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By supporting 28,000 students and fellows at Canadian universities and abroad, providing programs to support university faculty, and promoting science and engineering to Canadian youth, NSERC will ensure a reliable supply of highly qualified personnel (HQP) for Canadian industry, government, and academia. The following provides details of NSERC’s performance for the three program activities that fall under this strategic outcome.
Program Activity Promote Science and Engineering
Description: This program activity encourages popular interest in science, math and engineering and aims to develop science, math and engineering abilities in Canadian youth. | ||
Expected Result: Student interest in research in the sciences, math and engineering is encouraged. | ||
Indicators | Results | Performance Status |
Financial Resources ($ millions) 2008-09 |
Human Resources (Full-Time Equivalents) 2008-09 |
Planned Spending |
Total Authorities |
Actual Spending | Planned | Actual | Difference |
6.3 | 6.3 | 4.7 | 3 | 2 | -1 |
To help improve the interest of Canadian youth in science and engineering, NSERC has invested in two programs: PromoScience and the Centres for Research in Youth, Science Teaching and Learning.
PromoScience provides support to non-profit and public organizations that work with young Canadians in order to build their interest in science and engineering, motivate and encourage their participation in science and engineering activities, and train teachers who are responsible for the science and math education of young Canadians. The program is allowing organizations to expand their offerings and to engage many more young Canadians, especially girls and aboriginal youth. This is critical as young Canadians are less inclined to select science or engineering as a discipline when they enter university (see Figure 2.1) as compared to many other nations.
The Society for Canadian Women in Science and Technology (SCWIST), a non-profit organization, runs the ms infinity (math + science = infinite options) program that connects young women with positive female role models who are pursuing dynamic careers and education in S&T and encourages them to continue studying math, science and technology throughout secondary school to broaden their career opportunities. As a result of NSERC funding, 728 girls from across British Columbia participated in hands-on workshops, tele-mentoring, networking and community group science days throughout 2008. Through the varied activities, the participants learned many valuable lessons about schooling and career options and had the opportunity to connect their dreams with a role model.
The CRYSTAL Pilot Program was created in October 2003. CRYSTAL provides a forum for the many partners who share an interest in developing and enhancing the skills of, and resources available to, science and mathematics teachers, and in enriching the preparation of Canadian children in these foundation subjects. The pilot program provided funding to five Centres. Findings from a recent evaluation were as follows:
NSERC prizes are also a component of this program activity. NSERC prizes recognize outstanding individual Canadian researchers, research teams and students. They enhance the career development of outstanding and highly promising scientists and engineers and distinguish the sustained excellence of faculty members at Canadian universities. They also publicly recognize lasting partnerships in R&D between university and industry and celebrate young Canadian entrepreneurs.
To recognize the important achievements of Canadian research scientists and engineers, and in the process, to help retain faculty in Canada, NSERC awards significant research prizes to individuals and teams. The 2008-09 winner of NSERC’s Gerhard Herzberg Canada Gold Medal for Science and Engineering is highlighted below.
When it comes to stop-action photography, Paul Corkum has left an indelible mark on the world. He is credited with developing attosecond laser pulses—flashes of light so short (one billionth of a billionth of a second) that they can provide images of electrons moving around atoms.
This technology offers unprecedented access to the sub-atomic world and is just the latest of a long string of achievements that have earned Dr. Corkum the Gerhard Herzberg Canada Gold Medal for Science and Engineering.
For more than 30 years, he has pushed the boundaries of human understanding of how light and matter interact. His accomplishments have consistently drawn high praise from his peers around the world.
Manipulating electrons in attosecond time could potentially allow scientists to control and change chemical reactions in new ways, leading to advances in everything from medicine to engineering. The next steps in combining the very fast with the very small, Dr. Corkum believes, will one day help medical researchers advance their understanding of cell processes, something that could enhance drug delivery. It will also provide new tools and new fabrication methods for nanotechnology and new sub-cellular imaging methods.
Program Activity Support Students and Fellows
Description: This program activity supports the training of highly qualified personnel through scholarship and fellowship programs. | ||
Expected Result: A supply of highly qualified people with leading-edge scientific and research skills for Canadian industry, government, and universities. | ||
Indicators | Results | Performance Status |
Financial Resources ($ millions) 2008-09 |
Human Resources(Full-Time Equivalents) 2008-09 |
Planned Spending |
Total Authorities |
Actual Spending | Planned | Actual | Difference |
146.2 | 157.8 | 151.4 | 59 | 58 | -1 |
1. NSERC conducts several surveys of its scholarship and fellowship recipients and is able to assess performance against expected results. In addition, Statistics Canada collects labour market information that provides ample evidence of the successful career outcomes of NSE graduates. The indicators present data from 1,850 respondents for a 49% response rate to surveys of students 9 years after their award.
