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The Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat website will remain available until this move is complete.


Financial Highlights

($ thousands)
Condensed Statement of Financial Position
At End of Year (March 31, 2009)
% Change 2009 2008
Total Assets (19) 15,515 19,102
Total Liabilities 20 244,764 203,672
Total Equity 24 (229,249) (184,570)
Total (19) 15,515 19,102

($ thousands)
Condensed Statement of Financial Position
At End of Year (March 31, 2009)
% Change 2009 2008
Total Expenses 15 1,542,148 1,337,253
Total Revenues n/a 10 0
Net Cost of Operations 15 1,542,138 1,337,253

Financial Highlights Chart

Condensed Statement of Financial Position
At End of Year (March 31, 2009) 2009 2008
Salaries & employee benefits 1,101,677 899,347
Professional & special services 218,096 247,214
Accommodation 107,616 96,214
Equipment 29,257 13,473
Information 24,474 28,897
Communication 23,938 15,551
Travel & relocation 15,967 17,511
Utilities, material & supplies 11,862 12,050
Equipment rentals 5,738 5,511
Amortization 3,349 438
Repairs 175 369
Total Expenses 1,542,138 1,337,253

Expenses - Where Funds Go

What appear above to be relatively insignificant sums for most government departments, can be better depicted as percentages of total expenditures.  It is clear that the ERC relies principally on its staff complement.  The second largest budget component attributed to professional and special services represents several small scale contracts for a variety of transactional support services that are normally furnished by full time equivalents in large departments.  However, given the small size of the ERC and its associated transactions in each of these areas, it is not possible to employ public servants to provide these specialized services in an ongoing efficient manner that builds internal capacity.  Additionally, the graph illustrates that the bulk of additional resources has been expended for human resources as intended.

Financial Statements

The ERC's 2008-09 financial statements can be found on its website at www.erc-cee.gc.ca.

List of Supplementary Information Tables

Table 1: User Fees

For supplementary information on the ERC's User Fees, please visit: http://www.tbs- sct.gc.ca/dpr-rmr/st-ts-eng.asp.

Table 2: Internal Audits

For supplementary information on the ERC's Internal Audits, please visit: http://www.tbs- sct.gc.ca/dpr-rmr/st-ts-eng.asp.

Other Items of Interest

Organizational Information

The ERC reports directly to Parliament through the Minister of Public Safety.  The ERC has a single member, the Chair, who is appointed by Order in Council.

Organizational Information

The ERC also engages in internal services such as corporate and administrative services, including those in the following areas: Management and Oversight, Human Resources Management, Financial Management, Supply Chain Management, Information Management, Information Technology, Legal, Evaluation, Internal Audit, and Others, including general administrative support and monitoring of shared service agreements.  Internal services are very important as they support all program activities and priorities of the ERC.

Resource Person

David Paradiso
Executive Director and Senior Counsel
RCMP External Review Committee
P.O. Box 1159, Station B
Ottawa, Ontario
K1P 5R2

Telephone: (613) 998-2874
Fax: (613) 990-8969
Email: org@erc-cee.gc.ca
Internet: www.erc-cee.gc.ca

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