Appendix B - University Based Centres of Excellence in Evaluation Descriptions
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- Centre for Policy and Program Assessment, CARLETON UNIVERSITY
- Institute of Organizational and Program Evaluation Research (IOPER), CLAREMONT GRADUATE UNIVERSITY
- GEORGE WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY, Center for Equity and Excellence in Education (CEEE)
- Harvard Family Research Project HFRP), Harvard Graduate School of Education, HARVARD UNIVERSITY
- Centre for Evaluation and Education Policy (CEEP), INDIANA UNIVERSITY
- Center for Public Policy Evaluation, MASSEY UNIVERSITY
- Centre for the Advancement of Measurement, Evaluation, Research & Assessment, ONTARIO INSTITUTE FOR STUDIES IN EDUCATION OF THE UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO (OISE/UT)
- Social Program Evaluation Group, QUEENS UNIVERSITY
- Collaborative Institute for Research, Consulting and Learning in Evaluation (CIRCLE), RMIT UNIVERSITY
- Health Economics Research Unit (HERU), UNIVERSITY OF ABERDEEN
- The Institute for Advanced Policy Research, UNIVERSITY OF CALGARY
- Center for Research on Evaluation, Standards, and Student Testing (CRESST), UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA AT LOS ANGELES
- Centre for Applied Research in Education (CARE), UNIVERSITY OF EAST ANGLIA
- Center for Instructional Research and Curriculum Evaluation, UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN
- Iowa Center for Evaluation Research, College of Public Health, UNIVERSITY OF IOWA
- Centre for Program Evaluation (CPE), UNIVERSITY OF MELBOURNE
- Center for Applied Research and Educational Improvement (CAREI), UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA
- Canadian Research Institute for Social Policy, UNIVERSITY OF NEW BRUNSWICK
- Health Evaluation and Research Office (HERO), UNIVERSITY OF NEW MEXICO
- Evaluation, Assessment & Policy Connections (EvAP), UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA - CHAPEL HILL
- Centre for Research on Community Services, UNIVERSITY OF OTTAWA
- Saskatchewan Population Health and Evaluation Research Unit, UNIVERSITY OF SASKATCHEWAN
- Centre for Health Economics Research and Evaluation (CHERE), UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY, SYDNEY
- Centre for Behavioral Research and Program Evaluation, UNIVERSITY OF WATERLOO
- Program Development and Evaluation (PDE), UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN - EXTENSION
- Centre for Health Economics (CHE), UNIVERSITY OF YORK
- Center for Evaluation Research and Methodology (CERM), Vanderbilt Institute for Public Policy Studies, VANDERBILT UNIVERSITY
- Center for Evaluation and Program Improvement (CEPI), Peabody College, VANDERBILT UNIVERSITY
University-based Evaluation Centre of Excellence or Institute Information Form
Name | Centre for Policy and Program Assessment, CARLETON UNIVERSITY |
Address | Room 1019 Dunton Tower, 1125 Colonel By Drive, Ottawa, ON, K1S 5B6 |
Phone | (613) 520-2547 |
Fax | (613) 520-2551 |
URL | | | |
Head | Susan Phillips |
Mission / Purpose / Function (research, training,
Governments, interest groups, and public organizations of all
kinds are increasingly required to conduct and respond to public
evaluations of their policies and programs and to justify the
continuing need and value of their activities. Universities, as
independent educational and research centres, have a useful role
to play, and a major responsibility to fulfill, in the
assessment of public policies and programs. The Centre for
Policy and Program Assessment at Carleton University exists to
contribute constructively to the education of those involved in
the assessment of public expenditure, regulatory and tax
policies, and programs, and to increase public understanding of
the uses and abuses of such assessments.
Structural arrangements (department / faculty / school /
college affiliation)
Carleton University, School of Public Administration.
Sustainability (sponsorship by government or other, self
funding, other sources)
Sponsorship by government contracts
Human Resources (number faculty, staff, student
Principal activities:
- Evaluation instruction / training (degree or
certificate; undergraduate / graduate; number of students,
professional development workshops)
No direct links to degree programs. No mention of training programs. - Evaluation practice (involvement in doing
evaluation or policy study, student involvement, principal
clients, costing)
applied research experience in, numerous public policy fields and program areas at the federal, provincial urban and international levels of government. - Research on evaluation (publications on evaluation, grant awards)
Relationship to government (federal or state/prov;
nature of relationship)
Provider of service.
University-based Evaluation Centre of Excellence or Institute Information Form
Name | Institute of Organizational and Program Evaluation Research (IOPER), CLAREMONT GRADUATE UNIVERSITY |
Address | 150 E. 10th St, Claremont, California 91711, USA |
Phone | (909) 607-9013 |
Fax | |
URL | | | |
Head | Stewart Donaldson |
Mission / Purpose / Function (research, training,
IOPER is an organized research unit of the School of Behavioral
and Organizational Sciences (SBOS)
The mission of IOPER is to provide services and to conduct
research to improve the effectiveness of a wide range of
programs and organizations. Using "state of the art" scientific
knowledge and methodologies, IOPER has provided applied
research, evaluation, and organizational consulting services to
more than 100 different organizations in the past decade.
Structural arrangements (department / faculty / school /
college affiliation)
School of Behavioral and Organizational Studies
Degree and certificate programs offered through the graduate
Sustainability (sponsorship by government or other, self
funding, other sources)
Not clear. Likely considerable funding derived through self
funding. Free consultation offered. No indication of fees
Fees charged to students and clients for workshops and
degree/certificate programs.
Mention of 'generous donations' to cover off student
Human Resources (number faculty, staff, student
Six faculty members, one staff member (senior research
associate), staff and students are involved on a per project
Principal activities:
- Evaluation instruction / training (degree or
certificate; undergraduate / graduate; number students;
full-time, part-time; limits on enrolment)
Professional Development workshops and symposia
M.A. Co-Concentration Programs
Ph.D. in Evaluation & Applied Research Methods
Non-Residential Certificate Program in Evaluation
No mention about limits on students, student fellowships available
- Evaluation practice (involvement in doing
evaluation or policy study, student involvement, principal
clients, costing)
Program Design & Development
Program Evaluation
Research and Evaluation Design Consultation
Research and Evaluation Proposal Consultation and Evaluation
Human Resource Evaluation
Organizational Evaluation
Needs Assessments
Applied Research in Organizational, Behavioral, and Social Sciences
Organizational Effectiveness Research
Human Resource and Organizational Development
Management Consulting
- Research on evaluation (publications on
evaluation, grant awards)
No list of publications
No list of projects or research grants
Individual faculty members are clearly highly active in publishing in on evaluation
Relationship to government (federal or state/prov;
nature of relationship)
Not clear. No explicit relationship mentioned. No indication of
whether government is a client for services offered.
University-based Evaluation Centre of Excellence or Institute Information Form
Name | Center for Equity and Excellence in Education (CEEE), GEORGE WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY |
Address | 1730 N. Lynn Street, Suite 401, Arlington, Virginia 22209-2004, USA |
Phone | 1 (800) 925-3223 |
Fax | (703) 528-5973 |
URL | | | |
Head | Dr. Charlene Rivera |
Mission / Purpose / Function (research, training,
To advance education reform so that all students achieve high
standards. CEEE provides evidence-based technical assistance and
professional development, and conducts research and evaluation
studies to facilitate education reform and school improvement
Structural Arrangements (department / faculty / school /
college affiliation)
CEEE operates under the umbrella of GW's Institute for Education
Policy Studies within GW's Graduate School of Education and
Human Development
Sustainability (sponsorship by government or other, self
funding, other sources)
No clear mention of sponsorship
No indication of fees charged for training and services
Human Resources (number faculty, staff, student
Director, Assistant Director, 14 research scientists and
associates, and three staff members
Principal Activities:
- Evaluation instruction / training (degree or
certificate; undergraduate / graduate; number students;
full-time, part-time; limits on enrolment)
By way of technical assistance and professional development through seminars, intensive skill training workshops, institutes (continuous or short-term), group awareness workshops, and training of trainers, training is offered in:
· action research
· data analysis
· planning
· problem-solving
· evaluation
No reference to granting of degrees and certification.
