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The Department has established a coordinated strategic framework to maximize participation by official-language minority communities in existing federal economic development programs and services. This framework integrates the government's Action Plan for Official Languages. Industry Canada and the four regional development agencies continued implementation of this plan in 2006-07. In addition, work continued on a major research effort on minority communities, and consultations strengthened partnerships with them.
During the past year, Industry Canada's commitment to official-language minority communities has been strengthened through a number of key activities. A dialogue has been maintained, on an ongoing basis and at various levels, to better understand the priorities and challenges that official-language minority communities are facing. In particular, Industry Canada's network of regional advisors and coordinators is dedicated to working exclusively with these communities and has been reinforced with new communications tools. At the same time, Industry Canada has continued awareness-building efforts internally as well as externally to ensure that managers and community leaders are informed about community needs and evolving programs. A formative evaluation was completed on all departmental programs, activities and projects that have been implemented to support the economic development of official-language minority communities. The recommendations were accepted and are being enacted. A DVD was also developed that features interactive geographic maps showing the locations of official-language minority communities across the country, using Statistics Canada data. This tool will provide a more comprehensive statistical portrait of the communities to help the Department determine future initiatives.
Throughout all of these activities, as well as in other efforts, Industry Canada has strengthened partnerships with the regional development agencies to ensure a coordinated presence within official-language minority communities.
Industry Canada's organizational chart illustrates the Department's accountability structure.
The Department's organizational chart shown above reflects a number of recent organizational changes that are outlined in further detail below. It is important to note that the 2006-07 DPR does not reflect this new organizational structure. The organizational changes include the following:
In 2006-07, changes in the machinery of government affected Industry Canada and its Portfolio in the following ways: