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Supreme Court of Canada Building 301 Wellington Street Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0J1 World Wide Web: |
General Enquiries Telephone: (613) 995-4330 Fax: (613) 996-3063 Internet Access:
Anne Roland - Registrar Telephone: (613) 996-9277 |
E-mail: |
Louise Meagher - Deputy Registrar Telephone: (613) 996-7521 |
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Lynn Potter - A/Director General, Corporate Services Telephone: (613) 996-0429 |
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Supreme Court Reports Pursuant to Section 17 of the Supreme Court Act, the Registrar or the Deputy Registrar, as the Chief Justice directs, reports and publishes the judgments of the Court in the Supreme Court Reports, which include all the reasons for judgment rendered by the Court in a given calendar year. |
Supreme Court Act | R.S.C., 1985, as amended |
Judges Act | R.S.C., 1985, as amended |