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The role of the NBC is to make the great historical battlefields in Quebec City a national park numbered among the most prestigious parks in the world where the use of historic park in an urban setting is balanced and safe and where the awareness of the assets of the area, as well as its history and the history of the country, is assured.
As part of this activity, the NBC preserves the legacy and integrity of the Battlefields Park for future generations by maintaining infrastructure, the horticultural landscape and a protected site for Canadian and foreign users and visitors.
This activity allows the NBC to offer one of the most prestigious parks in the world and the opportunity to safely enjoy and use a historic park in an urban setting.
The NBC has an obligation to uphold the development plan drawn up for the Park in the early 20th century by Canada’s first landscape architect, Frederick G. Todd, at a time when the world’s great urban parks were being created. It is charged with preserving natural areas, carrying out development in some spots to address 21st century needs, and restoring some sections of
the Park to maintain their aesthetic appeal. Ongoing horticultural and arboricultural work must be kept up to protect the vegetation cover and conserve the countryside character and its reputation as a heritage jewel.
Considering that the park is 100 years old in 2008, with the holding of celebrations there for the 400th anniversary of Quebec City and the centennial of the NBC and the creation of Battlefields Park, we expect an increase in activities and visitorship that will oblige the NBC to undertake major infrastructure repairs to ensure visitors’ and users’ health and safety. This is also an opportunity to beautify the park.
All these actions help maintain the quality and preserve the standing of the Park and provide Canadians with one of the most prestigious parks in the world.
One challenge facing the NBC is maintaining the balance between the historical and urban vocations of the Park, its role in interpreting history and its use for popular public activities. It also has to maintain the Park’s tranquil ambience while making it a dynamic space accessible to the public.
Financial Resources (in thousands of dollars)
Human Resources
Expected Results:
During 2007–2008, the NBC expected to improved the infrastructure of Battlefields Park, ensuring its long-term preservation and user safety.
Performance measurements and indicators:
Results achieved:
To ensure long-term park preservation and so ensure users’ safety, the NBC improved the infrastructure of Battlefields Park. Its features are now more functional and safer, as for example the sports field and various areas of the park.
In particular, the NBC undertook the following:
A total budget of $4,216,000 was obtained from Treasury Board. Of that amount, $3,331,352 was spent in 2007–2008 on the work already mentioned. An amount of $750,000 was carried forward to fiscal 2008-2009 in view of the delay in construction of the service building and offices.
This work will help in the long-term preservation of the park and make park users safer. It will also improve and beautify the park in advance of the celebrations to take place on the occasion of the 400th anniversary of Quebec City, the centennial of the NBC and, in 2009, the commemoration of the 250th anniversary of the historic battles.
All of this work necessitated work reorganization and careful planning, and many meetings were needed to co-ordinate with the various services, contractors for the repair work and park users.
The NBC hired a few people to meet project management and monitoring needs and to ensure that operations in general went smoothly. In some cases overtime was paid and some employees received bonuses for taking on greater responsibilities.
The Maintenance Service is subdivided into five 5 areas of activity to ensure park preservation. These are: carpentry, masonry, welding and mechanical, painting, and housekeeping. The total strength is 21 workers, 8 indeterminate and 13 seasonal. Three students were also working on park maintenance during the summer.
In spite of the large amount of work being done in the park, the NBC all the same succeeded in keeping it accessible and safe for visitors and users. No major incidents were recorded, nor were any claims received.
Security has been maintained 24 hours a day by officers of the Canadian Corps of Commissionaires (security guards) supervised by the Security Unit manager. The officers patrolled the site on snowmobiles and cross-country skis, on foot and by car. Surveillance was also maintained for shows at the Edwin-Bélanger Bandstand and for major events such as the National Day, Canada Day, and the Quebec City Summer Festival. On the whole, the measures taken to ensure park users’ safety were complied with, as for example the enforcement of the new traffic plan. A few actions did have to be taken for particular projects, as barriers needed to be put up, streets closed and new signage posted. A few parking tickets were issued (1,155 in 2007–2008, down from 1,229 the previous year) as well as traffic tickets (541 in 2007–2008, down from 620 the previous year). These decreases may be explained by the fact that some streets were closed and detours established, reducing traffic through the park.
Efforts were also made to produce quality horticultural plantings, at Joan of Arc Garden, the Ontario Avenue flowerbeds and various other places in the park, by the Green Space Services team. The team consists of 9 horticulturists and 1 arborist and looks after all of the park’s plants and trees.
Also, production of the Abraham Martin rosebush continued and 100 rosebushes were planted in the park. The NBC also planted trees (70), since that is an NBC priority—to diversify the species planted to guard against the risk of a massive loss of trees. The NBC participated in the national Communities in Bloom contest for a third year, and received a perfect score of five blooms for its urban forest management. Communities in Bloom is a nonprofit Canadian organization committed to promoting civic pride, environmental responsibility and beautification through community commitment and the challenge of a national competition.
Much other work was done in the park, in particular repair of the roof and the replacement of the greenhouse doors to preserve building integrity and promote energy conservation. Monuments were put up to Messrs Todd, Grey and Abraham, the Louis Hébert Orchard and path were redeveloped, with eleven apple trees being planted. Work was also carried out on Grey Terrace to improve its safety, accessibility and for structural protection.
In addition, seven benches and three trees in the park were selected by donors to commemorate an event or honour the memory of a loved one. Those interested in such a gesture can have a commemorative plaque put up by making a donation. In 2007–2008, the NBC received $12,000 in donations of this type, which help it with the ongoing upkeep of the park furniture and trees.
