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Internal Audits or Evaluations
No audits have been set as the Agency has only had financial signing authority since February 14, 2007. The Agency is required to comply with the Treasury Board's Internal Audit Policy and related directives as applicable. The Agency reports on the performance of all its initiatives on a regular basis through Main Estimates, using the Report on Plans and Priorities and the Agency's Performance Report. The preliminary Program Activity Architecture (PAA) has been developed for AHRC and will be used to build the Management Resources and Results Structure (MRRS) for the Agency, as a vehicle to report performance.
As a new organization, AHRC focussed on building the infrastructure of the Agency. Subsequently, performance indicators are anticipated to be developed in accordance with the coming into force of regulatory instruments under the AHR Act, to gauge and report on progress towards fulfilling the Agency's legislated and regulatory mandate.
The President of the Agency, being the chief executive officer of the Agency, is responsible for the effective management, direction and control of the Agency, including an obligation to ensure that resources allocated for purposes of the Agency are managed well, are being used for priorities identified by Ministers, and are achieving results for Canadians.