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Table 5: Foundations (Conditional Grants)

Industry Canada is responsible for administering funding agreements with the following foundations. Further information on these projects can be found at

An Innovative Economy

  • Canada Foundation for Innovation
  • Canadian Institute for Advanced Research
  • CANARIE Network (formerly CANARIE–CA*net 5)
  • Council of Canadian Academies
  • Genome Canada
  • Trudeau Foundation
  • Perimeter Institute
  • Precarn Incorporated, Phase 4
  • Seven Centres of Excellence

Competitive Industry and Sustainable Communities

  • Canadian Youth Business Foundation

An Innovative Economy

Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI)
Start Date: April 25, 1997 End Date: 2012 Total Funding: $4.24 billion
The CFI funds infrastructure investment to strengthen the capability of Canadian universities, colleges, research hospitals and other not-for-profit institutions to carry out world-class research.
Strategic Outcome:
An innovative economy
Summary of Results Achieved by the Recipient:
CFI-funded infrastructure projects are located in 64 municipalities across Canada. Increasingly, researchers from elsewhere in the host province and abroad are using this infrastructure, which serves as a magnet for investment and talent. The CFI supports national S&T objectives and strengthens Canada's capacity for innovation by:
  • Supporting economic growth and job creation, as well as health and environmental quality through innovation
  • Increasing Canada's capability to carry out important world-class scientific research and technology development
  • Expanding research and job opportunities for young Canadians
  • Promoting productive networks and collaboration among Canadian post-secondary educational institutions, research hospitals, and the private sector
(in thousands of dollars) Actual Spending
Actual Spending
Total Authorities
Actual Spending
Variances Between Planned Spending and Actual Spending
Program Activity: Policy Sector – Science and Technology (S&T) and Innovation 26,700 26,700 26,700
Comment(s) on Variance(s):
Not Applicable
Significant Evaluation Findings and URL(s) to Last Evaluation(s) / Future Plans:
CFI has scheduled the following evaluation activities for 2008–09:
  • Overall Performance Evaluation to commence in 2008
  • Need for New/Renewal of Research Infrastructure to begin in 2009 (Special Study)
  • International Comparison Study to be finalized by March 2009 (Special Study)
  • Six to nine Outcome Measurement Study visits to be completed by March 2009
Other evaluation activities include:
  • Annual analysis of project reports from more than 3,000 projects
  • Evaluation of New Opportunities Fund (NOF) conducted in June 2007
Significant Audit Findings and URL(s) to Last Audit(s) / Future Plans:
CFI has scheduled the following audit activities for 2008–09:
  • Value-for-Money (Performance) Audit to start in 2008
  • Financial statement audit (annually)
  • Contributions Audits – CFI-funded projects (annually)
Recipient's Website:
Canada Foundation for Innovation
Recipient's Annual Report:


Canadian Institute for Advanced Research (CIFAR)
Start Date: April 1, 2002 End Date: March 31, 2012 Total Funding: $50 million
CIFAR is a not-for-profit corporation that supports networks of some of the best Canadian and international researchers in conducting long-term research on scientific, social and economic issues of vital importance to Canada.
Strategic Outcome:
An innovative economy
Summary of Results Achieved by the Recipient:
A new funding agreement was signed between CIFAR and the Minister of Industry in 2007, fulfilling the 2007 Budget commitment to provide CIFAR with an additional $10 million over two years. This funding allows CIFAR to continue supporting research across its 12 innovative research programs with their 266 program members. These programs include quantum information processing, genetic networks and integrated microbial biodiversity.
(in thousands of dollars) Actual Spending
Actual Spending
Total Authorities
Actual Spending
Variances Between Planned Spending and Actual Spending
Program Activity: Policy Sector – Science and Technology (S&T) and Innovation 5,000 5,000 (5,000)
Comment(s) on Variance(s):
Not Applicable
Significant Evaluation Findings and URL(s) to Last Evaluation(s) / Future Plans:
An evaluation was not conducted in 2007–08.

