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As Minister of Canadian Heritage and Official Languages, I am pleased to present the National Battlefields Commission’s Departmental Performance Report for 2007–2008. The report outlines the important achievements of the National Battlefields Commission over the last fiscal year and demonstrates how it continues to fulfill its mandate.
In 2007–2008, the Commission’s main achievements were centred on repairing major infrastructure to meet the urgent health and safety needs of users and visitors at Battlefields Park and to ensure the integrity of its programming in preparation for celebrations scheduled for 2008, such as Québec City’s 400th anniversary and the centennial of the Commission, and the commemoration of the 250th anniversary of historic battles in 2009. Through these actions, it was able to achieve its planned priorities, maintain and enhance the park, and provide prestigious, accessible, educational, and safe historic and urban sites.
As a Canadian Heritage Portfolio organization, the Commission has helped create a more prosperous Canada in which Canadians of all generations and all backgrounds can take part in the rich social, cultural, and economic life this country has to offer.
The original version was signed by
The Honourable James Moore P.C., M.P.
I submit for tabling in Parliament, the 2007–08 Departmental Performance Report (DPR) for THE NATIONAL BATTLEFIELDS COMMISSION.
The original version was signed by Name: André Juneau Title: Chairman |
Raison d’être - The National Battlefields Commission (NBC), as manager of Battlefields Park, enables Canadians to enjoy the first national historic park in Canada and one of the most prestigious urban parks in the world.
The mandate
The NBC has a mandate to acquire and conserve the great historical battlefields in Quebec City and turn them into a national park. The NBC is responsible for the acquisition, administration, governance and development of the battlefields and for managing the funds allocated to them.
The mission
The grounds of the NBC constitute one of the most important historic sites in Canada. There are the cradle of Canadian history. Commonly called the Plains of Abraham, the site is the largest urban park in Quebec City. It was created, one hundred year ago, at a time when major urban parks were appearing throughout the world and is one of the most prestigious. Its historical, cultural,
recreational, natural and scientific aspects make it unique. The NBC must thus reconcile the Plains of Abraham’s historic significance with its mission as an urban park. The NBC must preserve this historic Canadian legacy for future generations and develop it so that the public fully benefits from these treasures and Canadians learn more about the major events in Canadian
history associated with this important site.
Through its initiatives and responsibilities, the NBC helps enhance Canadian’s pride in their country, ensure that the Government of Canada has pride of place, encourage Canadians to participate in, and contribute to, our society; ensure access to Canadian voices and spaces; and protect Canada’s heritage.
Financial Resources (in thousands of dollars)
Human Resources
On the whole, the National Battlefields Commission (NBC) is satisfied with the performance it achieved during 2007–2008. The priorities we had set ourselves were met as planned, with the exception of one project that needed to be modified.
Priority No 1 – Rehabilitate infrastructure and carry out regular maintenance – To meet this priority, the NBC obtained, for the 2007–2008 fiscal year, a total budget of $4,216,000 for major infrastructure repair and to meet the urgent health and safety needs of users and visitors at Battlefields Park and ensure the integrity of the NBC program. This was made necessary by the serious deterioration of the infrastructure and the risks associated with increased demand in 2008 in the runup to the celebrations scheduled for the 400th anniversary of Quebec City and the NBC’s centennial.
The budget has been earmarked for the following projects:
As of March 31, 2008, the planned work had been 100% completed, except for the service building and offices.
The “Buildings – health services and offices” project comprised the expansion of 390 De Bernières Avenue. A number of circumstances had an impact on the planned expansion of 390 De Bernières Avenue, which was to provide public toilets and additional offices: a delay in the production of plans and specifications, a further delay in translating them, the workload of professional and construction contractors, the economic situation in the construction market (increasing costs), etc. Having been advised that the estimated cost was in excess of the budget, the NBC had to opt for an alternative. At the same time, the Department of National Defence advised the NBC that the transfer of the building known as the Commanding Officer’s House next to its offices could be an option. As the NBC had been looking to take over this building for five years to solve its office space problems, it opted to begin the process of transferring ownership of the building and to have a building put up for the public toilets only, so that they would be available for this summer, 2008. Because of the delay in the initial project, the NBC had the sum of $750,000 transferred to the 2008-2009 fiscal year so as to complete the public toilet building and have repairs done on the Commanding Officer’s House should the transfer go through. The actual fate of the Commanding Officer’s House should be known during fiscal 2008–2009.
