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Horizontal Initiatives

Name of Horizontal Initiative: Marine Security

Name of lead department(s): Transport Canada

Lead department program activity: Marine Security

Start date of the Horizontal Initiative: Budget 2001

End date of the Horizontal Initiative: Ongoing

Total federal funding allocation (start to end date): Not Applicable

Description of the Horizontal Initiative (including funding agreement): Marine Security is a horizontal initiative aimed at improving the security of Canada's marine domain, including territorial waters, and inland waterways, and at Canadian ports. Elements of this initiative include:

  • Increased domain awareness, surveillance and tracking of marine traffic;
  • Improved co-ordination and cooperation on marine security, including the development of Marine Security Operations Centres (MSOCs);
  • Security clearance program for marine sector employees;
  • Implementing new detection equipment in Canadian ports to monitor containers;
  • Additional resources for emergency and law enforcement response capacity in the marine domain; and
  • International initiatives, which will ensure that Canada will meet current international standards and obligations, including those being developed by the International Maritime Organization (IMO).

Shared outcome(s): The following are planned shared outcomes and activities in marine security.

Key areas include:

  • Domain awareness – Canada's surveillance and awareness efforts within marine areas;
  • Responsiveness – Enforcement efforts in cooperation with all relevant police forces and security agencies;
  • Safeguarding – Efforts to enhance the physical security of marine infrastructure or other critical infrastructure in or around marine areas; and
  • Collaboration – Efforts in support of all other activities to ensure that the various federal departments and agencies with responsibility for marine security, as well as their partners, communicate and co-operate fully to secure Canada's marine domain.

Immediate Outcomes:

  • Increased surveillance and awareness of marine security environment;
  • Increased on-water presence;
  • Increased security measures at ports and marine facilities;
  • Increased capability to respond to marine threats;
  • Increased stakeholder awareness and understanding;
  • Increased stakeholder ability to meet marine security requirements; and
  • Increased cooperation between government departments and agencies involved with marine security.

Intermediate Outcomes:

  • Effective domain awareness;
  • Rapid and effective response to marine threats and incidents;
  • Security-conscious culture among stakeholders;
  • Stakeholder compliance with security regulations; and,
  • Increased collaboration: internationally, industry partners, multilateral organizations, provinces and municipalities.

Ultimate Outcomes:

  • An effective and efficient marine security system; and
  • High public confidence in Canada's marine security system.

Strategic Outcome:

  • A marine system that contributes to the security, safety and prosperity of Canadians and of our allies.

Governance structure(s): The Government of Canada created the Interdepartmental Marine Security Working Group (IMSWG), chaired by Transport Canada, to identify and coordinate federal actions in support of Canada's objectives with regard to public security and anti-terrorism in the marine domain, as well as its international marine security obligations. Under the guidance of the IMSWG, key departments are responsible for the following:

Transport Canada

Leads the Government's initiatives in marine security, including:

  • Policy coordination;
  • Chairing the IMSWG;
  • Managing the Marine Security Coordination Fund:
  • Regulatory development in support of marine security initiatives;
  • Marine Security Oversight and Enforcement Program;
  • Marine Transportation Security Clearance Program; and
  • Participation in the Marine Security Operations Centres.

Department of Fisheries and Oceans/Canadian Coast Guard

Contributor to the enhancement of the level of domain awareness within the Canadian Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) through increased surveillance activities and the implementation of shore-based Automatic Identification System (AIS) infrastructure and the development of a long-range vessel tracking capability. As well, increased its level of on-water capability for providing platform support to respond to marine security incidents. Also participates in the MSOCs.

Public Safety Canada

Public Safety Canada (PS) is Canada's lead department for public safety. PS coordinates efforts with portfolio agencies, federal partners, other levels of government (including international partners) and stakeholders in building national policies and programs dealing with national security, emergency management, law enforcement, corrections, crime prevention and border integrity. This includes, for example, the development and implementation of marine-based counter-terrorism exercises.

Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA)

CBSA's mandate is to manage the nation's borders at ports of entry by administering and enforcing the domestic laws that govern trade and travel, as well as international agreements and conventions. The work of the CBSA includes identifying and interdicting high-risk individuals and goods, working with law enforcement agencies to maintain border integrity and engaging in enforcement activities, which include seizure of goods, arrests, detentions, investigations, hearings and removals.

Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP)

The RCMP is responsible for enforcing federal statutes, leading national security and organized crime investigations across Canada both on land and water and for maintaining border integrity between ports of entry.

Department of National Defence

Contributes to enhanced domain awareness of the strategic high-traffic coastal area. Leads the Coastal MSOCs and participates in the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Seaway MSOC.

Planning Highlights: The key plans and priorities for the Marine Security horizontal initiative in 2010-11 include the development of an updated, overarching marine security strategy that includes a strategy to enhance maritime domain awareness small vessel (e.g. fishing boats and pleasure craft) security. Further, the Marine Security federal community will continue to be focused on the implementation of both the coastal and Great Lakes MSOCs with an emphasis on mitigating information sharing challenges at those centres. Finally, a key priority will be to enhance waterside security at Canadian ports and installations.

Federal Partner: Transport Canada
Federal Partner Program Activity (PA) Names of Programs for Federal Partners Total Allocation (from Start to End Date)
Planned Spending for
Expected Results for
Marine Security a) Marine Security Coordination Fund $16,200 $2,000

Expected results for Marine Security Coordination Fund

b) Oversight and Enforcement $54,070 $6,877

Expected for Oversight and Enforcement

c) Marine Security Policy and Interdepartmental Coordination $5,000 $838

Expected results for Marine Security Policy and Interdepartmental Coordination

d) Marine Transportation Security Clearance Program $11,800 $1,615

Expected results for Marine Transportation Security Clearance Program

e) Great Lakes/St. Lawrence Seaway Marine Security Operations Centre (design team) $9,102 $1,636

Expected results for Great Lakes/St. Lawrence Seaway Marine Security Operations Centre (design team)

Total $96,172 $12,966  

Expected Results for 2010-2011:

Marine Security Coordination Fund:

  • Increased cooperation between government departments and agencies involved with marine security;
  • Increased security measures at ports and marine facilities;
  • Security-conscious culture among stakeholders; and
  • Increased collaboration: internationally, industry partners, multilateral organizations, provinces and municipalities.

Oversight and Enforcement:

  • Increased security measures at ports and marine facilities;
  • Increased stakeholder awareness and understanding;
  • Stakeholder compliance with security regulations; and
  • Security-conscious culture among stakeholders.

Marine Security Policy and Interdepartmental Coordination:

  • Increased security measures at ports and marine facilities;
  • Security-conscious culture among stakeholders;
  • Increased cooperation between government departments and agencies involved with marine security; and
  • Increased collaboration: internationally, industry partners, multilateral organizations, provinces and municipalities.

Marine Transportation Security Clearance Program:

  • Increased stakeholder awareness and understanding;
  • Increased security measures at ports and marine facilities; and
  • Stakeholder compliance with security regulations.

Great Lakes/St. Lawrence Seaway Marine Security Operations Centre:

  • Increased surveillance and awareness of marine security environment;
  • Increased cooperation between government departments and agencies involved with marine security;
  • Effective domain awareness; and
  • Increased collaboration: internationally, industry partners, multilateral organizations, provinces and municipalities.

Federal Partner: Department of Fisheries and Oceans/Canadian Coast Guard
Federal Partner Program Activity (PA) Names of Programs for Federal Partners Total Allocation (from Start to End Date)
Planned Spending for
Expected Results for
Safe and Accessible Waterways a) Increased On-Water Patrols $10,000

Expected results for Increased On-Water Patrols

b) Automatic Identification System and Long Range Identification and Tracking $27,500 $4,000

Expected results for Automatic Identification System and Long Range Identification and Tracking

c) Great Lakes/ St. Lawrence Seaway MSOC (Design Team) $3,200

Expected results for Great Lakes/ St. Lawrence Seaway MSOC

d) Marine Security Enforcement Teams (MSET) $18,000 $5,000

Expected results for Marine Security Enforcement Teams

e) Construction of Mid-Shore Patrol Vessels (MSPV) $68,500 $8,000 Expected results for Construction of Mid-Shore Patrol Vessels
f) Increased Surveillance Flights $7,000

Expected results for Increased Surveillance Flights

Total $134,200 $37,200  

Expected Results for 2010-2011:

Increased On-Water Patrols:

  • Increased on-water presence;
  • Effective domain awareness;
  • Viable, visible demonstration of Canada's sovereignty over its waters.

Automatic Identification System and Long Range Identification and Tracking:

  • Increased volume of vessel traffic data;
  • Increased awareness; and
  • Effective domain awareness.

Great Lakes/ St. Lawrence Seaway MSOC (Design Team):

  • Increased surveillance and awareness of marine security environment;
  • Increased cooperation between government departments and agencies involved with marine security;
  • Effective domain awareness; and
  • Increased collaboration: internationally, industry partners, multilateral organizations, provinces and municipalities.

Marine Security Enforcement Teams (MSET):

  • Increased on-water presence;
  • Increased surveillance and awareness of marine security environment;
  • Increased capability to respond to marine threats;
  • Effective domain awareness; and
  • Rapid and effective response to marine threats and incidents.
  • Canadian Coast Guard (CCG) operates and crews a dedicated marine security fleet with RCMP officers onboard.
  • RCMP will report on the enforcement results of the MSET program.

Construction of Mid-Shore Patrol Vessels (MSPV):

  • CCG will procure MSPV vessels;

Increased Surveillance Flights:

  • Increased surveillance and awareness of marine security environment; and
  • Effective domain awareness.

Federal Partner Program Activity (PA) Names of Programs for Federal Partners Total Allocation (from Start to End Date)
Planned Spending for
Expected Results for
National Exercise Division a) Marine-Based Counter-Terrorism Exercises $200
to date

Expected results for Marine-Based Counter-Terrorism Exercises

b) Great Lakes / St. Lawrence Seaway MSOC (Design Team) $1,600 $326

Expected results for Great Lakes / St. Lawrence Seaway MSOC

Total $1,800 $526  

Expected Results for 2010-2011:

Marine-Based Counter-Terrorism Exercises :

  • Planning and/or delivery of an exercise contributes to:
    • Enhanced security measures at ports and marine facilities;
    • Increased capability to respond to marine threats;
    • Increased stakeholder awareness and understanding;
    • Increased stakeholder ability to meet marine security requirements;
    • Increased cooperation between government departments and agencies involved with marine security;
    • Effective domain awareness.

Great Lakes / St. Lawrence Seaway MSOC:

  • Overall policy coordination for the implementation and direction of the permanent Great Lakes / St. Lawrence Seaway MSOC.
  • Improved domain awareness in the Great Lakes / St. Lawrence Seaway region.

Federal Partner: Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA)
Federal Partner Program Activity (PA) Names of Programs for Federal Partners Total Allocation (from Start to End Date)
Planned Spending for
Expected Results for
Risk Assessment Radiation Detection Equipment Initiative   $254

Increased security measures at ports and marine facilities.

Screening 100% of all containerized marine cargo.

Screening 100% of all vessels entering Canadian waters.

Board selected vessels identified as high-risk.
Passenger and Crew Screening Initiative   $809
Enforcement Radiation Detection Equipment Initiative   $4,454

Increased security measures at ports and marine facilities.

Screening 100% of all containerized marine cargo.

Screening 100% of all vessels entering Canadian waters.

Board selected vessels identified as high-risk.
Passenger and Crew Screening Initiative   $1,265
Cruise Ship Inspections   $19
Facilitated Border Passenger and Crew Screening Initiative   $757

Increased security measures at ports and marine facilities.

Screening 100% of all containerized marine cargo.

Screening 100% of all vessels entering Canadian waters.

Board selected vessels identified as high-risk.
Cruise Ship Inspections   $95
Conventional Border Passenger and Crew Screening Initiative   $3,089

Increased security measures at ports and marine facilities.

Screening 100% of all containerized marine cargo.

Screening 100% of all vessels entering Canadian waters.

Board selected vessels identified as high-risk.
Cruise Ship Inspections   $4,276
Internal Services Radiation Detection Equipment Initiative   $326

Increased security measures at ports and marine facilities.

Screening 100% of all containerized marine cargo.

Screening 100% of all vessels entering Canadian waters.

Board selected vessels identified as high-risk.
Passenger and Crew Screening Initiative   $850
Cruise Ship Inspections   $195
Total Radiation Detection Equipment Initiative

(up to and
FY 10-11)

$5,034 (ongoing)


Passenger and Crew Screening Initiative

(up to and
FY 10-11)

$6,770 (ongoing)
Cruise Ship Inspections

(up to and
FY 10-11)

$4,585 (ongoing)
Total $113,795 $16,389  

Federal Partner: Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP)
Federal Partner Program Activity (PA) Names of Programs for Federal Partners Total Allocation (from Start to End Date)
Planned Spending for
Expected Results for
Marine Security a) National Ports Project $1,029 $1,029 Expected results for National Ports Project
b) National Port Enforcement Teams (NPET) $4,440 $4,440

Expected results for National Port Enforcement Teams

c) Marine Security Emergency Response Team Training $560 $560

Expected results for Marine Security Emergency Response Team Training

d) Marine Security Emergency Response Teams Re-profiled funding carried forward to 2007-2008 $5,630 $5,630

Expected results for Marine Security Emergency Response Teams Re-profiled funding carried forward to 2007-2008

Forensic Identification e) Marine Transportation Clearance Program $180 $180 Expected results for Marine Transportation Clearance Program
Marine Security f) Great Lakes/St. Lawrence Seaway Marine Security Operations Centre (interim) $3,040
March 31,
has been
as of fall

Expected results for Great Lakes/St. Lawrence Seaway Marine Security Operations Centre

g) National Waterside Security Coordination Team $900 $839

Expected results for National Waterside Security Coordination Team

h) Marine Security Enforcement Teams $6,330 $0
funding in

Expected results for Marine Security Enforcement Teams

Total $22,109 $12,678  

Expected Results for 2010-2011:

National Ports Project:

  • Safeguarding

National Port Enforcement Teams (NPET):

  • NPET are integrated, intelligence-led, and conduct federal-statute investigations applicable to Canadian ports; and
  • The enforcement objective is to prevent, detect and interdict organized criminal activity, contraband, and people who may pose a threat to the safety and security of Canada and other countries.

Marine Security Emergency Response Team Training:

  • Increased capability to respond to marine threats; and
  • Rapid and effective response to marine threats and incidents.

Marine Security Emergency Response Teams Re-profiled funding carried forward to 2007-2008:

  • Increased capability to respond to marine threats; and
  • Rapid and effective response to marine threats and incidents.

Marine Transportation Clearance Program:

  • Improved security measures at ports and marine facilities.

Great Lakes/St. Lawrence Seaway Marine Security Operations Centre (interim):

  • Increased surveillance and awareness of marine security environment;
  • Increased cooperation between government departments and agencies involved with marine security;
  • Effective domain awareness; and
  • Increased collaboration: internationally, industry partners, multilateral organizations, provinces, and municipalities.

National Waterside Security Coordination Team:

  • Increased surveillance and awareness of marine security environment;
  • Effective domain awareness.

Marine Security Enforcement Teams:

  • Increased on-water presence;
  • Increased surveillance and awareness of marine security environment;
  • Increased capability to respond to marine security threats;
  • Effective domain awareness; and
  • Rapid and effective response to marine threats.

Federal Partner: Department of National Defence
Federal Partner Program Activity (PA) Names of Programs for Federal Partners Total Allocation (from Start to End Date)
Planned Spending for
Expected Results for
Generate and Sustain Integrated Forces – Generate and Sustain Forces Capable of Maritime Effects – Operational Units A) Coastal Marine Security Operations Centres Approx.

Expected results for Coastal Marine Security Operations Centres

b) Interdepartmental Maritime Integrated Command Control and Communication $10,000

Expected results for Interdepartmental Maritime Integrated Command Control and Communication

Conduct Operations – Domestic and Continental Operations – Conduct Ongoing Operations and Services to Canadians c) Increased On-Water Presence/ Coordination (Marlant and JTF(P)) $5,000

Expected results for Increased On-Water Presence/ Coordination

Total Approx.

Expected Results for 2010-2011:

Coastal Marine Security Operations Centres:

  • Increased surveillance and awareness of marine security environment;
  • Increased cooperation between government departments and agencies involved with marine security; and
  • Effective domain awareness.

Interdepartmental Maritime Integrated Command Control and Communication:

  • Increased surveillance and awareness of marine security environment;
  • Increased cooperation between government departments and agencies involved with marine security; and
  • Effective domain awareness.

Increased On-Water Presence/ Coordination:

  • Increased surveillance and awareness of marine security environment;
  • Increased on-water presence; and
  • Effective domain awareness.

Total Allocation For All Federal Partners (from Start to End Date)
Total Planned Spending for All Federal Partners for 2010–11
$555,056 $107,344

Results to be achieved by non-federal partners (if applicable): N/A

Contact information: Susan Archer, Chief, Marine Security Policy, Interdepartmental Marine Security Working Group (IMSWG) – Marine Security, Transport Canada, 613- 949-1437;

Name of Horizontal Initiative: Asia-Pacific Gateway and Corridor Initiative

Name of lead department(s): Transport Canada (TC)

Lead department program activity: Gateways and Corridors

Start date of the Horizontal Initiative: October 19, 2006

End date of the Horizontal Initiative: March 31, 2014

Total federal funding allocation (start to end date): $ 1.045 billion

Description of the Horizontal Initiative (including funding agreement): The Asia-Pacific Gateway and Corridor Initiative (APGCI) is intended to strengthen Canada's competitive position in global commerce. It is an integrated package of investment and policy measures that will advance the capacity and efficiency of the Asia-Pacific Gateway and Corridor into North America. It reflects the Government of Canada's undertaking to work in partnership with provincial governments, private sector leaders and other stakeholders to further develop and exploit Western Canada's geographic advantage and strong transportation system. The initiative seeks to establish Canada's Asia-Pacific Gateway and Corridor as the best transportation network facilitating global supply chains between North America and Asia.

Shared outcome(s): The following are planned shared outcomes and activities for the Asia-Pacific Gateway and Corridor Initiative.

Key themes include:

  • Gateway capacity - Strategic infrastructure investments and network improvements;
  • Competitiveness – Increase Canada's share of Asia-Pacific commerce;
  • Efficiency and reliability – improve movement of goods throughout supply chains;
  • Security and border efficiency – establishing a secure and efficient transportation network linking Canadian and North American markets; and
  • Integrative policy frameworks and regulations that address new approaches to governance.

Ultimate Outcome:

  • Boost Canada's commerce with the Asia-Pacific region;
  • Increase the Gateway's share of North American-bound container imports from Asia;
  • Improve the efficiency and reliability of the Gateway for Canadian and North American exports and imports; and
  • Ensure travel routes are safe, open to throughway traffic and minimize environmental impacts.

Governance structure(s): The Minister for the Pacific Gateway is the champion for this initiative, with support in this effort provided by Transport Canada. The Minister of Transport, Infrastructure and Communities is accountable for the management of resources in the Asia-Pacific Gateway and Corridor Transportation Infrastructure Fund. These two ministers are jointly responsible for the APGCI.

The APGCI is a horizontal initiative and its development and implementation involve a number of other key federal departments/agencies. While each is ultimately accountable for its own programs/activities and associated resources from the APGCI fund, the implicated federal departments/agencies are also responsible for contributing to the overarching objectives of the initiative. All federal partners are accountable for the day-to-day management of their respective component of the APGCI. Furthermore, each department/agency is expected to provide regular updates to the two lead ministers, via a Director General-level Interdepartmental Steering Committee on the Asia-Pacific Gateway and Corridor Initiative.

An overall Horizontal Performance Framework has been prepared in collaboration with all the departments/agencies involved in the Asia-Pacific Gateway and Corridor Initiative. This framework will provide a sound, coordinated and ongoing performance measurement and evaluation strategy to assess the overall process in implementing the initiative. Partner departments and their role in the initiative are as follows:

Transport Canada

Transport Canada (TC), as the lead department, reports to the Minister for the Pacific Gateway and to the Minister of Transport, Infrastructure and Communities. TC's Policy Group is responsible for the on-going coordination, management, integration and strategic development and implementation of the Initiative overall. Other federal departments and agencies, the four western provinces and stakeholders from the private sector are consulted and involved in building consensus on decisions related to the Initiative.

TC is also responsible for the management of the Asia-Pacific Gateway and Corridor Transportation Infrastructure Fund (TIF), whose primary objective is to address capacity challenges facing the Asia-Pacific Gateway and Corridor. The projects funded under TIF will enhance the competitiveness, efficiency and capacity of Canada's multi-modal transportation network and will be focused specifically on the movement of international commerce between the Asia-Pacific region and North America.

While transportation infrastructure is at its core, the initiative also focuses on interconnected issues that impact on the further development and exploitation of the Asia-Pacific Gateway and Corridor. TC has completed a number of non infrastructure / competitiveness measures, and is currently engaged in many others including:

  • Policy renewal agenda to examine policy issues that directly impact the efficiency of the transportation infrastructure that defines the Gateway and Corridor, or its exploitation;
  • Security review to assess issues related specifically to the Gateway's reputation and performance;
  • Roundtable events across western provinces and an international conference to advance understanding of the long-term challenges and opportunities of the gateway by tapping into Canadian and international academic expertise;
  • The integration of the three major ports in British Columbia's Lower Mainland to improve efficiency and capacity;
  • Support for the establishment of the Lower Mainland Trucking Forum to make recommendations, on a consensus basis, on methods for improving the efficiency of trucking operations at Vancouver ports; and
  • Studies directly related to the Gateway operations and efficiency, to better understand and improve the multi-modal infrastructure network and increase the productivity of the full supply chain.

Foreign Affairs and International Trade

The Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade (DFAIT) Pacific Gateway International Marketing Group is responsible for the ongoing development and implementation of an international marketing strategy in coordination with all stakeholders. The objective is to promote greater use of the Gateway as Asia-Pacific travel and supply chain route of choice for North American and Asia-Pacific importers, exporters, investors and transportation companies.

Key DFAIT missions abroad are actively engaged in advancing Canada as the gateway and corridor of choice through dialogue with transportation companies, producers, exporters and/or importers in each of their respective regions to showcase the strengths of the Canadian transportation network. These missions encourage investment and technology transfer, play an advocacy role on key APGCI issues such as security and border efficiency, provide intelligence back to Canada to support policy development and help determine what messages resonate in their markets.

DFAIT has established a core group of Trade Commissioners from Asia-Pacific and North American missions who understand the gateway and the opportunities it presents for Canada's economy and are, thereby, able to support the government's objective of establishing Canada as the gateway and corridor of choice between North America and Asia-Pacific.

Canada Border Services Agency

Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) is responsible for the implementation of a marine container inspection operation located at the Port of Prince Rupert. The marine container inspection operation will allow CBSA to develop operations to ensure containers arriving from other countries are properly inspected by means of effective processes and state of the art technology.

CBSA's marine container inspection operation plays a vital and strategic role, integrated within the overall Asia-Pacific Gateway and Corridor Initiative.

Parks Canada Agency

Parks Canada is responsible for the maintenance and recapitalization of highways that pass through national parks, including the Trans Canada Highway (TCH). The TCH is a major pan-Canadian highway that connects the west coast and its Asia-Pacific linkages to the rest of Canada, especially markets in the western provinces.

Parks Canada is in the process of four-laning (twinning) the TCH through the Banff National Park of Canada to improve capacity and efficiency. The funding provided by the APGCI will help ensure the timely completion of a congested 10 km section of highway upgrading and hence support the Initiative's objective of improving the movement of goods through the Asia-Pacific Gateway and Corridor.

It should be noted that funding is also being contributed from other sources for this particular 10km section of road, as well as other sections of the TCH twinning project.

Western Economic Diversification Canada

Western Economic Diversification Canada (WD) was responsible for two elements of the first phase of the APGCI; a business opportunities and awareness raising initiative entitled “Seizing the Gateway Opportunity: Western Canada and the Asia-Pacific Challenge”, and funding dredging work on the Fraser River to maintain a competitive shipping channel.

