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Department |
Points to Address |
Department's Input |
1. Role played by procurement and contracting in delivering programs |
Procurement and contracting play a vital role in ensuring that the goods and services needs of the Department are met in a timely manner, while ensuring that the laws, policies, and guidelines governing government procurement are respected. |
2. Overview of how the department manages its contracting function |
Contracting and procurement activity in the Department is centralized. While managers have delegated authority to enter into contracts, contract documents and financial commitments are created by the centralized Contracting Section. The Contracting Section also provides advice and guidance on all aspects of the contracting process. The Department has a contract review committee that reviews all contracts with an estimated value of more than $10,000. Procurement of goods is also carried out centrally, with the exception of purchases made using acquisition cards. |
3. Progress and new initiatives enabling effective and efficient procurement practices |
The Department has developed the Manager's Guide to Contracting, as well as contract request forms and additional information available on the Departmental intranet. This information facilitates both the contracting process and compliance with contracting policies and procedures. Under procurement reform, the Department is making broader use of standing offers and supply arrangements. Managers are also encouraged to make use of the acquisition card program to meet low dollar-value needs. |