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Table 3: Green Procurement

How is your department planning to meet the objectives of the Policy on Green Procurement?

Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada is planning to meet the objectives of the Policy on Green Procurement through the implementation of the green procurement commitments established for the federal government by the Office of Greening Government Operations, and as captured in the department's Sustainable Development Strategy. Progress will be tracked and monitored through the department's Environmental Management System.

Has your department established green procurement targets?


Describe the green procurement targets that have been set by your department and indicate the associated benefits anticipated.

Based on the 2006 guidance document Coordinating the Fourth Round of Departmental Sustainable Development Strategies, Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada has incorporated green procurement commitments into its departmental Sustainable Development Strategy (SDS), Agenda 2009. This will facilitate a greater integration of sustainable development, including green procurement, into departmental policies, programs and operations.

The two commitments in DFAIT's SDS are to:

  1. Identify three green procurement targets. These are:
    1. Develop a tracking system within the Integrated Management System that will help track and report on green purchases made by the department. To ensure the successful implementation of a tracking system at DFAIT, the Procurement, Materiel Management and Logistics Division developed and implemented the online ordering system Shop@DFAIT, which identifies green products with a green dot. This online system for ordering office supplies will allow DFAIT to track the green purchases made through this system on an annual basis. A further objective is to increase the percentage of green purchases throughout the department.
    2. Ensure that environmental considerations are included in 100% of contracts and standing offers. A "green contracts" initiative is being implemented, including the development of environmental criteria that could be included in all contracts and standing offers. The successful completion of this target will further ensure that environmental criteria are taken into consideration when the department contracts for goods and services.
    3. Reduce by 25% the total number of cordless mice purchased by March 31, 2012, using 2008-09 as a baseline. Data are currently being captured in order to set the baseline on which the implementation of this target will be measured. The successful completion of this target will reduce the use of cordless mice at the department, which will in turn reduce the number of batteries purchased, used and discarded. In the interim, the Procurement, Materiel Management and Logistics Division has implemented a battery recycling program to reduce the environmental impact of battery use at DFAIT. The cost to dispose of batteries is being absorbed by the division initiating the program.
  2. Ensure that 100% of materiel managers and procurement personnel receive green procurement training. The anticipated results associated with this target are that all materiel managers and procurement personnel will have greater knowledge of green procurement; the environmental impact will be reduced due to an increase in the purchase of greener products; and financial savings accrued from purchasing greener products will be passed on to taxpayers. Efforts are under way to ensure that procurement personnel include green procurement training in their Performance Management Plans.