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IT governance structures are in place to provide strategic direction for IT asset management.
Roles and responsibilities are defined and communicated (e.g. leadership, control over acquisition,
monitoring, and oversight).
Policies and procedures are defined and communicated (e.g. risk expectations, acquisition standards, and
technological direction).
Departmental IT plans are linked to departmental strategic plans and government-wide initiatives (e.g.
shared services) and include both short-term and long-term time frames.
Processes are in place for planning the acquisition of IT assets.
Plans for the acquisition of assets are ranked and linked to the overall IT plan.
Plans for IT asset acquisitions take into consideration life cycles and risk.
Plans for IT asset acquisitions are consolidated internally for configuration and cost considerations.
Plans for IT asset acquisitions take into consideration shared services through common service providers
and with other departments.
Processes are in place for monitoring the performance of IT assets.
Asset performance is monitored, including financial and non-financial key performance indicators for
purchasing and maintenance.
Asset tracking systems are in place for inventory management, including software licences.