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Sustainable Development Strategy
The Department of Justice’s Sustainable Development Strategy 2007-2009 has been developed by building on accomplishments and challenges from the three previous strategies, by responding to the government guidance for a more coordinated and consistent approach to implementing sustainable development in the Government of Canada,
and by linking sustainable development efforts in the Department to the other key activities under the Department’s Program Activity Architecture (PAA).
The Strategy contains three objectives:
- Further develop the capacity of the Department to support the provision of legal services related to sustainable development
- Incorporate sustainable development principles and practices into the Department’s policy and program operations
- Improve the environmental sustainability of the Department’s physical operations
These objectives, along with their respective targets and performance indicators, are aimed at improving the existing capacity and practices in the Department towards achieving sustainable development in its internal operations, as well as in its work with its client organizations, as appropriate.
Further details on this Sustainable Development Strategy may be obtained at:
Objective 1: Further develop the capacity of the Department to support the provision of legal services related to sustainable development. |
Target 1.1: The Department’s role in providing legal services related to sustainable development is considered, when appropriate.Target 1.2: The Department builds on its current level of awareness of sustainable development by developing a further capacity to provide advice on the legal implications of policy and program decisions related to sustainable development issues facing the government
and client departments and agencies, when appropriate.
- Review and analyze recommendations from 2006 Sustainable Development Conference
- Organize and conduct a follow-up conference
- Training sessions on Legal Services support for SD
- Consult with selected client organizations to determine how DoJ legal services support of the client SD strategies can be enhanced
- Continue sustainable development awareness campaign.
- Establish or promote forums (networks, working groups, practice groups) to consider sustainable development in the provision of legal services.
- Conduct research and analysis of sustainable development principles and current issues and develop case studies and best practices on the application of sustainable development principles and practices in the provision of legal services.
- SD linked to Legal Risk Management
- Process developed for the preparation of ministerial responses to environmental petitions
- Guidelines are developed to support staff in offering additional advice and services.
- Learning and practical tools are developed to assist employees.
- Training is offered and conducted to build additional expertise in the Department, when appropriate.
- Training tools on sustainable development are produced in collaboration with other government departments and the Canada School of Public Service.
Objective 2: Incorporate sustainable development principles and practices into the Department’s policy and program operations. |
Target 2.1: Sustainable development principles and practices are incorporated in the Department’s policies and programs, when appropriate.Target 2.2: Sustainable development activities and principles are integrated in the Department’s management and accountability structure.
- Ensure and monitor compliance with 1999 Cabinet Directive on Strategic Environmental Assessments
- Develop case studies and best practices on the application of sustainable development principles and practices in program and policy development and in the provision of policy advice
- Develop and provide appropriate guidelines and learning tools and deliver training to staff, as appropriate
- Develop and use capacity to conduct forward-looking policy and program research and analysis
- Build capacity to integrate sustainable development into Departmental operational business planning
- Increase the understanding among the management cadre of the relevance of sustainable development to the work of the Department
- Identify key roles and accountabilities and develop specific targets for monitoring progress in meeting sustainable development commitments
Objective 3: Improve the environmental sustainability of the Department’s physical operations. |
Target 2.1:
Conservation and waste-management practices are significantly improved.Target 2.2:
Government Green Procurement Policy is implemented.
- Intensify activities to raise staff awareness of conservation practices
- Increase efforts to reduce consumption of paper
- Increase efforts to divert solid waste from landfill
- Apply and ensure adherence to Government of Canada accommodation standards
- Introduce and encourage measures to reduce energy consumption
- Training is provided to all appropriate managers and staff
- Implementation of GPP is tracked, monitored and enforced
List of Online Tables
The following tables are available online through the TBS website;
- Details on Transfer Payment Programs
- Evaluations
- Green Procurement
- Horizontal Initiatives
- Internal Audits
- Services Received Without Charge
- Sources of Respendable and Non-respendable Revenue