatory Procedures on Informing Individuals of their Rights of Review and Redress
H.1 Effective date
- H.1.1These procedures take effect on January 6, 2025.
H.2 Procedures
- H.2.1These procedures provide details on the requirements set out in subsections, and 4.6.1 of the Directive on Security Screening.
- H.2.2Mandatory procedures are as follows:
Recourse notification requirements
- H.2.2.1In the preparation of information for the individual, identify the appropriate review and redress mechanisms in consultation with:
- Human resources management;
- Departmental legal services; and
- The Centre for Labour and Employment Law, as required.
- H.2.2.2Inform the individual in writing of their rights of review and redress upon denial, revocation or suspension of a security status or clearance:
- H. 10 business days of the decision being made;
- H. the appropriate review and redress mechanisms available to the individual; and
- H. and retain evidence of communication of this information with the individual.
- H.2.2.1In the preparation of information for the individual, identify the appropriate review and redress mechanisms in consultation with:
Appendix I: Mandatory Procedures for Chief Security Officers to Manage Temporary Access to Sensitive Information or Assets
I.1 Effective date
- I.1.1These procedures take effect on January 6, 2025.
I.2 Procedures
- I.2.1These procedures provide details on the requirements set out in subsections and 4.6.1 of the Directive on Security Screening.
- I.2.2Mandatory procedures for chief security officers are as follows:
Decision to provide temporary access to sensitive information or assets
- I.2.2.1Do not consider a decision to provide temporary access when it is expected that access will be required for longer than four months;
- I.2.2.2Do not consider a decision to provide temporary access as a substitute to security screen individuals at the level required by the position;
- I.2.2.3Consider a decision to provide the individual with temporary access to sensitive information and assets, including IT systems or facilities:
- I. there is an operational requirement for this individual that cannot be performed by another with a valid security screening at the required level; and
- I. a risk assessment demonstrates that the need to provide the individual with temporary access outweighs the risk associated with providing the individual access
- I.2.2.4Impose restrictions that detail limits to accessing sensitive information and assets, including IT systems or facilities to which the temporary access provision includes;
Notification of a decision to provide temporary access
- I.2.2.5Notify the individual of the decision to provide temporary access to sensitive information and assets, including IT systems and facilities through a security briefing, including:
- I. duration of the access; and
- I. provisions of the access;
- I.2.2.6For the agreement of temporary access:
- I. the signature of the individual receiving access;
- I. the signature of the custodian of the information to be accessed;
- I. the agreement; and
- I. the agreement in the security screening file of the individual;
Notification of a decision to remove temporary access
- I.2.2.7Debrief the individual following the removal of temporary access, including:
- I. the individual of their continued responsibilities to maintain the confidentiality of the sensitive information to which they had access;
- I. a copy of the signed agreement in the security screening file of the individual; and
- I. evidence of the debriefing in the security screening file of the individual;
Managing temporary access of the individual
- I.2.2.8When temporary access is granted:
- I. the individual from accessing:
- Compartmented information;
- Enhanced Top Secret information;
- Protected C information
- Information for which access is restricted in accordance with international agreements or special caveats;
- Cabinet documents as defined within the Government of Canada, the Privy Council Office or the Policy on the Security of Cabinet Confidences;
- Sensitive information from other governments and levels of government; and
- Sensitive information, assets, IT systems and facilities from other departments without their documented approval
- I. positive control of access to sensitive information and assets, including IT systems and facilities to which the temporary access provision includes.
- I. the individual from accessing: