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Table 10: Response to Parliamentary Committees and External Audits
The Common Drug Review - HESA Report released December 12, 2007; federal Response tabled April 8, 2008
Committee members heard testimony on the Common Drug Review's performance and mandate, from the pharmaceutical industry, patient groups, FPT governments, health professionals, academics, and CADTH officials. The Committee's report, released in December 2007, was generally positive about the role that the CDR plays in the public formulary listing process, while recognizing areas for improvement. The Committee made five recommendations pertaining to the issues of accountability, transparency, public involvement, appeals, and special processes for select types of drugs. The Committee recognized that the federal government is only a part owner of the CDR and as such called on the federal government to work with its PT counterparts to adress the recommendations. The federal response was tabled on April 8, 2008, in which the federal government acknowledged the importance of the issues raised in the report, and committed to discussing the report's recommendations with participating PTs, the CDR, and other stakeholders as appropriate. The response outlined federal perspectives on the recommendations, as a basis for those discussions.
Link to Report and Response