- Evaluation practice (involvement in doing
evaluation or policy study, student involvement, principal
clients, costing)
- Policy research: Conducts national and local
policy and applied research focused on issues related to
K-12 education. Study topics include state assessment
policies, school reform, low performing schools, and the
education of English language learners
- Program evaluation: Designs and conducts program
evaluation for states, districts, and schools, and analyzes
policy. CEEE's evaluations center on four types of program
1. Continuous improvement
2. Performance data
3. Implementation studies
4. Field trials of specific educational interventions
- Research on evaluation (publications on
evaluation, grant awards)
Publications include research studies, research briefs, white papers, presentations, and workshop and conference materials addressing K-12 educators
Relationship to Government (federal or state/prov;
nature of relationship)
Service provider/client relationship with state education
agencies, local education agencies, and various offices of the
U.S. Office of Education
University-based Evaluation Centre of Excellence or Institute Information Form
Name | Harvard Family Research Project (HFRP), Harvard Graduate School of Education, HARVARD UNIVERSITY |
Address | 3 Garden Street, Cambridge, MA 02138, USA |
Phone | (617) 495-9108 |
Fax | (617) 495-8594 |
URL | | | |
Head | Heather B. Weiss |
Mission / Purpose / Function (research, training,
Helping philanthropies, policymakers, and practitioners develop
strategies to promote the educational and social success and
well-being of children, families and their communities. As it
guides organizations in planning and assists in problem solving,
· Develops, tests, and communicates methods that promote
continuous improvement and accountability
· Promotes diversity, program and system complexity, and
outcomes measurement and attainment through evaluation practices
· Expands and strengthens the professional development base of
those who work directly with children and families
· Provides policymakers, practitioners, and foundations with
research and information to guide them as they fund new
strategies and strengthen existing initiatives
Structural arrangements (department / faculty / school
/ college affiliation)
Graduate School of Education
Sustainability (sponsorship by government or other,
self funding, other sources)
Private foundations and corporations, public agencies; partial
list of funders provided
No explicit information on fees charged for research services
Human Resources (number faculty, staff, student
Sixteen faculty members and staff, graduate and undergraduate
student assistants
Principal activities:
- Evaluation instruction / training (degree or
certificate; undergraduate / graduate; number of students;
professional development workshops)
Courses offered through Graduate School of Education:
· Program evaluation
· Project planning, evaluation and management
· Formative evaluation
· Evaluation for informed decision-making
· Qualitative and quantitative research courses
- Evaluation practice (involvement in doing
evaluation or policy study, student involvement, principal
clients, costing)
· Family involvement in education
· Works to increase the professional development base of those who work directly with children and youth.
· Evaluation of varied initiatives for foundations, nonprofit organizations and public agencies
· HFRP's regular newsletter, The Evaluation Exchange, provides a range of evaluation information and research, and offers a forum for dialogue among policymakers, program practitioners, educators, and evaluators
- Research on evaluation (publications on
evaluation, grant awards)
Projects list, with project descriptions and publications, available
Relationship to government (federal or state/prov;
nature of relationship)
Service provider/client relationship with local and federal
governments, and community-based organizations
University-based Evaluation Centre of Excellence or Institute Information Form
Name | Centre for Evaluation and Education Policy (CEEP), INDIANA UNIVERSITY |
Address | 509 East Third Street, Bloomington, Indiana 47401-3654, USA |
Phone | (800) 511-6575 |
Fax | (812) 856-5890 |
URL | | | |
Head | Dr. Jonathan Plucker |
Mission / Purpose / Function (research, training,
· Improve education by providing nonpartisan information,
research and evaluation on education issues to policymakers and
other education stakeholders
· Encourage rigorous program evaluation across a variety of
settings by providing evaluation expertise and services to
diverse agencies, organizations and businesses
· Expand knowledge of effective strategies in evaluation and
policy research by developing, modeling and disseminating
innovative approaches to program evaluation and policy research
Structural arrangements (department / faculty / school /
college affiliation)
School of Education
Sustainability (sponsorship by government or other, self
funding, other sources)
Mention of pursuit of external funding; no other clear funding
No indication of fees charged for training and project services
Human Resources (number faculty, staff, student
Five management and academic staff, five faculty associates and
six research staff
Principal activities:
- Evaluation instruction / training (degree or
certificate; undergraduate / graduate; number of students;
professional development workshops)
CEEP hosts and participates in workshops, seminars and symposia throughout the year
No reference to degree or certificate programs
- Evaluation practice (involvement in doing
evaluation or policy study, student involvement, principal
clients, costing)
Areas of excellence:
· Educational Evaluation
· Literacy Evaluation
· Education Policy Research and Technical Assistance
· Health, Human Services, and Community Development Evaluation
· Math, Science, and Technology Evaluation
- Research on evaluation (publications on
evaluation, grant awards)
Projects, with abstracts and clients, listed by areas of excellence
Selected publications list
Relationship to government (federal or state/prov;
nature of relationship)
Service provider/client relationship with state, regional and
national governmental agencies and institutions, educational
institutions and community organizations
University-based Evaluation Centre of Excellence or Institute Information Form
Name | Center for Public Policy Evaluation, MASSEY UNIVERSITY |
Address | Private Bag 11-222, Palmerston North, New Zealand |
Phone | (0800 627 739) General Enquiries |
Fax | |
URL | | | |
Head | Stuart Birks |
Mission / Purpose / Function (research, training,
The Centre has been recently established in recognition of
Massey's increasing research effort in the general area of
public policy evaluation. The focus is on inter-disciplinary
research with an emphasis on the application of economics in
this wider context.
Structural arrangements (department / faculty / school /
college affiliation)
College of Business
Sustainability (sponsorship by government or other, self
funding, other sources)
No information
Human Resources (number faculty, staff, student
No information
Principal activities:
- Evaluation instruction / training (degree or
certificate; undergraduate / graduate; number of students;
professional development workshops)
No reference to instruction/training in evaluation
- Evaluation practice (involvement in doing
evaluation or policy study, student involvement, principal
clients, costing)
- Law and Economics
- Health
- Economics and Education
- Family
Currently there are specific projects on: superannuation; the efficiency of the legal system; health policy; health evaluation; selected economic indicators; the "export" of New Zealand's public sector reforms; and the state and parenting.
- Research on evaluation (publications on
evaluation, grant awards)
Downloadable publications: issues papers, conference papers, student papers
Relationship to government (federal or state/prov;
nature of relationship)
Submission of policy issues papers to federal government
University-based Evaluation Centre of Excellence or Institute Information Form
Name | Centre for the Advancement of Measurement, Evaluation, Research & Assessment, ONTARIO INSTITUTE FOR STUDIES IN EDUCATION OF THE UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO (OISE/UT) |
Address | 252 Bloor Street West, Toronto, Ontario M5S 1V6, Canada |
Phone | (416) 923-6641 (ext. 3225) |
Fax | (416) 926-4744 |
URL | | | |
Head | Dr. Tony Lam |
Mission / Purpose / Function (research, training,
The Centre is dedicated to fostering research and development in
applied measurement, program evaluation, research methods, and
assessment of individuals. Specifically, the Centre:
- Creates opportunities for collaboration on research and
- Participates in various kinds of projects and assumes such
methodological responsibilities as research and program
evaluation designing, instrument development and validation,
data collection and analysis, and report writing
- Sponsors workshops, symposiums and seminars on methodological
issues of current interest
Structural arrangements (department / faculty / school /
college affiliation)
Curriculum, Teaching and Learning Department, established as
part of the merger of the Ontario Institute for Studies in
Education and the former Faculty of Education of the University
of Toronto
Sustainability (sponsorship by government or other, self
funding, other sources)
Not clear; likely funding through the Curriculum, Teaching and
Learning Department
Human Resources (number faculty, staff, student
Not clear
Principal activities:
- Evaluation instruction / training (degree or
certificate; undergraduate / graduate; number students;
full-time, part-time; limits on enrolment)
Training activities, e.g. workshops, not listed
Degree / certificate programs not evident
- Evaluation practice (involvement in doing
evaluation or policy study, student involvement, principal
clients, costing)
The centre draws together OISE/UT's faculty and external researchers and practitioners to engage in projects of common interest, to share and exchange perspectives, and to work collaboratively to resolve methodological problems in measurement, evaluation, research and assessment.
