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ARCHIVED - Western Economic Diversification Canada

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Departmental Link to Government of Canada Outcome Areas

($ thousands)
Actual Spending 2007-2008 Alignment to Government of Canada Outcome Area



Strategic Outcome: Policies and programs that support the development of Western Canada (Policy, Advocacy and Coordination)
Collaboration and Coordination $4,475 - $4,475 Strong Economic Growth
Advocacy $3,223 - $3,223 Strong Economic Growth
Research and Analysis $2,752   $2,752 Strong Economic Growth
Strategic Outcome: Economically viable communities in Western Canada with a high quality of life (Community Economic Development)
Community Economic Planning, Development and Adjustment



Strong Economic Growth
Infrastructure $36,505 - $36,505 Strong Economic Growth
Strategic Outcome: A competitive and expanded business sector in Western Canada and a strengthened western Canadian innovation system (Entrepreneurship and Innovation)
Business Development and Entrepreneurship


Strong Economic Growth


An Innovative and Knowledge-based economy
Total $247,160 - $247,160  


Collaboration and Coordination, Advocacy, Research and Analysis, Community Economic Planning, Development and Adjustment, Infrastructure, and Business Development and Entrepreneurship program activities contribute to the achievement of the Government of Canada’s "Strong Economic Growth" outcome.

Innovation contributes to the achievement of the Government of Canada’s "An Innovative and Knowledge-based Economy" outcome.

Table 1: Comparison of Planned Spending to Actual Spending (including Full-time Equivalents)

($ thousands) 2005-2006 Actual 2006-2007 Actual 2007-2008
Main Estimates Planned Spending Total20 Authorities Actual21
Collaboration and Coordination 4,805 4,645 5,885 5,885 6,082 4,475
Research and Analysis 2,912 2,758 4,157 4,157 4,109 2,752
Advocacy 3,414 3,272 2,660 2,660 2,862 3,223
Community Economic Planning, Development and Adjustment 54,655 108,407 101,452 103,952 122,719 74,153
Infrastructure 143,453 86,417 29,946 29,946 52,747 36,505
Business Development and Entrepreneurship 55,018 75,181 53,777 57,786 55,684 55,987
Innovation 42,392 58,329 55,333 64,696 82,520 70,065
Total 306,649 339,009 253,210 269,082 326,723 247,160
Less: Non-respendable revenue 8,641 7,143 - 2,200 - 8,811
Plus: Cost of services received without charge 4,479 4,699 - 4,161 - 4,586
Total Departmental Spending 302,487 336,565 253,210 271,043 326,723 242,935


Full-time Equivalents 379 392 384 384 393 395


Table 2: Voted and Statutory Items

Vote or Statutory Item
Truncated Vote
or Statutory Wording
Main Estimates Planned Spending Total Authorities Actual
1 Operating expenditures 42,527 46,569 50,707 45,018
5 Grants and contributions 205,495 217,325 270,983 197,120
(S) Contributions to employee benefit plans 5,188 5,188 5,017 5,016
(S) Collection Agency Fees + Spending of Proceeds from disposal of Surplus Crown Assets - - 16 6
  Total 253,210 269,082 326,723 247,160

Table 3: Sources of Respendable and Non-respendable Revenue

For supplementary information on the Department’s sources of respendable and non-respendable revenue please visit:

Table 4A: User Fees Act

For supplementary information on the Department’s User Fees, please visit:

Table 4B: Policy on Service Standards for External Fees

For supplementary information on the Department’s Service Standards for External Fees, please visit:

Table 5: Details on Transfer Payments Programs

During the 2007-2008 fiscal year, Western Economic Diversification Canada managed the following transfer payment programs in excess of $5M.

  1. Western Diversification Program
  2. Community Futures Program
  3. Infrastructure Canada Program

Further information on these transfer programs can be found at:

Table 6: Foundations (Conditional Grants)

Western Economic Diversification Canada provided the following conditional grants in excess of $5M:

  1. Friends of the Canadian Museum for Human Rights Inc. ($27M)
  2. Primrose Lake Economic Development Corporation ($15M);
  3. Prince Rupert Port Authority ($30M)
  4. Flood Risk Structural Mitigation in British Columbia ($16.5M)

Further information on these Foundations (conditional grants) can be found at:

Table 7: Horizontal Initiatives

Over the past year, Western Economic Diversification Canada was involved in the following horizontal initiatives as either the lead or the partner.