For 2007–2008, the work expenditures are $3,331,352. The work was completed without exceeding the assigned budget envelope, leaving a balance of $134,648, which went to increase the $351,500 transfer to the following fiscal year. Some projects were conducted internally, affording a savings over the initial estimates (e.g., the sports field) and so helped offset some overruns and incidentals elsewhere (e.g., Grey Terrace).
Routine site maintenance was also done within budget. This includes such things as grass mowing on the site, tree care, landscaping, and general maintenance of buildings, vehicles and furniture, such as garbage cans, lampposts, and benches.
The result called for under the “Conservation” program activity was achieved. The NBC much improved the park infrastructure, ensuring its long-term preservation and user safety.
Priority No 2 – Offer the public high quality educational, cultural and nature-related services – To meet this priority, the NBC provides public services to a diverse clientele: schoolchildren, adults, families, foreign tourists. Clients have access to some thirty different educational development activities, guided tours, special themed activities and
cultural shows. There are also kiosks providing various services, such as exhibits on the history of the Plains of Abraham and Canada, and a souvenir shop. In view of the response and satisfaction rate of its internal surveys and the statistics it has gathered, the NBC considers it has achieved the objectives it set itself, namely to provide quality services and enhance the
public’s knowledge of the history of Canada’s first national historic park.
Priority No 3 – Organize celebrations to mark the 100th anniversary of the Commission and the park in 2008 – To meet that priority, the NBC formed committees, held meetings and involved partners to organize the celebrations surrounding the NBC’s centennial and the beginning of the redevelopment of Battlefields Park.
As it was organizing an exhibit to be presented this summer under the big top in the park, the NBC invited a number of federal organizations to join in hosting a “Canada Space” where they could present the services they provide to the general public, to take advantage of the large number of visitors to the Plains. It therefore played an organizing role and laid the groundwork for that partnership. Further, it co-operated with the National Film Board of Canada on the preparation of a documentary to be launched for the centennial. Various information booths will offer little-known sidelights on the history of the site. In parallel, a number of different articles have been written and published to mark the occasion. A special section on the history of the NBC and the site was distributed on March 15, 2008, in Quebec City newspapers. An article about the creation of the NBC and the park’s redevelopment was published in the prestigious heritage journal Continuité.
Because of circumstances beyond its control, the NBC has had to make changes to the originally scheduled centennial celebrations: the great ball that had been planned in partnership with the Department of National Defence had to be cancelled, and other changes had to be made to the centennial celebrations in view of the impossibility of using the Drill Hall because of the major work under way at this time. To hold the Popular Celebration for the 100th as scheduled on March 15 and 16, 2008, the NBC was obliged to set up a big top behind the Discovery Pavilion. These changes affected the budget initially forecast, with the surcharge for additional electricity use and the rental of the festival tent.
Other projects were also planned and organized during 2007–2008 to be presented this year. These include the Great Celebration of Nature (13th edition), which has been enhanced for the centennial, as well as the preparation of monuments commemorating three key personalities in the history of the Plains of Abraham: Abraham Martin, after whom the park is named, the landscape architect Frederick G. Todd, who laid it out, and finally Lord Grey, who helped bring the park to birth and also contributed to Quebec City’s tercentenary celebrations. The NBC did a lot of work to prepare for the activities of July and August 2008: the Big Picnic with Abraham and guests, the landing of Charles Lindberg’s grandson (in remembrance of the 1928 event), a reunion for its employees and members of its Board of Directors, the “Plains in Action” activity, the 200th anniversary of the Martello towers and the Plains of Abraham epic “Plaines lunes”, an impressive spectacle presenting a number of tableaux depicting the site’s 400-year history. A special Hallowe'en event has been prepared as part of the centennial celebrations, and various activities will be presented all through October.
As regards partnership and involvement, it should be noted that many volunteers and partners got involved in organizing the Plains of Abraham epic “Plaines lunes”. Many seamstresses from 13 circles of Federation 24 of the Cercles des Fermières du Québec have been kept busy making the 1,300-odd costumes to be worn by nearly 600 actors. The costumes for the epic were 89% complete by the end of March 2008. A great number of clothing accessories were prepared by volunteers, who were also called upon to fabricate a number of objects to be used during the show. Most of the scenery was produced by Commission staff. The Louis S. St. Laurent Heritage House and the Commanding Officer’s House are in use to provide office space for the volunteers and for the preparation and storage of costumes and scenery.
The NBC obtained $560,000 from Canadian Heritage, over two fiscal years, to plan, organize and conduct the centennial celebrations: $325,000 in 2007–2008 and $235,000 in 2008–2009. It also hired additional staff to help in certain specific areas, namely organization, research, communications, client service and maintenance services.
