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Notwithstanding the General Provisions of this collective agreement, the following specific provisions shall apply to employees performing duties in the Firefighters Group.
(a) "daily rate of pay" means an employee's annual rate of pay divided by the number of working days in his or her annual work schedule;
(b) "hourly rate of pay" means a full-time employee's weekly rate of pay divided by forty-two (42), except that for an employee who is employed as a fire chief, deputy chief, fire prevention officer or a fire prevention inspector "hourly rate of pay" means that employee's weekly rate of pay divided by thirty-seven decimal five (37.5);
(c) "With respect to the application of clause 52.02 - Personal Leave and clause 41.01 - Volunteer Leave, for firefighters where the standard work week is forty-two (42) hours, the reference to a single period shall be "up to eight point four (8.4) hours".
(a) An employee whose work schedule requires two thousand one hundred eighty-four (2184) hours per year, and who has earned pay for at least eighty (80) hours for each calendar month of a fiscal year, shall earn vacation leave at the following rates:
(i) eleven (11) hours per month if the employee has completed less than eight (8) years of service;
(ii) if the employee has received, or is eligible to receive, furlough leave,
(A) fourteen (14) hours per month if the employee has completed eight (8) but less than twenty (20) years of service,
(B) fourteen (14) hours per month if the employee has completed twenty (20) but less than twenty-five (25) years of service,
(C) eighteen (18) hours per month if the employee has completed twenty-five (25) years of service;
(iii) fourteen (14) hours per month if the employee has completed between eight (8) and sixteen (16) years of service and has not received, or is eligible but has elected not to receive, or is not eligible to receive furlough leave;
(iv) fifteen decimal six (15.6) hours month after the employee has completed sixteen (16) years of service;
(v) sixteen decimal four (16.4) hours per month after the employee has completed seventeen (17) years of service;
(vi) eighteen (18) hours per month after the employee has completed eighteen (18) years of service;
(vii) nineteen (19) hours per month after the employee has completed twenty-seven (27) years of service;
(viii) twenty-one (21) hours per month after the employee has completed twenty-eight (28) years of service;
(b) Any other employee who has earned pay for at least seventy-five (75) hours for each calendar month of a fiscal year shall earn vacation leave in accordance with clause 35.02.1.
(c) for the purpose of clause 1.01 only, all service within the Public Service, whether continuous or discontinuous, shall count toward vacation leave except where a person who, on leaving the Public Service, takes or has taken severance pay. However, the above exception shall not apply to an employee who receives severance pay on lay-off and is reappointed to the Public Service within one (1) year following the date of lay-off.
1.02 With respect to the application of clause 35.02.2, for firefighters where the standard work week is forty-two (42) hours the entitlement is forty-two (42) hours of vacation leave with pay.
When hours of work are scheduled for employees they shall be scheduled so that employees work an average of forty-two (42) hours per week over the life of their schedule.
2.02 Clause 2.01 shall not apply and Article 28 shall apply to an employee who is employed as a fire chief, deputy chief, fire prevention officer or a fire prevention inspector. The scheduled hours of work for such employees shall be thirty-seven decimal five (37.5) hours per week exclusive of meal breaks.
2.03 An employee's scheduled hours of work shall not be construed as guaranteeing the employee minimum or maximum hours of work.
(a) The scheduling of hours of work and the establishment of shift schedules shall be done by the Employer. A shift schedule shall be established for, and posted in each Fire Hall.
(b) The Employer agrees that no shift schedule shall provide for split shifts.
(a) The Employer shall post a duty roster in each Fire Hall eight (8) days in advance. If, as a result of a change in a duty roster, an employee is transferred to another platoon on less than ninety-six (96) hours' notice in advance of the starting time of the first (1st) shift of the employee's new platoon, the employee shall be paid at the rate of time and one-half (1 1/2) for the first (1st) shift worked in the schedule of the employee's new platoon. Subsequent shifts worked on the schedule of the employee's new platoon shall be paid for at the employee's hourly rate of pay.
(b) Sub-clause 2.05(a) shall not apply to an employee when the employee is returned to the employee's regular platoon following a temporary assignment to a new platoon.
(c) Provided sufficient advance notice is given and with the approval of the Employer, employees may exchange shifts if there is no increase in cost to the Employer.
Subject to the operational requirements of the service, the Employer shall make every reasonable effort:
(a) to allocate overtime work on an equitable basis among readily available qualified employees,
(b) to give employees who are required to work overtime adequate advance notice of this requirement.
2.07 The Alliance is entitled to consult with the deputy minister or the Deputy Head's representative whenever it is alleged that employees are required to work unreasonable amounts of overtime.
