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Table 9: Details on Transfer Payment Programs (TPPs)

Name of Transfer Payment Program: Toronto Waterfront Revitalization Initiative

Start Date: October 2000

End Date: March 2011

Description: The Toronto Waterfront Revitalization Initiative (TWRI) is a $1.5 billion tri-government infrastructure and urban renewal investment program.

Strategic Outcomes: TWRI aims to achieve a revitalized central Toronto waterfront through investments in:
- parks and green spaces
- new and sustainable commercial and residential areas
- local transportation and infrastructure
- cleaning up contaminated

Results Achieved: A number of Federal priorities which include parks, recreation, and public spaces have been completed and numerous projects are currently under way.


Actual Spending 2004–05

Actual Spending 2005–06

Planned Spending 2006–07

Total Authorities 2006–071

Actual Spending 2006–07


Program Activity: Revitalization of the Toronto Waterfront







Total Contributions







Comment(s) on Variance(s): TWRI has authority to reprofile any unused grant and contribution funding to future years.

Significant Audit and Evaluation Findings and URL (s) to Last Audit and/or Evaluation: N/A

1. In accordance with the February 6, 2006, changes in ministers' responsibilities, this authority was transferred from Citizenship and Immigration to the Treasury Board Secretariat through the 2006–07 Supplementary Estimates. Subsequently, in accordance with the January 4, 2007, changes in ministers' responsibilities, this authority will be transferred from the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat to Environment Canada through the 2007–08 Supplementary Estimates.