As part of “Seizing the Gateway Opportunity”, WD supported research on successful gateway economies and how best to capitalize on the long-term value added economic opportunities presented by rise of the Asia-Pacific market; case studies of successful Canadian SMEs in the Asia-Pacific market; a Canadian presence at the China International Fair for Investment and Trade; a study tour of Western Canadian innovation capabilities by Trade Commissioners from Canadian Posts in Asia-Pacific; and an assessment of community-level needs in Saskatchewan and Manitoba for doing business in and with Asia.

WD provided a $4 million grant over two years to the Fraser River Port Authority to support dredging activities on the Fraser River shipping channel. This funding provided the Fraser River Port Authority with the capacity to maintain its existing business and position itself to attract new business, thereby taking advantage of the Asia-Pacific Gateway opportunities. This temporary measure enabled the port to accommodate the increasingly large shipping vessels, until a long-term solution is developed that would provide for self-sustaining access to port facilities.

Human Resources and Skills Development Canada

Human Resources and Skills Development Canada (HRSDC) is responsible for the Asia-Pacific Gateway Skills Table (Skills Table). Modeled on the Sector Council Program, the Skills Table was established in March 2008 to help address the skills and labour pressure issues related to the APGCI. The development of the Skills Table follows a one-year fast-track consultative and planning process designed to inform APGCI's future policy direction and investment decisions.

HRSDC was provided $3M over 4 years through the APGCI to fund projects prioritized by the Skills Table. These funds will support projects in priority areas identified by the Skills Table. HRSDC is providing an additional $2M to support the establishment and operation of the Skills Table (total federal investment is $5M).

The Skills Table acts as a clearinghouse, ensuring sharing of data, projects, timetables, strategies, recruitment and retention practices, and related ideas. It provides a focused forum to identify, coordinate and leverage investments to address skills issues related to the Asia-Pacific Gateway.

Planning Highlights: A number of components have been completed, including the Fast-Track Process, the Marine Container Inspection Operation at the Port of Prince Rupert, the Banff Trans Canada Twinning Program, Seizing the Gateway Opportunity, and Dredging the Fraser River.

The focus going forward is on advancing multi-modal infrastructure projects towards completion as well as advancing competitiveness initiatives such as the development of performance measures, identifying approaches to improve competitiveness and reliability of the supply chain, ongoing research to inform policy and infrastructure measures, and domestic and international outreach.

All funding under the Transportation Infrastructure Fund has been allocated to thirty-five announced projects. Seven of these projects, worth $44M, were funded through a transfer from the Mountain Pine Beetle Fund. An additional three projects (for a total of thirty-eight) have been funded through the Gateways and Border Crossings Fund. Four of the projects have been completed and several others are underway, with more expected to get underway in 2010-11. Various projects funded through other sources, including the Economic Action Plan, will contribute to the goals of the Asia-Pacific Gateway and Corridor Initiative.

Under the Asia-Pacific Gateway Skills Table, four current projects will continue to be undertaken in fiscal year 2010-2011 and new projects will be advanced for funding. Common priorities among these projects include research to determine where skills gaps and labour shortages exist, development and delivery of industry-specific workshop pilots, succession planning, certification, outreach, and partnership building.

Federal Partner:  Transport Canada
Federal Partner Program Activity (PA) Names of Programs for Federal Partners Total Allocation (from Start to End Date)
Planned Spending for
Expected Results for
Gateway and Corridors Asia-Pacific Gateway and Corridor Transportation Infrastructure Fund $944,150 $243,912 Expected results for Asia-Pacific Gateway and Corridor Transportation Infrastructure Fund
Competitiveness Investment
$12,650 $3,200 Expected results for Competitiveness Investment
Coordination and Management $6,500 $1,300 Expected results for Coordination and Management
Fast-Track Process $2,300 $0 N/A (completed in 2007-08)
Total $965,600 $248,412  

Expected Results:

Expected results for Asia-Pacific Gateway and Corridor Transportation Infrastructure Fund:

  • Identification of bottlenecks, capacity constraints and other impediments to the flow of goods; and
  • Completion of projects to improve highway, rail and marine capacity, inter-modal links and connectors to improve the efficiency and reliability of Canada's Asia-Pacific Gateway and Corridor;

Expected results for Competitiveness Investment:

  • Analysis and mapping of the transportation system to improve understanding of the system's current and future infrastructure, policy, regulatory and operational needs;
  • Identification of opportunities to attract value-added activities and investments in sectors complementary to the Asia-Pacific Gateway and Corridor;
  • Hosting an international conference on gateways and corridors to foster dialogue and fruitful, ongoing interaction among outside experts, industry stakeholders and policy makers;
  • Development of public engagement products and activities to raise awareness and promote the benefits of the APGCI; and
  • Build linkages internationally with the emerging economies of the Asia-Pacific region to inform policy development and help identify commercial opportunities.

Expected results for Coordination and Management:

  • Continued interdepartmental coordination and management of the APGCI.

Federal Partner: Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada
Federal Partner Program Activity (PA) Names of Programs for Federal Partners Total Allocation (from Start to End Date)
Planned Spending for
Expected Results for
International Commerce - Managing and delivering commerce services and advice to Canadian business Marketing the APGCI $7,000 $1,000 Expected results for International Commerce
Total $7,000 $1,000  

Expected Results:

Expected results for Marketing the APGCI:

  • Achieve greater awareness and usage of Canada's Pacific Gateway among Asian and North American businesses through outgoing/incoming business-to-business missions, showcasing APGCI at key international industry/trade events and organising incoming media tours.

Federal Partner:  Canada Border Services Agency
Federal Partner Program Activity (PA) Names of Programs for Federal Partners Total Allocation (from Start to End Date)
Planned Spending for
Expected Results for
  Marine Container Inspection Operation at Port of Prince Rupert $28,000 $0 N/A (completed in 2009-10)
Total $28,000 $0  

Federal Partner:  Parks Canada
Federal Partner Program Activity (PA) Names of Programs for Federal Partners Total Allocation (from Start to End Date)
Planned Spending for
Expected Results for
Throughway management Banff Trans Canada Highway Twinning $37,000 $0 N/A (completed in 2009-10)
Total $37,000 $0  

Federal Partner:  Western Economic Diversification
Federal Partner Program Activity (PA) Names of Programs for Federal Partners Total Allocation (from Start to End Date)
Planned Spending for
Expected Results for
Business development and entrepreneurship Seizing the Gateway opportunity $400 $0 N/A (completed in 2008-09)
Dredging the Fraser River $4,000 $0 N/A (completed in 2007-08)
Total $4,400 $0  

Federal Partner:  Human Resources and Skills Development Canada
Federal Partner Program Activity (PA) Names of Programs for Federal Partners Total Allocation (from Start to End Date)
Planned Spending for
Expected Results for
Skills and Labour Pressure Asia-Pacific Gateway and Corridor Skills Table $3,000 $595 Expected results for Asia-Pacific Gateway and Corridor Skills Table
Total $3,000 $595  

Expected Results:

Expected results for Asia-Pacific Gateway and Corridor Skills Table:

  • Develop and advance new projects;
  • Successful outreach and partnership building;
  • Pilot the delivery of industry-based, skill development workshops;
  • Increased use of human resources planning resources by small and medium sized enterprises in the Gateway;
  • Develop learning modules and encourage training partners to deliver them; and
  • Stronger understanding and articulation of labour requirements in the Gateway

Total Allocation For All Federal Partners (from Start to End Date)
Total Planned Spending for All Federal Partners for 2010–11
$1,045,000* $250,007

*Includes $1,001M of core APGCI funding as well as a transfer of $44 million from the Mountain Pine Beetle Fund to the APGC TIF.