(a) Except as provided in sub-clause 2.08(b) and subject to clause 2.10, an employee is entitled to time and one-half (1 1/2) compensation for each hour of overtime worked by the employee. When an employee is required to work overtime immediately following their scheduled shift, or on a day of rest, or designated paid holiday, which extends into his or her next scheduled shift, the employee will continue to be compensated at the applicable overtime rate until he or she has had a break of at least eight (8) hours.
(b) Subject to clause 2.10, an employee who is employed as fire chief, deputy chief, fire prevention officer or fire prevention inspector who is required to work overtime on the employee's scheduled work day is entitled to compensation at the employee's hourly rate of pay for the first one-half (1/2) hour of overtime worked by the employee and at time and one-half (1 1/2) for all overtime hours worked by the employee in excess of the first one-half (1/2) hour of overtime in each work day.
(c) Compensation earned under this article shall be compensated in accordance with Article 62.
2.09 Subject to clause 2.10, an employee is entitled to double (2) time compensation for each hour of overtime worked by the employee on the employee's second (2nd) or subsequent day of rest, provided the days of rest are consecutive and contiguous.
2.10 An employee is entitled to overtime compensation for each completed fifteen (15) minute period of overtime worked by the employee.
2.11 Except when a free meal can be provided:
(a) An employee who has not received at least twelve (12) hours advanced notice of an overtime requirement and who works three (3) or more consecutive hours of overtime immediately following the employee's scheduled hours of work shall be paid a meal allowance in the amount of ten dollars ($10). When continuous overtime extends beyond seven (7) hours, a second (2nd) meal allowance in the amount of ten dollars ($10) shall be provided. Only two (2) meals shall be provided in one overtime shift, except when an overtime period in excess of three (3) hours immediately precedes an employee's scheduled hours of work, a meal allowance in the amount of ten dollars ($10) shall be paid. Consecutive overtime shifts shall be construed as following scheduled hours of work.
(b) Reasonable time to be determined by the Employer shall be allowed the employee in order that the employee may take a meal break.
(a) An employee whose work schedule requires two thousand one hundred eighty-four (2184) hours per year shall earn credits at the rate of eleven (11) hours per month for each calendar month for which the employee earns pay for at least eighty (80) hours.
(b) An employee subject to clause 2.01 of this Appendix shall earn additional sick leave credits at the rate of one (1) hour for each calendar month during which he or she works shifts and he or she receives pay for at least the period identified in (a) or (b) above. Such credits shall not be carried over in the next fiscal year and are available only if the employee has already used all earned sick leave credits during the current fiscal year.
(c) Any other employee shall earn credits at the rate of ten (10) hours for each calendar month for which the employee earns pay for at least seventy-five (75) hours.
(a) When an employee is required to report and reports to work on a day of rest the employee is entitled to a minimum of three (3) hours' pay at the applicable overtime rate.
(b) The minimum payment referred to in 4.01(a) above, does not apply to part-time employees. Part-time employees will receive a minimum payment in accordance with article 59.05.
4.02 When an employee is required to report and reports to work after the employee has completed the employee's work for the day and has left the place of work the employee is entitled to a minimum of two (2) hours' pay at the hourly rate of pay.
5.01 An employee who receives pay for at least eighty-four (84) hours for each of twelve (12) consecutive calendar months for which the employee is eligible to receive long service pay, beginning October 1 of each year, is entitled to be paid, in a lump sum, an amount related to the employee's period of service in the Public Service set out in the following table:
Period of Service in the Public Service |
Annual Amount |
5 to 9 years 10 to 14 years 15 to 19 years 20 to 24 years 25 to 29 years 30 years or more |
$740 850 980 1110 1240 1370 |
5.02 An employee who does not receive at least eighty-four (84) hours' pay for each of twelve (12) consecutive calendar months for which the employee is eligible to receive long service pay, beginning October 1 of each year, is entitled to one-twelfth (1/12) of the relevant amount as set out in clause 5.01 for each month for which he/she receives at least eighty-four (84) hours' pay.
5.03 Where an employee does not complete the employee's specified period of service in the Public Service upon the first (1st) day of a calendar month, the employee shall, for the purpose of clause 5.01, be deemed to have completed the specified period of employment:
(a) on the first (1st) day of the current month if the employee completes the specified period of employment during the first fifteen (15) days of the month,
(b) on the first (1st) day of the subsequent month in any other case.
(a) The designated paid holidays in a fiscal year shall be anticipated to the end of the year and "lieu day" credits established. Each fiscal year shall be deemed to include eleven (11) designated paid holidays.
(b) Each employee shall select the method of lieu day compensation, which he or she prefers. Such selection shall be made as of April 1, and shall remain valid for the following twelve-month (12) period.
