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All upcoming internal audits over the next three fiscal years.
Name of Internal Audit | Internal Audit Type | Status | Expected Completion Date |
Audit of Corporate Information Management | Information Management | In progress | April 2011 |
Audit of Corporate Governance in SSHRC | Governance | Planned | June 2011 |
Audit of Integrated Business Planning in SSHRC | Business Planning | Planned | September 2011 |
In 2008-09, the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) completed a merger of their internal audit units, creating a shared Corporate Internal Audit Division (CIAD). In 2009, CIAD developed SSHRC’s 2009-10 Risk-Based Audit Plan (RBAP). The audits mentioned above reflect the current planned audits. In late 2010, CIAD began developing SSHRC’s multiyear RBAP based on information gleaned from the recently completed corporate risk profile. This RBAP is tentatively slated for completion in March 2011, covering fiscal years 2011-12 to 2014-15. Since the RBAP is still in its developmental stage, audit plans for 2012 and beyond will be updated in the 2012-13 Report on Plans and Priorities.
Electronic Link to Internal Audit Plan
SSHRC internal audits
Audit of the Enterprise Management System (EAMS) Project
Name of Evaluation and Link to Report | Program Activity | Status | Expected Completion Date |
Evaluation of Prizes and Special Fellowships | 1.1 Fellowships, Scholarships and Prizes | In progress | July 2011-12 |
Evaluation of the Postdoctoral Fellowships Program | 1.1 Fellowships, Scholarships and Prizes | In progress | January 2011-12 |
Evaluation of Strategic Knowledge Clusters | 3.2 Research Networking | Pending | April 2012 |
Evaluation of the Canada Graduate Scholarships Program | 1.1 Fellowships, Scholarships and Prizes | Pending | December 2012 |
Evaluation of the Georges Philias Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarships Program | 1.1 Fellowships, Scholarships and Prizes | Pending | December 2012 |
Evaluation of the Centres of Excellence for Commercialization and Research | 3.2 Research Networking | Pending | March 2012 |
Evaluation of Canada Excellence Research Chairs | 1.2 Research Chairs | Pending | April 2013 |
Evaluation of Business-Led Networks of Centres of Excellence | 3.2 Research Networking | Pending | March 2014 |
Evaluation of Networks of Centres of Excellence | 3.2 Research Networking | Pending | March 2014 |
Evaluation of Indirect Costs Program | 4.1 Indirect Costs of Research | Pending | January 2014 |
Evaluation of College and Community Innovation | 3.2 Research Networking | Pending | March 2013 |
All evaluation reports are or will be posted in the Publications section of SSHRC's website.
Electronic Link to Evaluation Plan
SSHRC’s Evaluation Plan is posted on SSHRC's website.