ARCHIVED - Fisheries and Oceans Canada - Supplementary Tables
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Greening Government Operations (GGO)
The GGO supplementary table applies to departments and agencies bound by the Federal Sustainable Development Act, the Policy on Green Procurement, or the Policy Framework for Offsetting Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Major International Events.
Please note:
- RPP refers to Reports on Plans and Priorities and represents planned / expected results.
- DPR refers to Departmental Performance Reports and represents actual results.
Green Building Targets
8.1 As of April 1, 2012, and pursuant to departmental strategic frameworks, new construction and build-to-lease projects, and major renovation projects, will achieve an industry-recognized level of high environmental performance.
Performance Measure |
Target Status |
Number of completed new construction, build-to-lease and major renovation projects in the given fiscal year, as per departmental strategic framework. (Optional in 2011–12) |
N/A |
Number of completed new construction, build-to-lease and major renovation projects that have achieved an industry-recognized level of high environmental performance in the given fiscal year, as per departmental strategic framework. (Optional in 2011–12) |
N/A |
Existence of strategic framework. (Optional in RPP 2011–12) |
N/A |
Strategies / Comments
- In 2011-12, Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) will finalize the development of the strategic framework for green buildings. Implementation of the strategic framework will begin in 2012-13.
8.2 As of April 1, 2012, and pursuant to departmental strategic frameworks, existing crown buildings over 1000m2 will be assessed for environmental performance using an industry-recognized assessment tool.
Performance Measure |
Target Status |
Number of buildings over 1000m2, as per departmental strategic framework. (Optional in 2011–12) |
N/A |
Percentage of buildings over 1000m2 that have been assessed using an industry-recognized assessment tool, as per departmental strategic framework. (Optional in 2011–12) |
N/A |
Existence of strategic framework. (Optional in RPP 2011–12) |
N/A |
Strategies / Comments
- In 2011-12, DFO will finalize the development of the strategic framework for green buildings. Implementation of the strategic framework will begin in 2012-13.
8.3 As of April 1, 2012, and pursuant to departmental strategic frameworks, new lease or lease renewal projects over 1000m2, where the Crown is the major lessee, will be assessed for environmental performance using an industry-recognized assessment tool.
Performance Measure |
Target Status |
Number of completed lease and lease renewal projects over 1000m2 in the given fiscal year, as per departmental strategic framework. (Optional in 2011–12) |
N/A |
Number of completed lease and lease renewal projects over 1000m2 that were assessed using an industry-recognized assessment tool in the given fiscal year, as per departmental strategic framework. (Optional in 2011–12) |
N/A |
Existence of strategic framework. (Optional in RPP 2011–12) |
N/A |
Strategies / Comments
- In 2011-12, DFO will finalize the development of the strategic framework for green buildings. Implementation of the strategic framework will begin in 2012-13.
8.4 As of April 1, 2012, and pursuant to departmental strategic frameworks, fit-up and refit projects will achieve an industry-recognized level of high environmental performance.
Performance Measure |
Target Status |
Number of completed fit-up and refit projects in the given fiscal year, as per departmental strategic framework. (Optional in 2011–12) |
N/A |
Number of completed fit-up and refit projects that have achieved an industry-recognized level of high environmental performance in the given fiscal year, as per departmental strategic framework. (Optional in 2011–12) |
N/A |
Existence of strategic framework. (Optional in RPP 2011–12) |
N/A |
Strategies / Comments
- In 2011-12, DFO will finalize the development of the strategic framework for green buildings. Implementation of the strategic framework will begin in 2012-13.
Greenhouse Gas Emissions Target
8.5 The federal government will take action now to reduce levels of greenhouse gas emissions from its operations to match the national target of 17% below 2005 by 2020.