These celebrations will give visitors an opportunity to learn more about the history of Canada’s first national historic park and to understand its importance.
Priority No 4 – Plan for and organize the commemoration of the 250th anniversary of the historic battles of 1759 and 1760 – To achieve this priority, the NBC held meetings to plan and organize the commemorations of the 250th anniversary of the historic battles of 1759 and 1760 that are scheduled for 2009. Canadian and foreign visitors will be able to learn more about these historic events, which are inseparable from the NBC’s mandate and took place on the territory it administers, and about what was at stake at that period geopolitically.
Activities have been planned in that connection in which a number of partners have taken great interest. This event has generated keen anticipation among historical reenactors the world over. The NBC has negotiated a partnership agreement with the Quebec Historical Corps to present a major event in Quebec City in 2009 and to put up a Web site on the Quebec City 2009 event (
To date, research has also been undertaken to put together a database of the names of all British soldiers that took part in the battles of 1759 and 1760. Additional staff have been hired to help with the research. Also, under a partnership with the Société généalogique canadienne-francaise, work has been continuing with a view to publication in 2009 of a book containing the names of all French soldiers that took part in the Seven Years’ War.
Other endeavours are under way with various partners to present lectures, publish works on the subject and hold public activities pertaining to the 250th anniversary. A proposed exhibit is under preparation, following a partnership agreement with the Musée national des beaux-arts du Québec, which would present paintings of the event.
Priority No 5 – Increase or, at least, maintain current income levels – The NBC considers it has exceeded its expectations with respect to this priority. Revenue generated has reached $1,703,696 for 2007-2008, $103,696 more than expected ($1,600,000). This was indeed even higher than the 2006–2007 revenue, amounting to $1,623,040. One explanation
for the higher revenue is the increase in parking fees; another is the greater attendance at activities organized through school programs and by daycare services and playgrounds.
Priority No 6 – Plan and organize operations and manage them carefully so as to achieve the expected outcomes – To achieve the expected results for this priority, the NBC planned and organized its operations responsibly and transparently. It engaged consultants and other professionals for the conduct of some of the work and issued news releases to keep the general public aware of the progress of operations (e.g., road closures). It carefully followed up with each of its organizational units, submitted minutes to the meetings of the NBC Board of Directors and complied with government administrative rules.
In February 2008 the NBC obtained the final result of the Treasury Board evaluations of federal agencies conducted under the Management Accountability Framework. The comments obtained with respect to the various criteria analysed (e.g., stewardship, human resources, strategic directions) were generally very positive.
During that period, the NBC undertook to negotiate a collective agreement with the Public Service Alliance of Canada (PSAC) union. Agreement in principle was reached on the non-monetary clauses in the last few months.
Moreover, as planned, human resources have indeed been increased to meet Priorities 1, 3 and 4.
Again, as planned, the first stage in the production of the guide on risk prevention in accordance with the Canada Labour Code – Part II was completed. A few minor adjustments were made to certain services to meet health and safety requirements, in accordance with applicable regulations.
The NBC is a small organization that manages a huge park (108 ha) in the heart of Quebec City, a park that is seen as the spot, the meeting place, the lungs of the city for users and visitors who want to take advantage of an urban park that provides green space where they can engage in sporting, cultural and historical activities. To achieve its strategic result, it focused on building maintenance and the upkeep of green space (flowerbeds, trees and bushes) and furniture (benches, picnic tables, lampposts, garbage cans etc). It also looked at how users and visitors are welcomed, educational development and show production. Moreover, as part of its activities, notices, news releases and announcements were distributed to the public to inform them of the park’s attractions, the activities on offer and the work in progress. In order for the public to enjoy the park safely, 24-hour surveillance has been laid on. All NBC services were called upon for park management, namely administration, finance, maintenance, green space, facilitation and reception, show production, research and archives, communications and security.
Activities of the “Conservation and Development” program were rigorously managed to keep to planned expenditures and the assigned budget. The total authorized budget for 2007–2008 is $14,028,000, including generated revenue of $1,703,696 which the NBC is authorized to spend during the fiscal year. Revenue generation is very important in meeting the priorities, principally in the area of client service, since a number of services provided to the public depend on it, as for example educational development activities including the staff salaries.
The 2007–2008 fiscal year has been devoted to infrastructure repair and fit-up of certain park sectors to ensure that the facilities are safe for users and visitors and to beautify the park in advance of the celebrations planned for 2008. The major events planned for Quebec City’s 400th anniversary celebrations and the NBC centennial, together with the preparations for the 250th anniversary of the historic battles, have also had an important place in the management of NBC’s affairs and have put additional pressure on staff. In order to carry out all these projects, the NBC has done a work reorganization to tackle the heavy additional workloads and to continue to satisfactorily deliver its activities and services. Staff have been hired for maintenance, client service, communications and research. Also, a staff reorganization has been done to better distribute celebration responsibilities.