- Research on evaluation (publications on
evaluation, grant awards)
No projects or publications list
Relationship to government (federal or state/prov;
nature of relationship)
Service provide/client relationship with provincial government
University-based Evaluation Centre of Excellence or Institute Information Form
Name | Social Program Evaluation Group, QUEENS UNIVERSITY |
Address | Duncan McArthur Hall - Room B164, Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario, K7L 3N6 |
Phone | (613) 533-6255 |
Fax | (613) 533-2556 |
URL | | | |
Head |
Mission / Purpose / Function (research, training,
Projects involve one or more of the following:
basic, applied and policy research
curriculum and learning resource development, including software
and website applications
implementation of short-term field demonstrations and long-term
capacity building programs
program evaluation and monitoring
dissemination activities with partner agencies
Structural arrangements (department / faculty / school /
college affiliation)
Queens University, Faculty of Education, Faculty of Health
Sustainability (sponsorship by government or other, self
funding, other sources)
Funded through research grants and contracts
Human Resources (number faculty, staff, student
1 Director, 2 faculty, 4 project managers, 1 research associate,
2 support staff.
Principal activities:
- Evaluation instruction / training (degree or
certificate; undergraduate / graduate; number of students,
professional development workshops)
- Evaluation practice (involvement in doing
evaluation or policy study, student involvement, principal
clients, costing)
Evaluation and research projects on education, aboriginals, health issues, disability, child welfare, technical and financial training.
- Research on evaluation (publications on evaluation, grant awards)
Relationship to government (federal or state/prov;
nature of relationship)
Most research grants and contracts are with Canadian federal or
Ontario Provincial governments.
University-based Evaluation Centre of Excellence or Institute Information Form
Name | Collaborative Institute for Research, Consulting and Learning in Evaluation (CIRCLE), RMIT UNIVERSITY |
Address | GPO Box 2476V, Melbourne.3001, Victoria, Australia |
Phone | +61 3 9925 2299 |
Fax | +61 3 9925 2998 |
URL | | | |
Head | Gerald Elsworth |
Mission / Purpose / Function (research, training,
CIRCLE has worked with public sector agencies since 1978 to
research and develop effective systems for evaluating and
monitoring. It aims to provide participants with a conceptual,
theoretical, and practical understanding of the process of
monitoring and evaluation, and developing skills to:
- identify the needs of individuals, communities, and
- develop aims and objectives of programs and projects which are
designed to meet these needs
- use evaluation for continuous improvement and organisational
- assess the impact of programs and projects
- report performance measures and performance information
- gather and analyse qualitative and quantitative data to answer
evaluation questions
- ensure evaluation is useful at all levels of an organisation
Structural arrangements (department / faculty / school
/ college affiliation)
Incorporating the Program for Public Sector Evaluation (PPSE),
CIRCLE is an interdisciplinary unit within RMIT.
Sustainability (sponsorship by government or other, self
funding, other sources)
Self funding; no indication of fees charged for project
Likely fees charged to students for short courses and
diploma/certificate programs
Human Resources (number faculty, staff, student
Three faculty members, four research staff, staff, and
postgraduate students
Principal activities:
- Evaluation instruction / training (degree or
certificate; undergraduate / graduate; number students;
full-time, part-time; limits on enrolment)
· Graduate Certificate- Human Services Research (Program Monitoring and Evaluation)
· Graduate Diploma - Human Services Research (Program Monitoring and Evaluation)
· Short courses in Evaluation and Monitoring
Note - the Graduate Certificate and Graduate Diploma are currently being reviewed and are not being offered at this time. Short Courses are normally accredited towards the Graduate Certificate and Diploma programs.
- Program Themes:
Program Logic, Program Theory and Realist Approaches to Evaluation
Systems theory & Information Systems in evaluation
Management of Monitoring and Evaluation
Data collection and analysis
- Evaluation practice (involvement in doing
evaluation or policy study, student involvement, principal
clients, costing)
Sample projects:
· Stronger families & communities strategy evaluation (Commonwealth, Family & Community Services)
· Evaluation of food insecurity community demonstration project (VicHealth)
· Evaluation of the Middle Years Reform Program (Victorian Department of Education and Training)
· Building a Better Future (Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute)
· Evaluation of the Reducing Re-offending Strategy and Community Correctional Services Re-development (Victorian Department of Justice)
· Development of an Evaluation Framework for Community Safety Policy & Programs for Bushfires (Bushfire CRC)
· Pilot Bail Advocacy Project (Department of Justice, Victoria)
· Development of an Evaluation Tool for the Uptake of NICNAS: Recommendations for handling of Chemicals
· Development of an Evaluation Plan and Preliminary program logic to assess communication strategies (Volunteering Australia)
· Evaluation workshops on qualitative data analysis (Victorian Department of Primary Industries)
· Workshops and advice on establishing a monitoring system with the Public Service Commission of South Africa (an AusAid funded capability building project managed through GRM International)
· Evaluation Workshops - Labour Market Policy Group (NZ Dept of Labour).
· Development of a Logic Model for the NZ Early Childhood Strategic Plan (Ministry of Education, New Zealand)
· Development of an index/indices to measure process to apply the principles of employment and conduct (Office of Public Employment, Victoria)
· Evaluation of the promoting health through sport program (VicHealth)
· Evaluation workshops on program theory and qualitative data analysis (FASID - Foundation for Advanced Studies on International Development, Japan)
· Evaluation workshops on using program theory and logic models in evaluation (Ministry of Education, New Zealand)
- Research on evaluation (publications on
evaluation, grant awards)
No list of publications
Relationship to government (federal or state/prov;
nature of relationship)
Australian state and federal public agencies, New Zealand
federal government
University-based Evaluation Centre of Excellence or Institute Information Form
Name | Health Economics Research Unit (HERU), UNIVERSITY OF ABERDEEN |
Address | Polwarth Building, Foresterhill, Aberdeen AB25 2ZD, Scotland |
Phone | +44 (0)1224-553480 |
Fax | +44 (0)1224-550926 |
URL | | | |
Head | Bob Elliott |
Mission / Purpose / Function (research, training,
The objectives of HERU are to:
· Research into economic approaches to health & health care
· Develop economic techniques to be readily applied by
economists and/or health care personnel
· Demonstrate and test the approaches and techniques
· Accumulate and make available to the health service a body of
expertise in health economics
These objectives are pursued through four distinct programmes
of research:
· Economic Evaluation
· Behaviour, Performance and Organisation of Care
· Evaluation of Health Improvement
· Valuation & Implementation Programme
Structural arrangements (department / faculty / school /
college affiliation)
Part of Institute of Applied Health Sciences within the College
of Life Sciences and Medicine. The Unit has strong links with
the Department of Economics and collaborates with members of the
Department on a number of externally funded research programmes.
Sustainability (sponsorship by government or other, self
funding, other sources)
Core funding for the Unit is received from the Chief Scientist
Office of the Scottish Executive Health Department. Substantial
additional funding also comes from competitive research grants,
consultancy and training activities.
Human Resources (number faculty, staff, student
Twenty two researchers (including faculty members and research
fellows), support staff and PhD students
Principal activities:
- Evaluation instruction / training (degree or
certificate; undergraduate / graduate; number students;
full-time, part-time; limits on enrolment)
The Unit's main teaching is undertaken on the Postgraduate Certificate of Health Economics which it offers as a Distance Learning Course.
Other regular teaching commitments are within the Departments of Public Health and Economics. Courses which involve a health economics component include the MSc in Health Services and Public Health Research, BSc in Health Sciences, MA in Economics and the Scottish Graduate Programme in Economics.
HERU also responds to requests for teaching a variety of occasional lectures, seminars and workshops to a range of audiences.
- Evaluation practice (involvement in doing
evaluation or policy study, student involvement, principal
clients, costing)
· Economic Evaluation
· Behaviour, Performance and Organisation of Care
· Evaluation of Health Improvement
· Valuation & Implementation Programme
- Research on evaluation (publications on
evaluation, grant awards)
Very comprehensive publications list
Relationship to government (federal or state/prov;
nature of relationship)
Research funding from central government
Service provider/client relationship with public agencies
University-based Evaluation Centre of Excellence or Institute Information Form
Name | The Institute for Advanced Policy Research, UNIVERSITY OF CALGARY |
Address | 4th Floor, Social Sciences Building, 2500 University Drive N.W., Calgary, Alberta T2N 1N4 |
Phone | (403) 220-4605 |
Fax | (403) 282-5262 |
URL | | | |
Head | Ken McKenzie |
Mission / Purpose / Function (research, training,
The objectives of the IAPR are to:
· conduct research on the global context in which Canada
· generate high quality public policy research on priority
issues of international, national, provincial and local
· integrate senior undergraduate and graduate students into the
research enterprise,
· increase external funding for public policy research at the
University of Calgary ,
· disseminate to all levels of government, business and the
community the results of public policy research projects.
Structural arrangements (department / faculty / school /
college affiliation)
University of Calgary,
Sustainability (sponsorship by government or other, self
funding, other sources)
No mention of sponsorship or fees for service. Competitive
research funding.
Human Resources (number faculty, staff, student
Director, 4 professors, 28 affliliated professors
Principal activities:
- Evaluation instruction / training (degree or
certificate; undergraduate / graduate; number of students,
professional development workshops)
Workshops and training initiatives
- Evaluation practice (involvement in doing
evaluation or policy study, student involvement, principal
clients, costing)
No mention of evaluation practice. Focus on policy research. Policy briefs and technical report dissemination. Cities, disabled, well being, climate change.
- Research on evaluation (publications on evaluation, grant awards)
Relationship to government (federal or state/prov;
nature of relationship)
Policy briefs. Most research projects are focused on government.
Overt interest in disseminating to government.
University-based Evaluation Centre of Excellence or Institute Information Form
Name | Center for Research on Evaluation, Standards, and Student Testing (CRESST), UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA AT LOS ANGELES |
Address | 300 Charles E. Young Drive North, GSE&IS Bldg. 3rd Flr./Mailbox 951522, Los Angeles, CA 90095-1522, USA |
Phone | (310) 206-1532 |
Fax | (310) 825-3883 |
URL | | | |
Head | Eva L. Barker, Robert L. Linn, Joan L. Herman |
Mission / Purpose / Function (research, training,
CRESST is a partnership of UCLA, University of Colorado,
Stanford University, RAND, University of Pittsburgh, University
of Southern California, Educational Testing Service, and
University of Cambridge, United Kingdom. CRESST's mission
focuses on the assessment of educational quality, addressing
persistent problems in the design and use of assessment systems
to serve multiple purposes.
Structural arrangements (department / faculty / school /
college affiliation)
Graduate School of Education & Information Studies
Sustainability (sponsorship by government or other, self
funding, other sources)
No clear information
No information on fees charged for training and services
Human Resources (number faculty, staff, student
Four faculty members
Principal activities:
- Evaluation instruction / training (degree or
certificate; undergraduate / graduate; number of students;
professional development workshops)
Reference to training opportunities but no explicit information
No reference to degree/certificate programs
- Evaluation practice (involvement in doing
evaluation or policy study, student involvement, principal
clients, costing)
CRESST conducts a substantial number of major program evaluations, develops research-based assessments, uses technology as an effective assessment tool, and helps schools and districts respond to the many accountability demands of the No Child Left Behind Act
- Research on evaluation (publications on
evaluation, grant awards)
CRESST research is organized into four sustained R&D programs:
Program One is at the heart of CRESST's largest interests: the validity of inferences drawn from information that is part of accountability systems
Program Two features research on assessment and instructional tools, new approaches to studying classroom practice, and a project on classroom testing
Program Three focuses on methodology, researching classification accuracy, indicators development, growth modeling, new approaches to alignment methodology, standard setting, and study group topics such as validity and multiple measures
Program Four addresses the overarching issue of the validity of inferences drawn from assessment and accountability systems, but focuses on lower performing students
Program Five involved dissemination of the Center's Web-based resources, conference activity, video and Web professional development, media and legislative programs, and minority training opportunities
Publications list available
Relationship to government (federal or state/prov;
nature of relationship)
Not clear
University-based Evaluation Centre of Excellence or Institute Information Form
Name | Centre for Applied Research in Education (CARE), UNIVERSITY OF EAST ANGLIA |
Address | Norwich NR4 7TJ, UK |
Phone | (+44) (0) 1603 456161 |
Fax | (+44) (0) 1603 458553 |
URL | | | |
Head | Rob Walker |
Mission / Purpose / Function (research, training,
Orientation and philosophy: Field-based enquiry aimed at the
improvement of educational policy and practice across the
professions and the enhancement of democracy
Activities: Applied research including action research;
programme and policy evaluation; consultancy; methodological
development; research training; research degrees
Structural arrangements (department / faculty / school /
college affiliation)
School of Education and Professional Development, Faculty of
Social Sciences
Sustainability (sponsorship by government or other, self
funding, other sources)
Research grants; others not evident
Human Resources (number faculty, staff, student
Sixteen faculty members and researchers, eight visiting fellows,
support staff, and students
Principal activities:
- Evaluation instruction / training (degree or
certificate; undergraduate / graduate; number students;
full-time, part-time; limits on enrolment)
Degree programs offered through the School of Education and Professional Development:
- MA by Research
- Master of Philosophy
- Postgraduate Studentships for Research Degrees
- Doctor of Philosophy
- Doctorate in Education
- ESRC Research Studentship - PhD study under a grant from the Economic and Social Research Council
- Evaluation practice (involvement in doing
evaluation or policy study, student involvement, principal
clients, costing)
Research projects listed, including in policy studies and evaluation
- Research on evaluation (publications on
evaluation, grant awards)
List of projects and sponsors available
Comprehensive publications list
Relationship to government (federal or state/prov;
nature of relationship)
Research funding from European Commission, local and central
governments, foreign national and state/provincial governments
University-based Evaluation Centre of Excellence or Institute Information Form
Name | Center for Instructional Research and Curriculum Evaluation, UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN |
Address | 190 Children's Research Center, 51 Gerty Drive, Champaign, IL 61820, USA |
Phone | (217) 333-3770 |
Fax | (217) 244 -0851 |
URL | | | |
Head | Robert E. Stake |
Mission / Purpose / Function (research, training,
To conduct a program of research, instruction and service in
education with special attention to curriculum, pedagogy, and
Structural arrangements (department / faculty / school /
college affiliation)
Bureau of Educational Research of the College of Education
Sustainability (sponsorship by government or other, self
funding, other sources)
Fees charged for project services
No other clear information
Human Resources (number faculty, staff, student
Faculty members, associates and doctoral candidates in other
departments; no specific numbers indicated
Principal activities:
- Evaluation instruction / training (degree or
certificate; undergraduate / graduate; number of students;
professional development workshops)
Each staff member is expected to participate in the instructional programs of the College of Education, assisting particularly with the support and counseling of graduate students.
Evaluation courses include:
- program evaluation
- case study research
- qualitative data analysis
- evaluation of curriculum.
No reference to degree or certificate granted by the Centre.
- Evaluation practice (involvement in doing
evaluation or policy study, student involvement, principal
clients, costing)
Evaluation of programs in most of the subject matters of secondary and elementary schools, preschool and professional training, and social service activities closely related to schools.
Contracted program evaluation studies at theoretical and applied levels, technical and philosophical review of evaluation projects, and examination of questions of validity, utility of findings and ethical issues.
Services provided to schools and communities, state and federal programs, professional associations, and others.