The NBC believes it has fully achieved the expected results in the “Conservation” program activity. The work that has been done will enable us to preserve Battlefields Park intact for future generations.
The purpose of this activity is to showcase the history of the site and its cultural, recreational and natural treasures so as to emphasize its dual role as a historical and urban park. In support of this activity, the NBC carries out improvements, welcomes visitors, puts on exhibits and activities, provides public services, and disseminates information to users and visitors from both Canada and abroad.
As part of enhancing its grounds, the NBC needs to promote its history and become a reference in historic battles and the Conquest. It must also offer entertaining activities. It therefore needs to be dynamic and ensure the delivery of quality services and activities to raise awareness of the area’s assets, as well as its history and the history of the country.
To do so, it adopts the following means: exhibits, interpretation activities, guided tours, the presentation of shows, promotional activities and the dissemination of information through various media.
In view of the events planned in 2008 for the NBC centennial and in 2009 for the 250th anniversary of the historic battles, NBC staff have made every effort to organize and plan special, memorable celebrations and so demonstrate that Battlefields Park is a significant historical asset that deserves to be better known around the world.
Financial Resources (in thousands of dollars)
Human Resources
Expected Results:
For the “Development” program activity, the NBC has sought to make the public more aware of the history of Canada’s first national historic park, the historic events that took place there and the geopolitical stakes at that period.
Results achieved:
In 2007-2008 the NBC was able to provide a number of historical, educational, cultural and nature-related activities. For individual activities, including in particular the exhibits, guided tours aboard Abraham’s Bus, and the Council of War at the Martello tower, the NBC had 72,418 visitors, down 9% from the previous year (79,196). It believes the drop in
visitorship may be explained by the lower number of United States tourists in Quebec. However, the NBC did see a 26% increase in client participation in school program facilitation activities, daycare services and playgrounds, which had 68,013 participants in 2007–2008 as compared to 54,052 in 2006–2007.
Client Services had 36 employees assigned to the visitor reception desk, entertaining and educational activities, research, support and management of activities for visitors and users. Some are indeterminate and others seasonal. Some are on call, some part-time. At Communications, two people have been working on the promotion and advertising of activities and services to ensure the visibility of the Commission and the Government of Canada.
For a seventh consecutive year the NBC presented various Hallowe’en activities throughout October. Spooky decorations were put up in the Joan of Arc Garden and eerie stories were told about the park. More than 670 people took part in lantern-light tours of the park and more than 4,500 (up more than 50% from the previous year) attended Family Day, to visit the haunted tower and do the fantastic rally among other things.
The NBC is proud of the results it achieved in kicking off the celebration of the centennial of its own creation and that of Battlefields Park. These two days of celebrations (March 15–16) attracted some 5,000 people. Under a big top that had been put up behind the Discovery Pavilion, a number of historical pageants and shows were presented as well as activities including the arrival of the Stanley Cup and information on upcoming centennial activities in 2008. Following this event, a motion of congratulations to the Organizing Committee (the NBC) was passed in Quebec City municipal council during its March 2008 session. The motion paid tribute to the excellence of the work the NBC had accomplished and its diverse programming, chock full of historical facts and entertainments.
Another important activity that ought to be emphasized was presented for the second year during this time. Joining a team of professionals under the supervision of an archaeologist, 105 volunteers got to take part in a real archaeological dig at Cap-aux-Diamants. They delved in the earth, on the lookout for vestiges of the past. A budget of about $35,000 had been set aside for the conduct of the dig.
All these rewarding, dynamic activities enable us to learn more about the history of the site and the events that took place there.
The NBC also presented highly entertaining musical programming at the Edwin-Bélanger Bandstand for a 15th consecutive summer. Thirty-four free shows were put on, with a number of different themes, such as jazz and blues, pops, world music and art songs. Attendance was estimated at 60,000 (up 20% from the previous year). Only one show had to be cancelled on account of inclement weather. The NBC presents diverse shows where audiences can discover the talent of artists from the world over. The Cultural and Technical Service was run by nine employees, who looked after management, technical aspects, presentation and various clerical duties (some were part-timers, others on call).
During 2007–2008, NBC staff efforts were focused on delivery of the program of celebrations surrounding the NBC centennial and that of the park’s creation.
As previously mentioned, the NBC considers the launch of the centennial celebrations in March 2008 very successful in spite of a few glitches. On March 31, other activities were under preparation, including the Celebration of Nature, the erection of monuments, the week of celebrations in July, the “Plaines lunes” epic, and Hallowe’en. For further information, consult our Web site at
There have been other achievements, such as the publication of a supplement on the park’s history in the journal Continuité, the production of the documentary “My Park, My Plains” in conjunction with the National Film Board of Canada, and the addition of history-related texts to our Web site.
Negotiations were begun on a memorandum of understanding for management of the Brown Basin site, but the results were not conclusive. However, as previously mentioned, the Quebec Port Authority, the site manager, has concluded a partnership agreement with the NBC to provide for facilitation and reception on the site.
The NBC also set important milestones for the conduct of the commemorations of the 250th anniversary of the battles of Quebec and confirmed certain partners for the event.
Steps were taken in conjunction with the Quebec Historical Corps for the conduct of the ”Québec 2009” event and the development of a Web site on the historical reenactment to be presented in 2009. Meetings were held with the History and Activities committees. A proposed exhibit on the Seven Years’ War was contracted for with the Musée national des beaux-arts du Québec.