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ARCHIVED - National Defence

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Section V: Additional Information


Appendix A: Legislation and Regulations Administered

The Minister of National Defence is responsible to Parliament for many statutes, and is assigned relevant responsibilities in the administration of many laws and regulations.  The comprehensive list is available at: <>

Appendix B: National Defence Headquarters Organization Chart

The National Defence Headquarters Organization chart can be found at:


Appendix C: List of Key Partners and Stakeholders

The Department of National Defence and the Canadian Forces collaborate with many partners in Canada and abroad that help support the Defence mission.  The broad scope of the Defence mandate is reflected in the complexity and diversity of it is partners and stakeholders.  To view the comprehensive list of Defence partners and stakeholders, visit:


Appendix D: Reserve Force

The role of the Primary Reserve is to augment, sustain and support deployed forces to international operations.  Domestically, the Primary Reserve will continue to conduct coastal and air operations, as well as to continue to explore options to enhance the Reserve Force’s domestic response capability, including the provision of personnel to response units across the country.

Additional information related to the Reserve Force for the DPR 07-08 can be found at: <>

Appendix E: National Search and Rescue Secretariat

The National Search and Rescue Secretariat (NSS) is an independent agency of government, reporting to the Lead Minister for Search and Rescue (the Minister of National Defence). The NSS was established in 1986 to support and promote the activities of the National Search and Rescue (SAR) Program (NSP) as a means to achieve highly effective and economically responsible search and rescue programs throughout Canada.

Additional information related to the National Search and Rescue Secretariat for the DPR 07-08 can be found at: <>

Appendix F: Communications Security Establishment Canada

The Communications Security Establishment Canada (CSEC) is Canada's national cryptologic agency. CSEC provide the Government of Canada with two key services: foreign signals intelligence in support of defence and foreign policy, and the protection of electronic information and communication.

Additional information related to the Communications Security Establishment Canada for the DPR 07-08 can be found at: <>

Appendix G: Defence Research and Development Canada

Defence Research and Development Canada (DRDC), a Special Operating Agency of DND, provides other groups and principles with the scientific and technological advice, products and services, and operational research and analysis required to effectively carry out Canadian Forces assigned missions and tasks.

Additional information related to the Defence Research and Development Canada for the DPR 07-08 can be found at: <>

Appendix H: The Office of the Judge Advocate General

The mission of the Office of the Judge Advocate General for the Canadian Forces is to provide effective and efficient legal services in respect of military law and to superintend the administration of military justice.

Additional information related to the Office of the Judge Advocate General for the DPR 07-08 can be found at: <>

Appendix I: The Office of the Ombudsman for the Department of National Defence and the Canadian Forces

The Ombudsman investigates complaints and serves as a neutral third party on matters related to the Department of National Defence and the Canadian Forces. Acting independently of the chain of command and managers, he reports directly to the Minister of National Defence.

The office is a direct source of information, referral, and education for the men and women of the Department of National Defence and the Canadian Forces. Its role is to help individuals access existing channels of assistance or redress when they have a complaint or concern.

Additional information related to the Office of the Ombudsman for DND and the CF for the DPR 07-08 can be found at: <>

Appendix J: Public Affairs

Public Affairs provide communications services to support departmental activities and CF operations.

Additional information related to Public Affairs for the DPR 07-08 can be found at: <>

Appendix K: Recognizing Individuals and Team Achievements

A comprehensive list recognizing individuals and team achievements for fiscal year 2007-2008 can be found at: <>

Contact Information

Plans and Priorities and Departmental Performance Information

Vice-Admiral J.N.D. Rouleau, OMM, CD
Vice Chief of the Defence Staff
National Defence Headquarters
101 Colonel By Drive
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0K2
Telephone: (613) 992-6052

Facsimile: (613) 992-3945

Financial Information

Rear-Admiral Bryn M. Weadon, CMM, CD, CMA, PLog
Assistant Deputy Minister (Finance and Corporate Services)
National Defence Headquarters
101 Colonel By Drive
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0K2
Telephone: (613) 992-5669

Facsimile: (613) 992-9693

General Inquiries

Ms Josée Touchette
Assistant Deputy Minister (Public Affairs)
National Defence Headquarters
101 Colonel By Drive
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0K2
Telephone: (613) 996-0562

Facsimile: (613) 995-2610

Email: information

Internet sites on the World Wide Web

Department of National Defence <>
Office of the Judge Advocate General <>
Office of the Ombudsman for National Defence and the Canadian Forces <>
National Search and Rescue Secretariat <>
Defence Research & Development Canada <>
Communications Security Establishment Canada <>
Defence Planning and Management <>


List of Acronyms



Alternate Dispute Resolution


Association of South East Asian Nations




Afghan National Army


Afghan National Police


Access to Information and Privacy


African Union



Canada COM

Canada Command


Chief of the Defence Staff


Canadian Forces


Canada First Defence Strategy


Canadian International Development Agency


Chief of Military Personnel


Communications Security Establishment Canada




Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade


Director Human Resources Information Management


Deputy Minister


Departmental Performance Report


Defence Research and Development Canada




Employment Equity




Her Majesty’s Canadian Ship




Improvised Explosive Device


International Security Assistance Force




Land Force Command




Management Accountability Framework


Minister of National Defence


Military Assistance Training Program




North Atlantic Treaty Organization


Standing Committee on National Defence


North American Aerospace Defence Command




Program Activity Architecture


Standing Committee on Public Accounts


Provincial Reconstruction Team


Public Service




Royal Canadian Mounted Police




Search and Rescue


Search and Rescue Satellite-Aided Tracking


Signal Intelligence




Uninhabited Aerial Vehicle


United Nations


United States




Veterans Affairs


Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff


[1] The Department of National Defence (DND), the Canadian Forces (CF) and the organizations and agencies that make up the full Defence portfolio are collectively referred to as Defence.
[2] National Defence Act, Article 18(1)
[3] ‘Trained effective strength’ refers to the number of personnel trained to an employable standard for their occupation.
[4] Class C reservists are Primary Reserve members who are employed full-time with the equivalent pay, benefits and liability as Regular Force members.
[5] The Operational spectrum can be categorized by effects or the nature of operations conducted as either KINETIC or NON-KINETIC. KINETIC refers to deadly use of force (or the whole use of force continuum up to and including deadly force) to achieve tactical objectives; NON-KINETIC is obtaining tactical objectives through non-use of force methods although they may progress into kinetic depending on the situation. Special Operations Forces can operate in either realm.
[6] The method of making ships safer against magnetic influence mines and other devices using magnetic exploders by temporarily neutralizing the ship's magnetic field with electric coils installed in the ship.
[7] Extension of body armour to protect the upper arm and shoulder.
[8] Extra protective ceramic liner inside the armoured vehicle plating that serves to protect the occupants from metal debris in the event the vehicle receives a direct hit.
[9] A Kandak is a battalion or principle manoeuvre unit of the Afghan National Army that operates at the platoon and company level.