- Research on evaluation (publications on
evaluation, grant awards)
Publications listed by books and book chapters, journal articles and conference papers
Relationship to government (federal or state/prov;
nature of relationship)
Service provider/client relationship with school districts,
communities, offices of state and federal governments
University-based Evaluation Centre of Excellence or Institute Information Form
Name | Iowa Center for Evaluation Research, College of Public Health, UNIVERSITY OF IOWA |
Address | 4252 Westlawn, Iowa City, IA 52242, USA |
Phone | (319) 335-8203 |
Fax | |
URL | | | |
Head | Anne Wallis |
Mission / Purpose / Function (research, training,
The Center focuses on conducting evaluations of training,
educational materials and procedures, workforce development, and
community-based interventions, and promotes training in program
Structural arrangements (department / faculty / school /
college affiliation)
Department of Community and Behavioral Health, College of Public
Sustainability (sponsorship by government or other, self
funding, other sources)
Listing of funding agencies, including federal and state
agencies, and private foundations
No reference to fees charged for training and research project
Human Resources (number faculty, staff, student
Four faculty members and two graduate student assistants
Principal activities:
- Evaluation instruction / training (degree or
certificate; undergraduate / graduate; number of students;
professional development workshops)
- Training in program evaluation to public health project directors and staff members
- Training in program evaluation to graduate students in public health and related disciplines - MPH, MS and PhD programs in Department of Community and Behavioral Health
- Evaluation practice (involvement in doing
evaluation or policy study, student involvement, principal
clients, costing)
- Services in design and conduct of evaluation procedures in ongoing University and state public health projects and programs
- Research on the design and application of program evaluation principles and methods in the field of public health
- Research on data collection instruments and analysis procedures used in program evaluation and disseminate results
- Research on evaluation (publications on
evaluation, grant awards)
Projects and grant awards information available
Publications list available
Relationship to government (federal or state/prov;
nature of relationship)
Service provider/client relationship with local and federal
governments, and community-based organizations
University-based Evaluation Centre of Excellence or Institute Information Form
Name | Centre for Program Evaluation (CPE), UNIVERSITY OF MELBOURNE |
Address | Room 422, Alice Hoy Building, The University of Melbourne, Victoria 3010, Australia |
Phone | +61 3 8344-8394 |
Fax | +61 3 8344-8490 |
URL | | | |
Head | Rosalind E Hurworth |
Mission / Purpose / Function (research, training,
Objectives of the CPE are to:
· undertake commissioned program evaluations on a consultancy
basis across a wide range of policy areas
· act as a focus for the practice and theory of evaluation
· teach and coordinate graduate courses in evaluation and
teaching research methods in the Faculty
· provide developmental activities, such as specialized training
courses, for clients outside the University
Structural arrangements (department / faculty / school
/ college affiliation)
Department of Education Policy and Management in the Faculty of
Sustainability (sponsorship by government or other, self
funding, other sources)
Fees charged to students and clients for training and
consultancy projects
No clear information on other funding
Human Resources (number faculty, staff, student
Six faculty members and research fellows, five research
associates, administrative staff
Principal activities:
- Evaluation instruction / training (degree or
certificate; undergraduate / graduate; number students;
full-time, part-time; limits on enrolment)
Certificate Program:
- Post Graduate Certificate in Assessment and Evaluation. Distance mode available
Graduate Degree Programs:
- Master of Assessment and Evaluation, jointly delivered with the Assessment Research Centre
- Masters of Education (specializing in Evaluation). Coursework available by online delivery
- Evaluation component of Master of Educational Management - Program Design and Evaluation
Training courses for clients outside the University
- Evaluation practice (involvement in doing
evaluation or policy study, student involvement, principal
clients, costing)
Commissioned evaluations, survey research and consultancy projects, ranging in scope from national level evaluations to studies within individual locations (schools and other institutions). Areas of interest: education, health, welfare and training.
- Research on evaluation (publications on
evaluation, grant awards)
Evaluation reports and other publications listed
Relationship to government (federal or state/prov;
nature of relationship)
Service provider/client relationship with national, state and
local governments
University-based Evaluation Centre of Excellence or Institute Information Form
Name | Center for Applied Research and Educational Improvement (CAREI), UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA |
Address | 275 Peik Hall, 159 Pillsbury Dr. SE, Minneapolis, MN 55455, USA |
Phone | (612) 624-0300 |
Fax | (612) 625-3086 |
URL | | | |
Head | Kyla Wahlstrom |
Mission / Purpose / Function (research, training,
CAREI is a collaborative organization that brings the resources
of the College of Education and Human Development and the
University of Minnesota to bear on educational issues in
Minnesota and across the nation through: linkage and
collaboration; applied research and evaluation; and
dissemination and technical assistance
Structural arrangements (department / faculty / school /
college affiliation)
Department of Educational Policy and Administration, College of
Education and Human Development
Sustainability (sponsorship by government or other, self
funding, other sources)
Research grants and contracts from National Science Foundation,
private foundations, University of Minnesota
Fees charged to clients for training
Human Resources (number faculty, staff, student
Ten principal investigators and research fellows, staff, and
research assistants
Principal activities:
- Evaluation instruction / training (degree or
certificate; undergraduate / graduate; number students;
full-time, part-time; limits on enrolment)
Evaluation studies track in educational policy and administration offered through Department of Educational Policy and Administration:
- Masters (M.A.) program
- Doctorate (Ph. D.) program
- Program evaluation minor (graduate level)
- Program evaluation certificate
Annual Minnesota Evaluation Studies Institute (MESI):
Designed for professional evaluators, program directors in non-profit and for-profit organizations, and others interested in conducting or using evaluations
- Evaluation practice (involvement in doing
evaluation or policy study, student involvement, principal
clients, costing)
- Independent evaluation and policy research of school district or community-based programs, state agency-funded programs, and projects operated through other centers and departments within the College and University
- Assistance and support to member school districts, the State of Minnesota, federal agencies and foundations related to program evaluation and design
- Collaborative research projects: since its inception CAREI has funded nearly 100 projects involving collaboration between University faculty and students, and classroom teachers
- Research on evaluation (publications on
evaluation, grant awards)
Comprehensive list of projects, project websites, project reports, and other publications available
Relationship to government (federal or state/prov;
nature of relationship)
Service provider/client relationship with state and federal
agencies, local school districts
University-based Evaluation Centre of Excellence or Institute Information Form
Name | Canadian Research Institute for Social Policy, UNIVERSITY OF NEW BRUNSWICK |
Address | Suite 300, Keirstead Hall, Fredericton, NB, E3B 5A3 |
Phone | (506) 447-3178 |
Fax | (506) 447-3427 |
URL | | | |
Head |
Mission / Purpose / Function (research, training,
The Canadian Research Institute for Social Policy (CRISP) is a
multi-disciplinary organization dedicated to conducting policy
research aimed at improving the education and care of Canadian
children and youth; contributing to the training of social
scientists in quantitative research methods; and supporting
low-income countries in their efforts to build research capacity
in child development. CRISP carries out this mission by
conducting detailed evaluations of local, national, and
international policy initiatives, and by analyzing large complex
data bases such as Canada's National Longitudinal Survey of
Children and Youth (NLSCY) and the OECD Programme for
International Student Assessment (PISA).
CRISP researchers have been successful in tackling prominent
policy issues, such as the effects of poverty and parenting
style on children's developmental outcomes, and the effects of
reducing class size on children's schooling outcomes, and giving
them grounding in existing literature on child development and
schooling. CRISP also plays an active role in the training of
the next generation of social scientists in the areas of
research and evaluation methods.
Structural arrangements (department / faculty / school /
college affiliation)
University of New Brunswick
Sustainability (sponsorship by government or other, self
funding, other sources)
Human Resources (number faculty, staff, student
2 administrators (director, associate) 4 research fellows, 2
research associates, 2 staff and 6 students
Principal activities:
- Evaluation instruction / training (degree or
certificate; undergraduate / graduate; number of students,
professional development workshops)
Students are linked to various programs of study. No explicit program is tied to CRISP
- Evaluation practice (involvement in doing
evaluation or policy study, student involvement, principal
clients, costing)
Several ongoing projects on child welfare including rural issues, education, health, peer support
Researchers are currently working on two applied research studies, one on early literacy assessment and another on the effects of intimate partner violence on children's early development, that are bridging this divide by bringing together researchers from differing perspectives to tackle critical issues concerning child development
- Research on evaluation (publications on evaluation, grant awards)
Relationship to government (federal or state/prov;
nature of relationship)
University-based Evaluation Centre of Excellence or Institute Information Form
Name | Health Evaluation and Research Office (HERO), UNIVERSITY OF NEW MEXICO |
Address | Department of Family and Community Medicine, MSC09 5040, 1 University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM. 87131-0001, USA |
Phone | (505) 272-1601 |
Fax | (505) 272-1550 |
URL | | | |
Head | Deborah Helitzer |
Mission / Purpose / Function (research, training,
HERO functions as a series of teams that work cooperatively to
undertake evaluation projects. These include:
- Working with schools, universities, community organizations,
foundations, state, federal and international agencies to
provide comprehensive and collaborative strategic planning and
evaluation services for public health programs.