Performance Measure |
Target Status |
Departmental GHG reduction target: Percentage of absolute reduction in GHG emissions by 2020–21, relative to 2005–06. |
11% |
Departmental GHG emissions in 2005–06, in kilotonnes of CO2 equivalent. |
39.4 |
Departmental GHG emissions in the given fiscal year, in kilotonnes of CO2 equivalent. |
2011–12 |
38.0 |
2012–13 |
2013–14 |
2014–15 |
2015–16 |
2016–17 |
2017–18 |
2018–19 |
2019–20 |
2020–21 |
Percent change in departmental GHG emissions from 2005–06 to the end of the given fiscal year. |
2011–12 |
3.5% reduction |
2012–13 |
2013–14 |
2014–15 |
2015–16 |
2016–17 |
2017–18 |
2018–19 |
2019–20 |
2020–21 |
Strategies / Comments
- DFO monitors and reports GHG emissions on 70% of owned floor space and the entire motor vehicle inventory. The quantification of emissions for the remainder of the floor space is impracticable due to the effort involved in obtaining complete and accurate data. DFO owns many
small structures located in remote areas, such as lighthouses, search and rescue stations and sites with seasonal operations.
- GHG emissions from Canadian Coast Guard vessels and aircraft are monitored and reported; however, these emissions are not part of the GHG reduction target for national safety and security reasons.
- DFO has developed an Implementation Plan to determine actions for reducing GHG emissions in order to achieve the target.
- DFO has engaged the services of a consultant to assist with the drafting of a departmental plan to reduce GHG emissions from its vehicle fleet.
Surplus Electronic and Electrical Equipment Target
8.6 By March 31, 2014, each department will reuse or recycle all surplus electronic and electrical equipment (EEE) in an environmentally sound and secure manner.
Performance Measure |
Target Status |
Existence of implementation plan for the disposal of all departmentally-generated EEE. (Optional in RPP 2011–12) |
N/A |
Total number of departmental locations with EEE implementation plan fully implemented, expressed as a percentage of all locations, by the end of the given fiscal year. |
2011–12 |
85% |
2012–13 |
2013–14 |
Strategies / Comments
- DFO defines locations as regions and will be reporting on this target by region (seven regions).
- By March 31, 2012, DFO will develop an implementation plan for the disposal of all departmentally-generated EEE.
- DFO will be using provincial run disposal service where available or PWGSC Standing Offers in locations where provincial services are not available.
- Currently DFO uses provincial run services in five provinces and PWGSC in four other provinces.
Printing Unit Reduction Target
8.7 By March 31, 2013, each department will achieve an 8:1 average ratio of office employees to printing units. Departments will apply target where building occupancy levels, security considerations, and space configuration allow.
Performance Measure |
Target Status |
Ratio of departmental office employees to printing units in 2010–11, where building occupancy levels, security considerations and space configuration allow. (Optional) |
N/A for 2010-11 |
Ratio of departmental office employees to printing units at the end of the given fiscal year, where building occupancy levels, security considerations and space configuration allow. |
2011–12 |
3:1 |
2012–13 |
2013–14 |
Strategies / Comments
- For this target, DFO has defined printing unit as: (e.g., desktop printers, networked printers, multifunctional devices, faxes, photocopiers, etc.)
- Scope: Exclusions will include:
- printers dedicated to specialized printing for specific laboratory and/or field equipment;
- printers that are onboard Canadian Coast Guard and DFO vessels;
- printers that have been identified for applications specific tasks such as issuing of fishing licenses or those that have been identified for Duty to Accommodate.
- Printers that are dedicated to printing Classified documents
During 2011-12, additional exclusions may be added.
- Tracking methodologies for printing units: DFO will use the data from its internal tracking system to determine network connected print devices. All newly purchased and replaced network print devices will be captured in DFO's asset management system to determine the ratio of
its new print devices to employees.
- During 2011-12, DFO will define tracking methodologies for office employees.
- DFO will continue to use its Green IT Print Guideline document to review new and replacement requests for print devices.
- In order to achieve targets, all DFO Sectors and Regional organizations will need to take pro-active measures to consciously reduce printer utilization. Senior Management will be asked to support targeted reductions of printing devices.