NSERC provides direct financial support to students from the undergraduate to postdoctoral levels through key programs such as:
NSERC also funds students and fellows through support provided by an NSERC-funded professor from his or her NSERC grant. The training of 17,000 students is supported in full or in part through this route.
Since 1978, NSERC has supported the training of more than 80,000 master’s and doctoral students in the NSE. General macro-level economic outcomes for university graduates in the natural sciences and engineering provide ample evidence of the positive outcomes for NSERC-funded students, both directly and indirectly supported. As Figure 2.2 demonstrates, unemployment levels for persons seeking work in natural science or engineering occupations are considerably below national levels; annual salaries for this group are nearly one-third greater than the national average; and employment opportunities continue to grow as the natural science and engineering labour force surpasses the 1,000,000 mark resulting in the fastest growing occupational group over the past 20 years.
Program Activity Attract and Retain Faculty
Description: This program activity aims to attract and retain faculty. | ||
Expected Result: Enhanced research capacity in science and engineering. | ||
Indicators | Results | Performance Status |
Financial Resources ($ millions) 2008-09 |
Human Resources (Full-Time Equivalents) 2008-09 |
Planned Spending |
Total Authorities |
Actual Spending | Planned | Actual | Difference |
167.7 | 169.3 | 152.8 | 25 | 23 | -2 |
Key programs under this program activity include:
Figure 2.3 presents the number of new applicants to NSERC’s largest program, the Discovery Grants program, who received both their bachelor’s and Ph.D. degrees outside the country (this number is a good proxy for an overall evaluation of the “attraction” activity since the vast majority of new professors in the natural sciences and engineering apply to the program). As the figure indicates, Canadian universities continue to attract hundreds of foreign educated personnel every year to become professors. More than 30% of the large number of first-time NSERC applicants are foreign educated. Recent investment by the government in university research has created an attractive environment to conduct research and highly trained people from other countries are coming to Canada to pursue their career.
The Canada Research Chairs program has helped to create a research environment that is conducive to the long-term retention and attraction of top researchers. A significant number of Chairholders has been attracted from outside Canada and many top Canadian scientists have stayed in the country as a result of Chair support. Figure 2.4 presents the percentage of external recruits awarded a Canada Research Chair in the natural sciences and engineering since the program’s inception.
NSERC also tracks the reasons grantees provide when they terminate their awards before the end date. As shown in Figure 2.5, only a small number of professors receiving NSERC support listed “leaving the country” as the reason for terminating their award over the past decade. The number of NSERC-funded professors leaving the country is an extremely small percentage of the nearly 12,000 professors receiving NSERC support each year and is much smaller than the number of new professors attracted to Canada each year (see Figures 2.3 and 2.4).
One of the 29 new Industrial Research Chairs in 2008-09 was awarded to Anthony Yeung of the University of Alberta for his work related to the oil sands. A profile of Dr. Yeung’s Chair is presented below:
The oil sands deposits in northern Alberta, with 175 billion barrels of oil that is recoverable using current technology, is the world’s second largest proven oil reserve (second only to Saudi Arabia). By year 2020, it is expected that the global supply of conventional oil will begin to decline. This will coincide, in marked contrast, to the continuous expansion of Canada’s oil sands industry. It is clear that, in the decades to come, the Canadian oil sands will be a major force in the world energy market. Unfortunately, the current method of extracting heavy oil from the sands, although viable, is impacting negatively on the environment. One of the major concerns is the high demand for fresh water from nearby lakes and rivers.
For the oil sands industry to be sustainable, it is imperative that novel “non-aqueous extraction technologies” be developed (methods of recovering heavy oil from the sand using very little or no water). The proposed Chair program, which is sponsored by Imperial Oil, Alberta Ingenuity and the Alberta Energy Research Institute, will spearhead such an endeavour. In particular, it will tackle the two major challenges that any non-aqueous process will inevitably encounter: the separation of fine solids from solvent-diluted heavy oil, and the recovery of residual hydrocarbon from reject sand grains. This research will focus on the basic science which underlies these challenges, invoking advanced principles of theoretical physics and colloid science. Results from this research will constitute the foundational knowledge that is essential to the design and commercialization of future non-aqueous extraction processes.
Basic research provides the foundation for all scientific and technological advances, and also trains the people who can generate new knowledge in Canada and understand new knowledge generated around the world. The following provides details of NSERC’s performance for the two program activities that fall under this strategic outcome.