- Providing technical assistance to enhance the capacity of
organizations to incorporate evaluation processes into their
- Conducting investigator initiated intervention research on
public health and health services topics.
- Collaborating with organizations to design useful evaluations
and emphasize the feedback process and the integration of
evaluation results to improve public and community health
related program and policies.
- Using qualitative and quantitative methodologies to develop
and implement models of evaluation through a multidisciplinary
team approach.
- Providing learning opportunities in evaluation research for
students, staff and faculty of the University of New Mexico.
- Continuously striving to improve the quality of evaluation
methodology and practice.
- Collaborating with evaluation groups worldwide to develop and
disseminate state-of-the-art theories, models and instruments.
Structural arrangements (department / faculty / school
/ college affiliation)
School of Medicine, Department of Family and Community Medicine
Sustainability (sponsorship by government or other, self
funding, other sources)
Not clear
No information on fees charged for training or research
Human Resources (number faculty, staff, student
Director, Associate Director, research and support staff,
student support staff
Principal activities:
- Evaluation instruction / training (degree or
certificate; undergraduate / graduate; number of students;
professional development workshops)
Training is mentioned as a service but no other information provided
No information on degree or certificate programs
- Evaluation practice (involvement in doing
evaluation or policy study, student involvement, principal
clients, costing)
· Strategic Planning
- Logic Model Development
- Program Planning
· Program Evaluation
- Process Evaluation
- Outcome Evaluation
· Continuous Quality Improvement
· Research Design
- Experimental
- Quasi-Experimental
- Exploratory
· Research Methods and Analysis
- Qualitative (focus groups, interviews, structured observations)
- Quantitative (survey development, chart reviews, database abstraction, statistical analyses
Services are provided to clinicians, coalitions, community health educators, federal and state agencies, foundations, not-for-profit agencies, policymakers, public health program developers, and researchers.
Conducts self-initiated intervention research on public health and health services topics
- Research on evaluation (publications on
evaluation, grant awards)
Projects list available
No publications list
Relationship to government (federal or state/prov;
nature of relationship)
Service provider/client relationship with federal and state
governments, and public agencies
University-based Evaluation Centre of Excellence or Institute Information Form
Name | Evaluation, Assessment & Policy Connections (EvAP), UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA - CHAPEL HILL |
Address | School of Education, UNC-Chapel Hill, CB# 3500, 105-A Peabody Hall, Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3500, USA |
Phone | 1-866-874-8460 |
Fax | (919) 843-6781 |
URL | | | |
Head | Rita O'Sullivan |
Mission / Purpose / Function (research, training,
EvAP's mission is to build evaluation capacity and effectiveness
of public, nonprofit, and private organizations to meet the
challenges of developing and sustaining successful programs
Structural arrangements (department / faculty / school /
college affiliation)
School of Education
Sustainability (sponsorship by government or other, self
funding, other sources)
Federal, state and local agencies, and private foundations
No explicit information on fees charged for training and project
Human Resources (number faculty, staff, student
Six faculty members, five graduate student assistants, support
Principal activities
- Evaluation instruction / training (degree or
certificate; undergraduate / graduate; number of students;
professional development workshops)
Research assistantships on EvAP projects available to students pursuing:
- MA in Educational Psychology
- PhD in Educational Psychology, Measurement and Evaluation; Early Childhood, Family, and Literacy Studies; or Culture, Curriculum and Change
EvAP Evaluation Institute provides three to five day training sessions, including a beginner's overview to comprehensive introduction to evaluation
- Evaluation practice (involvement in doing
evaluation or policy study, student involvement, principal
clients, costing)
Sample of EvAP evaluation practice:
- First Five Los Angeles, Evaluation of the Childcare Initiative
- UNC-CH School of Nursing RN/BSN Distance Education Program
- Research Triangle School Partnership Program
- Duke Endowment Early Childhood Initiative
- All Stars, Sr. Substance Abuse Prevention Program
- W. K. Kellogg Pre-Birth through Age 3, Phase II Community Planning Grants
- Project STAR: AmeriCorps Evaluation Technical Assistance
- Research on evaluation (publications on
evaluation, grant awards)
Projects list, with abstracts, available
No publications list
Relationship to government (federal or state/prov;
nature of relationship)
Service provider/client relationship with local and federal
governments, and community-based organizations
University-based Evaluation Centre of Excellence or Institute Information Form
Name | Centre for Research on Community Services, UNIVERSITY OF OTTAWA |
Address | 34, Stewart Street, Ottawa, ON K1N 6N5, Canada |
Phone | (613) 562-5800 ext. 1856 |
Fax | (613) 562-5188 |
URL | | | |
Head | Tim Aubry, Robert Flynn |
Mission / Purpose / Function (research, training,
To conduct research and provide training that will contribute to
the development of effective health and social services for
vulnerable populations in the community.
The goals of the Centre are as follows:
- To conduct program evaluation research in partnership with community agencies
- To offer training to agency managers and service providers in the community sector
- To contribute to the development and improvement of community services
- To undertake cutting-edge research that contributes to the community-services knowledge base, especially in the areas of child welfare, community health, community mental health, developmental disabilities, and homelessness
- To provide training to graduate and other students in disciplines at the University of Ottawa that are relevant to the delivery of community services
- To secure funding for conducting applied research and supporting students as paid research assistants
Structural arrangements (department / faculty / school
/ college affiliation)
A research and training centre located in the Faculty of Social
Sustainability (sponsorship by government or other, self
funding, other sources)
Not clear
Human Resources (number faculty, staff, student
Two faculty members, research coordinator, researchers, projects
assistants, students, and administrative staff
The Centre also includes academic members and students from a
wide variety of departments at the University of Ottawa
including: education, health administration, medicine, political
studies, population health, psychology, and social work.
Principal activities
- Evaluation instruction / training (degree or
certificate; undergraduate / graduate; number students;
full-time, part-time; limits on enrolment)
Workshops on a variety of topics related to community services research and evaluation
- Evaluation practice (involvement in doing
evaluation or policy study, student involvement, principal
clients, costing)
- Social research studies at a variety of levels and complexity
- Community program development through research and training
- Assessment of service needs
- Program evaluation of service processes, outcomes, and costs
- Survey design and analysis
Research projects listed
- Research on evaluation (publications on
evaluation, grant awards)
Online publications list available
Relationship to government (federal or state/prov;
nature of relationship)
Service provide/client relationship with federal, provincial,
regional and local governments evident
University-based Evaluation Centre of Excellence or Institute Information Form
Name | Saskatchewan Population Health and Evaluation Research Unit, UNIVERSITY OF SASKATCHEWAN |
Address | Saskatoon Site, RUH 2715, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon SK, S7N 5E5 |
Phone | (306) 966-2250 |
Fax | (306) 966-7920 |
URL | | | |
Head | George Maslany |
Mission / Purpose / Function (research, training,
SPHERU conducts research into the social and environmental
determinants of population health under two broad categories:
- research on health determining conditions, the relationships within and between these conditions, and the policy and programmatic implications;
- evaluation studies of policy and programmatic interventions to make social and environmental conditions more health-promoting, and more equitable in their allocation of health risks and opportunities across different population groups.
Structural arrangements (department / faculty / school
/ college affiliation)
University of Saskatchewan, University of Regina
Sustainability (sponsorship by government or other, self
funding, other sources)
Partnership with provincial foundation and two universities
(Regina and Sask).
Human Resources (number faculty, staff, student
7 Faculty including the director, 6 support staff
Principal activities
- Evaluation instruction / training (degree or
certificate; undergraduate / graduate; number of students,
professional development workshops)
Linked to the CPHR Training Program is a Saskatchewan-based population health training initiative delivered by the Saskatchewan Population Health and Evaluation Research Unit (SPHERU) and supported by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR), the University of Regina and the University of Saskatchewan.