  1. Western Economic Partnership Agreements (lead)
  2. Infrastructure Canada Program (partner)
  3. Canada Strategic Infrastructure Fund (partner)
  4. Municipal Rural Infrastructure Fund (partner)

Supplementary information on Horizontal Initiatives can be found at:

Table 8: Sustainable Development Strategy

For supplementary information on the Department’s Sustainable Development Strategy, please visit:

Table 9: Response to Parliamentary Committees and External Audits

For supplementary information on the Department’s response to Parliamentary Committees and External Audits please visit:

Table 10: Internal Audits and Evaluations

For supplementary information on the Department’s Internal Audits and Evaluations, please visit:

Table 11: Travel Policies

For supplementary information on the Department’s travel policies, please visit:

Table 12: Financial Statements

For Table 12, see Annex I.

Table 13: 2007-2008 G&C Expenditures by Sub-program

($ 000s) Collaboration and Coordination Research
and Analysis
Advocacy Community Economic Planning, Development and
Infrastructure Business Development
and Entrepreneurship
Innovation TOTAL
Western Diversification Program
Alberta/Saskatchewan Centenaries 0 0 0 13,771 0 0 0 13,771
Entrepreneurs with Disabilities Program 0 0 0 0 0 1,381 0 1,381
Francophone Economic Development Organization 0 0 0 1,187 0 1,096 0 2,283
BC Flood Mitigation (GRANT) 0 0 0 16,500 0 0 0 16,500
Fraser River Port Authority (GRANT) 0 0 0 0 0 2,000 0 2,000
Mountain Pine Beetle - Airport Improvements Initiative 0 0 0 2,566 0 0 0 2,566
Mountain Pine Beetle - Community Economic Diversification Initiative 0 0 0 247 0 0 0 247
Internships 0 0 0 324 0 0 0 324
Pilot Projects 0 0 0 728 0 0 0 728
Conference Support 0 0 20 35 0 211 55 321
Canada/Saskatchewan Northern Development Agreement 0 0 0 1,636 0 0 0 1,636
Urban Aboriginal Strategy 0 0 0 21 0 0 0 21
Women’s Enterprise Initiative 0 0 0 0 0 3,630 0 3,630
Intervac/VIDO 0 0 0 0 0 0 3,931 3,931
Urban Development Agreement 0 0 0 2,952 0 0 7,388 10,340
Western Diversification Program 0 504 0 5,933 0 11,332 40,020 57,789
Western Economic Partnership Agreement 0 10 0 4,794 0 2,097 12,045 18,946
TOTAL Western Diversification Program 0 514 20 50,694 0 21,747 63,439 136,414
TOTAL Loan Investment Program 0 0 0 0 0 1,731 0 1,731
TOTAL Community Futures Program 0 0 0 13,881 0 14,429 0 28,310
TOTAL Infrastructure Canada Program 0 0 0 0 30,659 0 0 30,659
TOTAL Innovation and Community Investment Program 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 6
TOTAL EXPENDITURES 0 514 20 64,581 30,659 37,907 63,439 197,120

Table 14: Cumulative Impact of G&C Projects by Sub-Activity (April 1, 2005 - June 25, 2008) 22

The impact of all Business Development and Entrepreneurship projects reporting results from April 1, 2005 through June 25, 2008 at the sub-activity level is summarized below, excluding core funding of WCBSN members. These include 50 projects with WD expenditures of $5.01M, the impact of which was captured through Project Gateway:

Sub-Activity Goal Performance Indicator Outcome Reported
Improved Business Productivity
Increase in SME competitiveness and productivity Client satisfaction 89.21%
Jobs created or maintained 106.5
Businesses created/maintained/expanded 268
Market/Trade Development
Increase in number of successful partnerships and strategic alliances Industry association partnerships created 14
Co's participating in export and market development initiatives 545
Project promoting participations in major international event 10
Industry Collaboration
Increased participation in international markets Partnerships/strategic Alliances 37
Participant satisfaction 76.50%
1.1.4 Foreign
Direct Investment
Increase in foreign investment in Western Canada $ in direct investment facilitated by WD $1,000,000
Businesses created/maintained/expanded 5

The impact of all Innovation projects reporting results from April 1, 2005 through June 25, 2008 at the sub-activity level is summarized below. These include 89 projects with WD expenditures of $19.32M:

Sub-Activity Goal Performance Indicator Outcome Reported
Adoption & Commercialization
Increase research of technology in institutions with commercialization potential # of Patents files/issued 20
# of Technology Demonstrations 85
# of Technologies Adopted 4
# of Prototypes developed 17
# of Technologies to market 21
Venture capital $ invested $11,000,000
Technology Linkages
Increased connections and synergies among innovation system members. # Partnerships/networks formed 66
# Attendees 4,045
# Members 495
# Products or processes that are identified for further R&D 8
# Demonstrations of viability of technology 5
# Patents filed/issued 4
# Studies 13
# Individuals with enhanced skills 203
# People trained 482
Knowledge Infrastructure
Increase in physical assets for research and development or training. # of Square meters dedicated to R&D and skills training 180
Value of R&D undertaken in the new facility or using new equipment supported under this project $1,500,000
# Physical assets 10