With the celebrations planned for 2008 and 2009, this was the ideal time to do the infrastructure repair work that had been pending for a number of years. This work is to preserve and enhance Battlefields Park for many years to come and to ensure the safety of users and visitors. The advent of 2008, an exceptional year both for the NBC (100th anniversary) and Quebec City (400th anniversary), has generated a lot of pressure and has not left much time for all the work to be done by deadline. The NBC therefore had to be vigilant and plan very carefully to achieve the expected results.
To fulfil priority No. 1, expenditures of $3,331,352 enabled infrastructure to be repaired: roads, sidewalks, plots of land, construction of a service building at the centre of the park, and various work to enhance park users’ health and safety while improving the facilities for the celebrations planned for summer 2008.
An additional $560,000 was set aside over 2 years by Canadian Heritage for the conduct of celebrations for the NBC centennial. In 2007–2008, $325,000 was spent on the planning, organization and conduct of certain activities, whereas $235,000 was allocated to these for fiscal 2008-2009.
The NBC, having been sued following a heavy rainstorm on August 2, 2000, that caused damage to neighbouring properties below the cliff, had to put a lot of time and energy into preparing for the trial, which took place in Superior Court in February 2008.
Certain external and internal factors affected the implementation of NBC programs and activities during 2007–2008.
The number of visitors to the Park obliged the NBC to exert stepped-up vigilance during 2007-2008, mainly in the area of maintenance services and security, as in all more than four million visitors and users entered the park that summer. The work being done during the period limited access to certain sectors of the park at times. Control had to be maintained of the accesses affected and co-ordination had to be quite tight to ensure that the park was safe and pleasant to visit at all times. In spite of all of the work carried out, the heavy workload and the limited park access, the NBC was able to respond to 218 requests for use; this was down slightly from the previous year (232). Moreover, the NBC succeeded in generating more revenue than expected from park attendance. The measures taken by the NBC in managing its operations enabled the objectives to be met.
Climatic and economic conditions. Weather did not have any negative impact on NBC priorities during 2007–2008. It did not affect revenue, which indeed exceeded the objectives set, by $103,696. Economic conditions, however, did necessitate some changes to help fulfil priority No. 1, because the cost of the work on the service building was higher than expected, considering, in particular, the period when the work was done and the increase in the cost of wood and other materials. That obliged the NBC to review the initial project and make some changes to it to keep within the allotted budget.
The approach of the 400th anniversary of Quebec City required the NBC to devote much time and effort to setting a schedule of events that was potentially achievable and satisfactory to all agencies and users of the Plains of Abraham in 2008. This imposed an additional workload on staff. A number of meetings were held to deal with upcoming events on the Plains for the 400th, in addition to the park’s regular annual activities.
The project to transfer custody of the Brown Basin to the NBC, one of the Canadian government’s legacies to the 400th anniversary of Quebec City, did not come to fruition. However, an agreement was reached with the Quebec Port Authority (QPA) (the site owner) to have the NBC present an event on the history of the site and its connection to that of the Plains of Abraham, with a documentary being produced by the National Film Board of Canada and to have visitors received at the building, in exchange for a contribution from the QPA. In addition to the preparations for the NBC centennial and the routine business to be managed, the project has required NBC staff to get involved in the fit-up and development of the building, all within a very short space of time, to meet the deadlines.
A number of key partners helped NBC fulfil its priorities and so attain its strategic result.
Again this year, the NBC has received valuable co-operation from Quebec City, a vital partner in park conservation and maintenance, which contributed to various types of work, for example snow removal, pavement repair, sump-pumping and various capital investment projects. In 2007–2008, Quebec City contributed some $75,000 for the conduct of work in the Edwin-Bélanger Bandstand sector. Again, an agreement was reached between the parties for the erection on the famed Pierre-Dugua-de-Mons Terrace (formerly called Saint-Denis Terrace), located east of the Citadel, of a monument to Pierre Dugua de Mons, co-founder of Quebec City.
The NBC also obtained the co-operation of the Quebec City police department for major events on the Plains, to ensure user safety and the protection of NBC property. The same co-operation was obtained when the Plains security unit needed assistance in particular cases, for example in taking action on various Criminal Code violations or incidents.