- Evaluation practice (involvement in doing
evaluation or policy study, student involvement, principal
clients, costing)
Aboriginal northern and rural health, children's health, policy and governance and health. No mention of evaluation activities other than in the mission statement.
- Research on evaluation (publications on evaluation, grant awards)
Relationship to government (federal or state/prov;
nature of relationship)
Partnered with Saskatchewan Health Research Foundation
University-based Evaluation Centre of Excellence or Institute Information Form
Name | Centre for Health Economics Research and Evaluation (CHERE), UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY, SYDNEY |
Address | PO Box 123 Broadway, NSW 2007, Australia |
Phone | 61 2 9514 4720 |
Fax | 61 2 9514 4730 |
URL | | | |
Head | Prof. Jane Hall |
Mission / Purpose / Function (research, training,
- to promote and conduct research projects for the development of the theory, methods and applications of health economics and health services research
- to disseminate knowledge through publications, seminars and short courses
- to contribute to policy analysis and evaluation
- to provide educational programs to increase the number of economists working in public health and health services research, and to promote the application of health economics by researchers, clinicians, managers and policy analysts
- to extend links with overseas scholars and institutions
- to promote UTS standing in health economics and health services research.
Structural Arrangements (department / faculty / school
/ college affiliation)
A joint initiative of the Faculties of Business and Nursing,
Midwifery and Health at the University of Technology, Sydney, in
collaboration with Sydney South West Area Health Service. CHERE
was established as a UTS Centre in February, 2002.
Sustainability (sponsorship by government or other, self
funding, other sources)
Fees charged to students for courses and workshops; no specific
indication of fees.
Commissioned research projects
External research grants
No other clear indication of funding
Human Resources (number faculty, staff, student
Five academic staff, three post-doctoral research fellows, six
research officers, five administrative staff, and ten research
Principal Activities
- Evaluation instruction / training (degree or
certificate; undergraduate / graduate; number students;
full-time, part-time; limits on enrolment)
CHERE's teaching includes health economics and health services research and planning through short courses and workshops, courses within other programs of study, and specialized programs in health economics and health services research.
Programs are designed to meet the needs of three main groups:
- Economists: economics graduates - opportunities for postgraduate coursework, for study leading to the award of a PhD, and for post-doctoral programs.
- Non-economists: specific training in health economics for people engaged in health policy development and implementation, and for those working in areas such as health care planning, management and/or evaluation. Provided through short courses and workshops.
- Clinicians: opportunities to incorporate health economics as a subject in post-graduate training in public health, clinical epidemiology and health services research.
Professional development workshops include annual workshop in health economics, distinguished lecture series and seminar series in health economics.
- Evaluation practice (involvement in doing
evaluation or policy study, student involvement, principal
clients, costing)
CHERE provides policy advice and evaluation on the Australian health care system. It contributes to international health policy forums, most notably the Commonwealth Fund (USA) International Program in Health Policy, and the Bertelsmann Foundation (Germany).
Commissioned research projects undertaken for health service decision-makers include:
· economic evaluation
· technology assessment
· health program evaluation
· evaluation of complex interventions
· quality of life assessment
· health policy analysis
· economic forecasting
- Research on evaluation (publications on
evaluation, grant awards)
Publications listed by research reports, journal articles, discussion papers, and book chapters.
Grants awarded by the National Health and Medical Research Council, Australian Research Council, and Australian Technology Network of Universities.
Relationship to Government (federal or state/prov;
nature of relationship)
CHERE is a joint initiative with the Sydney South West Area
Health Service.
Its services have been commissioned by the state government.
CHERE staff are also members of several state and national
policy advisory committees.
University-based Evaluation Centre of Excellence or Institute Information Form
Name | Centre for Behavioral Research and Program Evaluation, UNIVERSITY OF WATERLOO |
Address | Lyle S Hallman Institute, University of Waterloo, 200 University Avenue West, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3G1 |
Phone | (519) 888-4520 |
Fax | (519) 886-6424 |
URL | | | |
Head | Roy Cameron, Exec Director |
Mission / Purpose / Function (research, training,
The Centre for Behavioural Research and Program Evaluation
(CBRPE) is committed to preventing cancer in Canadians and to
improving the quality of life for people with cancer, cancer
survivors and their families. We are working to integrate
research, policy and practice to advance the Canadian Strategy
for Cancer Control. Our evaluation activities focus mainly on
Canadian Cancer Society programs. We also provide training and
mentoring to build capacity for research and evaluation.
Structural arrangements (department / faculty / school /
college affiliation)
University of Waterloo, Faculty of Applied Health Services
Sustainability (sponsorship by government or other, self
funding, other sources)
Partnership with Canadian Cancer Society through National Cancer
Institute of Canada
Human Resources (number faculty, staff, student
3 admin (director, 2 assistant directors) 3 scientists, 7 admin
support staff, 12 evaluation and research staff.
Principal activities
- Evaluation instruction / training (degree or
certificate; undergraduate / graduate; number of students,
professional development workshops)
No links to degree programs. Mention of evaluation capacity building but not explicit mention of training.
- Evaluation practice (involvement in doing
evaluation or policy study, student involvement, principal
clients, costing)
- evaluation planning and evaluability assessment
- development of data collection tools and protocols
- data analysis and interpretation
- knowledge synthesis and translation
- capacity building and training
- Research on evaluation (publications on evaluation, grant awards)
Relationship to government (federal or state/prov;
nature of relationship)
Sponsorship by Canadian Cancer Society. No mention of government
University-based Evaluation Centre of Excellence or Institute Information Form
Name | Program Development and Evaluation (PDE), UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN - EXTENSION |
Address | 615 Extension Building, 432 North Lake Street, Madison, WI 53706, USA |
Phone | (608) 262-9908 |
Fax | (608) 262-9166 |
URL | | | |
Head | Larry Jones |
Mission / Purpose / Function (research, training,
A program of UW-Extension providing lifelong learning
initiatives to anyone who needs updated education to pursue new
career paths. The use of flexible delivery methods, including
distance-learning technologies, let people enjoy the benefits of
"anytime, anyplace" education.
PDE provides training and technical assistance that enables
Cooperative Extension campus and community-based faculty and
staff to plan, implement and evaluate high quality educational
programs. PDE is charged with providing leadership and capacity
building in program evaluation through in-service education,
resource material development, consultation, administrative
support and managing high priority evaluations. Main areas
include: internal capacity development, community-based capacity
development, research and development.
Structural arrangements (department / faculty / school /
college affiliation)
Cooperative Extension
Sustainability (sponsorship by government or other, self
funding, other sources)
State government funding; no other explicit information
No information on fees charged for training and services
Human Resources (number faculty, staff, student
Five faculty members and staff
Principal activities
- Evaluation instruction / training (degree or
certificate; undergraduate / graduate; number of students;
professional development workshops)
- Short term professional development courses for practicing evaluators through The Evaluators' Institute,
- Three self-study web modules on key aspects of evaluation designed for UW-Extension faculty and staff
- Seminars and workshops on evaluation, program development and strategic planning
- Evaluation practice (involvement in doing
evaluation or policy study, student involvement, principal
clients, costing)
- Evaluation
- Program planning
- Situational analysis
- Teaching and learning
- Research on evaluation (publications on
evaluation, grant awards)
Evaluation reports listed
Relationship to government (federal or state/prov;
nature of relationship)
Service provider/client relationship with state agencies
University-based Evaluation Centre of Excellence or Institute Information Form
Name | Centre for Health Economics (CHE), UNIVERSITY OF YORK |
Address | Alcuin 'A' Block, University of York, Heslington, YORK, YO10 5DD, UK |
Phone | (01904) 321401 |
Fax | (01904) 321402 |
URL | | | |
Head | Pete Smith |
Mission / Purpose / Function (research, training,
The Centre's aim is to undertake high quality research that is
capable of influencing health policy decisions. With a staff
approaching 60 people, of which two-thirds are researchers, the
Centre is one of the largest health economics research units in
the world.
Structural arrangements (department / faculty / school /
college affiliation)
A research unit of the University; graduate study offered
through the Department of Economics and Related Studies and the
Department of Health Sciences
Sustainability (sponsorship by government or other, self
funding, other sources)
Not clear. Likely considerable funding derived through self
Fees charged to students and clients for training programs.