However, the unique and strategic nature of CIFAR and its impressive track record were confirmed in an independent evaluation completed by BearingPoint in March 2005. The evaluation concluded that CIFAR is a successful, well-managed organization and that it has contributed to strengthening Canada's innovation system through the development of linkages between researchers and potential users of research knowledge, by raising the awareness of key players in the innovation system of the importance of research and through strengthening Canada's base of highly qualified researchers.

The next program evaluation is due to the Minister by June 30, 2010.
Significant Audit Findings and URL(s) to Last Audit(s) / Future Plans:
CIFAR provides to the Minister an annual report that contains audited financial statements. It met its obligations under the previous Funding Agreement.
Recipient's Website:
Recipient's Annual Report:
CIFAR Annual Report


Start Date: April 1, 2007 End Date: March 31, 2012 Total Funding: $120 million
CANARIE Inc. operates and develops Canada's advanced, high speed backbone network that facilitates the development and use of next-generation technologies. In partnership with advanced research networks in every province, it connects research facilities, educational institutions, hospitals and other science facilities to each other and to their international peers. It is an essential tool for researchers and scientists engaged in collaborative work.
Strategic Outcome:
An innovative economy
Summary of Results Achieved by the Recipient:
Achievements included the transition to a new backbone network and the launch of the Infrastructure Extension Program and the Network-Enabled Platforms Program. These programs support CANARIE Inc. objectives to expand and upgrade the advanced research network and to develop, demonstrate and implement next-generation technologies. CANARIE Inc. continued to work with partners such as provincial networks, federal labs, academia, the private sector, as well as international peer networks, to promote network development and innovation, identify technology and policy issues and facilitate collaboration.
(in thousands of dollars) Actual Spending 2005–06 Actual Spending 2006–07 Planned
Spending 2007–08
Total Authorities 2007–08 Actual Spending 2007–08 Variances Between Planned Spending and Actual Spending
Program Activity: Spectrum, Information Technologies and Telecommunication Sector – S&T and Innovation 24,000 24,000 15,000 15,000 9,000
Comment(s) on Variance(s):
The $15 million payment is the second instalment of the $120 million conditional grant for CANARIE's Advanced Network.
Significant Evaluation Findings and URL(s) to Last Evaluation(s) / Future Plans:
Industry Canada, in collaboration with the CANARIE Board of Directors, has commissioned a study to review the key issues and possible options on the future evolution of CANARIE Inc., based on potential changes to its mandate, funding support, financing and organizational models.

A program evaluation and performance audit will be undertaken by CANARIE Inc. prior to the end of the program.
Significant Audit Findings and URL(s) to Last Audit(s) / Future Plans:
At the request of Industry Canada, a compliance audit of the CANARIE Inc. grant began in January 2008 and will be completed by June 30, 2008.
Recipient’s Website:
Recipient’s Annual Report:
CANARIE 2007–2008 Annual Report


Council of Canadian Academies (CCA)
Start Date: July 2005 End Date: 2015 Total Funding: $30 million
The Council of Canadian Academies is an arm’s length, not-for-profit organization that was established to assess the state of scientific knowledge underpinning key public policy issues. Its founding members are the Royal Society of Canada, the Canadian Academy of Engineering and the Canadian Academy of Health Sciences. The Government of Canada provided a $30 million one-time conditional grant in July 2005 from Budget 2005, which entitles the government to five assessments per year at no additional cost. Each assessment will likely take 18 months to two years to complete.
Strategic Outcome:
An innovative economy
Summary of Results Achieved by the Recipient:
The CCA released the assessment report Influenza Transmission and the Role of Personal Protective Respiratory Equipment: An Assessment of the Evidence in December 2007. This assessment will be used to update the Canadian Pandemic Influenza Plan for the Health Sector. The report has been noted by provincial health care organizations (notably in British Columbia and Ontario) and received media coverage in specialized publications in Canada and abroad (Europe).

