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1. Name of Horizontal Initiative: The Canadian Group on Earth Observations is a collection of federal departments participating in the international Group on Earth Observations (GEO).
2. Name of lead department: Environment Canada (EC) (by virtue of the identification of the ADM of the Meteorological Service of Canada as the GEO Principal.)
3. Lead department program activity: Canadians are equipped to make informed decisions on changing weather, water and climate conditions.
4. Start date of the Horizontal Initiative: July 2003 (though there are no dedicated funds, this initiative is funded from the existing A-Base)
5. End date of the Horizontal Initiative: Ongoing
6. Total federal funding allocation (start to end date): provided through existing A-Base and in-kind contributions from federal departments.
7. Description of the Horizontal Initiative (including funding agreement): The GEO is seeking to implement the Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS) to allow free and open access to Earth observations for decision makers and policy makers in all countries. In doing so, users such as Environment Canada and Natural Resources Canada will be better able to better predict the future state of planet Earth and better warn citizens of the onset of hazardous conditions. See the GEO website for more details:
8. Shared outcomes:
9. Governance structures: Coordination is achieved through the DG-level Interdepartmental Co-ordinating Committee (ICC) and ad hoc working level committees.
10. Planning Highlights: The binational group for the Great Lakes Observing System (GLOS) has been formed and registered as a GEO participating organization to improve monitoring and data sharing in the Great Lakes basin. Work continues to establish similar groups in the Prairies and the Rocky Mountains for better understanding of the water cycle and better predictions of drought, flood and water quality conditions. This is connected to Global Drought Monitoring Initiative efforts. The GEO Plenary and Ministerial Summit in Beijing from November 3 to 5, 2010, reaffirmed member countries’ commitment to the GEOSS. Furthermore, Canada reaffirmed that, in the coming years, it will actively contribute to global efforts in forest carbon tracking and in the Joint Experiment for Crop Assessment and Monitoring (JECAM), and that the Canadian Space Agency (CSA) will assume the chairmanship of the Committee on Earth Observations Satellites (CEOS) in 2012.
Canada also plays a key role in the GEO Monitoring and Evaluation Working Group with EC providing a co-chair and DND providing expertise to the group performing the second evaluation of GEO results, which will focus on the progress made in global data sharing. An interdepartmental working group co-chaired by EC and NRCan has been activated to explore the larger issue of data standard and sharing policies and principles.
12. Federal Partner Program Activity | 13. Names of Programs for Federal Partners | 14. Total Allocation (from Start to End Date) | 15. Planned Spending for 2011–2012 |
1. Environment Canada | Meteorological Service of Canada | N/A | In-kind contributions of $100K salary and $50K O&M from A‑Base $38K G&C |
2. Natural Resources Canada | a. Earth Sciences Sector | N/A | In kind – to be determined |
b. Canadian Forest Service | N/A | In kind – to be determined | |
c. Canadian Sensor for Remote Sensing | N/A | $30K G&C | |
3. Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada | a. Science and Technology | N/A | In kind – to be determined |
b. Prairie Farm Rehabilitation Administration and Environment | N/A | In kind – to be determined | |
4. Canadian Space Agency | a. Earth Observations | N/A | In kind – to be determined |
5. Department of Fisheries and Oceans | a. Science and Technology | N/A | In kind – to be determined |
6. Health Canada | a. Radiation | N/A | In kind – to be determined |
7. Statistics Canada | a. Agriculture | N/A | In kind – to be determined |
8. Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade | a. Environment | N/A | In kind – to be determined |
16. Expected results by program: Participation in the GEO by Canadian departments is expected to have benefits in nine areas related to ecosystems, biodiversity, agriculture and forestry, energy production, human health, weather forecasting, climate forecasting, disaster risk reduction and water management. Coordinating open and full access to all available space-based and in-situ Earth observations related to these areas will increase the amount and quality of information available to decision makers and policy makers at all levels of government and in industry, resulting in better predictions, identification of issues and adaptation and mitigation strategies and overall better management of these areas.
Total Allocation For All Federal Partners (from Start to End Date) | Total Planned Spending for All Federal Partners for 2011–2012 |
N/A | $ to be determined |
18. Contact information:
Danielle Lacasse
DG Business Policy Directorate
Meteorological Services Canada
Environment Canada
1. Name of Horizontal Initiative: Great Lakes Basin Ecosystem Initiative
2. Name of lead department: Environment Canada
3. Lead department program activity: 1.3 Sustainable Ecosystems
4. Start date of the Horizontal Initiative: April 1, 2010 (GLAPV resources)
5. End date of the Horizontal Initiative: June 25, 2012
* Note: The Government of Canada is continuing negotiations with the Government of the United States to amend the Canada-U.S. Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement. The implications of these negotiations for a new federal program are currently unknown.
Contact information:
Jennifer McKay
Manager, Great Lakes Environment Office
Environment Canada