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ARCHIVED - Registry of the Competition Tribunal

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Organizational Information

The Competition Tribunal is composed of not more than six judicial members, who are appointed by the Minister of Justice, and not more than eight non-judicial members, who are appointed by the Minister of Industry. Non-judicial members have backgrounds in economics, business, accounting and other relevant fields. Figure 1 shows the Tribunal's organizational structure.

The RCT has been designated a department for the purposes of the Financial Administration Act, with the Minister of Industry as its minister and the Registrar of the Tribunal its deputy head. The Registry has 14 full-time employees and provides all necessary administrative support required by the Tribunal for the hearing and disposition of all applications. The Registry responds to all requests for information by the legal community, researchers and the public on the status of cases, the Competition Tribunal Rules and its case law.

Improving Management Practices

Sharing of resources

The RCT entered into a partnership with another small federal organization to share the services of a Financial Analyst and of an Information Management and Technology Officer. This has proven to be very efficient and cost effective for the organizations involved.

The RCT continued its active involvement with the Small Agency Transition Support Team (SATST). The Deputy Head is a member of the Advisory Committee of the Heads of Federal Agencies looking at a Service Delivery Model to assist small agencies in meeting their reporting obligations to central agencies.

Tightening Budgeting and Reporting Practices

The budgeting and reporting practices of the RCT has improved over the year. Improved month-end internal procedures such as reconciliation of accounts and implementation of new templates and documentation of procedures have increased the accuracy of month-end reports submitted to the Receiver General. These improvements to internal processes have placed the RCT in a better position to adopt accrual accounting practices.

Human Resources Planning

In line with the objectives of the Clerk of the Privy Council, the RCT focused its efforts in improving its human resources planning. A Human Resources Plan with staffing strategies for every position was developed and approved. This provides employees a clear objective as to the direction management is moving in view of retaining current employees and attracting new people in the organization.

Employee Learning and Development

The Canada School of Public Service was invited to present and demonstrate the use of their on-line Learning Plan Tool. Learning plans were developed and approved by management and financial resources were set aside to support employees in attaining their learning objectives.

Enabling Legislation

Competition Tribunal Act, R.S.C. 1985 (2nd Supp.), c.19

Part VII.1, Competition Act, R.S.C. 1985, c. C-34

Part VIII, Competition Act, R.S.C. 1985, c. C-34

For Further Information

Registry of the Competition Tribunal

600-90 Sparks Street

Ottawa, ON K1P 5B4

Registrar: (613) 957-7851

Office Manager: (613) 954-0469

Senior Legal Advisor: (613) 954-0479

Facsimile: (613) 957-3170

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