Program Activity Fund Basic Research
Description: This program activity invests in discovery through grants focusing on basic research activities. | ||
Expected Result: The discovery, innovation and training capability of university researchers in the natural sciences and engineering is enhanced by the provision of support for on-going programs of basic research. | ||
Indicators | Results | Performance Status |
Financial Resources ($ millions) 2008-09 |
Human Resources (Full-Time Equivalents) 2008-09 |
Planned Spending |
Total Authorities |
Actual Spending | Planned | Actual | Difference |
379.4 | 381.3 | 375.6 | 122 | 127 | +5 |
The main program under this activity is the Discovery Grants program. This program is the mainstay of support for university-based research. The program provides funding for ongoing programs of research. Researchers are free to work in the mode most appropriate for the research area and they may pursue new research interests provided they are within NSERC’s mandate. To be funded, they must demonstrate both research excellence and high productivity, and contributions to the training of HQP.
One of the first tangible outcomes of an investment in university R&D is a publication in a scientific or engineering journal. Since the vast majority (nearly 90%) of Canada’s scientific and engineering publications are produced by university researchers, publications are a good indicator of the immediate outcome from NSERC research funding and can be used to benchmark our performance against the rest of the world.
Canada is among an elite group of countries publishing a significant number of articles in science and engineering journals. Since the beginning of the century, Canadian researchers (all sectors) in the natural sciences and engineering (NSE) have increased their annual production of publications from roughly 20,000 per year to current averages of approximately 25,000 publications per year, as shown in Figure 2.6. Overall, Canada’s world share of NSE papers stood at 4.4% in 2007, ranking eighth in the world.
Indicators of productivity as they relate to scientific publication production can also be useful. One indicator is a measure of a country’s output of NSE publications per capita population. Figure 2.7 presents the 2007 per capita output per one million inhabitants for the G8. Using this criterion, Canada has the highest per capita output.
Similar to common rating systems, in which a higher score indicates more viewers, listeners or readers, citations are a measure of the potential use of a researcher’s work by fellow researchers. If a researcher’s work is being referenced or cited more often by his/her peers, then there may be more intrinsic value to the work. Based on the number of citations received by papers over the three years following the publication year, a standardized measure called the Average Relative Citation Factor (ARC) is then calculated for each country and field and normalized to 1.0 to indicate the world average. Figure 2.8 presents the ARC values for the G8 in the NSE in 2007. Canada’s ARC in the NSE ranks 5th and is only slightly behind the top four countries.
In 2007, member countries of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) spent $180 billion on university research. Canadian university professors and students performed 6.1% of this total. When measured as a percentage of GDP, Canada spends more on university research than all of its G8 competitors (see Figure 2.9).
Program Activity Support for Research Equipment and Major Resources
Description: This program activity helps to support the establishment, maintenance and operation of the research equipment, major research resources and research capacity necessary to carry out high quality research in the natural sciences and engineering. | ||
Expected Result: The discovery, innovation and training capability of university researchers in the natural sciences and engineering is supported by the access to research equipment and major regional or national research facilities. | ||
Indicators | Results | Performance Status |
Financial Resources ($ millions) 2008-09 |
Human Resources (Full-Time Equivalents) 2008-09 |
Planned Spending |
Total Authorities |
Actual Spending | Planned | Actual | Difference |
41.5 | 54.4 | 76.5 | 23 | 23 | 0 |
The key programs under this program activity are:
Some of the major findings from a recent evaluation of NSERC’s Research Tools and Instruments (RTI), and the Major Resources Support (MRS) programs are presented below:
Wealth is created when Canadians add value in producing goods and services that are sold in world markets and knowledge is the modern basis for adding value. NSERC aims to maximize the value of public investments in research for the benefit of all Canadians by promoting research-based innovation, university-industry partnerships, knowledge and technology transfer activities and the training of people with the required scientific and business skill sets to create wealth from new discoveries in the NSE. The following provides details of NSERC’s performance for the three program activities that fall under this strategic outcome.
Program Activity Fund Research in Strategic Areas
Description: This program activity funds research in areas of national importance and in emerging areas that are of potential significance to Canada. | ||
Expected Result: Research and training in targeted and emerging areas of national importance is accelerated. | ||
Indicators | Results | Performance Status |
Financial Resources ($ millions) 2008-09 |
Human Resources (Full-Time Equivalents) 2008-09 |
Planned Spending |
Total Authorities |
Actual Spending | Planned | Actual | Difference |
104.5 | 116.6 | 84.3 | 36 | 35 | -1 |
The key programs under this activity and the Strategic Partnerships are:
The Strategic Partnerships Programs are designed to focus on priorities (NSERC Strategic Target Areas) and so provide an excellent framework to implement the S&T Strategy. An analysis of the 2008-09 Strategic Partnerships Program grants indicated that more than 90% of program funding was devoted to government priority areas.
In 2008-09, a total of $47.3M was leveraged from partners in Strategic Partnerships grants versus NSERC’s funding of $84.3M. Given the pre-competitive nature of Strategic Partnership grants, the resulting leverage ratio of 56% indicates excellent partner participation. The number of industrial partners in these programs continues to grow and in 2008-09 stood at 487, for a 40% increase over the past five years (see Figure 2.10).
In a five-year follow-up of NSERC’s Strategic Project grants, interviews were conducted with a total of 127 partners (67% response rate) from either industry or government. Some of the highlights from the survey are presented below:
Program Activity Fund University-Industry-Government Partnerships
Description: This program activity fosters collaborations between university researchers and other sectors, including government and industry, in order to develop new knowledge and expertise, and to transfer this knowledge and expertise to Canadian-based organizations. | ||
Expected Result: Mutually beneficial collaborations between the private sector and researchers in universities, resulting in industrial or economic benefits to Canada. | ||
Indicators | Results | Performance Status |
Financial Resources ($ millions) 2008-09 |
Human Resources (Full-Time Equivalents) 2008-09 |
Planned Spending |
Total Authorities |
Actual Spending | Planned | Actual | Difference |
139.5 | 131.7 | 168.9 | 77 | 71 | -6 |
The key programs under this program activity are:
The Collaborative Research and Development (CRD) program is intended to give companies operating from a Canadian base access to the special knowledge, expertise and educational resources at Canadian postsecondary institutions and to offer opportunities for mutually beneficial collaborations that result in industrial or economic benefits to Canada. The industrial partners also contribute financially to the university research projects. A comparison of NSERC funding to industry contributions for the CRD program is presented in Figure 2.12.
NSERC tracks the outcomes of its Collaborative Research and Development (CRD) program by following-up with researchers and partners. Results from the latest follow-ups are described below:
The number of firms participating in the CRD program continues to grow and stood at 548 in 2008-09, a 23% increase over the past five years (see Figure 2.13). Hundreds of firms have been partners on several projects indicating a continued interest and sustained benefits derived from their collaboration with universities.
Some of the findings from a recent evaluation of the Networks of Centres of Excellence program (report is available at were:
Program Activity Support Commercialization
Description: This program activity supports innovation and promotes the transfer of knowledge and technology to Canadian companies. | ||
Expected Result: The transfer of knowledge and technology residing in Canadian universities and colleges to the user sector is facilitated. | ||
Indicator | Results | Performance Status |
Financial Resources ($ millions) 2008-09 |
Human Resources (Full-Time Equivalents) 2008-09 |
Planned Spending |
Total Authorities |
Actual Spending | Planned | Actual | Difference |
14.0 | 14.4 | 15.6 | 4 | 10 | +6 |
The key programs under this program activity are:
Statistics Canada currently conducts a survey of intellectual property (IP) commercialization in the university sector every year. The key results from the first six surveys are highlighted in Figure 2.18. The survey data are confidential and it is therefore impossible to link the outcomes in the figure below to NSERC funding. However, from NSERC’s analysis of patents and publications, it is highly likely that the majority would be attributable to NSERC funding (all NSERC funding and not just the programs under this program activity). The sizeable increases seen over the six-year period for most of the commercialization activities presented is a positive result.
Commercialization Activity | 1999 | 2001 | 2003 | 2004 | 2005 | 2006 |
Inventions disclosed | 829 | 1,105 | 1,133 | 1,432 | 1,452 | 1,356 |
Inventions protected | 509 | 682 | 597 | 629 | 761 | 707 |
New patent applications | 616 | 932 | 1,252 | 1,264 | 1,410 | 1,442 |
Patents issued | 325 | 381 | 347 | 397 | 374 | 339 |
Total patents held | 1,826 | 2,133 | 3,047 | 3,827 | 3,961 | 4,784 |
New licences | 218 | 320 | 422 | 494 | 621 | 437 |
Total active licences | 1,109 | 1,338 | 1,756 | 2,022 | 2,836 | 2,038 |
Royalties from licensing ($M) | $18.9 | $52.5 | $55.5 | $51.2 | $55.2 | $59.7 |
Total spin-off companies | 454 | 680 | 876 | 968 | 1,027 | 1,103 |
Source: Statistics Canada |
By way of example of university spin-off companies, NSERC engages in a detailed biannual study to uncover firms that were created based on university research. The start-up companies uncovered have all been founded on results of research funded partially by NSERC. The 154 start-up companies featured in Figure 2.15 are currently in the business of producing goods and services for Canadian and international markets. Combined, these companies employ nearly 18,000 Canadians and generate $3.9 billion in annual sales/revenue.