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1. Name of Internal Audit | 2. Internal Audit Type | 3. Status | 4. Expected Completion Date |
Superintendent’s Office: Risk Management | Risk Management | In Progress | June 2011 |
Supervision Sector: Life Insurance Group - Conglomerates | Risk Assessment & Intervention | In Progress | Sept 2011 |
Supervision Sector: Deposit Taking Institutions – Conglomerates | Risk Assessment & Intervention | 2011-2012 Planned | TBD |
Corporate Services: Finance | Travel & Hospitality | 2011-2012 Planned | TBD |
Corporate Services: Human Resources | Training & Development | 2011-2012 Planned | TBD |
Corporate Services: Information Management / Information Technology | Governance | 2011-2012 Planned | TBD |
Superintendent’s Office: Internal Audit | Quality Assurance | 2012-2013 Planned | TBD |
Supervision Sector: Property & Casualty Group | Risk Assessment and Intervention | 2012-2013 Planned | TBD |
Supervision Sector: Supervision Support Group, Capital Markets Division | Risk Assessment and Intervention | 2012-2013 Planned | TBD |
Regulation Sector: Capital Division | Rule-Making and Approvals | 2012-2013 Planned | TBD |
Regulation Sector: Private Pension Plans Division | Risk Assessment and Intervention (Supervision) | 2012-2013 Planned | TBD |
Corporate Services: Finance | Governance | 2012-2013 Planned | TBD |
Corporate Services: Security Services Unit | Governance | 2012-2013 Planned | TBD |
Supervision Sector: Deposit-Taking Group – Non-Conglomerates | Risk Assessment & Intervention | 2013-2014 Planned | TBD |
Supervision Sector: Life-Insurance Group – Non-Conglomerates | Risk Assessment & Intervention | 2013-2014 Planned | TBD |
Supervision Sector: Deposit-Taking Group – Risk Measurement Analytics and Assessment | Risk Assessment & Intervention | 2013-2014 Planned | TBD |
The Audit Committee approves OSFI’s Annual Audit Plan two years ahead. The most recent Audit Plan and Audit Reports are available on OSFI’s website: (