CCA assessments are under way on the following topics: groundwater in Canada; gas hydrates as an energy source; potential risks of nanotechnology; private sector innovation in Canada; strengths and weaknesses of the university-based research community in the areas of management, business and finance.
(in thousands of dollars) Actual Spending 2005–06 Actual Spending 2006–07 Planned Spending 2007–08 Total Authorities 2007–08 Actual Spending 2007–08 Variances Between Planned Spending and Actual Spending
Program Activity: Policy Sector – Science and Technology (S&T) and Innovation 30,000
Comment(s) on Variance(s):
Not Applicable
Significant Evaluation Findings and URL(s) to Last Evaluation(s) / Future Plans:
Significant Audit Findings and URL(s) to Last Audit(s) / Future Plans:
A compliance audit of the Funding Agreement with the CCA was conducted in the summer of 2007, covering the period from the date of the signing of the agreement to March 31, 2007. The CCA was found to be in compliance with most of the requirements of the Funding Agreement. Areas of opportunities for improvement were identified. Industry Canada worked with the CCA in developing a Management Response and an Action Plan to respond to these recommendations.
Recipient’s Website:
Council of Canadian Academies
Recipient’s Annual Report:
CCA Annual Report 2007/2008


Genome Canada
Start Date: March 2000 End Date: March 2013 Total Funding: $840 million
Genome Canada is an independent corporation with six regional genomics centres across Canada. Genome Canada, the primary funding and information resource concerned with genomics and proteomics in Canada, is enabling Canada to become a world leader in key areas of genomics research such as agriculture, environment, fisheries, forestry, health and new technology development, as well as ethical, environmental, economic, legal and social issues related to genomics.
Strategic Outcome:
An innovative economy
Summary of Results Achieved by the Recipient:
In 2007–08, the projects funded through Genome Canada’s Applied Genomics Research in Human Health Competition were successfully completed, as were the international Bovine Sequencing Project and the Genome Canada/Genome Spain Joint Project in Human Health, Plants and Aquaculture and projects supported to respond to the emerging C. difficile issue. Workshops in Swine Genomics and GE3LS and the 2nd Genome Canada International Conference were also completed.

Genome Canada’s New Technology Development competition announced new funding for 11 large-scale projects, and position papers in applied genomics research in agricultural crops, Bioenergy and Bioproducts were identified and will be supported from funds received in Budget 2008.

Researchers at Memorial University have discovered the gene responsible for Arrhythmogenic Right Ventricular Cardiomyopathy (ARVC), a deadly genetic heart condition that is highly predominant in the Province of Newfoundland and Labrador. ARVC is one of 28 genetic conditions being studied as part of the Atlantic Medical Genetics and Genomics initiative, a project focused on identifying genetic mutations underlying familial disorders arising in populations and communities throughout the Atlantic provinces. This project was made possible through Genome Canada's Competition III funding.
(in thousands of dollars) Actual Spending 2005–06 Actual Spending 2006–07 Planned Spending 2007–08 Total Authorities 2007–08 Actual Spending 2007–08 Variances Between Planned Spending and Actual Spending
Program Activity: Industry Sector – S&T and Innovation 165,000 6,700 6,700 (6,700)
Comment(s) on Variance(s):
Not Applicable
Significant Evaluation Findings and URL(s) to Last Evaluation(s) / Future Plans:
No evaluations were completed in 2007–08.
Significant Audit Findings and URL(s) to Last Audit(s) / Future Plans:
No audits were completed in 2007–08. A Performance Audit is scheduled for 2008–09. 
Recipient’s Website:
Genome Canada
Recipient’s Annual Report:
Genome Canada 2007–08 Annual Report


Trudeau Foundation5
Start Date: March 31, 2002 End Date: Ongoing Total Funding: $125 million
The goal of the Trudeau Foundation is to support research and the dissemination of research findings in the humanities and human sciences, such as Canadian studies, history, international relations, journalism, law, peace and conflict studies, philosophy, political economy, political science, sociology and urban and community studies.
Strategic Outcome:
An innovative economy
Summary of Results Achieved by the Recipient:
As required by the Funding Agreement, the Trudeau Foundation provided nine mentorships, 15 scholarships and five fellowships. In addition, under its Public Interaction Program, the Foundation hosted events designed to facilitate knowledge dissemination, such as the Annual Trudeau Conference on Public Policy and the Mentors-Scholars Retreat.
(in thousands of dollars) Actual Spending 2005–06 Actual Spending 2006–07 Planned Spending 2007–08 Total Authorities 2007–08 Actual Spending 2007–08 Variances Between Planned Spending and Actual Spending
Program Activity: Policy Sector – Science and Technology (S&T) and Innovation
Comment(s) on Variance(s):
Not Applicable
Significant Evaluation Findings and URL(s) to Last Evaluation(s) / Future Plans:
Although not required, the Foundation chose to undertake a preliminary evaluation in 2005 to ensure that it was meeting its objectives under the Funding Agreement. The evaluation was very thorough and many of its recommendations have already been implemented. The Summative Evaluation is due March 31, 2009.
Significant Audit Findings and URL(s) to Last Audit(s) / Future Plans:
The Trudeau Foundation provides an annual report to the Minister that contains audited financial statements. It has met its obligations under the Funding Agreement.
Recipient’s Website:
Trudeau Foundation
Recipient’s Annual Report:
Trudeau Foundation Annual Report

