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ARCHIVED - Canada Revenue Agency
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Travel Policies
Comparison to the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat Special Travel Authorities
Travel Policy of the Canada Revenue Agency (Module 6)
Authority: Canada Revenue Agency Act (1999, c. 17) 30. (1)
Coverage: Applies to all employees and other persons travelling on Canada Revenue Agency (
CRA) business, including training. It does not apply to those persons whose travel is governed by other authorities.
Principal difference(s) in policy provisions: None
Principal financial implications of the difference(s): None
Comparison to the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat Travel Directive, Rates and Allowances
Travel Policy of the Canada Revenue Agency
Authority: Canada Revenue Agency Act ( 1999, c. 17 ) 30. (1)
Coverage: Applies to all employees and other persons travelling on Canada Revenue Agency ( CRA) business, including training. It does not apply to those persons whose travel is governed by other authorities.
Principal difference(s) in policy provisions:
Meal and incidental allowances
Incidental expense allowance is $17.30 per day
Incidental expense allowance is $17.50 per day
Reduced to 75% at day 31 when occupying corporate, apartment hotel, or private accommodation
Reduced to 75% as of day 61 and to 50% as of day 121 in travel status (if period known at the outset, reduced rate to be applied from day 1)
Reimbursement of actual cost of a meal (up to the applicable meal allowance) within the headquarters area
When reimbursement of meal expenses is clearly reasonable and justifiable as a direct result of an employee's duties
At the manager's discretion, in situations specified in the Policy, and in certain exceptional circumstances
Reimbursement of Interac fees on personal access cards
For withdrawals of cash as reasonably required on the trip
Principal financial implications of the difference(s): No implication