The impact of all Community Economic Planning Development and Adjustment projects reporting results from April 1, 2005 through June 25, 2008 at the sub-activity level is summarized below, excluding core funding of WCBSN members. These results include 130 projects with WD expenditures of $32.89M:

Sub-Activity Goal Performance Indicator Outcome Reported
2.1.1 Community Planning Enhanced community planning # Activities providing planning leadership and expertise 101
# Instances facilitating community involvement 483
# Partnerships developed/maintained 96
2.1.2 Community Development Increased viability and diversification of local economies # Instances of increased capacity in community organizations 934
# Enhanced community services or facilities 132
# Instances of increased community stability 29
# People trained 2724
# Jobs created or maintained 24
# Businesses created/maintain/expanded 44
2.1.3 Community Economic


Successful community adjustment to mitigate economic crises # Public private partnerships 1
# Businesses created/maintained/expanded 138
# Participants trained 163

The impact of all Infrastructure Canada Program projects reporting project benefits from program inception in October 2000 to March 31, 2008 at the sub-activity level is summarized below:

Sub-Activity Goal Performance Indicator Outcome Reported
Green Infrastructure
Improved green infrastructure Increase in # of households with improved potable water quality 587,275
Increase in # of households with improved wastewater treatment (includes new connections to wastewater systems) 198,806
Increased composting and recycling of solid waste (# of metric tonnes per annum) 4.1 million
Improved energy efficiency of municipal buildings resulting in a reduction in electricity used (kWh per cubic meter) 4.3 million
Improved energy efficiency of municipal buildings resulting in a reduction in heating fuel used (BTU per cubic meter) 1.879 million
Local Transportation Infrastructure
Better local transportation # Road and local transportation infrastructure improvements 277
# Of Communities benefiting from safer roads and new or improved public transportation 288
Other Infrastructure Priorities
Improved infrastructure such as recreation facilities, tourism, and rural telecommunications # Visits to cultural and recreation facilities 8,522,657
# New tourism infrastructure 32
# Of Communities benefiting from cultural, recreation, and tourism facilities 290
Increase in # of affordable house units 270
Increase in # of high-speed Internet access for local public institutions 168

The impact of all projects reporting results under the Policy, Advocacy & Coordination strategic outcome, from April 1, 2005 through June 25, 2008 are summarized below. These results include 9 projects with WD expenditures of $0.29M:

Sub-Activity Goal Performance Indicator Outcome Reported
Better coordinated economic development activities and programs in the West Funding for coordinating programs
Improvement in geographic or target group program coverage 21
Number of coordinated services offered 1
Advocacy An improved understanding and awareness of western issues by federal policy makers and increased access to and participation in federal programs by the region Number of western priorities accounted for in federal trade and investment policies 6
An enhanced dialogue around and understanding of western issues, challenges, opportunities and priorities Number of opinion editorials based on WD sponsored research 4
Number of program or policy decisions influenced by WD research 3
Number of spokesperson and media references to reports 17

Table 15: 2007-2008 Program Activity Architecture

  WD VISION - A stronger West. A stronger Canada.
  WD Mandate - promote the development and diversification of the western Canadian economy, coordinate federal economic activities in the West, and reflect western Canadian interests in national decision-making.
Strategic Outcomes SO 1 - Policy, Advocacy & Coordination SO 2 - Community Economic Development SO 3 - Entrepreneurship & Innovation
Policies and programs that support the development of Western Canada. Economically viable communities in Western Canada with a high quality of life. A competitive and expanded business sector in Western Canada and a strengthened western Canadian innovation system.
Program Activities 1.1 - Collaboration and Coordination 2.1 - Community Economic Planning, Development, & Adjustment 3.1 Business Development & Entrepreneurship
1.2 - Advocacy 2.2 - Infrastructure 3.2 - Innovation
1.3 - Research & Analysis    
Sub -Activities   2.1.1 - Community Planning 3.1.1 - Improve Business Productivity
  2.1.2 - Community Development 3.1.2 - Market/Trade Development
  2.1.3 - Community Economic Adjustment 3.1.3 - Industry Collaboration
  2.2.1 - Green Infrastructure 3.1.4 - Foreign Direct Investment
  2.2.2 - Local Transportation Infrastructure 3.1.5 - Access to Capital
  2.2.3 - Other Infrastructure Priorities 3.2.1 - Technology Adoption & Commercialization
    3.2.2 - Technology Linkages
    3.2.3 - Technology Research & Development
    3.2.4 - Community Innovation
    3.2.5 - Technology Skills Development
    3.2.6 - Knowledge Infrastructure