Results to be achieved by non-federal partners (if applicable): Not Applicable

Contact information: Paul Sandhar-Cruz, Acting Director, Pacific Gateway Coordination, Transport Canada; 613-949-0654

Name of Horizontal Initiative: ecotransport Strategy

Name of lead department(s): Transport Canada (TC)

Lead department program activity: Clean Air from Transportation

Start date of the Horizontal Initiative: 2007-2008

End date of the Horizontal Initiative: 2010-2011*
(*ecomobility and Marine Shore Power programs were extended to 2011-2012)

Total federal funding allocation (start to end date): $461.6 million*
(*As of 2012, total allocation will be $463 million due to a $1.4 million allocation for a one-year extension of the ecomobility ($1.1 million) and Marine Shore Power programs ($0.3))

Description of the Horizontal Initiative (including funding agreement): The ecotransport Strategy involves a series of initiatives designed to reduce the amount of fuel consumed, improve transportation efficiency and introduce cleaner transportation technologies. Launched as part of the Government's Clean Air Agenda, this strategy features the ecomobility program; the ecotechnology for Vehicles Program; the ecoenergy for Personal Vehicles Program (Natural Resources Canada); and the ecofreight programs which include Natural Resources Canada's (NRCan's) ecoenergy for Fleet Program. The ecoauto Rebate Program and the Environment Canada's (EC's) Vehicle Scrappage program were introduced separately but are complementary to the programs for personal vehicles (see

  • The ecomobility program is a $9.3 million initiative that seeks to work with municipalities to help cut urban-passenger transportation emissions by encouraging commuters to choose public transit or other sustainable transportation options. Working with cities across Canada, this initiative results in programs, services and products that improve sustainable transportation options in urban areas. This program was extended by one year to 2012.
  • The ecotechnology for Vehicles Program ($14.1 million) includes in-depth testing and showcasing of advanced technologies for vehicles in order to raise awareness and foster important new partnerships with the automotive industry and encourage the introduction of a broader range of environmental technologies in Canada. The ecoenergy for Personal Vehicles Program ($21 million), delivered by NRCan, will provide fuel consumption information and decision-making tools to encourage consumers to purchase fuel-efficient vehicles that are currently available in the market.
  • The ecofreight programs, with $58.7 million in funding, features new steps to reduce the environmental and health effects of freight transportation through technology and will be delivered by TC ($36.7 million) and NRCan ($22 million). These programs include the Freight Technology Demonstration Fund ($9.3 million), which has provided cost-shared funding of demonstrations to test and measure new freight transportation technologies in real-world conditions; the Freight Technology Incentive Programs ($9.4 million), which has provided cost-shared funding to help recipients to purchase and install proven emission-reducing technologies; the ecofreight Partnership Program ($6.6 million), which has built industry partnerships; the Marine Shore Power Program, extended by one year to 2012 ($6 million), which is demonstrating the installation and use of shore-based power for marine vessels in Canadian ports; the National Harmonization Initiative for the Trucking Industry ($5.4 million), which is identifying regulatory barriers and solutions in collaboration with provinces and territories, so that the Canadian trucking industry can embrace emissions-reducing technologies; and the ecoenergy for Fleets programs ($22 million), aiming to reduce fuel use and emissions in commercial and institutional fleets via training, sharing of best practices, anti-idling campaigns, technical analysis to look for potential improvements and other technology opportunities.
  • The $264M ecoauto Rebate Program ended on March 2009.  The Program provided performance-based rebates to consumers who purchased fuel-efficient vehicles.
  • Environment Canada's Scrappage Program is a national program of $92 million over four years, intended to promote the accelerated scrappage of older vehicles.

Shared outcome(s): The overall objective of the ecotransport Strategy is to reduce energy use and emissions in the transportation sector. All the specific measures envisioned in the strategy are expected to contribute to reduced fuel consumption and, as a result, the personal vehicle fleet as well as the freight sector will use less energy. Other measures will help to reduce the demand for personal transportation and encourage modal shifts to more sustainable transportation options. The strategy will lead to reduced greenhouse gas emissions and air pollutants that contribute to smog, thus protecting the environment and the health of Canadians.

Governance structure(s): Under the ecotransport Strategy, each of the three departments implicated (TC, NRCan and EC) will manage their respective programs in accordance with defined governance structures for the individual programs concerned. Each program is subject to a Results-based Management Accountability Framework (RMAF), which includes committee structures, risk management strategies, and provisions for performance measurement, information management, auditing, evaluation and reporting. In addition, a broader Horizontal Management Accountability and Reporting Framework (HMARF) for the Clean Air Agenda was developed and encompasses, among others, all regulatory and program initiatives for clean transportation, including those of the ecotransport Strategy. The HMARF includes governance structures; financial, measurement, risks and information management strategies; and lines of reporting.

Planning Highlights: The ecotransport Strategy will increase the take up of technologies and best practices through measures aimed at tackling the barriers to their increased market penetration. The central barrier is a lack of knowledge and market acceptance due to the poor availability or quality of information to consumers and firms. Other important barriers include uncertainty about the commercial viability of new technologies, cost, a lack of organizational and knowledge capacity, and the presence (or absence) of regulations, codes and standards that affect user choices.

Reducing these barriers will accelerate the commercial development and use of innovative technologies and best practices, thereby ensuring progress in the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. In this way, these programs are laying the foundation for emissions reductions, which is the intermediate outcome of the programs.

Federal Partner Program Activity (PA) Names of Programs for Federal Partners Total Allocation (from Start to End Date)
Planned Spending for
Expected Results for
2.1 Clean air from transportations


$8,200 $2,814

Expected results for ecomobility

ecotechnology for vehicles

$14,100 $2,693

Expected results for ecotechnology for vehicles

National harmonization initiative for the trucking industry

$5,400 $1,855

Expected results for National harmonization initiative for the trucking industry

Freight technology demonstration fund

$9,300 $2,066

Expected results for Freight technology demonstration fund

Freight technology incentives program

$9,350 $1,670

Expected results for Freight technology incentives program

Marine shore power program

$5,700 $1,693

Expected results for Marine shore power program

ecofreight Partnerships

$6,550 $1,452

Expected results for ecofreight Partnerships


$252,700 $0

Expected results for ecoauto

Analytical and Policy support

$4,000 $998

Expected results for Analytical and Policy support

Total $315,300 $15,241  

(*ecomobility and Marine Shore Power programs were extended to 2011-2012)
Total allocation does not include the final year for ecomobility and Marine Shore Power programs

Expected Results:

Expected Results for ecomobility:

The ecomobility program builds on two major findings from the Urban Transportation Showcase Program: a lack of knowledge for practitioners and decision-makers on Transportation Demand Management (TDM) measures as well as a lack of resources to implement TDM measures.

Increased use of Transportation Demand Management  (TDM) measures can help reduce urban transportation GHG emissions.  The ecomobility program responds to two major findings from the Urban Transportation Showcase Program on barriers to the use of TDM: a lack of knowledge for Canadian practitioners and decision-makers on Transportation Demand Management (TDM) measures as well as a lack of resources to implement TDM initiatives.

Immediate Outcomes

  • Informed positions on policies and programs influencing transportation technologies and practices;
    • Increased participation by target audience in emission reducing activities through partnerships and other program activities; and
    • Increased capacity by target audience to undertake initiatives that reduce energy consumption or GHG or CAC or release of toxic substances.

In 2010-11, the fourteen pilot projects that were announced for funding under ecomobility program will enter their second year of implementation.  These 13 municipalities (one municipality is delivering two projects) will increase the use of transit, carpooling and active transportation and pilot initiatives in workplaces and schools to encourage Canadians to use more sustainable modes of transportation, while advancing their understanding of how TDM can work in their community to reduce GHG emissions by increasing the use of alternatives to single occupancy vehicles. A qualitative and quantitative results measurement and reporting strategy will continue to be implemented in each of the 13 municipalities with respect to the demonstration projects.  The project baseline information will be completed in 2009/10, the first follow up measurement will occur in 2010/11, and the final measurement will be completed in 2011/12.  Information on the success factors in implementing various TDM approaches will be shared with other Canadian communities during targeted workshops and web-based information products in 2010/11 and 2011/12, thus increasing the knowledge and utilization of TDM measures in a broader number of Canadian communities.

In order to further increase the capacity of Canadian municipalities to implement effective TDM strategies to reduce energy consumption, GHG and CAC, a number of tools will be developed and disseminated under the program in addition to the funded pilot projects.  Tools which have already been created, and which will be shared more broadly in 2010/11, will increase municipal capacity to measure the impacts of TDM strategies underway in their community, to develop and implement a range of options for small and rural communities, launch community Bike Sharing programs/services, establish employee transit discount programs, community-based social marketing approaches to support mode shift away from personal vehicle use, and telework programs and supporting services.  New tools that will be developed and disseminated to municipalities in 2010/11 will include guidelines (with hands-on professional development events) for identifying the business case for successful TDM strategies, and case studies (approximately 10-15) on specific topics including University and school-based TDM initiatives, transit marketing strategies and recent trends in carpooling.  The program will deliver/support approximately 20 learning events in 2010/11.