- DFO will strengthen and communicate acquisition guidelines for print devices.
Paper Consumption Target
8.8 By March 31, 2014, each department will reduce internal paper consumption per office employee by 20%. Each department will establish a baseline between 2005–2006 and 2011–2012, and applicable scope.
Performance Measure |
Target Status |
Number of sheets of internal office paper purchased or consumed per office employee in the baseline year selected, as per departmental scope. (Optional in RPP 2011–12) |
N/A* |
Cumulative reduction (or increase) in paper consumption, expressed as a percentage, relative to baseline year selected. (Optional in RPP 2011–12) |
2011–12 |
N/A |
2012–13 |
2013–14 |
Strategies / Comments
- *In 2011-12, DFO will develop and/or finalize a baseline, scope, and tracking methodologies for this target.
- DFO put in place a line object in its ABACUS financial system to track the purchases of paper, as per the definition, starting April 1, 2010.
- DFO will develop a policy on the procurement of paper to include the reduction of paper use.
- This target is closely tied to the FSDS). FSDS target 8.7 "Achieving the Printing Unit Reduction". With the use of features such as double-sided printing and the increased use of Multi-Functional Printing devices and the reduction of printers in
workspaces, paper consumption will be reduced.
- DFO will continue to roll out its EKME file/records management system, in order to encourage employee to save records electronically.
- A communication plan and strategy will be developed for 2011-12 and will include communiqués and fact sheets. The plan will sensitize employees on the importance of reducing paper consumption and the Department's Green Plan.
Green Meetings Target
8.9 By March 31, 2012, each department will adopt a guide for greening meetings.
Performance Measure |
Target Status |
Presence of a green meeting guide. (Optional in RPP 2011–12) |
No, expected completion date March 2012 |
Strategies / Comments
- In 2011-12, Fisheries and Oceans Canada will finish drafting and adopt a green meeting guide.
- Adoption of the green meeting guide will include approval from senior management, dissemination to employees, publishing on internal websites, etc.
Green Procurement Targets
8.10 As of April 1, 2011, each department will establish at least 3 SMART green procurement targets to reduce environmental impacts.
Paper Purchases:
A. By March 31, 2012, 95% of copy paper purchases will contain a minimum of 30% recycled content and have forest management certification or EcoLogom or equivalent certification.
B. By March 31, 2013, 10% of copy paper purchases will contain a minimum of 50% recycled content and have forest management certification or EcoLogom or equivalent certification.
Performance Measure |
Target Status |
A. Percentage of paper purchases that contain a minimum of 30% recycled content and has forest management certification or EcoLogo or equivalent certification.
B. Percentage of paper purchases that contain a minimum of 50% recycled content and has forest management certification or EcoLogo or equivalent certification.
Progress against measure in the given fiscal year. |
A. 95% in 2011-12
B. 10% in 2012 -13 |
Strategies / Comments
- DFO has ensured that this target meets SMART criteria requirements, including: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-Bound.
- Exclusions include paper used by the Canadian Hydrographic Services for printing maps and paper supplies used with laboratory equipment, chart plotters and any other specified equipment. Target is restricted to paper used in office machines, i.e.: photocopiers/printers.
- DFO has assigned a line object in its ABACUS financial system, to be used to track/monitor the purchase of paper used for printing and photocopying.
- Isolated locations where local suppliers can not provide recycled paper at or above 30% will be exempted.
Information Technology (IT) Hardware:
As of April 1, 2011 the life cycle of office computers (i.e. desktops and laptops only) will be extended, with the replacement period being scheduled for the fifth year of service.
Performance Measure |
Target Status |
Using 2010-11 as a baseline, 500 fewer desktops per year will be replaced annually.* |
N/A |
Progress against measure in the given fiscal year. |
500 fewer desktops purchased |
Strategies / Comments
- DFO has ensured that this target meets SMART criteria requirements, including: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-Bound.
