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The Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat website will remain available until this move is complete.

Access to Information and Privacy Forms

Access to Information and Privacy forms are available to help you obtain the information you need, whether you are an access to information and privacy (ATIP) practitioner or a member of the public.

Forms for the public:

These forms are for individuals in Canada, Canadian citizens or permanent residents who want to either:

  • make requests for government information using the Access to Information Request Form (TBC/CTC 350-57) or
  • make a request for personal information that the government holds about him or her using the Personal Information Request Form (TBC/CTC 350-58).
    • Where errors or omissions are found in the personal information the government provided to you, complete the Record Correction Request Form (TBS/SCT 350-11) and send it to the government institution that holds your personal information.

Forms for ATIP practitioners:

Statistical Reports

Statistical Reports Templates

The requirements of the statistical reports take effect on April 1st, 2011. Heads of government institutions or their delegates must initiate the collection of the data elements included in the reports on that date.

Heads of government institutions or their delegates complete these reports annually. These reports are components of the annual reports on the administration of the Acts, which are required to be prepared by all government institutions in accordance with subsection 72(1) of the Access to Information Act and the Privacy Act.


Investigative bodies complete the form Request for Disclosure to Federal Investigative Bodies (TBS/SCT 350-56E) to request disclosure of personal information under the control of government institutions.


ATIP practitioners must submit the completed Training Registration Form to register for training offered by the Information and Privacy Policy Division of TBS.

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