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This section of the Report details the legislation administered by the Department and its Portfolio Agencies, and contacts for further information.
The Minister of Public Safety has sole responsibility to Parliament for the following Acts: | |
Public Safety Canada or its Agencies administer or are impacted by the following Acts in whole or in part. Some contain specific functions of the Minister that the Minister exercises solely or in conjunction with other ministers: |
Public Safety Canada
Canadian Security Intelligence Service
Royal Canadian Mounted Police
National Parole Board
Correctional Service of Canada
Canada Border Services Agency
Canada Border Services Agency (continued)
Other |
For further information about this Departmental Performance Report, you may communicate with our departmental contacts as follows:
Name | Title | Telephone |
Suzanne Hurtubise | Deputy Minister of Public Safety | (613) 991-2895 |
Myles Kirvan | Associate Deputy Minister of Public Safety | (613) 949-0322 |
Chantal Bernier | Assistant Deputy Minister, Community Safety and Partnerships | (613) 993-4325 |
Lynda Clairmont | A/ Assistant Deputy Minister, Emergency Management and National Security |
(613) 990-4976 |
Stéphanie Durand | A/ Director General, Communications | (613) 991-2799 |
Daniel Lavoie | A/ Associate Assistant Deputy Minister, Emergency Management and National Security | (613) 990-2743 |
Elisabeth Nadeau | Assistant Deputy Minister, Corporate Management | (613) 990-2615 |
Kristina Namiesniowski | Assistant Deputy Minister, Strategic Policy | (613) 949-6435 |
Eva Plunkett | Inspector General of CSIS | (613) 949-0675 |
Richard Wex | Assistant Deputy Minister, Law Enforcement and Policing | (613) 990-2703 |
Further information on the Department is available at
[1] Public Safety Canada is the applied title for the Department of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness.
[2] The Public Safety Portfolio consists of Public Safety Canada (PS), the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA), the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS), the Correctional Service of Canada (CSC), the National Parole Board (NPB), the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), the Commission for Public Complaints against the RCMP (CPC), the Office of the Correctional Investigator (OCI), and the RCMP External Review Committee (ERC). With the exception of CSIS, Departmental Performance Reports for each can be found on the organization’s respective website.