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ARCHIVED - Canadian Space Agency

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Annexe 2 - Internal Audits and Evaluations

Name of Internal Audit Type Status Completion Date Electronic Link to Report
Audit of the Values and Ethics Framework Management Framework In progress 2010-03-31 N/A
Audit of the IT Dependency Management Framework In progress 2010-03-31 N/A
Audit of the IT Planning and Development Management Framework In progress 2010-03-31 N/A
Audit of the Data and Systems Security Management Framework In progress 2010-03-31 N/A
Audit of the Monitoring of access to controlled goods pursuant to ITAR enforcement Management Framework Projected 2010-03-31 N/A
Audit of the Proactive Disclosure process Management Framework In progress 2010-03-31 N/A
Audit of the Management Framework of the Official Languages practices Management Framework Projected 2010-03-31 N/A
Audit of the Test Facilities Management Management Framework Projected 2010-03-31 N/A
Audit of Records Management Management Framework Projected 2011-03-31 N/A
Audit of Contracting and acquisitions practices Management Framework Projected 2011-03-31 N/A
Audit of Skills Management Management Framework Projected 2011-03-31 N/A
Audit of Personnel Retention Programs Management Framework Projected 2011-03-31 N/A
Audit of Business Case for Major Investments Horizontal Audit Projected 2011-03-31 N/A
Audit of Real Property Life Cycle Management Horizontal Audit Projected 2011-03-31 N/A
Audit of Strategic Planning, Business Plans, Monitoring and Review of Priorities Management Framework Projected 2011-03-31 N/A

Name of Evaluation Program Activity Type Status Completion Date Electronic Link to Report
Evaluation of the RADARSAT-2 Major Crown Project EO Summative Completed 2009-09-30
Evaluation of the 2000-2009 Canada/ESA Cooperation Agreement EO, SE, SC and GTA Summative In Progress 2010-03-31 N/A
Evaluation of the Space Technology Development Program (STDP) GTA Summative In Progress 2010-03-31 N/A