In 2010/11, program staff will monitor and track the number of participating municipalities in the above activities, the number of strategies and information products developed, and the size of the target audience reached with the information, so as to link the 2010/11 program activities with the above immediate outcomes.

Intermediate Outcome

  • Use of transportation best practices that reduce energy consumption or GHG or CAC.

The program will not report intermediate outcomes until the final year of the program in 2011/12.  The program measurement strategy will be initiated in 2010-11 to begin to collect information on the outcomes of the program.  Indicators have been developed to measure changes in the Canadian capacity to implement the TDM initiatives addressed by this program. These indicators will seek to identify where TDM has been incorporated into municipal plans and operations, and the number of municipalities that add or enhance TDM commitments in their plans and operations. TDM professionals will be asked the extent to which they increased their knowledge and their ability to implement and measure their initiatives due to program activities. The utility of the tools developed by the program will also be measured.   The feedback from participants will also be gathered from ecomobility learning activities and information dissemination activities.

Final Outcome

  • Reductions in energy consumption or GHG or CAC from transportation.

The program is forecasting a GHG reduction of 0.011 MT in 2012.  This final outcome will be measured in 2011/12. 

Expected Results for ecotechnology for Vehicle:

Immediate Outcome

  • Informed positions on policies and programs influencing transportation technologies and practices;
  • Increased uptake of technologies that reduce energy consumption, GHG or CAC;
  • Increased participation by target audience in emission reducing activities through partnerships and other program activities; and
  • Increased capacity by target audience to undertake initiatives that reduce energy consumption or GHG or CAC or release of toxic substances.

Informed positions on policies and programs influencing transportation technologies and practices will be supported in 2010/11 by the program's extensive testing and evaluation of advanced vehicle technologies in Canada.  The program will work in collaboration with vehicle manufacturers to acquire and test 8-10 advanced light-duty vehicles in 2010-11  – including clean diesel, hybrid, plug-in hybrid, full electric and fuel cell vehicles.  These key technologies range from near term availability in the market (clean diesel, advanced gasoline technologies) to medium term introduction (electric and plug-in electric hybrid technologies) to longer-term introduction (hydrogen and fuel cell technologies).   Test results will evaluate the safety and environmental performance of a range of emerging technologies. This will be used to inform policies, programs, emergent codes and standards, and the program's outreach activities to reduce barriers to the uptake of these technologies. 

The program will also work in collaboration with industry to identify and help address barriers to the adoption of promising technologies for use in Canada, including consumers' knowledge and acceptance of advanced technologies. This will increase the participation of vehicle manufacturers and technology suppliers in educating the Canadian public on emerging emission-reducing vehicle technologies.

The program will continue to draw upon the results of its testing and industry partnerships to disseminate the results of vehicle technology testing and evaluation to Canadians, to promote technology acceptance and adoption. This will include providing technical information to over 15 public events across Canada; an updated and interactive website with over 60 advanced technology articles and 10 videos; a quarterly public newsletter; and an ‘edukit/virtual program' that provides resources to secondary school teachers to help them add clean vehicle technology information into the curriculum. The selected program audience targets male and female Canadians who will purchase a vehicle in 1- 10 years time and that fit pre-determined psychographics.  Activity outcomes will be measured using web metrics, newsletter subscriptions, event attendance, and event exit evaluations. Through increased exposure to performance information from a credible, neutral government source it is anticipated that the targeted Canadian audience will increase its capacity to understand and adopt vehicles with targeted advanced technologies over the near and medium term. 

Intermediate Outcome

  • Use of transportation technologies that reduce energy consumption or GHG or CAC

The program measurement strategy will be implemented in 2010-11 to collect information on the immediate and intermediate outcomes of the program.  This will include an assessment of the increased penetration of specific advanced vehicle technologies in the Canadian fleet of light-duty vehicle, using the department's Vehicle Fuel Economy Information System (VFEIS) in 2011. 

Final Outcome

  • Reductions in energy consumption or GHG or CAC from transportation.

The program is forecasting a GHG reduction of 0.15 Mt in 2011.  This final outcome will be measured in 2011/12 using a methodology that includes analysing market sales data, and estimating the increased penetration of relevant advanced vehicle technologies.  Based on this, GHG and CAC reductions will be estimated using fuel efficiency data provided by the Canadian Fuel Consumption Guide and driving profiles available from the Canadian Transportation Survey. 

Expected Results for National Harmonization Initiative for the Trucking Industry:

The National Harmonization Initiative for the Trucking Industry (NHITI) was established to identify and promote solutions to barriers currently slowing the uptake of emission-reduction technologies in the Canadian trucking industry. It was designed to support provinces and territories in their efforts towards regulatory harmonization supporting emission-reduction technologies in the trucking sector.

Immediate Outcome

  • Informed positions on policies and programs influencing transportation technologies and practices;
  • Increased uptake of technologies that reduce energy consumption, GHG or CAC;
  • Increased participation by target audience in emission reducing activities through partnerships and other program activities;
  • Increased capacity by target audience to undertake initiatives that reduce energy consumption or GHG or CAC or release of toxic substances.

The program has successfully supported the move by Ontario and Quebec to mandate the use of speed limiters for the heavy trucks. Although additional provinces outside of Ontario and Quebec have expressed an interest in heavy truck speed limiters, and information will continue to be provided, further regulatory activity on speed limiters is not anticipated within the 2010-11 timeframe.

In  2010-11, information will be shared with provinces and governments from the on-going testing of emerging environmental technologies to verify their environmental performance and compliance with regulatory requirements for on-road operation. For example, the program will assess the fuel efficiency improvements and regulatory compliance with safety standards of rear trailer fairings (boat tails) for on-road use in all jurisdictions by Canadian fleets. This is expected to remove barriers to the increased uptake of technologies that reduce trucking energy consumption and GHG.

Intermediate Outcome/ Final Outcome

  • Use of transportation technologies and alternative modes that reduce energy consumption or GHG or CAC;
  • Reductions in energy consumption or GHG or CAC from transportation.

Increases in the use of specific technologies that reduce energy consumption, GHG and CAC in the trucking sector will be evaluated through the ecofreight demonstration and incentive programs.  The National Harmonization Initiative for the Trucking Industry is one of six intiatives under the ecofreight Program which is expected to reduce GHG emissions by a total of 1.25 Mt in 2011.  This final outcome will be measured in 2010/11. 

Expected Results for Freight Technology Demonstration Fund:

The Freight Technology Demonstration Fund has supported the purchase, installation and demonstration of the effectiveness of new and underused emission-reducing technologies in the freight industry. 

Immediate Outcome

  • Informed positions on policies and programs influencing transportation technologies and practices;
  • Increased uptake of technologies that reduce energy consumption, GHG or CAC;
  • Increased participation by target audience in emission reducing activities through partnerships and other program activities; and
  • Increased capacity by target audience to undertake initiatives that reduce energy consumption or GHG or CAC or release of toxic substances.

The Freight Technology Demonstration Fund has supported industry projects to purchase, install and demonstrate new and under-used emission-reducing technologies in the freight industry. These projects will demonstrate technology such as common rail fuel injection, variable-speed gantry container cranes at a port; ultra low-emitting Genset locomotives for yard and road switching; multiple truck technologies (aerodynamic trailer skirts, base flaps, auxiliary power units and single wide-base tires); truck on-board computers and hybrid reefer technology; an engineless (nonpetroleum) auxiliary power unit. These technologies offer promise to contribute to both economic and environmental objectives, as reducing fuel use is vital to productivity and competitiveness of the transportation industry as well as to reducing emissions. As of December 2009, twelve (12) demonstration projects are proceeding with total committed funding of $4.1M.   

In 2010/11, the program will receive information from completed technology projects and disseminate the results to industry through events, case studies and other products that explain the business case for the tested technologies and increase the capacity of industry to take advantage of successful technologies.   The ecofreight program will participate in at least four events in Canada to enable the transfer of knowledge acquired from demonstration projects to the broader industry. Events will consist of freight industry conferences, annual general meetings and trade shows where ecofreight program staff will participate along with industry partners. The ecofreight Web-base Information Network will be a key outreach tool, and will be enhanced in 2010/11 with published demonstration results achieved by specific companies and other information enabling the transfer of knowledge to industry.  This will broaden the participation of members of the freight industry in emission-reducing activities and technology uptake beyond the initial funding recipients. 

Intermediate Outcome

  • Use of transportation technologies and alternative modes that reduce energy consumption or GHG or CAC; and
  • Use of transportation best practices that reduce energy consumption or GHG or CAC.

The final stage of the program measurement strategy will be initiated in 2010-11 to collect information on the outcomes of the program.  Indicators have been developed to measure changes in the uptake, awareness and acceptance of new and under-used energy efficient freight technologies supported by the program. Freight transportation professionals and technology suppliers/users will identify the extent to which they increased their knowledge and their ability to implement and use energy efficient technologies due to program activities. The utility of case studies developed by the program will also be measured.

Final Outcome

  • Reductions in energy consumption or GHG or CAC from transportation.

The Freight Technology Demonstation Fund is one of six intiatives under the ecofreight Program that is expected to reduce GHG emissions by 1.25 Mt in 2011.  This final outcome will be measured in 2010/11.

Expected Results for Freight Technology Incentives Program:

The Freight Technology Incentives Program has provided incentives for companies to purchase and install proven freight transportation technologies that reduce greenhouse gas and/or criteria contaminants. 

Immediate Outcome

  • Informed positions on policies and programs influencing transportation technologies and practices;
  • Increased uptake of technologies that reduce energy consumption, GHG or CAC;
  • Increased participation by target audience in emission reducing activities through partnerships and other program activities; and
  • Increased capacity by target audience to undertake initiatives that reduce energy consumption or GHG or CAC or release of toxic substances.

The Freight Technology Incentives Program has supported industry projects to purchase and install available freight transportation technologies that reduce greenhouse gas emissions and/or criteria contaminants.  These contribution funds to industry are supporting the purchase and installation of a mix of technologies that include: ultra low emitting Genset locomotives technology, alternative fuel for baggage tractors, refurbishing marine engine with latest fuel efficient technology, bundled advanced truck technologies (i.e. aerodynamic truck technologies, advanced auxiliary power technologies for trucks, single tire technologies and long combination vehicle options for trucks). These technologies offer promise to meet both economic and environmental objectives, as reducing fuel use is vital to productivity and competitiveness of the industry as well as emissions. 

In 2010/11, the program will receive information from completed technology projects and disseminate the results to industry through events, case studies and other products that explain the business case for the tested technologies and increase the capacity of industry to take advantage of successful technologies.  The ecofreight program will participate in at least four events in Canada to enable the transfer of knowledge acquired from demonstration projects to the broader industry. Events will consist of freight industry conferences, annual general meetings and trade shows where ecofreight program staff will participate along with industry partners. The ecofreight Web-base Information Network will be a key outreach tool, and will be enhanced in 2010/11 with published demonstration results achieved by specific companies and other information enabling the transfer of knowledge to industry.  This will broaden the participation of members of the freight industry in emission-reducing activities and technology uptake beyond the initial funding recipients. 

Intermediate Outcome

  • Use of transportation technologies and alternative modes that reduce energy consumption or GHG or CAC;

The final stage of the program measurement strategy will be initiated in 2010-11 to collect information on the outcomes of the program, including uptake in the industry of technology addressed by this program.  Indicators have been developed to measure changes in the uptake, awareness and acceptance of energy efficient freight technologies supported by the program. Freight transportation professionals and technology suppliers/users will provide information on the extent to which they increased their knowledge and their ability to implement and use energy efficient technologies due to program activities. The utility of case studies developed by the program will also be measured.

Final Outcome

  • Reductions in energy consumption or GHG or CAC from transportation.

The Freight Technology Incentives Program is one of six intiatives under the ecofreight Program which is expected to reduce GHG emissions by 1.25 Mt in 2011.  This final outcome will be measured in 2010/11. 

Expected Results for Marine Shore Power Program:

The Marine Shore Power Program will complete the funding of the project selected in September 2008 as part of the Round 1 selection process. 

Immediate Outcome

  • Informed positions on policies and programs influencing transportation technologies and practices;
  • Increased uptake of technologies that reduce energy consumption, GHG or CAC;
  • Increased participation by target audience in emission reducing activities through partnerships and other program activities; and
  • Increased capacity by target audience to undertake initiatives that reduce energy consumption or GHG or CAC or release of toxic substances.

In 2010-11, the Marine Shore Power Program will complete its $2.0 million investment in a marine shore power facility at the Port Metro Vancouver.  This  $9M project is demonstrating the use of shore-based power for marine vessels in Canadian ports to reduce air pollution from idling ship engines, and will be in operation for a second cruise season in 2010/11.  The emissions impact and business case will continue to be measured as part of the demonstration project.  The Marine Shore Power Program will support an additional demonstration project for completion in 2011-12.

Information collected through these demonstration projects will improve the industry's knowledge of the level of funding required to build this type of infrastructure, the level of emissions reduction that can be expected, the partnerships to deliver shore power (e.g. electricity provider) and document the business case for this technology in Canadian ports.  These are necessary resources if Canadian ports are to develop the capacity to implement shore power on a wider scale.

Intermediate Outcome

  • Use of transportation technologies and alternative modes that reduce energy consumption or GHG or CAC;

The program's measurement strategy will be initiated in 2010-11 to collect information on the outcomes of the program with respect to increased take-up and capacity for marine shore power in Canada.  Indicators have been developed to measure changes in the uptake, awareness and acceptance of technology approaches supported by the program. These indicators will measure the extent to which port professionals and technology suppliers/users increased their knowledge and their ability to implement shore power technologies. The utility of case studies developed by the program will also be measured.

Final Outcome

  • Reductions in energy consumption or GHG or CAC from transportation.

The Marine Shore  Power Program is expected to reduce GHG emissions by .008 Mt in 2012.  This final outcome will be measured in 2011/12.

Expected Results for ecofreight:

Immediate Outcome

  • Informed positions on policies and programs influencing transportation technologies and practices;
  • Increased uptake of technologies that reduce energy consumption, GHG or CAC;
  • Increased participation by target audience in emission reducing activities through partnerships and other program activities; and
  • Increased capacity by target audience to undertake initiatives that reduce energy consumption or GHG or CAC or release of toxic substances.

In 2010/11, the ecofreight Partnerships program will contribute to the 2010 Canadian Industrial Transportation Association (CITA) annual survey of Canadian industry to better understand their environmental practices and the decision-making with respect to transportation.  This annual survey, which will have generated 5 years of consecutive information and trends by 2010/11, helps to understand the drivers for industry decision-making, as well as industry's knowledge of the environmental impacts of their decisions and the mitigating options that they can take.

The program will support at least three events with the freight transportation industry and/or industry shippers to transfer knowledge and information on emission-reducing technologies and best practices.  With this knowledge, users will be better able to include environmental impacts in the decision making process when selecting between modes and carriers during their freight transportation decisions.  The program will sponsor at least one industry award to recognize industry environmental leaders with respect to transportation, and to promote their best practices to their peers.

Overall, the program will develop and disseminate information and tools to stakeholders, including freight shippers and forwarders to increase awareness of sustainable transportation options. This program will support several outcomes, including increased knowledge and uptake opportunities of technologies that reduce energy consumption, GHGs and CACs, increased capacity by target audience to undertake initiatives that reduce energy consumption or GHG or CAC emissions and increased participation by freight industry in emission reduction activities.

In 2010/11, Transport Canada will continue to provide an increased presence at international committees, working groups, and other international transportation fora with a dedicated focus on emissions reduction (e.g. International Civil Aviation Organization, International Maritime Organization, Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development, International Transport Forum and the Commission on Environmental Cooperation). Transport Canada will also continue to provide support to the international development of environmental tandards, practices and guidelines, contributing to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and air pollutants and the improved efficiency of the aviation and marine sectors under the auspices of the International Maritime Organization and the International Civil Aviation Organization.

These initiatives will contribute towards more informed positions on policies and programs influencing transportation technologies and practices; and, dissemination and use of transportation best practices that reduce energy consumption, GHGs and CACs.

