ARCHIVED - RPP 2007-2008
Canadian Grain Commission
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Corporate Infrastructure and Government-Wide Initiatives
CGC corporate infrastructure includes support functions such as management of human resources, information technology, statistical services, legal counsel, communications, finance, policy and planning, administration, health and safety, and project management. These functions enable the CGC to deliver the activities necessary to achieve its strategic outcomes and result
in improved performance, increased employee productivity and effective communication with industry and producers. Success will be measured by evaluating the effectiveness of specific activities and using measurement tools for specific programs such as competent staff, number of accidents, meeting legislative requirements, and efficiency gains due to well-developed
information technology.
Although the CGC is a small department with limited resources, it prides itself on the ability to implement government-wide initiatives. Sound agency management denotes not only cost efficiency, but signifies the CGC's commitment to government-wide initiatives such as the Management Accountability Framework, providing services in both official languages, the Government
On Line (GOL) initiative, and effective partnering with other government organizations to provide effective, efficient service to Canadians. Success in this area will be measured by tracking specific activities undertaken to achieve the goals of various government-wide initiatives and measuring program, unit, and individual performance against performance targets.
The CGC is committed to fulfilling its mandate in the most efficient and cost effective manner possible. The costs of both corporate infrastructure and implementation of government-wide initiatives are accounted for in the costs of delivering the CGC strategic outcomes and program activities. The following provides a description of internal and government-wide CGC
initiatives and activities.
Management of Human Resources
A skilled and motivated workforce is critical to the CGC in delivering its services to Canadians. The CGC is committed to providing an inclusive and diverse workplace that is representative of the citizens and communities served. The following activities and initiatives are integral components to the management of human resources in the planning period:
- Effectively communicating and integrating human resource goals, priorities, and business planning.
- Continuing to implement competency-based initiatives (performance management, training, and resourcing) to develop and sustain a capable workforce and fulfill departmental objectives.
- Continuing to integrate changes from the Public Service Modernization Act into CGC human resource policies and processes.
- Developing a succession strategy/process for CGC leadership.
- Implementing an informal conflict management system.
- Continuing to implement electronic or web-based tools.
- Implementing the CGC's Employment Equity Plan.
- Developing a performance management tool to be piloted in the organization.
The expected results of these planned activities include:
- Collaborative relationships between management, employees, and employee representatives.
- Competent staff able to move/progress within the department and the public service.
- Continuous improvement of HR management skills by managers and supervisors.
- A workplace culture that encourages diversity and enables employees to learn and to progress within the department.
- A skilled workforce more representative of Canada's population and in compliance with the Employment Equity Act.
Information Technology
- Developing and managing an information technology infrastructure that is responsive, secure, and provides support to enhance all aspects of CGC business.
- Developing, acquiring, and implementing advanced software applications and providing IT operational support.
- Storing, handling, and providing operational data in a secure and timely manner to improve decision-making and reduce costs.
Statistical Services
- Providing concise and timely statistical support to all work groups.
- Providing extension support to industry and other government organizations on statistical related topics.
- Providing effective internal communications (e.g. Staff Net, bulletins, Chief Operating Officer communications, planning session information).
- Developing and implementing effective external communication tools (e.g. CGC Web-site, news releases and conferences, and industry meetings and conferences).
- Continuing to develop communication skills within the organization.
- Promoting and implementing the requirements of the Official Languages Act to provide improved services and information in both official languages.
Library Services
- Providing a holding library for all CGC publications and maintaining a collection in a variety of formats (books, reports, images, electronic resources) that specializes in grain research and all aspects of the grain trade for CGC staff, industry stakeholders, other government organizations, and the public.
- Providing reference and technical services that support the research needs of clients.
- Contributing to the success of the Federal Accountability Action Plan.
- Continuing the delivery of transactional and financial reporting requirements, as well as provision of guidance to the organization.
- Conducting planned internal audit activities to accomplish risk assessment of key risk areas.
- Responding to the requirements of the User Fees Act by continuing to manage and report on key characteristics of identified CGC user fees.
Policy and Planning
- Providing policy support to all work groups to aid in corporate decision making.
Legal Counsel
- Providing legal advice and support to all work groups, to aid in corporate decision making and management of CGC activities.
Administration Services
- Managing national and regional administrative programs and policies in order to provide efficient and effective administrative support to all CGC divisions.
- Managing of CGC facilities and telecommunications to secure rent and telecom savings and provide an efficient, safe and healthy work environment.
- Addressing service accommodation needs by: renewing leases as they come due where facilities satisfy requirements; reconfiguring accommodations when necessary; relocating where required; and refining and analyzing recapitalization options for CGC Head Quarters, 303 Main Street, Winnipeg, Manitoba.
- Testing of business resumption plan and training of staff to ensure the delivery of services are more reliable and secure in case of a hazardous occurrence.
Health and Safety
- Managing the ongoing development of an effective health and safety program aimed at achieving a decreased accident rate and a healthy, productive workforce.
Corporate Development
- Continuing to record and support the expanding list of activities to fulfil the mandate of the Management Accountability Framework.
- Continuing to improve performance measures by which unit and individual employee effort is evaluated for all fee-for-service CGC activities.
- Completing service standards for all fee-for-service CGC activities.
Partnering with Other Government Organizations
- Ongoing provision of phytosanitary inspection of grain elevators on behalf of the Canadian Food Inspection Agency to eliminate the duplication of services.
- Ongoing provision of grain inspection on behalf of the U.S. Federal Grain Inspection Service in eastern Canada as per the Memorandum of Service to facilitate the movement of grain.
Project Management
- Reviewing and editing project concept documents (PCDs) in consultation with project leads for all new CGC initiatives and forwarding finalized PCDs to the CGC's Executive Management Committee (EMC) for review and discussion. If a project is to proceed the EMC will recommend that a project approval document (PAD) be developed.
- Reviewing and editing all project approval documents (PADs) in consultation with project leads and forwarding finalized PADs to the EMC for review and final decision to proceed or not to proceed with project.
- Following up regularly on all EMC approved projects to track attainment of goals, use of resources, and to ensure EMC is fully informed on the progress of all projects.