The NBC also laid the groundwork for partnership with certain federal agencies—the Department of National Defence, the Canadian Space Agency, Service Canada, the Canadian International Development Agency, the Canadian Heritage Information Network, Indian and Northern Affairs Canada, the Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages and the RCMP, the National Film Board of Canada and Public Works and Government Services Canada (Exposition Canada)—to present the services they have on offer for the general public under the big top: the “Canada Space” created for the summer of 2008 and the NBC centennial.
The NBC co-operated with the National Film Board of Canada on the production of a documentary on the Plains entitled “My Park, My Plains”, launched in March during the Popular Celebration for the centennial and being shown all summer under the “Canada Space” big top and at Brown Basin.
In 2007–2008, the NBC received a centennial gift from the Capital of Canada in the form of 4,000 tulip bulbs; these were planted last fall so they would enliven the gardens in spring 2008. Also, production of the Abraham Martin rosebushes (some 1,500 for 2008 and 600 for 2009) has continued. Some one hundred rosebushes were planted in the park in 2007. Introduction of the Abraham Martin rosebush had been planned for the Great Celebration of Nature in May 2008.
Also, discussions were begun with Radio-Canada for the production, in summer 2008, of the New France vegetable garden for the program La Semaine verte. Under this scheme, a garden was to be sown with seeds of the vegetables and spices of the period.
Other discussions were undertaken with the Musée national des beaux-arts du Québec, for its 75th anniversary and the NBC’s centennial, for the execution of a reproduction of a painting (by the artist Hériot) representing the Plains of Abraham circa 1789.
Also, to make the public more aware of the history of Canada’s first national historic park and to fulfil Priorities 2, 3, and 4, Client Services, to obtain their co-operation, concluded partnership agreements with school boards, history professors, Laval University’s school of architecture, the Québec City Tourism office and Les Compagnons de l’ère médiévale to enable activities and events to be put on.
Thanks to our media partners, including Le Soleil, the Journal de Québec, CITF Rock Détente, TQS and the Quebec Chronicle Telegraph, the NBC has also enjoyed enhanced visibility and promotion for the various activities and events on offer, such as the Great Celebration of Nature, shows at the Edwin-Bélanger Bandstand, the Council of War at the Martello
tower and the Hallowe’en activities.
In 2007–2008, the NBC encountered a few challenges and unforeseen contingencies that had an impact on the achievement of the priorities it had set and caused changes in the forecasted expenditures.
The NBC was able to undertake all the repair work on time in order to be ready by summer 2008. However, that was not accomplished without difficulty and did bring additional pressure to bear on NBC staff. The allotted budget was respected, and a certain sum was carried forward to 2008-2009. However, because the cost estimate for the construction of the service building and offices was higher than expected, the NBC had to review its project and make some changes, as mentioned under Priority No. 1.
During the repair work in the park, the NBC had to cope with certain constraints while still maintaining its services. In particular, it had to allow park use to continue, generate anticipated revenue and maintain organized activities in the park. It had to co-ordinate the work with the activities and events in the park and plan for the closure of certain streets and areas in order to perform the work and nonetheless ensure that the site remained accessible and safe for park users and visitors.
The NBC had a real apprehension it would not be able to meet its revenue objectives because of the work being done in the park, but in the end it exceeded those objectives by $103,696.
To undertake the celebrations planned for the kickoff of the centennial on March 15 and 16, 2008, the NBC had to set up a big top behind the Discovery Pavilion, given the impossibility of using the Drill Hall, where major building work was then under way. Additional costs had to be paid for the festival tent and the electricity bill.
Again, organization of the Plains of Abraham epic, a major attraction at the NBC centennial, demanded much energy and effort. Looking for sufficient numbers of volunteers, co-ordinating seamstresses to make costumes and managing all of these additional human resources was a big challenge for a small organization like the NBC. Also, sufficient accommodation for all the extras, some 150 of whom were coming from France, had not been found as of March 31, 2008. The NBC was loaned space at the Commanding Officer’s House and the Louis S. St. Laurent Heritage House for the preparation and storage of costumes and scenery. Performances of the show on the site’s 400-year history, from the arrival of the explorers up to the park as we know it today, will take place from August 13 to 17, 2008.
To date, the organization and planning of celebrations for the NBC centennial and the 250th anniversary of the battles is going well. The NBC believes it can successfully meet the challenge of the high-class celebrations it is mandated to present.
The NBC was hoping to obtain the management of Brown Basin, one of the federal government’s legacies to the 400th anniversary of Quebec City, but has not yet got its wish. However, the NBC has arranged with the Quebec Port Authority to have some presence and visibility there by providing facilitation and historical interpretation services on the site and also disseminating information on the activities taking place in 2008.