- * 2010-11 baseline will need to be defined early in 2011-12.
- DFO will use the data from its Axios Assyst Assets System to determine the ratio of its new office computers to employees.
- It is expected that a five year replacement period will:
- Result in a decrease in departmental E-Waste and a reduction of operating expenses.
- Reduce average spend on office computers per office employee.
- Exclusions include computers that must be compatible with laboratory and/or field equipment, or the computers on board CCG and DFO vessels.
Greening the procurement of stationary and office supplies: By March 31, 2013, DFO will increase the value of goods and services purchased though “Green” consolidated procurement instruments.
Performance Measure |
Target Status |
Dollar value of goods & services purchased though “Green” consolidated procurement instruments in baseline fiscal year. |
N/A* |
Progress against measure in the given fiscal year. |
N/A* |
Strategies / Comments
- DFO has ensured that this target meets SMART criteria requirements, including: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-Bound.
- *In 2011-12, DFO will identify a baseline year and final tracking methodologies for this target.
- By March 31, 2012, DFO will incorporate into its departmental automated financial and procurement system a means for identifying “green” consolidated procurement instruments.
- In 2011-12, DFO will develop a communication strategy and tools and begin roll-out of the tools.
- By March 31, 2012, 70% of procurement specialists who procure goods and services will have been informed on how to identify environmentally preferable goods and/or services.
8.11 As of April 1, 2011, each department will establish SMART targets for training, employee performance evaluations, and management processes and controls, as they pertain to procurement decision-making.
Training for select employees:
Green Procurement training for the employees engaged in procurement activities in DFO: By March 31, 2014, 95% of materiel managers and procurement personnel and 50% of acquisition cardholders will have taken a recognized training course on green
procurement offered by the Canada School of Public Service, or any other federal government department.
Performance Measure |
Target Status |
Percentage of materiel managers and procurement personnel who have been trained. Percentage of acquisition cardholders who have green procurement training.
Progress against measure in the given fiscal year. |
N/A |
Strategies / Comments
- DFO has ensured that this target meets SMART criteria requirements, including: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-Bound.
- By March 31, 2012, the training course on green procurement offered by the Canada School of Public Service, or any other federal government department, will be mandatory for all new acquisition cardholders. (Within 60 days of receiving the card).
- All procurement specialists (PGs) and materiel managers in DFO will complete the mandatory training required within 1 year of their start date in the procurement area.
- DFO Policy on Acquisition Cards will be amended to include mandatory training on Green Procurement.
Employee performance evaluations for managers and functional heads of procurement and materiel management: By March 31, 2012, all managers and functional specialists engaged in procurement and materiel management will have environmental consideration clauses incorporated into their performance evaluations.
Performance Measure |
Target Status |
Number of performance evaluations of identified positions that have environmental consideration clauses relative to the total of identified positions. |
N/A |
Progress against measure in the given fiscal year. |
100% |
Strategies / Comments
- DFO has ensured that this target meets SMART criteria requirements, including: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-Bound.
- Update current instructions to managers for the preparation of yearly employee evaluations.
- These instructions will include recommended environmental clauses and methodology for including / excluding managers and functional specialists from the requirement.
- DFO will set up a reporting process to track the inclusions of environmental considerations in performance evaluations.
Management processes and controls:
By March 31, 2014, a minimum of 3 departmental procurement and materiel management policies, guidelines and/or standards will be amended to include mandatory green practices and purchasing where relevant.
Performance Measure |
Target Status |
Number of updates to departmental procurement and materiel management policies, guidelines and/or standards. |
N/A |
Progress against measure in the given fiscal year. |
N/A |
Strategies / Comments
- DFO has ensured that this target meets SMART criteria requirements, including: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-Bound.
- In 2011-12, DFO will develop a work plan and identify departmental procurement and materiel management policies, guidelines and/or standards.
- In 2011-12, DFO will commence a review and begin updating policies, guidelines and standards.