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The complete list of Treasury Board Policies and Guidelines can be found at
For IT-enabled business projects, commonly referenced policies include:
Policy | Description/Abstract |
Policy on Investment Planning – Assets and Acquired Services |
The transition period for this policy will begin April 1, 2007 and end April 1, 2011. The objective of this policy is to contribute to the achievement of value for money and sound stewardship in government program delivery through effective investment |
Full compliance with this policy is expected by April 1, 2011. The objective of this policy is to ensure that the appropriate systems, processes and controls for managing projects are in place, at a departmental, horizontal or government-wide level, and support the achievement of project and program outcomes while limiting the risk to stakeholders and taxpayers. |
On April 1, 2011, this policy will be replaced by the Policy on the Management of Projects for departments and agencies listed in Section 2 of the Financial Administration Act. Policy Objective: To achieve effective and economical management of projects with visible and clearly established project leadership. |
Effective Date: April 1, 2005 The Management, Resources and Results Structure Policy supports the development of a common, government-wide approach to the collection, management, and reporting of financial and non-financial performance information. In providing a standard basis for reporting to citizens and Parliament on the alignment of resources, program activities and results, the policy reinforces the government's commitment to strengthen public sector management and accountability, consistent with the Management Accountability Framework. The policy will provide departments with the flexibility and discretion they need to design and manage their programs in a manner that best achieves results for Canadians. |
Effective Date: July 1, 2007 The objective of this policy is to achieve efficient and effective use of information technology to support government priorities and program delivery, to increase productivity, and to enhance services to the public. |
Last revision: December 1, 1993 To ensure effective and consistent administration of the Access to Information Act and |
Effective Date: July 1, 2007 The objective of this policy is to achieve efficient and effective information management to support program and service delivery; foster informed decision making; facilitate accountability, transparency, and collaboration; and preserve and ensure access to information and records for the benefit of present and future generations. |
Last revision: December 1, 1993 To ensure the effective and consistent application of the provisions of the Privacy Act and the Privacy Regulations by government institutions. To ensure that data-matching and data linkage of personal information for administrative purposes meet the requirements of that legislation. To limit collection and use of the Social Insurance Number (SIN) for administrative purposes to those permitted by specific acts, regulations and programs and to establish conditions for its collection. |
Effective Date: February 1, 2002 To support the national interest and the Government of Canada's business objectives by safeguarding employees and assets and assuring the continued delivery of services. |
Date Modified: October 5, 2001 The objective of this policy is to safeguard the government's property, interests, and certain interests of employees during the conduct of government operations. |