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Name of Internal Audit | Program Type | Status | Expected Completion Date |
Compensation - Pay and Benefits | Assurance engagement | In progress | 2010-11 |
Business Continuity and Emergency Preparedness | Assurance engagement | Planned | 2010-11 |
Corporate Governance and Performance Management | Assurance engagement | Planned | 2010-11 |
Strategic HR Plan - Recruitment | Assurance engagement | Planned | 2010-11 |
Travel and Hospitality | Assurance engagement | Planned | 2010-11 |
Risk Management | Assurance engagement | Planned | 2011-12 |
Security | Assurance engagement | Planned | 2011-12 |
Financial Planning and Forecasting | Assurance engagement | Planned | 2011-12 |
Name of Evaluation | Program Type | Status | Expected Completion Date |
There are no evaluations planned. | n/a | n/a | n/a |
Note: PCO is classified as a Small Department or Agency (SDA) under the Treasury Board Policy on Evaluation PCO. Application of the Policy to SDAs is deferred until otherwise directed by the President of the Treasury Board, with the exception of section 6.2. PCO will ensure the requirements identified in section 6.2 of the Policy on Evaluation are met; however no evaluations are planned at this time.