Transport Canada will continue to support implementation of the voluntary Memorandum of Understanding with the Railway Association of Canada, in effect until 2010, that identifies commitments by the Canadian railway companies to reduce greenhouse gas and criteria air contaminant emissions on a voluntary basis.

Transport Canada will continue collaboration with domestic aviation industry organizations including the Air Transport Association of Canada and National Airlines Council of Canada. This initiative supports the industry's efforts to reduce emissions and improve fleet and fuel efficiency, and the uptake of new technologies and best practices with the goal of reducing GHGs and CACs.

Final Outcome

  • Reductions in energy consumption or GHG or CAC from transportation.

The ecofreight Partnership program is one of six intiatives under the ecofreight Program that is expected to reduce GHG emissions by 1.25 Mt in total in 2011.  This final outcome will be measured in 2010/11.

Expected Results for ecoauto:

Program has now ended; there are no expected results for 2010-2011.

Expected Results for Analytical and Policy Support:

Under the Analytical and Policy Support function, Transport Canada will work with the Provinces and Territories and other federal departments and agencies to improve data and analytical capacity.  Work will include the development of a data strategy, and pilot projects, with some jurisdictions.  The goal of this initiative is to update Transport Canada's core knowledge and data to contribute towards more informed positions on policies and programs related to energy consumption and the reduction of GHGs and CACs

Policy support will also be provided to the evaluation of Transport Canada's ecoTRANSPORT programs and the Kyoto Protocol Implementation Act reporting.

Federal Partner Program Activity (PA) Names of Programs for Federal Partners Total Allocation (from Start to End Date)
Planned Spending for
Expected Results for
2.1 Clean energy

ecoenergy for fleets

$22,000 $6,000

Expected results for ecoenergy for fleets

ecoenergy for personal vehicles

$21,000 $5,700

Expected results for ecoenergy for personal vehicles

Total $43,000 $11,700  

Expected Results:

Expected Results for ecoenergy for Fleets:

Output targets for 2010/11

Financial support

  • Expect to receive 10 proposals under the ecoenergy for Fleets funding opportunity for 2010/2011 with funding up to $1 million dollars.

Partnerships and networks

  • ecoenergy for Fleets program is expected to develop partnerships and networks through participation in 15 trade shows and 30 meetings with industry.

Training and education

  • 2200 transportation professionals, including drivers, driving instructors, mechanics and fleet managers, are expected to be trained on fuel efficient driving, maintenance and business practices during 2010/2011.

Research studies

  • Expect to complete 2 research studies in support of the development of an energy efficient tire consumer information program that will to steer purchasers to low rolling-resistant and energy-efficient tires. The studies will examine the performance elements of energy-efficient tires, and tire purchasing decisions.

Immediate Outcome targets for 2010/11

Informed positions on policies and programs influencing transportation technologies and practices.

  • The program team will use knowledge gained through research studies related to energy-efficient tires and tire purchasing decisions to plan outreach initiatives and more comprehensive messaging for the trucking sector.

Increased participation in emission reducing activities through partnerships and other program activities

  • Increased participation in emission reducing activities will be achieved through delivery of up to ten collaborative agreements.

Increased capacity to undertake initiatives that reduce energy consumption or greenhouse gas or criteria air contaminants or release of toxic substances

  • The capacity of transportation professionals (drivers, driver trainers, mechanics, and managers) to address emissions through their decision making will be enhanced through training and through the provision of decision-support tools and information materials including workshops.  These knowledge transfer opportunities encompass the training of 2200 transportation professionals, the mounting of 45 workshops, and 25,000 web hits. Additionally, capacity to undertake emissions-reducing projects will be increased through the provision of up to $1 million of funding, which will enable fleets to gain valuable on-road experience with energy efficient fleet vehicle technologies. 

Intermediate Outcome targets for 2010/11

Use of transportation best practices that reduce energy consumption or GHG or CAC

  • Expect that 2200 professional drivers and fleet managers trained in fuel efficiency best practices will apply these practices on the road and within fleets in order to secure fuel savings and GHG emission reductions.

Expected Results for ecoenergy for Personal Vehicles:

Output targets for 2010/11

Financial support

  • Expect to receive 20 proposals under the ecoenergy for Personal Vehicles funding opportunity, for funding of up to $1 million dollars

Partnerships and networks

  • Expect to hold 2 meetings with Auto industry

Training and education

  • Expect 125,000 new drivers will be trained on fuel-efficient driving practices

Information and decision support/analysis

  • Expect to target purchasers of new vehicles through the production of the 2011 EnerGuide for Vehicles fuel consumption guide and the Most Fuel Efficient Vehicles list

Immediate Outcome targets for 2010/11

Increased participation in emission-reducing activities through partnerships and other program activities

  • Increased participation in emission reducing activities will be achieved through delivery of at least five collaborative agreements.

Increased capacity to undertake initiatives that reduce energy consumption or greenhouse gas or criteria air contaminants or release of toxic substances

  • Capacity to address emissions from personal vehicles through better driving practices and more efficient vehicle purchases will be enhanced through the training of 125,000 new drivers and through the national distribution of information materials such as the 2011 Fuel Consumption Guide with a targeted circulation of 350,000 units.  Additionally, funding of up to $1 million of emissions-reducing projects will enable proponents to deliver targeted outreach activities aimed at increasing consumers' awareness and adoption of energy-efficient buying, driving, and maintaining practices for personal vehicles.

Intermediate Outcome  targets for 2010/11

Use of transportation best practices that reduce energy consumption or GHG or CAC.

Expect that 31,250 new drivers will employ fuel efficient driver behaviours as a result of retention of the fuel efficient driving techniques learned through training on fuel efficient driving practices

Federal Partner Program Activity (PA) Names of Programs for Federal Partners Total Allocation (from Start to End Date)
Planned Spending for
Expected Results for

Policy, Program and Service delivery support


$11,300 $0

Expected results for ecoauto

Total $11,300 $0  

Expected Results:

Expected Results for ecoauto:

Program has now ended; there are no expected results for 2010-2011.

Federal Partner Program Activity (PA) Names of Programs for Federal Partners Total Allocation (from Start to End Date)
Planned Spending for
Expected Results for

3C. Risks to Canadians, their health and their environment from air pollutants and greenhouse gas emissions are reduced.

Vehicle scrappage program

$92,000 $42,588

Expected results for Vehicle scrappage program

Total $92,000 $42,588  

Expected Results:

Expected Results for Vehicle Scrappage Program:

Financial support

  • The “Retire your Ride” program (“Adieu Bazou” in French) will continue to run in every province, delivered by a network of not-for-profit organizations coordinated by Summerhill Impact (formerly Clean Air Foundation). The goal is to retire at least 50,000 old vehicles annually representing a smog reduction of about 2250 tonnes.
  • Canadians who own older (1995 and before) vehicles will be encouraged to retire them and to choose from a range of attractive rewards such as: free transit passes; rebates on bicycles; memberships in car sharing programs; and rebates on the purchase of a new vehicle offered by vehicle manufacturers.
  • Real-time program results are tracked using a national database.


  • Regional program delivery agents will promote Retire your Ride through local outreach activities.
  • The second wave of a public awareness campaign will be implemented by the Canadian Urban Transit Association, with contribution funding from Environment Canada. Posters will be displayed on buses and bus shelters across the country.

Partnership and network

  • An exhibit on vehicle recycling and sustainable transportation will be on display at the Biosphere, and smaller, travelling versions of the exhibit will be displayed in one or two other Canadian museums.

Guidelines and agreements

  • To ensure responsible recycling of vehicles, all vehicle recyclers participating in the Retire your Ride program will adhere to a National Code of Practice that outlines the legal requirements and best environmental management practices before, during and after vehicle recycling. 
  • Up to 350 audits will be conducted through on-site visits of participating vehicle recyclers to verify their compliance with the code of practice.

Total Allocation For All Federal Partners (from Start to End Date)
Total Planned Spending for All Federal Partners for 2010–11
$461,599 $62,299

Results to be achieved by non-federal partners (if applicable): Not applicable

Contact information: Alain Paquet, Manager, Performance Measurement Unit, Environmental Program, TC : 613- 990-5394