5 Previously referred to as the Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation.

Perimeter Institute
Start Date: 2007 End Date: 2012 Total Funding: $50 million
The Perimeter Institute is an independent, resident-based research institute devoted to foundational issues in theoretical physics at the highest levels of international excellence.
Strategic Outcome:
An innovative economy
Summary of Results Achieved by the Recipient:
In 2007–08, the Perimeter Institute continued to offer a dynamic, multidisciplinary environment with maximum research freedom, collaboration opportunities, and growing scientific programs. It has increased its research activities, expanded its educational programs and products reaching for students, teachers and the general public.
  • Researchers in the Institute’s six research programs contributed 128 new publications that received 326 citations.
  • 16 post-doctoral fellows from the world’s leading institutions were selected to join the Institute.
  • A new Sabbatical Leave Program was launched, enticing 15 leading researchers to spend leaves of absence at the Institute.
  • The Institute hosted 22 conferences, workshops and summer schools and presented over 190 scientific talks.
  • The Institute developed PIRSA (Perimeter Institute Recorded Seminar Archive) as a leading international archive resource for recorded seminars.
(in thousands of dollars) Actual Spending 2005–06 Actual Spending 2006–07 Planned Spending 2007–08 Total Authorities 2007–08 Actual Spending 2007–08 Variances Between Planned Spending and Actual Spending
Program Activity: Policy Sector – Science and Technology (S&T) and Innovation 10,543 10,543 (10,543)
Comment(s) on Variance(s):
Not Applicable
Significant Evaluation Findings and URL(s) to Last Evaluation(s) / Future Plans:
No evaluations relative to this funding have yet been conducted. However, an evaluation will be completed by March 31, 2011.
Significant Audit Findings and URL(s) to Last Audit(s) / Future Plans:
No audits relative to this funding have yet been conducted. However, a performance audit will be conducted by June 30, 2010.
Recipient’s Website:
Perimeter Institute
Recipient’s Annual Report:
Not Available


Precarn Incorporated, Phase 4
Start Date: April 1, 2005 End Date: March 2010 Total Funding: $20 million
Precarn Inc. is Canada’s national organization for the development and commercialization of intelligent systems and robotics. To commercialize R&D, Precarn Inc. employs a partnership model with a private sector technology developer that enters into a collaborative relationship with both an end-user of the technology and a university or research institute.
Strategic Outcome:
An innovative economy
Summary of Results Achieved by the Recipient:
In 2007–08, Precarn Inc. funded 12 new pre-competitive R&D projects in the fields of intelligent systems and advanced robotics across the country for a total of $4.4 million. In 2007, over 400 private sector researchers and staff were actively engaged in Precarn Inc. projects.
(in thousands of dollars) Actual Spending 2005–06 Actual Spending 2006–07 Planned Spending 2007–08 Total Authorities 2007–08 Actual Spending 2007–08 Variances Between Planned Spending and Actual Spending
Program Activity: Spectrum, Information Technologies and Telecommunications Sector – S&T and Innovation 20,000
Comment(s) on Variance(s):
Precarn Inc. was given a conditional lump sum grant of $20 million for the five-year period 2005–10, with no indication of expected annual expenditures for individual years within that period. Precarn Inc. reports its financial activities according to its Phase 4 Funding Agreement, which includes an Evaluation and Audit Plan.
Significant Evaluation Findings and URL(s) to Last Evaluation(s) / Future Plans:
Summative evaluation to the Minister to be completed by March 31, 2010.
Significant Audit Findings and URL(s) to Last Audit(s) / Future Plans:
Precarn Inc.’s annual audit for 2007–08 has been reviewed by Precarn’s Board of Directors, final publication pending official release by auditors.
Recipient’s Website:
Precarn Incorporated
Recipient’s Annual Report:
Not Available


