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Response to Parliamentary Committees |
No recommendations were received. |
Response to the Auditor General (including to the Commissioner of the Environment and Sustainable Development) |
1) 2008 May OAG report. Chapter 3-Oversight of Air Transportation Safety-Transport Canada The objective of this audit was to determine the extent to which Transport Canada is effectively managing the transition to a safety oversight approach based on safety management systems (SMS). The Department agrees with all of the recommendations found in the audit. The report may be found at the following link: 2) Chapter 6-Conservation of Federal Official Residences The objective of this audit was to determine whether the federal government has adopted the management practices required for the conservation of its official residences. This audit was carried out at the same time as the quinquennial special examination of the National Capital Commission that we conducted in 2007. The National Capital Commission published the report on that special examination in November 2007. Examination work was carried out at Transport Canada, but there were no recommendations made to the department. The report may be found at the following link: 3) Chapter 8-Special Examinations of Crown Corporations-An Overview This chapter provides an overview of the special examination practice drawn from the special examinations carried out between December 2002 and February 2008 and the impact of legislative and other changes since December 2000 when the OAG last reported to Parliament on the special examination practice. Finally, summaries of the key findings are provided of the 11 special examinations reported since January 2006. The following Crown Corporations under Transport Canada's portfolio were examined:
The report may be found at the following link: 4) 2009 March Status Report of the Auditor General of Canada Chapter 1-National Security: Intelligence and Information Sharing This status report examined the progress made since 2004 by 14 departments and agencies in their management and sharing of intelligence information, including the interoperability of their systems to support information sharing.Transport Canada agrees with the recommendations directed at the department. The report may be found at the following link: 5) Chapter 2-The Governor in Council Appointment Process The chapter examined the federal government's process for making Governor in Council appointments to Crown corporations, small federal entities, and the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada. It examined the extent of progress made in implementing recommendations on the appointment process from our 2000 and 2005 reports on Crown corporation governance. The following entities under Transport Canada's portfolio were included in the audit:
There were no recommendations made to the department. The report may be found at the following link: 6) 2008 December Report of the Commissioner of the Environment and Sustainable Development Chapter 1-Managing Air Emissions The CESD examined a Pollution Prevention Plan implemented under the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 (CEPA 1999) to manage acrylonitrile, a substance used to manufacture synthetic rubber and other products. The audit examined how Environment Canada manages regulations governing gasoline and diesel fuel content, as well as regulations that limit the flow of gasoline during refuelling of vehicles at the pump. It also looked at the Clean Air and Climate Change Trust Fund and the Public Transit Tax Credit, two economic measures intended to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Both were included in the government's Climate Change Plan, issued in response to the Kyoto Protocol Implementation Act. Finally, it examined three of the federal government's voluntary agreements, two of which involved Transport Canada with industry associations that were intended to reduce emissions that contribute to smog and climate change. Although there were two recommendations directed at the department, the voluntary agreements examined meet many of the requirements. The report can be found at the following link: Chapter 5-Annual Report on Environmental Petitions The Commissioner reports annually on the quantity, nature, and status of petitions received and on the timeliness of departmental responses. This chapter contains this year's annual report on petitions. Between July 1, 2007 and June 30, 2008 Transport Canada received eleven petitions, all of which were responded to 100% on-time, with no extensions. The report may be found at the following link: |
External Audits (Note: These refer to other external audits conducted by the Public Service Commission of Canada or the Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages) |
Public Service Commission 1) Government-wide audit of executive (EX) appointments (October, 2008) The audit focused on executive appointments made within the first year of implementation of the PSEA, from January to December 2006, and included 100% of appointment processes of executives at levels four and five (which includes assistant deputy ministers), and 50% of executives at levels one to three (which includes directors and directors general). Transport Canada was highlighted as a noteworthy practice as having had well-developed human resources plans in 2006, which it used in the appointment process. Out of eight appointments, the department had only two non-advertised, neither of which had been acting. The report may be found at the following link: |