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> 2011-12
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ARCHIVED - Patented Medicine Prices Review Board Canada - Supplementary Tables
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Green Procurement Reporting For Departments and Agencies Not Bound by the Federal Sustainable Development Act
Mandatory reporting on meeting the requirements of Section 7 of the Policy on Green Procurement, as applicable to departments and agencies bound by the Policy on Green Procurement but not the Federal Sustainable Development Act, should be reported here.
Performance Measure |
Policy Implementation Status (Optional) |
N/A |
Strategies / Comments
- Approach: The PMPRB's Director of Corporate Services is responsible for addressing all aspects of the Policy on Green Procurement.
Management Processes and Controls:
- In 2011-2012, all contracting documents will be reviewed to include a clause addressing environmental considerations in the performance of the work required.
- The PMPRB will strike a working group to establish internal policies and strategies on procurement and materiel management and to ensure that environmental considerations are integrated into the procurement and disposal processes.
- Setting Targets: In addition to the commitments identified in ii., v., and vi., the Board will ensure that 95% of all purchases are made through PWGSC green consolidated procurement instruments, where available.
- Meeting targets: The PMPRB will review these green procurement strategies at mid-year to ensure the Board is on track to achieve them by the end of fiscal year 2011-2012.
- The majority of procurement staff have taken the Canada School of Public Service online Green Procurement (C215E) course, and the remainder will take it in 2011-2012. Senior management and their administrative assistants will be encouraged to take this course.
- Senior management will also increase staff awareness of environmental issues, such as limiting the number of printed copies of documents to only what is necessary and using two-sided printing and copying where feasible.
- Performance Evaluations: In 2011-2012, each Chief or Unit Head in Corporate Services Branch with responsibility for procurement will have an objective included in his/her performance management agreement to ensure environmental considerations are taken into account in all procurement activities.