Seven Centres of Excellence
Centre of Excellence:
  1. University of British Columbia (Brain Research Centre)
Start Date:

April 2008

End Date:

March 2012

Total Funding:

$15 million

      2. St. Michael’s
          Hospital (Li Ka
          Shing Knowledge
January 2008 March 2011 $15 million
      3. Dalhousie
          University (Life
January 2008 March 2011 $15 million
      4. Canada School of
          Energy and
April 2008 March 2010 $15 million
      5. Heart and Stroke
          Foundation of
          Ontario (Heart
          and Stroke
          Foundation Centre
          for Stroke
April 2008 March 2012 $15 million
      6. National Optics
April 2008 March 2011 $15 million
      7. McGill University
April 2008 March 2010 $15 million
The federal government announced a total of $105 million in 2007–08 to Seven Centres of Excellence in areas where Canada has potential to be a world leader, such as energy, environmental technologies, information technologies and health sciences.
Strategic Outcome:
An innovative economy
Summary of Results Achieved by the Recipient:
As Centres received their funding in April 2008, there are no results to report yet relative to 2007–08.
(in thousands of dollars) Actual Spending 2005–06 Actual Spending 2006–07 Planned Spending 2007–08 Total Authorities 2007–08 Actual Spending 2007–08 Variances Between Planned Spending and Actual Spending
Program Activity: Policy Sector – Science and Technology (S&T) and Innovation 10,500 10,500 (10,500)
Comment(s) on Variance(s):
Not Applicable
Significant Evaluation Findings and URL(s) to Last Evaluation(s) / Future Plans:
No evaluations relative to this funding have been conducted and none are yet planned.
Significant Audit Findings and URL(s) to Last Audit(s) / Future Plans:
No audits relative to this funding have been conducted and none are yet planned.
Recipient’s Website:
  1. Brain Research Centre
  2. Li Ka Shin Knowledge Institute
  3. Life Sciences Research Institute
  4. None
  5. Heart and Stroke Foundation
  6. INO
  7. Montreal Neurological Institute and Hospital
Recipient’s Annual Report:
  1. Brain Research Centre - Annual Report 2007
  2. St. Michael's Hospital - 2005 Annual Report
  3. Not Available
  4. Not Available
  5. Heart and Stroke Foundation - Annual Report 2007
  7. Not Available


Competitive Industry and Sustainable Communities

Canadian Youth Business Foundation (CYBF)
Start Date: April 1, 2002 End Date: September 2009 Total Funding: $17.5 million
The goal of CYBF is to support and develop youth entrepreneurship. The youth business program provides loans, mentorship support and an interactive website to entrepreneurs between 18 and 34 years of age.
Strategic Outcome:
Competitive industry and sustainable communities
Summary of Results Achieved by the Recipient:
Two lump sum payments of $7.5 million 2002–04 and $10 million 2005–09 (in thousands of dollars) Actual Spending 2005–06 Actual Spending 2006–07 Planned Spending 2007–08 Total Authorities 2007–08 Actual Spending 2007–08 Variances Between Planned Spending and Actual Spending
Program Activity: Operations Sector – Economic Development 10,000
Comment(s) on Variance(s):
Not Applicable
Significant Evaluation Findings and URL(s) to Last Evaluation(s) / Future Plans:
The formative evaluation has indicated that CYBF is cost effective and efficient. There will be a final evaluation in the fall of 2009.
Significant Audit Findings and URL(s) to Last Audit(s) / Future Plans:
The compliance audit report demonstrated that CYBF is meeting the majority of the Funding Agreement requirements.
Recipient’s Website:
Recipient’s Annual Report:
CYBF – 2006 Annual Report