Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat
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ARCHIVED - Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat

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Table 8: Details on Project Spending

($ thousands)

Current Estimated Total Costs






Main Estimates

Planned Spending

Total Authorities


Management and Expenditure Performance








Expenditure Management Information System— Phase B Budget Office Systems Renewal








In March 2004, the Treasury Board granted Effective Project Approval (EPA) for the implementation of the Expenditure Management Information System (EMIS) project. A scheduled internal audit, in late 2004, found a number of project-related deficiencies.

In October 2006, the Treasury Board considered a renewed business case for EMIS and granted Effective Project Approval for the Budget Office Systems Renewal (BOSR) project as Phase B of a re-planned EMIS strategy.

The new EMIS Strategic Plan divides work into four distinct phases. The four phases are:

A—Conceptual Architecture and Design;

B—Budget Office Systems Renewal (BOSR);

C—Results Information Integration (RII); and

D—Actual Expenditures Information Integration (AEII).

Phase A, Conceptual Architecture and Design, was completed in early 2006.

Phase B, Budget Office Systems Renewal (BOSR), focusses on the replacement of existing, at-risk Budget Office functionality with a single integrated solution. As a result of this integration, internal Secretariat business processes will also be streamlined and rationalized.

Preliminary Project Approval (PPA) for phases C and D may be sought upon implementation of Phase B.