(c) The employee shall select one of the following methods of lieu day compensation:
(i) cash payment;
(ii) compensatory leave;
(iii) combination of cash payment and compensatory leave.
(d) The employee shall make such selection known to the Employer and in the manner required by the Employer.
(e) In the event the employee fails to make the selection referred to above, the method of compensation shall be determined by the Employer.
(f) An employee who has elected the compensatory leave method shall have his lieu days scheduled in the fiscal year in which they are credited to him. In scheduling such lieu days the Employer shall, subject to the operational requirements of the service:
(i) schedule an employee's lieu days on the dates requested when such a request is made in writing thirty (30) days in advance;
(ii) schedule any remaining lieu days after consulting with the employee, if as of October 1 the Employer has been unable to accommodate an employee's request or no request has been filed; such schedule shall be subject to at least twenty-eight (28) days' advance notice;
(iii) provide by mutual agreement lieu days requested on shorter notice, notwithstanding the above.
(g) Lieu days may be granted as an extension to vacation leave or as occasional days and shall be charged against the lieu day credits on the basis of one (1) shift for one (1) day.
(h) At the end of each fiscal year, the employee shall be paid in cash for each unused lieu day at one and one-half (1 1/2) times his daily rate of pay.
7.01 Employees who obtain and maintain certification in technical rescue operations and are assigned high angle rescue responsibilities in situations/incidents, other than rescue operations conducted at fires or crashes, specifically involving the rescue of individuals trapped beyond the reach of aerial ladder truck capabilities, on cranes, in Dry Docks or buildings, shall receive a monthly allowance of seventy-five dollars ($75).
7.02 Firefighters working in Fire halls at CFB Esquimalt and CFB Halifax, who are designated as members of a Nuclear Emergency Response Team, are trained, maintain their qualifications and are assigned duties, shall receive a monthly allowance of one hundred and fifty dollars ($150).
Effective Date | Step 1 | Step 2 |
$) August 5, 2006 | 42383 | 45022 |
A) August 5, 2007 | 43358 | 46058 |
B) August 5, 2008 | 44008 | 46749 |
C) August 5, 2009 | 44668 | 47450 |
D) August 5, 2010 | 45338 | 48162 |
Effective Date | Step 1 | Step 2 | Step 3 | Step 4 | Step 5 |
$) August 5, 2006 |
48455 |
49701 |
50979 |
52662 |
54396 |
A) August 5, 2007 |
49569 |
50844 |
52152 |
53873 |
55647 |
B) August 5, 2008 |
50313 |
51607 |
52934 |
54681 |
56482 |
C) August 5, 2009 |
51068 |
52381 |
53728 |
55501 |
57329 |
D) August 5, 2010 |
51834 |
53167 |
54534 |
56334 |
58189 |
Effective Date | Step 1 | Step 2 | Step 3 |
$) August 5, 2006 | 53651 | 55460 | 57280 |
A) August 5, 2007 | 54885 | 56736 | 58597 |
B) August 5, 2008 | 55708 | 57587 | 59476 |
C) August 5, 2009 | 56544 | 58451 | 60368 |
D) August 5, 2010 | 57392 | 59328 | 61274 |
Effective Date | Step 1 |
$) August 5, 2006 | 60891 |
A) August 5, 2007 | 62291 |
B) August 5, 2008 | 63225 |
C) August 5, 2009 | 64173 |
D) August 5, 2010 | 65136 |
Effective Date | Step 1 |
$) August 5, 2006 | 64723 |
A) August 5, 2007 | 66212 |
B) August 5, 2008 | 67205 |
C) August 5, 2009 | 68213 |
D) August 5, 2010 | 69236 |
Effective Date | Step 1 |
$) August 5, 2006 | 69050 |
A) August 5, 2007 | 70638 |
B) August 5, 2008 | 71698 |
C) August 5, 2009 | 72773 |
D) August 5, 2010 | 73865 |
Effective Date | Step 1 |
$) August 5, 2006 | 73711 |
A) August 5, 2007 | 75406 |
B) August 5, 2008 | 76537 |
C) August 5, 2009 | 77685 |
D) August 5, 2010 | 78850 |
1. The pay increment date for an employee appointed to a position in the bargaining unit on promotion, demotion, or from outside the Public Service after November 25, 1977 shall be the anniversary of the employee's appointment.
2. The increment period for employees paid in these scales of rates, other than employees paid in the Recruitment Rate scale of rates, is one (1) year.
3. The increment period for employees paid in the Recruitment Rate scale of rates is six (6) months.
4. After completing the second (2nd) six (6) months at the recruitment rate the employee shall be paid at the FR-1 rate then in effect.