Human Resources (number faculty, staff, student
Forty research staff (including faculty members), support staff
and students
Principal activities
- Evaluation instruction / training (degree or
certificate; undergraduate / graduate; number students;
full-time, part-time; limits on enrolment)
Short courses
York Expert Workshops in the Socio Economic Evaluation of Medicines 2006
MODULE 1 - Quality of Life
MODULE 2 - Foundations of Economic Evaluation in Health Care
MODULE 3 - Meeting Decision-Makers' Requirements: Advanced Methods for Cost- Effectiveness Analysis
No reference to undergraduate / graduate levels
An Introduction to Measuring Efficiency in Public Sector Organisations: analytical techniques and policy 2006
Intended participants - researchers, analysts in central and local government, and PhD students.
Workshop fee. Limited number of subsidised places available to PhD students.
Distance learning
Postgraduate Certificate and Postgraduate Diploma in Health Economics for Health Care Professionals: modules include Introduction to Health Care Evaluation, Advanced topics in Economic Evaluation
Graduate study
- MSc in Health Economics, through Department of Economics and Related Studies - courses include Evaluation of Health Care
- Supervision of PhD students who are registered with Department of Economics and Related Studies or Department of Health Sciences
CHE Economic Evaluation Seminars Programme 2006
- Evaluation practice (involvement in doing
evaluation or policy study, student involvement, principal
clients, costing)
The Centre's research is organized into seven broad themes:
- Health policy
- Economic evaluation and health technology assessment
- Primary care
- Addiction research
- Resource allocation, deployment and substitution
- Outcomes research
- Health, econometrics and data
- Research on evaluation (publications on
evaluation, grant awards)
Projects and project descriptions, and publications are listed by research themes
Relationship to government (federal or state/prov;
nature of relationship)
Service provider/client relationship with central and local
public agencies and European Union, among others
University-based Evaluation Centre of Excellence or Institute Information Form
Name | Center for Evaluation Research and Methodology (CERM), Vanderbilt Institute for Public Policy Studies, VANDERBILT UNIVERSITY |
Address | 1207 18th Avenue South, Nashville, TN 37212, USA |
Phone | (615) 322-8505 |
Fax | (615) 322-8081 |
URL | | | |
Head | Mark Lipsey |
Mission / Purpose / Function (research, training,
To advance research on the effectiveness of social programs and
policy by:
- Conducting high quality evaluation research and consulting with others who wish to do so
- Synthesizing research to identify effective programs and policy
- Investigating and improving methods for evaluation research and research synthesis
Structural arrangements (department / faculty / school
/ college affiliation)
Vanderbilt Institute for Public Policy Studies
Sustainability (sponsorship by government or other, self
funding, other sources)
Federal and state research grants
Private foundation grant
No explicit references to other funding
Human Resources (number faculty, staff, student
Director, seven research associates and analysts, research
coordinator, graduate and undergraduate research assistants
Principal activities
- Evaluation instruction / training (degree or
certificate; undergraduate / graduate; number of students;
professional development workshops)
No reference to instruction/training
- Evaluation practice (involvement in doing evaluation or
policy study, student involvement, principal clients,
Current studies:
- meta-analytic techniques for policy research
- standardized evaluation protocol for the Juvenile Justice Programs in North Carolina
- risk and protective factors for intervention to reduce drug use and delinquency effectiveness of juvenile delinquency intervention programs
- innovations in dissemination of 'best practices' research to policy makers and practitioners
- effectiveness of intervention for adult criminal offenders
- effectiveness of early education curricula for improving school readiness
- evaluation of a middle school program for enhancing educational and career aspirations
- preschool curriculum evaluation research
- Research on evaluation (publications on evaluation,
grant awards)
Publications on meta-analysis applications, meta-analysis methods and issues, and program evaluation
Relationship to government (federal or state/prov;
nature of relationship)
Likely service provider/client and collaborative relationships
with federal and state agencies
University-based Evaluation Centre of Excellence or Institute Information Form
Name | Center for Evaluation and Program Improvement (CEPI), Peabody College, VANDERBILT UNIVERSITY |
Address | Peabody # 151, 230 Appleton Place, Nashville, TN 37203-5721, USA |
Phone | (615) 322-8694 |
Fax | (615) 322-7049 |
URL | | | |
Head | Leonard Bickman |
Mission / Purpose / Function (research, training,
To apply state-of-the-art scientific research and analytic
procedures to identify the most cost-effective human and
educational services
Structural arrangements (department / faculty / school /
college affiliation)
Peabody College (programs in education and human development)
Sustainability (sponsorship by government or other, self
funding, other sources)
Listing of funding agencies provided, including federal and
state agencies, private foundations, and private corporations
Human Resources (number faculty, staff, student
Three faculty members, ten researchers working in
multidisciplinary teams, research assistants, postdoctoral
fellows, graduate student assistants
Principal activities
- Evaluation instruction / training (degree or
certificate; undergraduate / graduate; number of students;
professional development workshops)
No reference to instruction/training
- Evaluation practice (involvement in doing
evaluation or policy study, student involvement, principal
clients, costing)
Originally focused on child, adolescent and family mental health services research. In recent years the Center has broadened its perspective to include program evaluation and program improvement in health and education.
Its program improvement efforts have been concentrated on the application of a theory of change developed at the center called contextualized feedback intervention theory.
- Research on evaluation (publications on
evaluation, grant awards)
Comprehensive publications list, including on evaluation
Current and completed research grants listing
Relationship to government (federal or state/prov;
nature of relationship)
Service provide/client relationship with federal and state
University-based Evaluation Centre of Excellence or Institute Information Form
Name | The Evaluation Center, WESTERN MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY |
Address | 4405 Ellsworth Hall, Kalamazoo, MI 49008-5237, USA |
Phone | (269) 387-5895 |
Fax | (269) 387-5923 |
URL | | | |
Head | Dr. Arlen R. Gullickson |
Mission / Purpose / Function (research, training,
To provide national and international leadership for advancing
the theory and practice of evaluation, as applied to education
and human services
The Center is home base for the national Joint Committee on
Standards for Educational Evaluation
Structural arrangements (department / faculty / school /
college affiliation)
Research and development unit reporting to Vice President for
Research at WMU
Sustainability (sponsorship by government or other, self
funding, other sources)
Funded by the American Association for the Advancement of
Science, American Evaluation Association, Appalachia Educational
Laboratory, Bay-Arenac ISD, Delaware Board of Education,
High/Scope Educational Research Foundation, Kalamazoo
Communities in Schools Foundation, Kalamazoo Public Schools,
Kamehameha Schools, National Association of Secondary School
Principals, National Science Foundation, SERVE, United Way of
Bay County, the University of Montana, and Westat
Human Resources (number faculty, staff, student
Four faculty members, six researchers, consultants, graduate
students, and other faculty members from the University
Principal activities
- Evaluation instruction / training (degree or
certificate; undergraduate / graduate; number students;
full-time, part-time; limits on enrolment)
- Development, with the WMU Colleges of Arts and Sciences, Education, Engineering and Applied Sciences, and Health and Human Services, of an interdisciplinary PhD program in evaluation
- Development, with the WMU Department of Educational Leadership, of Masters and PhD degree programs in educational evaluation
- Offering of an external Masters degree program in educational evaluation in school districts in Dallas, Texas; Lansing, Michigan; and Denver, Colorado
- Conducting summer evaluation institutes to train professionals involved with math, science, and technology programs/projects
- Evaluation practice (involvement in doing
evaluation or policy study, student involvement, principal
clients, costing)
- community development
- higher education
- schools and their personnel
- science education
- social/youth
- standard setting
- state/regional educational services
- testing
- Research on evaluation (publications on
evaluation, grant awards)
- Research on current evaluation practices, to formulate and test theoretical propositions
- Development to produce data-gathering instruments, reporting formats, and evaluation procedures
Comprehensive list of projects, project websites, project reports, and other publications available
Relationship to government (federal or state/prov;
nature of relationship)
Service provider/client relationship with school districts,
non-profit agencies, government agencies, colleges
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